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Ordinal Logistic Regression

Model Fit Measures

Overall Model Test

Model Deviance AIC R²McF R²CS R²N χ² df p

1 183 189 0.0393 0.0233 0.0517 7.50 1 0.006

Note. The dependent variable 'Status_Glukosa' has the following order: Hipoglikemia | Normoglikemia |

Omnibus Likelihood Ratio Tests

Predictor χ² df p

Lama_Pemberian 7.50 1 0.006

Model Coefficients - Status_Glukosa

95% Confidence 95% Confidence

Interval Interval

Predictor Estimate Lower Upper SE Z p Lower Upper

Lama_Pemberian 0.653 0.184 1.14 0.244 2.68 0.007 1.92 1.20 3.14

Model Thresholds

Threshold Estimate SE Z p Odds ratio

Hipoglikemia | Normoglikemia -0.177 0.523 -0.339 0.735 0.838

Normoglikemia | Hiperglikemia 3.065 0.636 4.822 < .001 21.434
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