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Program Evaluation of Public Service Announcement: Interpersonal Violence

Eman Alzoghbeih, MPH(c), M.Sc(c), PT

Champagne Moore, MPH(c), B.S.

Isaac Diaz, MPH (c), B.S.

Giovanna Lopez, MPH (c), B.A,

Ana Y. Quintana, MPH(c), B.S.

California State University, San Bernardino


Table of Contents

Executive Summary ..................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Mission Statement........................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
SMART Goals and Objectives ...................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Program Design and Implementation ........................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
i. Target Population.................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
ii. Program Purpose and Rationale ........................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Program Evaluation..................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Recommendations........................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Reflection ............................................................................................................................... 8
References ................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Appendix ..................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
i. Minutes for All Meetings ....................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
ii. Feedback .............................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
iii. PSA Link ............................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.

Executive summary

The program evaluated pertains to understanding the dynamics of relationships among

college students in the course of their college experience. This project is based on research from a

health science cohort in their graduate studies. The project was evaluated in the form of a short

video presentation to a Master of Public Health (MPH) class at California State University, San

Bernardino (CSUSB), in March 2019.

The perspective focus was primarily based on the effects of Intimate Partner Violence

(IPV) in college. In the Public Service Announcement (PSA) video, a student at CSUSB was asked

several questions about her relationship with her abusive boyfriend. The student answered all

questions from the interviewer. The questions regarding her abusive relationship brought the

student to tears on multiple occasions. The evaluation report had many sections that we were able

to fill out based on how we understood the project. We wrote down notes we felt were necessary

based on our observations and impression of their PSA. We carefully wrote down their topic,

proposed mission statement, executive summary, goals /objectives, target population,

recommendations and positive and negative aspects of their PSA as well. We wrote down notes

from their PSA in class as the student in their video was talking about different aspects of her

abusive relationship.

We are recommending that the group use more statistics relating to IPV among college

students. We are suggesting that the students conducting the research include aspects of male

violence from their partners as well. We also recommend that they indicate available resources

and recommendations for support groups among college students that have been traumatized based

on their experiences. The group should continue to provide research on the positive aspects of

recovery from intimate partner abuse among college students as many times this topic can be seen

for the negativity that it is. The video should be shorter and straight to the point as it can drag on.

Mission Statement

The mission statement was not clearly defined in the PSA video we reviewed. There was

no obvious mission statement. However, the video was based on the experience of a female college

student who was able to tell her version of her abusive and intimate relationship she was in. We

would recommend that the group make a visible or noticeable mission statement. We can only

speculate the mission statement is regarding awareness among intimate partner relationships in

college with the main resource available. We can notice that there was research done on this topic

therefore we can only assume it is regarding awareness.

SMART Goals and Objectives

There were no visible smart goals or objectives that were clearly or visibly presented by

the groups PSA. At the end of the PSA video, one purpose that was understood but not verbally

mentioned was resources. At the end of the PSA, the group indicated students at CSUSB could

enroll in psychological counseling services that were free of charge to active students. These

services were offered to all students and staff regardless of reason for the visit. The video was

largely based on answers from the student being asked specific questions. However, the PSA was

understood at a 5th-grade reading and understanding level.

Program Design and Implementation

i. Target Population

The target population for the PSA was not specified. However, we will assume that the target

population is CSUSB college students. IPV is a preventable health problem describing physical,

sexual, and psychological abuse with a partner or spouse (National Intimate Partner and Sexual

Violence Survey, 2011). This public health problem contributes to an array of lifelong

psychological and physical challenges affecting the victim.

College-aged women have the highest per capita rate of IPV. In the United States, an estimated

71.8% of women under the age of 25 have suffered from IPV at least once in their lifetime. In the

same way, 58.2% of men under the age of 25 have experienced IPV at least once in their lifetime

(Libertin, A., 2017). In part, this may be due to peer pressure, drug use among college students,

anxiety, stress, and extensive social media use. Despite the high prevalence of individuals

reporting IPV, many people go unreported as they do not believe they are victims of IPV. 70% of

young victims do not realize they are being abused by their partners (Kamimura et al., 2016).

However, understanding the signs and learning the resources provided on campus can further

influence individuals to seek help. In all, it is essential for prevention methods to start early as this

public health problem often goes unreported.

ii. Program Purpose and Rationale

IPV is a widespread problem amongst college and university students. It occurs in all

settings and among all socioeconomic, religious and cultural groups (J. C., S. E., & F. L., 2018).

Findings suggest that physical aggression occurs in approximately 20% to 30% of college student

relationships, psychological aggression occurs in 50% to 80%, and sexual aggression occurs in

15% to 25% of college student relationships (Branch, Richards, & Dretsch, 2013). This shows that

the issue of IPV violence may be more of a problem among college students than it is perceived.

More females are affected by IPV than males. Along with the risk of injury and death,

female college students have reported adverse physical health outcomes such as joint disease,

asthma, heart disease, back problems, arthritis, sexually transmitted infections, vaginal infections,

digestive problems and poor overall health (J. C. et al., 2018). This indicates the severity of IPV

and that it is an important matter that needs to be combatted within the college community.

Many young adults are not able to identify violence amongst romantic relationships and/or

they lack the knowledge of getting help for themselves or a friend that is experiencing IPV (Branch

et al., 2013). This is why it is crucial to make IPV awareness and resources known on college

campuses by producing PSAs and programs to make the students more aware of IPV situations

that they may experience or have experienced in college or know someone who will.

Program Evaluation

From what was discussed this quarter about program evaluations, we have determined that

our classmates used a type of assessment referred to as Impact Evaluation. This evaluation

measures long-term changes in behavioral impact or differences in attitudes, knowledge, and

awareness (McKenzie, Neiger, & Thackeray, 2017). Our classmates questioned a victim of IPV to

obtain a personal account of violence among CSUSB students, her reorganization of the signs

leading up to and during the acts of violence, and what steps took to seek help. By inquiring about

these specific points of interest they could begin to measure the behavioral changes in the victim’s

awareness towards being a victim, attitude towards believing she could leave a violent relationship,

and knowledge that help was available to her.

Moreover, Outcome Evaluation, which measures the degree to diseases or injuries

decreased (McKenzie et al., 2017), appeared to be indirectly chosen as a program evaluation type

since our classmates sought to showcase how self-awareness of interpersonal violence and use of

interventions produced one less victim of this type of violence. Unfortunately, the PSA failed to

explicitly indicate what measures were used to determine the actual decrease in interpersonal

violence. In addition to failing to indicate any timeline for this PSA or intervention.


