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▪ When it comes to

▪ Win-win
▪ Whilst- mientras
▪ To lean towards
▪ To be in no doubt about
▪ Regardless of the fact that
▪ A myriad of
▪ An eye-opener
▪ At the end of the day
▪ Mind blowing-
▪ Popped into my head- se te vino a la mente
▪ To be a role model
▪ Ground-breaking
▪ By and large
▪ To wreak havoc- causar estragos
▪ ▪ Hands on experience


▪ Furthermore,
▪ In addition,
▪ What’s more
▪ Moreover,,
▪ On top of that
▪ Therefore
▪ As a result
▪ Thus
▪ Consequently
▪ Owing to the fact that
▪ Due to the fact that
▪ Whereas/while
▪ Nevertheless,
▪ In spite of
▪ Despite the fact that…
▪ Even though
▪ That being said,
▪ Having said that,


▪ I am into..
▪ I am keen/avid (surfer)
▪ I am keen on/fond of (surfing)
▪ I (go surfing) to unwind, to escape the stresses and strains of my day to day life.
▪ I like nothing more than (to go surfing)
▪ I am itching to try/go… ( I really want to)

▪ Both pictures show..
▪ In this picture they look as though they are..
▪ Whereas/while in this picture..
▪ In contrast
▪ On the other hand
On one hand

▪ we see eye to eye
▪ yeah, I would go along with that
▪ Absolutely!
▪ You took the words right out of my mouth
▪ I couldn`t agree more
▪ You have a point there
▪ I am with you 100% on this one
I see what you mean..but..
I agree up To a point
Yo have hit the nail on the head

Starting to make a conclusion;

▪ Let`s get down to the nitty gritty
▪ The bottom line is we have to choose one..
▪ It`s a tough one, I am torn between… and…
▪ Shall we go with…?
To sum up
On the whole
In a nutshell

▪ Speaking from personal experience,…
▪ For me personally,…
▪ This is a topic that is particularly close to my heart…
▪ It’s funny I was just thinking about this the other day
▪ My gut/initial reaction is..
▪ If I were to choose one of these situations, I would go with.. because… ( part 2 pictures)
Personally, thats a topic i have never thought about it , but i suppose

Asking for repetition;

▪ I beg your pardon, I dindt catch that
▪ Sorry would you mind repeating that?
▪ Could you repeat the question please?

Impressive structures;
▪ Another point I would like to add…
▪ It is also worth bearing in mind that..
▪ Coming back to what (lucas) was saying about..
▪ I would also like to point out that..
▪ I think it is important not to forget that..
▪ The vast majority of people tend to think that..
▪ At the end of the day..
▪ When all is said and done..
Stems from the fact that..

Asking for opinion;

▪ What’s your take on…?
▪ Where do you stand on..?
▪ In my opinion…, would you go along with that?
▪ What are your thoughts on this?
What do you reckon?

▪ we don’t see eye to eye
▪ I take your point but..
▪ I tend to disagree with you there
▪ That is not always the case
▪ I beg to differ
▪ Isn’t it more a case of..

Describing pictures;
▪ The first thing that strikes me about this picture is..
▪ The thing that really jumps out of this picture is..
▪ In this picture it looks as if/though they are..
▪ They could/might/may be..
▪ They could/might/may have just..
▪ I am pretty sure that they are feeling..
▪ I would guess that they are..
From the image/portray i Can extrapolate
Judging by the expression of their face i would say that..
It is quite/ Highly likely that..
it is hard To say .. but i
In the top left corner
At the bottom
At the top
On the right/left hand side
I get the impression/the feeling that
I assume that
▪ As far as I am concerned,
▪ As I see it,
▪ From my point of view,
▪ In my humble opinion,
▪ I would say that..
I suppose
I reckon
I expect
I strongly believe that…

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