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Mission Possible-Drama Skit

Themes: Mission work; community service; helping others in need; volunteer work; God calls us to serve others;
Skit Categories
outreach programs; Matthew 25
All Skits Categories: Youth, Topical
Annual Events
Bible Characters When Mr. Kline, the youth leader, wants to know what service projects the youth are interested in, the
Black History teens begin to whine and complain. "We've already done a thousand of these," says Luke. "Can't we do
Children something more fun?" Karen asks. And Jordan wonders why they have to serve, when "there are plenty of
Christian Living other people who can do it." Angry and disappointed, Mr. Kline relieves the youth of their "duties"
Church Relations claiming the point would be lost on them anyway. He adjourns the meeting, too upset to continue. Left
Holidays alone, the three teens wonder "What's the big deal?" But then the Mission Possible Leader enters the
scene. She is sent from an "outreach program" of her own (formed by the Big Guy himself) to "help"
teens such as this. Before they know it, each teen is put in a situation that they would have never before
thought possible. Luke ends up feeling the same physical ailments as an elderly man in their
Senior Citizens
neighborhood; Karen gets to see what a poor family's daughter recieves for Christmas; and Jordan finds
Women's Ministry out what it's like to freeze out on the streets. In the end, the teens begin to see a different viewpoint when
Youth it comes to helping your neighbor and their attitude towards "service" changes drastically.

Style: Drama
Characters: 5 (2 Male, 3 Female)
Any of these characters could be gender neutral if $10.00
necessary. Add to cart
Length: 8-10 minutes

Excerpt (Sample)

Setting: A youth meeting.

As the scene opens, 3 teens, Jordan, Luke and Karen sit talking with their youth leader, Mr. Kline. (Mr. K) Mr. K should
have a Bible and a list on a piece of paper.

Mr. K: Okay, we've got a decision to make tonight about our upcoming service projects. There's a long list
of projects available but we only need to choose one for now. Who would like to pick?

Groans and feelings of loathing are heard from the teens

Jordan: Not this again!

Luke: Haven't we already done like a thousand service projects already?

Karen: Yeah, can't we do something fun for a change.

Mr. K: I doubt it's been anywhere close to a thousand projects, Luke. And Karen, we do lots of things that
are fun, or have you forgotten the ski trips, the corn maze, the horseback riding adventure, the trip to
Worlds of Fun, the canoe trip, the haunted hayride...
Karen: (interrupting) Okay, we do some stuff that's fun but why do we always have to do these service

Mr. K: We do these projects for a bunch of reasons. First of all, we can: we are all able-bodied people who
are healthy and have been fortunate enough to experience many blessings in our lives. We shouldn't
keep those blessings for ourselves.

Luke: Not even just a few? (he and the others laugh)

Mr. K: (gives Luke a "warning" look, then continues) Second, it's good to think of others sometimes, and
get the focus off ourselves.

Jordan: (somewhat mocking) Yeah Luke, why don't you think of someone else once in awhile!

Mr. K: (ignoring Jordan's comment) Third, it never hurt anyone to get a different perspective on life.
Sometimes things don't look the same at another angle and it helps us appreciate what we have.
Finally, God commands us to.

Jordan: Please don't say it again, Mr. Kline. We've heard it a million times already!

Mr. K: Say what?

Karen: You know, the scripture. (over-emphasizing the word)

Mr. K: You mean the one from Matthew 25?

Jordan: Too late. He said it.

Luke, sarcastic and over dramatic, begins to make a mockery of the scripture, and the others follow suit.

Luke: (acts as if he's welling up with tears, begs at the foot of the Mr. K) I was hungry...and you gave me
nothing to eat. Nothing! Couldn't you have spared a Big Mac? (he bursts out in over-acted sobs and

Karen: (falls at the Mr. Ks feet) I was homeless and you gave me no bed. I had no soft pillow to lay my
weary head. I had to sleep on the ...on the floor! (she chokes out sobs)

Jordan: (stands next to Mr. K and grabs the sleeves of his coat) I was shivering and you gave me no clothes.
You could have given me a pair of designer jeans, but you didn't! (she buries her head in his sleeve,

Mr. K: (aggravated at the teen's lack of sensitivity-he brushes Jordan off and walks a few feet away from the
others-he is angry when he speaks) You think this is funny?

Luke: (getting up) Come on Mr. K, we were just teasing.

Jordan: We were having a little fun that's all. You take this stuff way too serious.

Mr. K: I guess I don't think making a mockery of God's word is fun.

Luke: We didn't mean it like that. It's just we've heard this stuff so many times it doesn't seem to have a
whole lot of meaning anymore.

Mr. K: Helping others in need isn't a laughing matter Luke, no matter how many times you've heard it.

Karen: (getting up) We're sorry. (trying to lighten the mood) Hey, can we see that list again, so we can pick
out our good deed for the month? (attempts a smile) Who's with me? (looks to Jordan and Luke)

Mr. K: (disgusted) Don't bother. I think our meeting for tonight is over. (he begins to pick up his list and
Bible) You obviously have no idea what it's like for some people. But I guess you're too worried
about having fun to care about anything else. Forget about the service projects-I can see the point
would be wasted on all of you.

He starts to exit but turns around just as he's about to disappear from the stage

Mr. K: It's too bad you can't trade places with some of the people we reach out to. Maybe then you'd
understand. (he turns and exits)

Jordan: What was that all about?

Luke: It looked like he was gonna blow a gasket. Jeez, can't the guy take a joke?

Karen: I thought this youth group was supposed to be a place for us to socialize. Can't he get someone else
to do his service projects?

Jordan: Yeah, if we don't do it, I'm sure there's lots of other people who will. I don't see what the big deal is.

The Mission Possible Leader (Leader) enters. She is dressed in black, with dark sunglasses, a black baseball cap, and has a
whistle. She is tough and "sergeant" like.

Leader: (blows her whistle) All right, everybody on your feet.

Jordan, Luke and Karen stare at MP Leader without moving

Leader: (yells) NOW!

All three scramble to their feet quickly

Luke: (hesitant) Who are you?

Leader: I am a Leader from Mission Possible, and I'm here to grant a request.

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