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1. What’s electricity?

Electricity is formed when a part of each atom, called an electron, moves from
one atom to another.

- What’s an atom made up of?

The nucleus is made up of
protons and neutrons. The
protons have a positive
electric charge.

The electrons revolve

around the nucleus, so they
are constantly moving. They
have a negative electric

- What’s static electricity?

Static electricity is the movement of electrons

between two materials.

Electrons can move easily between materials

when we rub them together.

This creates static electricity.

Opposite charges attract each other.

Objects with the same electric charge are repelled

2. What’s electric current?

Electric current is the movement, or flow, of electrons between atoms.

Some types of matter have electrons that move easily from one atom to
another. We call these electrical conductor because electricity can flow easily
through them. Metals are an example of electrical conductors.
- Electricity and magnetism.
When electric current flows through wires, a magnetic field is produced.
This happens because negatively charged electrons are moving through
the wire. We can make the magnetic field stronger by winding the wire
into a coil around an object made of iron. This forms an electromagnet.

3. Why do we need electric circuits?

An electric circuit is a close loop or circle. Electricity will only flow if the circuit is
close. If the circuit is broken or the switch is off, the current stops flowing.

- Types of circuits


The battery is Two or more light
connected to the light A parallel circuit
bulbs are connected forms two or more
bulb, the light bulb to to one batttery, but cicles, one bigger
the switch and the
all are connected tan the other. Each
switch to the battery.
within the same circuit has a light
circuit. bulb. All the circuits
are connected to the
same battery.
4. How do we use electricity?

Electricity is used in many ways in our homes, schools and workplaces.

- How does electricity get to our homes?

Electricity is generated in power stations. From the power station, the
electricity travels along big cables to our homes. At the place where
electricity enters our house, there is a fuse box.
- How do we use electricity in our homes?
From the fuse box, the electricity travels through wire to all the light
switches and sockets in our home.

5. Who was Thomas Edison?

Thomas Edison was an American inventor. His most important inventions were
the electric light bulb, motion pictures and recorded music.

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