As positive feedback, the product captured the attention of the audience. It is well known

that billions of dollars are spent annually on medical health, mental health, and loss of work

productivity due to the IPV (CDC, 2018). Besides that, the topic is highly important and sensitive.

Also, it was creative to use a real story that is narrated by the victim herself. This technique puts

more emotions into the product. Another positive point regarding the PSA was the questions that

is displayed. The questions were detailed and in-depth. It covered many aspects of the discussed

issue and paid attention to the details.

For constructive critics, the group failed to provide statistics on IPA among college

students, including ages and time before help is sought, nor how this type of violence can be

identified. Perhaps, our peers could evolve their PSA to include information on how to determine

if one is in a violent relationship, reasons why victims don’t speak up or leave their partners, and

elaborate more on types of intervention programs that exist besides the counseling center on

campus. Moreover, it would add more weight to the product if more than one story had been shared

from different genders.

We learned that to success any group project we have to have a shared purpose and one

vision that we all agree on. Other skills, that it is important to practice active listening in teamwork

and effective collaboration. We all learned how to navigate the change process and how to help

each other to go through the changes. One of the most important lessons is learning how to develop

a project well and how to appropriately set up a management plan before the start of any program.

Also, to be flexible if any adaptation is needed and to be open-minded, along with accepting the

diversity among the group members.


Some of the practical skills we gained or further refined when assessing the PSA on IPV

were time management, teamwork, problem solving and communication. With regard to time

management, it was essential for us to know how to best manage our time with essential details

we wanted to cover in such a limited amount of time. The distribution of time was necessary to

encompass all of the information we want our readers know. Teamwork skills were further refined

as all members contributed to specific details about the assessment of this PSA. Lastly, we had to

make sure we knew how to properly communicate with the audience of our paper. Through time

management, and teamwork, we were able to communicate, and problem solves any disputes

regarding our evaluation report.

New academic theories we learned in class that helped us understand how to effectively

assess this project include: analyzing program design and implementation through CSUSB based

website data. Our program's purpose and rationale allowed us to verify the quality of the topic

concerning understanding how this issue is prevalent among college students at CSUSB. As we

evaluated the program using process evaluation skills we learned in lecture, we were able to

understand which evaluation was most effective based on the public service announcement we

watched. We also learned how to provide feedback in the form of positive and constructive

criticism geared towards improving the other group’s PSA. This, in turn, would greatly benefit the

other group.

One of the theories included in the IPV PSA was the Social Cognitive Theory. The Social

Cognitive Theory is a model based on teaching and knowledge. Education and communication are

vital as the social cognitive theory holds that knowledge acquisition can be directly related by

observing others. In all, human behavior is based on environmental factors, behavioral factors and

cognitive factors (Social Cognitive Theory Model. 2019). Environmental factors may influence

behavior when considering IPV victims. For example, peer pressure, alcohol, drug use, and even

isolation are essential contributors to why people behave the way they do. Behavioral factors such

as self-judgment regarding the issue play a vital role in IPV. Lastly, cognitive factors, such as

knowledge, expectations, and attitudes towards the behavior can further motivate individuals to

seek help or escape the behavior.



Branch, K. A., Richards, T. N., & Dretsch, E. C. (2013). An Exploratory Analysis of College

Students’ Response and Reporting Behavior Regarding Intimate Partner Violence

Victimization and Perpetration Among Their Friends. Journal of Interpersonal Violence,

28(18), 3386–3399.

CDC. (2018). Intimate Partner Violence. Retrieved 2019, from

J. C., M., Jabulani. Makhubele@ul. ac. z., S. E., M., & F. L., S. (2018). Knowledge of Students

at Higher Learning Institutions on Intimate Partner Violence (ipv). Gender & Behaviour,

16(1), 10889–10901.

Kamimura, A., Nourian, M. M., Assasnik, N., & Franchek-Roa, K. (2016, October). Factors

associated with perpetration of intimate partner violence among college students in

China. Retrieved from

Libertin, A. (2017, November 30). Home. Retrieved from

McKenzie, J. F., Neiger, B. L., & Thackeray, R. (2017). Planning, implementing, and evaluating

health promotion programs: a primer (7th edition). USA: Pearson.

Prevalence and Characteristics of Sexual Violence, Stalking, and Intimate Partner Violence

Victimization - National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey, United States,

2011. (2014, September 05). Retrieved from

Social Cognitive Theory Model - Rural Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Toolkit.

(2019). Retrieved from



i. Minutes for All Meetings

[1/7/19, 6:57:07 PM] MPH Winter w/o Maira :(: Messages to this group are now secured with
end-to-end encryption.
[1/7/19, 6:57:07 PM] Ana created group “MPH Winter w/o Maira :(”
[1/7/19, 6:57:07 PM] Ana added you
[1/7/19, 6:57:35 PM] Ana: Hey everyone! I made a new group without Maira since she's on
leave this term.
[1/7/19, 6:58:10 PM] Ana : Champagne Moore cell # is 909-380-2758
[1/7/19, 6:58:27 PM] Eman:
[1/7/19, 6:59:34 PM] Giovanna:

Thank you Ana !

[1/7/19, 7:02:43 PM] Champagne joined using this group's invite link
[1/7/19, 7:02:59 PM] Champagne: Thank you ladies for adding me!
[1/7/19, 7:03:21 PM] Eman: Welcome to the group
[1/7/19, 7:03:30 PM] Eman:
[1/7/19, 7:46:22 PM] Isaac: Can one of u guys send me dr. M's syllabus? I dont see it on her
[1/7/19, 7:47:00 PM] Champagne: It’s not posted
[1/7/19, 7:47:14 PM] Giovanna:: Isaac she hasn’t uploaded yet ! :(
[1/7/19, 7:47:15 PM] Isaac New: Ok thanks
[1/7/19, 7:48:01 PM] Eman: It is not up yet
[1/7/19, 7:49:23 PM] Ana : PS for our 663 class the prof had errors with assignments being listed
as being due Wednesday in certain places and Thursday's on others.
[1/7/19, 7:49:41 PM] Ana : It's officially due Wednesday's by midnight
[1/7/19, 7:50:57 PM] Isaac New: Ok thanks
[1/7/19, 7:52:19 PM] Ana : It appears for 663that everything is an individual right? I.e. case
[1/7/19, 7:57:17 PM] Eman: It is one case study ( big paper) and we have to answer the 2 or
more questions every week
[1/9/19, 9:49:36 PM] Ana : @19092434304 & @13238034740 - don't forget our online
assignment for HSCI 663 is due tonight!
[1/9/19, 9:50:28 PM] Giovanna:: Thank you! I turned it in yesterday morning !
Are we supposed to post in on the discussion board too?
[1/9/19, 9:51:36 PM] Ana : Mhmm, good question. I was just going to post mine and saw ppl
posted them on the discussion board and assumed that's what we were supposed to do

[1/9/19, 9:55:54 PM] Giovanna:: Yeah, when I submitted mine no one had posted anything on
the discussion board so I thought we weren’t supposed to lol I’ll post it In the discussion board
just in case .

