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1 Full name Jacob Barnett 1. or

2. because
4. and
5. but
Age 15 3. but
Perimeter Institute for
Place of study Theoretical Physics in
Waterloo, Canada
Special problem He’s autistic.
Two adjectives to
describe his clever, hard-working
Favourite subject astrophysics

2 1. c 2. c 3. a 4. b 5. a


1 Adjectives Verbs
foolish touch
kind hug
lazy laugh

2 1. worry 4. messy
2. enjoy 5. laugh
3. adventurous 6. shy
3 1. kiss 5. knows
2. fall 6. neat
3. sing 7. feel
4. careful 8. shouts

GRAMMAR (page 3)

1 1. aren’t running, are sitting

2. is talking, isn’t listening
3. am studying, am not playing
4. are working, aren’t getting
2 1. Max is swimming in the ocean right now.
2. I’m not taking a coat today.
3. Are you waiting for me?
4. Is Jane flying to Paris right now?
5. It isn’t raining at the moment.
6. Why are you crying?
3 1. are … doing 4. smells
2. am watching 5. love
3. is baking 6. Do … want
(page 4)

4 1. say 6. wants
2. is looking 7. is hitting
3. isn’t helping 8. decides
4. is making 9. aren’t planning
5. doesn’t know 10. don’t … attack

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