Thank you !
[1/9/19, 9:56:54 PM] Ana : I might email her about that. That as well, is misleading. Lol
[1/9/19, 10:07:56 PM] Eman: I think so coz we have to do 5 comments by Friday
[1/9/19, 10:08:18 PM] Giovanna:: Yes it was !
But thank your for the heads up!
[1/9/19, 10:08:39 PM] Giovanna:: Really? I don’t remember reading that in the syllabus. Let me
check it out again
[1/9/19, 10:09:05 PM] Ana : I thought it said she will response to 5 discussion posts??
[1/9/19, 10:09:15 PM] Eman: Plz correct me if I am wrong
[1/9/19, 10:09:32 PM] Giovanna:: Yes I think that’s what she meant?
I remember reading that she would respond to us
[1/9/19, 10:09:44 PM] Eman: It might be that
[1/9/19, 10:10:08 PM] Ana : Literally says "discussions/film reflection are due each Wednesday
by midnight. I will respond to 5 students per week"
[1/9/19, 10:10:13 PM] Eman: Don’t take it from me I am very sick tonight
[1/9/19, 10:10:36 PM] Eman: Great
Thank you Ana
Big relief
[1/9/19, 10:10:44 PM] Ana : Haha, no worries Eman! Better to be safe and ask than be sorry
[1/9/19, 10:11:15 PM] Ana : Have you guys started Dr. Mshinegi's assignment?
[1/9/19, 10:11:18 PM] Eman: I have been doing everything wrong this night
[1/9/19, 10:11:40 PM] Eman: Yes I am halfway there
[1/9/19, 10:12:13 PM] Eman: It is not that bad
[1/9/19, 10:12:26 PM] Ana : Ah, are you double spacing?
[1/9/19, 10:12:40 PM] Giovanna:: I hope you feel better Eman!
[1/9/19, 10:12:52 PM] Ana : We still have no syllabus to reference
[1/9/19, 10:13:16 PM] Giovanna:: Im almost done but I’m not sure if we should double space !
I was also wondering if we should
[1/9/19, 10:13:31 PM] Eman: I am making it double spaced ,12 and times new roman
[1/9/19, 10:13:59 PM] Eman: No references for me
[1/9/19, 10:14:36 PM] Eman: Thanx Gio
[1/9/19, 10:14:56 PM] Ana : If we double space then we don't have to write as much! Her rubric
is very intimidating to be honest, if we don't express convincing passion or realistic goals then
we lose points
[1/9/19, 10:21:58 PM Giovanna:: I know !!!
It’s pretty intimidating!

[1/9/19, 10:23:23 PM] Ana : @13238034740 how many topics are you mentioning?
[1/9/19, 10:27:16 PM] Giovanna: I wrote about 2 but I’ll probably add another one just in case. I
don’t want to lose any points
[1/10/19, 9:53:33 PM] Eman:
[1/10/19, 9:54:05 PM] Eman: So we only need to submit it on the discussion area
[1/10/19, 9:55:25 PM] Eman: Guys when Dr. M assignment due
[1/10/19, 9:55:31 PM] Eman: Is it tonight?!?
[1/10/19, 9:56:11 PM] Ana : No, she wants on the assignment link not the discussion (public)
[1/10/19, 9:56:41 PM] Eman: I did both
[1/10/19, 9:57:00 PM] Eman: Then why she had those models?!?
[1/10/19, 9:57:06 PM] Eman: For the public?!?
[1/10/19, 10:09:09 PM] Ana : Idk why, I think it's an oversight on her part. When I say public I
mean where all of us can see each others posts.
[1/12/19, 4:34:29 PM] Isaac: Hey guys, I'm having trouble finding the submission link to send
my assignment due tonight.
[1/12/19, 4:34:50 PM] Ana : That link was trying for me too.
[1/12/19, 4:35:02 PM] Ana : Click the words that say assignment #1
[1/12/19, 4:35:22 PM] Isaac: Got it
[1/12/19, 4:35:23 PM] Ana : It should send u to the page where u can upload it paste your paper.
[1/12/19, 4:35:23 PM] Isaac: Thanks
[1/12/19, 4:36:27 PM] Isaac: We dont have anything due for Hernandez right?
[1/12/19, 4:37:01 PM] Ana : Nope. Our next assignment is due Wednesday for our online course.
[1/12/19, 4:37:19 PM] Isaac: Ok cool
[1/12/19, 4:37:33 PM] Ana : Dr. Mshinegi said she was gonna upload the syllabus and another
assignment that's due to but neither is up
[1/12/19, 4:37:45 PM] Ana : At least, since the other day. :(
[1/12/19, 4:38:07 PM] Isaac: Ok
[1/20/19, 3:27:51 PM] Isaac: Hey guys im out of town, when is our next hw due
[1/20/19, 4:13:52 PM] Ana : Wednesday?
[1/20/19, 4:14:21 PM] Ana : I am going off by memory since I don't have my calendar on hand.
[1/20/19, 4:15:41 PM] Isaac: Ok
[1/20/19, 4:25:30 PM] Ana : Let me text u in a bit.
[1/20/19, 6:02:55 PM] Giovanna:: We have something due Wednesday
And then we have the questions for nutrition on Friday
Followed by Dr. M’s quiz on Saturday
[1/20/19, 6:09:24 PM] Isaac: Ok cool thanks
[1/22/19, 6:43:29 PM] Ana : I thought Dr. Ms quiz is due Thursday?
[1/22/19, 6:43:43 PM] Giovanna:: Isn’t it due Saturday ?
I might be wrong

[1/22/19, 6:44:18 PM] Ana : Let me check again.

[1/22/19, 6:44:56 PM] Ana : It's definitely due Thursday 1/24
[1/22/19, 6:45:20 PM] Ana : What populations are you using for your case studied?
[1/22/19, 6:45:24 PM] Ana : Studies*
[1/22/19, 6:45:44 PM] Ana : This online class has me so paranoid.
[1/22/19, 6:46:25 PM] Ana : I don't want to lose any more points. Once we lose 20 points we are
down to a A-. That's not okay with me.
[1/23/19, 7:00:57 AM] Eman: Still thinking about it
[1/23/19, 7:22:14 PM] Giovanna:: Hey guys
Is the quiz available ? I don’t see it
[1/23/19, 7:39:22 PM] Ana : She said it would be today but I don't see it.
[1/23/19, 7:46:40 PM] Giovanna:: I know, I can’t find it.
Also, do you guys know how long answers to the study questions have to be?
I only wrote two sentences for each
[1/24/19, 1:53:45 PM] Giovanna: Two
[1/24/19, 2:10:43 PM] Eman: No dear
Thank u so much for ur help
[1/24/19, 2:10:46 PM] Eman:
[1/31/19, 5:54:12 PM] Giovanna:: Hey guys!
I’m gonna be a little late
Buses have been running late
[1/31/19, 5:54:36 PM] Ana : No worries. I got u
[1/31/19, 5:54:44 PM] Giovanna:: Thank you
[1/31/19, 6:02:53 PM] Isaac: I'm running late too
[2/1/19, 6:50:34 PM] Eman: Hello guys
[2/1/19, 6:50:53 PM] Eman: I was thinking about our PSA
[2/1/19, 6:51:33 PM] Eman: What do you think about adding Spanish cc/ subtitle as well
[2/1/19, 6:51:35 PM] Eman: ?!?
[2/1/19, 7:06:57 PM] Ana : For which course?
[2/1/19, 7:07:28 PM] Ana : For our online course, we might have to turn them in individually
versus the other courses are a group work.
[2/1/19, 7:19:01 PM] Eman: No not the online one
The dr. Becerra’s one
Don’t we have to present it one day ?!
[2/1/19, 7:20:45 PM] Ana : I believe do but we expanding on it
[2/5/19, 6:16:48 PM] Eman: Hello everyone
[2/5/19, 6:16:56 PM] Eman: For the final paper minutes
[2/5/19, 6:17:16 PM] Eman: I would like to suggest renaming this group
[2/5/19, 6:17:26 PM] Eman: And delete the chat history
[2/5/19, 6:18:20 PM] Eman: And start talking here only about the work

[2/5/19, 6:24:05 PM] Ana : How about we all look over the instructions for the paper this week
and I can post. Google drive shared doc where we can pick and choose what sections we like.
The assignment itself is due 3/22 so let's strive for 3/15 due date. That way we have a week to
tweak everything :)
What do u all think?
[2/5/19, 6:27:12 PM] Eman:
[2/5/19, 8:24:13 PM] Giovanna:: Sounds good!
[2/5/19, 8:41:18 PM] Champagne: Yes, sounds good!
[2/5/19, 9:06:28 PM] Eman: So could u plz go to the settings and clear ur chats and then notify
me with a thumb up or Done ✅?
[2/5/19, 9:31:45 PM] Eman: Guys what I meant about deleting is to reset this chat’s history so
we text formally from now and then...
Nothing more
[2/17/19, 1:05:08 PM] Champagne: I’ll be sending out the Article slideshow tonight when I get
off of work. Almost finished with it
[2/17/19, 1:16:15 PM] Isaac: Wait u did the whole powerpoint for the group?
[2/17/19, 1:16:52 PM] Eman:
[2/17/19, 1:17:24 PM] Eman: Didn’t u say that u ll do the google drive doc?
[2/17/19, 1:37:03 PM] Champagne: No ma’am! Just the template for it
[2/17/19, 1:37:14 PM] Champagne: Yes, it’ll be on google slides so we can all fill it in
[2/17/19, 1:37:55 PM] Eman:
[2/17/19, 1:38:01 PM] Eman: Thank you
[2/17/19, 1:40:30 PM] Champagne: No problem!
[2/17/19, 2:10:24 PM] Isaac: Cool
[2/17/19, 2:23:56 PM] Giovanna:: Thank you !
[2/17/19, 2:58:49 PM] Champagne: Yw!
[2/18/19, 6:44:03 PM] Eman: Guys the final paper is available through google drive
[2/18/19, 6:44:26 PM] Eman: You can now choose ur parts
[2/18/19, 6:44:29 PM] Eman: Thank u
[2/18/19, 6:54:02 PM] Eman: What is the topic guys
[2/18/19, 6:54:04 PM] Eman: ???
[2/18/19, 10:18:16 PM] Eman:
[2/18/19, 10:19:48 PM] Eman:
[2/18/19, 10:20:06 PM] Eman: Can we form our title to something like this?
[2/18/19, 10:20:31 PM] Eman: To link food insecurity with health and health outcomes
[2/18/19, 10:21:18 PM] Eman: Or to label it as living basic needs and link it to health outcomes
with concentration on food insecurity

[2/18/19, 10:22:54 PM] Eman:
[2/18/19, 10:23:52 PM] Eman:
[2/18/19, 10:26:44 PM] Eman: *Health Outcomes -disparities-Associated with Food Insecurity
and Hunger*
what about a title like this?
[2/18/19, 10:47:14 PM] Eman:,5&as_vis=1&qsp=4&q=food+insecurity+an
[2/18/19, 10:48:38 PM] Eman: Bonding the effect of food insecurity on csusb students health
[2/18/19, 10:48:55 PM] Eman: That is another title
[2/18/19, 10:49:06 PM] Eman:,5&as_vis=1&qsp=4&q=food+insecurity+an
[2/18/19, 10:50:59 PM] Eman:
*Hunger impact on csusb students’ health and mental health *
[2/18/19, 11:12:01 PM] Eman: Anything that would link the topic with health outcomes or
disparities... this will add variables to our topic to be studied and analyzes for the future courses.
[2/19/19, 8:14:16 AM] Eman: Good-morning everyone
[2/19/19, 8:15:59 AM] Eman: For the meetings I will write about yesterday and I will have the
WhatsApp conversation as well
Please feel free to write your ideas, feedbacks, follow ups, or any question that you would like to
[2/19/19, 8:40:24 AM] Eman: Good morning Champaign ... of course I didn’t expect the
whole work .. don’t get me wrong ... what I meant with the google drive document, is the first
document where we all can add our work
I am sending now coz I just read the message
Thank you again
[2/19/19, 10:24:47 AM] Champagne: Lol okay!! No problem, you’re welcome
[2/19/19, 11:39:27 AM] Eman: Hello dear friends
We need to formulate our title soon so we can creat a something that can be implemented and
[2/19/19, 11:41:45 AM] Eman: Please check the above suggestions and feel free to share urs...

Do u suggest a deadline to receive the suggestions for the title?

[2/19/19, 11:56:17 AM] Ana : These are some great finds and ideas.
[2/19/19, 11:56:54 AM] Ana : Give us some time to read all the links.

[2/19/19, 11:57:16 AM] Ana : Bonding effect title seems interesting. Idk if we want to jump into
her mental health world.
[2/19/19, 11:58:11 AM] Eman: They are all just examples
[2/19/19, 12:01:42 PM] Eman: And for brain storming
We can bond it to
-home zip code
-academic performance
-Social skills
-over all health
-parents educational level ....
Anything ...
[2/19/19, 3:31:01 PM] Champagne: I think we’re supposed to talk about those things in general.
Like how Food Insecurity can affect CSUSB students. If we choose one and focus on it, it’ll be
like having 2 topics. Maybe you should email Dr. Mshigeni and ask her what she thinks.
[2/19/19, 5:39:09 PM] Eman:
[2/19/19, 5:50:23 PM] Eman: I did
[2/19/19, 5:51:01 PM] Eman: But I think this is up to us to do
[2/19/19, 5:56:55 PM] CSU Shivana Jio: Thank you so much Eman!
I will definitely look into them after work
[2/19/19, 6:21:40 PM] Eman: U r welcome Gio
[2/19/19, 9:07:15 PM] Eman: Have u seen Dr.M email?!?
[2/20/19, 10:20:41 AM] Eman: Hi Gio
[2/20/19, 10:21:19 AM] Eman: Are u still interested in doin the Spanish subtitles?
[2/20/19, 10:22:01 AM] Eman: If so I am creating the text boxes for u to write in and then we
can work together on the effect
[2/20/19, 10:22:12 AM] Eman: S
[2/20/19, 10:41:29 AM] Eman: And guys are u all still want this idea or no?
Please don’t hesitate to share ur opinion
Thank you
[2/20/19, 12:06:52 PM] Eman: @13238034740 Gio
The boxes are ready with the effects
Plz add ur translation and call me if u need anything
It doesn’t have to be word by word for the log texts
Thank you
[2/20/19, 12:48:36 PM] Giovanna:: Thank you Eman !
I’ll work on it tonight
[2/21/19, 9:48:00 PM] Ana :

[2/21/19, 9:48:42 PM] Ana : By the way, Dr. Becerra and Dr. Mshenigi published a paper in
August about food insecurity with Asian CA populations.
[2/21/19, 9:49:18 PM] Ana : I read only the abstract it mentioned how Vietnamese had the
largest food security among Asians.
[2/25/19, 3:56:50 PM] Giovanna:: Hey guys so for Thursdays class, all we are doing is
presenting the article critique and our PSA’s?
[2/25/19, 3:57:07 PM] Giovanna:: Eman, how can I access our PSA?
[2/25/19, 3:57:14 PM] Eman: Yes
[2/25/19, 3:59:03 PM] Giovanna:: Thank you!
[2/25/19, 3:59:12 PM] Eman:
[2/25/19, 4:00:37 PM] Eman: I peeped the Spanish
[2/25/19, 4:00:43 PM] Eman: Text boxes
[2/25/19, 4:00:49 PM] Eman: And the effects
[2/25/19, 4:01:03 PM] Eman: U only need to add ur lines
[2/25/19, 4:01:40 PM] Giovanna:: Thank you so much! I’m hoping to finish it by tonight.
[2/25/19, 5:02:00 PM] Eman: Thank you Gio
[2/25/19, 5:04:23 PM] Isaac: I'm going to work on the PowerPoint summary for my part
tomorrow at my internship
[2/25/19, 5:58:59 PM] Isaac: @19093802758 question, I'm looking at the powerpoint, where can
I find the original PowerPoint where u got the titles from
[2/25/19, 5:59:23 PM] Isaac: I cant find it on blackboard
[2/25/19, 6:00:15 PM] Champagne: She sent it to us through email
[2/25/19, 6:00:31 PM] Isaac: Ok cool good looks
[2/25/19, 6:06:47 PM] Champagne: No problem
[2/25/19, 6:19:02 PM] Isaac: @19093802758 my bad but I dont see the email, can u forward it
to me
[2/25/19, 6:19:20 PM] Isaac:
[2/25/19, 6:20:38 PM] Champagne: Okay, sending now
[2/25/19, 6:23:40 PM] Isaac: Got it thanks
[2/26/19, 1:15:51 PM] Giovanna:: Eman I finished the translations yesterday night. Just need to
go back and double check it today.
[2/26/19, 1:27:24 PM] Eman: Thanks Gio
[2/26/19, 1:27:34 PM] Eman:
[2/26/19, 1:27:48 PM] Eman: I will double check the effects today
[2/26/19, 1:28:06 PM] Eman: And finish it by tomorrow
[2/28/19, 8:11:41 AM] Isaac: Hey guys quick question, did we learn about the logic and action /
change model in Hernandez class or dr. M class or none lol
[2/28/19, 9:21:26 AM] Eman: It was the stage of change model
[2/28/19, 9:21:34 AM] Eman: Not the action change
[2/28/19, 9:22:09 AM] Eman: This is according to my memory

[2/28/19, 9:23:08 AM] Eman: I didn’t search the book or the slides
So if u want to know for sure I think you have to look in the material
[2/28/19, 9:24:05 AM] Isaac: Ok so only change model
[2/28/19, 9:24:33 AM] Isaac: Was that in Hernandez or dr. M class I dont remember
[2/28/19, 9:27:37 AM] Eman: Hernandez
[2/28/19, 9:28:07 AM] Eman: M talked about couple models only
[2/28/19, 9:28:50 AM] Giovanna:: Yeah I’m pretty sure was Hernandez
[2/28/19, 9:28:57 AM] Giovanna: It *
[2/28/19, 9:29:55 AM] Isaac: Ok I'll mention that thank u
[2/28/19, 1:34:15 PM] Eman: I doubled check the effects of the PSA and I did one more editing
[2/28/19, 1:34:28 PM] Eman: It should be ready now
[2/28/19, 1:34:48 PM] Eman: What about presenting the PSA
[2/28/19, 1:34:54 PM] Eman: Who will do that ?!?
[2/28/19, 1:35:10 PM] Eman: Do we have to prepare content for it?
[2/28/19, 1:45:56 PM] Giovanna:: I don’t think so? I’m not so sure but i think they were just
going to show them and everyone else was going to critique it
[2/28/19, 1:48:50 PM] Eman: Okay
[2/28/19, 1:49:06 PM] Eman: So nothing about the model or theory?!?
[2/28/19, 1:53:49 PM] Giovanna:: Uhm im not sure. I don’t think so
I think dr H said that with everything we do there is a theory involved but we didn’t have to
explain it in the PSA .
We just had to know it ?
[2/28/19, 1:54:43 PM] Giovanna:: I think ours is social cognitive theory.
[2/28/19, 2:13:45 PM] Eman: Thanks Gio
[2/28/19, 2:14:37 PM] Giovanna:: No problem
[3/3/19, 8:40:18 PM] Eman: Guys I decided to do the SWOT on what we will do for our final
paper which is the PSA evaluation
[3/3/19, 8:42:32 PM] Eman: I think it does make sense
[3/4/19, 12:32:50 PM] Ana: So, on the evaluation of the PSA video from 615 or our for
insecurity topic among csusb students?
[3/4/19, 1:37:19 PM] Eman: I did it on the IP violence
[3/4/19, 1:37:40 PM] Eman: Since it is for our final paper
[3/4/19, 1:40:05 PM] Ana : However, our final paper is not on violence for this class. That's for
our 615 class. Or did we change our topic?
[3/4/19, 2:57:22 PM] Eman: I am so confused
[3/4/19, 2:57:41 PM] Eman: Did not they say that it is a joint work?!?
[3/4/19, 2:58:13 PM] Eman: How many final paper do we have for this class?!? 1 for 613 only
and 1 that is joint!!???
[3/4/19, 3:16:19 PM] Eman: I texted him yesterday and just received his response
[3/4/19, 3:16:26 PM] Eman: It should be on our topic

[3/4/19, 3:16:30 PM] Eman: Yay for me

[3/4/19, 3:16:35 PM] Eman: I have to re do it
[3/4/19, 3:17:04 PM] Giovanna:: So we’re basically doing two different papers ?
[3/4/19, 3:17:14 PM] Eman: I think so
[3/4/19, 3:17:16 PM] Eman.: After all
[3/4/19, 3:17:32 PM] Eman: They really confused us
[3/4/19, 3:17:43 PM] Eman: I have to start working on my parts
[3/4/19, 3:18:05 PM] Giovanna:: They did. It’s not joint afterall but I think that if we talk to him
maybe he’ll change it
[3/4/19, 3:18:22 PM] Eman: We have many work in only 3 weeks
[3/4/19, 3:18:43 PM] Eman: I hope he ll change his mind
[3/4/19, 3:18:49 PM] Eman: That is too much
[3/4/19, 6:12:47 PM] Isaac: <attached: 00000357-PHOTO-2019-03-04-18-12-47.jpg>
[3/6/19, 9:40:13 AM] Isaac: @19093802758 did you happen to take a picture of the PSA
evaluation we did in class ?
[3/6/19, 9:40:58 AM] Champagne: No I didn’t
[3/6/19, 9:41:16 AM] Champagne Did they send a link yet so that we can access their PSA?
[3/6/19, 9:45:42 AM] Eman: Nop
[3/6/19, 9:57:11 AM] Isaac: I want to work on my part of the final program evaluation
[3/6/19, 9:57:37 AM] Isaac: Are we getting those back? I kinda need them to start writing the
group final lol
[3/6/19, 10:00:52 AM] Isaac: What was the title of their psa?
[3/6/19, 10:15:15 AM] Eman: Ip violence
[3/6/19, 10:15:30 AM] Eman: Intimate partner violence
[3/6/19, 10:15:38 AM] Isaac: Gotcha
[3/6/19, 10:15:42 AM] Isaac: Thanks
[3/6/19, 10:15:49 AM] Eman: Welcome
[3/6/19, 10:16:03 AM] Eman: I took notes from the lecture
[3/6/19, 10:16:18 AM] Eman: And then did my own researched
[3/6/19, 10:16:22 AM] Eman: It was overwhelming
[3/6/19, 10:16:46 AM] Eman: But I had to to get a head start
[3/6/19, 10:24:07 AM] Isaac: Does anyone have notes based on their psa by chance?
[3/6/19, 10:24:18 AM] Isaac: Idk if they're even gonna send us a link to their psa
[3/6/19, 10:41:32 AM] Eman: I have some notes at home, but I am out till 8:00 pm today
[3/6/19, 10:41:44 AM] Eman: I can share a good link wit u
[3/6/19, 10:43:11 AM] Eman: Ok I don’t have the link, but if u search the paper u will find it
[3/6/19, 10:43:20 AM] Eman: It is full text
[3/6/19, 10:46:39 AM] Isaac: I signed up for the exec summary, mission statement and smart

[3/6/19, 11:30:15 AM] Ana : They are supposed to send their PSA coz how else are we suppose
to do this assignment? Hopefully, Mr. Hernandez gives us positive news
[3/6/19, 11:30:53 AM] Isaac: They dont want to send it lol
[3/6/19, 11:30:56 AM] Isaac: O well lol
[3/6/19, 11:58:51 AM] Isaac: I already email her about needing a copy of my evaluation form
[3/6/19, 1:12:45 PM] Isaac: So are putting a hold on Hernandez final paper since hes going to get
back to us about what we really will be doing?
[3/6/19, 1:12:57 PM] Isaac: *are we
[3/6/19, 1:20:07 PM] Ana : Maybe we should. Coz he might end of scratching a bunch of stuff
off. He said, he would email us by this weekend
[3/6/19, 1:20:15 PM] Isaac: Ok
[3/6/19, 1:42:37 PM] Eman: Hi Issac...Did u use the google doc?
[3/6/19, 1:44:17 PM] Isaac: Yes
[3/6/19, 1:44:36 PM] Isaac: My name is on those topics
[3/6/19, 1:45:11 PM] Eman: Oh ok ...thank you
[3/6/19, 1:45:46 PM] Eman: I think we will not be able to do anything until we hear back from
[3/6/19, 1:46:15 PM] Eman: And let’s see what Dr. M will tell you and Ana ...
[3/6/19, 1:46:19 PM] Eman: Thank you guys
[3/7/19, 2:54:55 PM] You changed this group's icon
[3/7/19, 2:55:24 PM] You changed this group's icon
[3/10/19, 1:27:52 PM] Eman: Hello everyone
Could you please send me ur SWOT analysis from Dr.H class if you did any work for that
assignment... I would like to add ur points of view within our SWOT in the final paper...
Don’t worry if it just scratches or draft work
Anything can benefit
[3/10/19, 1:27:55 PM] Eman: Thanx
[3/10/19, 2:46:21 PM] Eman: Hello guys!
Dr. H posted the guidelines
I updated it in the google drive
Please review it ASAP
[3/10/19, 2:46:49 PM] Eman: Let’s get this work done !!
[3/10/19, 6:27:13 PM] Isaac: Where can I find the file?
[3/10/19, 6:29:42 PM] Isaac: Can u resend me the link to my email pls
[3/10/19, 6:30:50 PM] Isaac: Nevermind found it
[3/10/19, 6:53:13 PM] Eman: Sorry Isaac I just saw u messages..
[3/10/19, 6:54:32 PM] Eman: I only updated the previous document, the old content still there
for u guys to compare the changes...
[3/10/19, 6:54:46 PM] Eman: And pa let me know if u have any notes..

[3/11/19, 8:51:17 AM] Isaac: Are we doing the final based on our psa?? Just to clarify for
Hernandez. He just emailed us
[3/11/19, 9:14:28 AM] Eman: I emailed him
[3/11/19, 9:14:33 AM] Eman: And still waiting
[3/11/19, 9:17:01 AM] Eman: So what now?!?
[3/11/19, 9:17:37 AM] Eman: Are we doing ours ?!?
[3/11/19, 9:23:59 AM] Ana : We already are doing another topic I.e. domestic violence for 615
[3/11/19, 9:25:11 AM] Ana : So, I would assume plz clarify if I am wrong that our 613 paper is
on food insecurity among csusb students and our 615 paper is on domestic violence per the other
group's PSA right?
[3/11/19, 9:26:59 AM] Champagne: Yes
[3/11/19, 10:56:06 AM] Eman: He said it is up to us to choose
[3/11/19, 10:56:26 AM] Eman: So would u like to work on one topic instead of two ?!?
[3/11/19, 6:16:29 PM] Csu Ana : Hey, so are we deciding on writing both papers on domestic
violence then?
[3/11/19, 6:17:33 PM] Isaac: Food insecurity Hernandez
[3/11/19, 6:18:09 PM] Isaac: Violence for dr. M
[3/11/19, 6:30:58 PM] Eman: Guys
[3/11/19, 6:31:09 PM] Eman: Can we choose one topic
[3/11/19, 6:31:19 PM] Eman: For both papers
[3/11/19, 6:34:22 PM] Champagne: For Dr. Mshigeni’s we still have to critique the other groups
PSA right? We should still do our Food Insecurity for Hernandez bc it will prepare us for the
classes we have next. It will make less work for the future. I don’t think it makes sense to write a
whole paper on someone else’s topic lol especially if we get to choose
[3/11/19, 6:56:54 PM] A.: You deleted this message.
[3/12/19, 6:33:11 PM] Ana : Csu Ana 's security code changed.
[3/12/19, 6:33:08 PM] Ana : Hey guys! My phone died this morning and I had to switch to an
old phone in the meantime. So, when I installed this app all previous conversation got erased.
[3/12/19, 6:33:32 PM] Ana : Was anything said since yesterday afternoon that I might of missed?
[3/12/19, 7:07:56 PM] Eman: Nop
[3/12/19, 7:08:09 PM] Eman: What happened?!
[3/13/19, 10:03:55 AM] Isaac: Isaac New's security code changed.
[3/13/19, 10:05:48 AM] Isaac: Just so we are all on the same page, for Hernandez final we are
doing our PSA food insecurity?
[3/13/19, 10:09:00 AM] Isaac New: I got a new phone and lost chats from the last few days
[3/13/19, 10:50:35 AM] Eman: I guess so
[3/13/19, 10:51:07 AM] Eman: We didn’t hear from Gio @13238034740 or from Ana
[3/13/19, 10:56:43 AM] Giovanna:: I’m okay with whatever you guys want. I just think it would
be easier if we focus on just one topic.

However, if it is going to benefit us in the long run, I really don’t mind doing both.
[3/13/19, 11:07:03 AM] Eman: You are right Gio
[3/13/19, 11:07:48 AM] Eman: Totally topic is better unless it will benefit us later
[3/13/19, 11:22:22 AM] Isaac: I get it that it's probably easier doing it on one topic. Personally I
find it difficult to write about the ip violence PSA topic twice. I honestly think it will benefit
later like champagne previously mentioned in the long run if we do it on our psa since we
already did research on it, we are very familiar with the topic already.
[3/13/19, 11:24:59 AM] Ana : Hey guys. I thought we said we are sticking on two separate
papers with different topics.
[3/13/19, 11:25:14 AM] Ana : I too had to get a new phone so maybe I missed something. If so,
my bad
[3/13/19, 11:30:08 AM] Giovanna:: I’m okay doing both topics. At the end of the day, it’ll
benefit it us in the long run
[3/13/19, 11:34:52 AM] Eman: So now Dr. M topic is : IP violence
Dr. H topic is : food insecurity
[3/13/19, 11:57:09 AM] Ana : Yes
[3/13/19, 12:01:01 PM] Champagne: Yes. I agree with 2 topics. Trust me guys, like in 617 you
basically write the same paper that we’re doing now again. So we will have a lot of it done
already. And you have to create a survey on your topic, so if we don’t do the research and stuff
now we’re gonna be behind and trying to play catch up in the other classes. Plus we don’t really
know too much info about their topic so that’ll be weird to start a whole new topic and research
it just for this assignment.
[3/13/19, 1:08:49 PM] Eman: Ok then we are all agreed
[3/13/19, 1:15:11 PM] Ana : Sweet!
[3/14/19, 9:11:54 PM] Isaac: @13238034740 hey lmk when you have a chance to send your
theory paper for Hernandez so I can work on it tomorrow morning
[3/14/19, 9:12:42 PM] Giovanna:: Yes, I’ll send it when I get home !
[3/14/19, 9:19:42 PM] Isaac New: Sweet. Thanks
[3/14/19, 11:10:10 PM] Giovanna:: I sent it! Let me know if you got it (:
[3/15/19, 9:06:20 AM] Isaac New: Got it thanks
[3/15/19, 2:29:30 PM] Isaac New: Hey guys so I'm pretty much done with the group paper for
theory for Hernandez, I can create a Google doc if you guys would like to see it or I can just turn
it in for the group. What would u like?
[3/15/19, 2:30:25 PM] Ana : If u think it's fabulous then turn it in.
[3/15/19, 2:31:07 PM] Ana : I wonder if each of us has to turn it in on blackboard?
[3/15/19, 2:33:50 PM] Isaac: He doesn't say. But we've always turned one in for the group in
other group assignments right?
[3/15/19, 2:34:03 PM] Eman: Yes

[3/15/19, 2:34:06 PM] Isaac: I can put everyone's name on the front page
[3/15/19, 2:34:20 PM] Eman: Thank you Isaac
[3/15/19, 2:34:29 PM] Isaac: Ok cool
[3/15/19, 2:34:46 PM] Ana : Let's do that then. Could u email us the paper anyway? That way
we each have a copy and it might help in the writing process too
[3/15/19, 2:35:10 PM] Eman: And if he ll request for individual submission we ll take the google
doc which u uploaded...
[3/15/19, 2:40:16 PM] Isaac: Ok sounds good.
[3/15/19, 3:17:49 PM] Isaac: I sent you all the Google doc for reference
[3/15/19, 3:17:59 PM] Eman: Thanks Isaac
[3/15/19, 3:18:15 PM] Isaac: <attached: 00000498-PHOTO-2019-03-15-15-18-15.jpg>
[3/15/19, 3:18:40 PM] Champagne: Thank you very much!!
[3/15/19, 3:21:22 PM] Champagne: The only thing, there’s no references but he prob doesn’t
care. It looks good!! Thanks Isaac
[3/15/19, 3:23:08 PM] Eman: If Isaac used the the info I gave Gio than I can add the 2 references
I used for it If needed
[3/15/19, 3:23:47 PM] Eman: But did Dr. H request references?
[3/15/19, 3:23:52 PM] Champagne: Okay perfect!
[3/15/19, 3:24:05 PM] Champagne: I’m sure it’s good
[3/15/19, 3:24:31 PM] Eman: Amazing work Isaac... thank you again
[3/15/19, 3:33:39 PM] Isaac: No worries
[3/15/19, 3:35:16 PM] Isaac: As for our other 2 group finals, i have added my parts of both finals
dr m and Hernandez on the Google docs. Please note I did not use any references for my parts.
Let me know if you guys have any questions.
[3/15/19, 3:35:54 PM] Isaac: This is me checking out for spring break lol
[3/15/19, 3:35:58 PM] Giovanna:: Thank you so much Issac . I forgot to give you the references

[3/16/19, 11:20:15 AM] Ana : Ladies, since we have papers due next Thursday (IP Violence)
and Friday (food insecurity) why don't we plan on finishing our initial drafts by Wednesday.
That gives us time to look everything over, if stuff has to be changed or tweaked, we will still
have time. How does that sound?
[3/16/19, 11:40:18 AM] Eman: You deleted this message.
[3/16/19, 11:41:22 AM] Eman: I am in
[3/16/19, 1:37:52 PM] Giovanna:: Me too!
[3/16/19, 2:07:00 PM] Champagne: Sounds good!!!
[3/17/19, 10:25:29 PM] Champagne: I am done. Thank you ladies
[3/18/19, 2:21:11 PM] Giovanna:: Do you guys know where we are supposed to turn in the link
for the PSA and the summary of the theories we used? There’s no Dropbox for it. I don’t know if
I should just email it to him
[3/18/19, 2:49:29 PM] Eman: I didn’t c a drop box for it

[3/18/19, 2:49:38 PM] Eman: So I believe email would b ok

[3/18/19, 4:58:49 PM] Giovanna:: Okay thank you!
[3/18/19, 4:59:19 PM] Giovanna:: Also is there a google doc for Dr.M’s paper? If there is i don’t
think I got the invitation to edit
[3/18/19, 5:39:53 PM] Eman: Yes there is
[3/18/19, 5:40:01 PM] Eman: I ll double check in an hour
[3/18/19, 5:40:12 PM] Giovanna:: Thank you so much!
[3/18/19, 5:40:15 PM] Eman: I don’t have an access to a computer now
[3/18/19, 5:40:23 PM] Eman: U r welcome sister
[3/18/19, 9:26:51 PM] Ana: I sent Giovanna the link to her CSUSB email.
[3/19/19, 11:52:21 AM] Eman: Hello everyone!
We still have have some parts to be picked
[3/19/19, 11:53:57 AM] Ana : @19093802758, I am starting to write and noticed we both don't
have official parts. I started to pick certain sections but I am not sure if u already started writing.
[3/19/19, 11:55:26 AM] Ana : Left to be done
For 615:
-6ii program purpose and rationale
-7 program evaluation
[3/19/19, 11:56:09 AM] A.: For 615
Program evaluation
Table of contents
[3/19/19, 11:56:32 AM] Eman: Good morning Ana
[3/19/19, 11:56:49 AM] Ana : And 613: #5 intervention mapping table.
[3/19/19, 11:56:51 AM] Eman: I was just summarizing what we are missing...
[3/19/19, 11:58:23 AM] Ana : Haha thanks Eman! So, @19093802758 let me know which one's
you wanna do. Maybe u do one paper and I do the other. Let me know what u think so we don't
do double work.
[3/19/19, 12:00:13 PM] Eman: I was thinking yesterday that maybe we had to split the team into
2 groups ... one fore each paper... but it is too late now...
[3/19/19, 12:00:31 PM] Eman:
[3/19/19, 12:21:41 PM] Champagne: It doesn’t matter to me. I’m at work all day. Just let me
know which one I have to do and I will do it tonight after I get off. Thank you!!
[3/19/19, 12:22:01 PM] Ana : Sweet!
[3/19/19, 12:27:47 PM] Eman: Great
So now the vacant topics are:
615 Rational
613 SWOT

And then we need to APA our paper ( double spacing, references,....etc)

[3/19/19, 12:28:37 PM] Eman: I would say who ever is willing to double check the formatting is
preferred to submit the paper
[3/19/19, 12:28:42 PM] Eman: What do you think?!
[3/19/19, 12:39:41 PM] Champagne: I’ll do SWOT
[3/19/19, 12:39:58 PM] Champagne: I’ll check formatting and submit
[3/19/19, 12:42:27 PM] Ana : @19093802758 would u want to do the table of contents then?
[3/19/19, 1:16:32 PM] Eman: Champagne just to clarify something
Those are the remain topics after Ana added her name to other parts
[3/19/19, 1:19:23 PM] Eman: She took ( according to what I see in the document)
program evaluation
Intervention mapping
And the table of content
[3/19/19, 1:19:53 PM] Eman: We still need the rationale
[3/19/19, 3:19:18 PM] Champagne: Okay I’ll do SWOT and Rationale, thanks!
[3/19/19, 10:31:07 PM] Champagne: I put some notes on the google docs. If we can all have our
parts done by 8:00pm tomorrow then I can put it together and email it to you guys to see if you
find any edits. That will give us time for any corrections.
[3/19/19, 10:32:10 PM] Ana : Sweet. I will look at it bright and early tomorrow.

2/28/2019 9:38 pm

Hello everyone, this assignment is due on the 21/3/2019. Please choose your parts as soon as

Thank you


3/3/2019 1:07 pm

This paper different than Dr. H paper, please correct me if I am wrong, that is why we created
this document beside the older one.

Thank you



Hello everyone,

I believe our work for 615 and 613 will overlap. Therefore, I would recommend revising your
parts’ choices to avoid any duplication.

Thank you

ii. Feedback

iii. PSA Link

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