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Chapter 3

Research Design and Methodology

This chapter is divided into seven parts; (1)

Purpose of the Study and Research Design, (2) Tools,

Materials and Equipment, (3) Experimental Treatment,

(4) Experimental Procedure, (5) Data Collection, (6)

Scoring of Variables and (7) Statistical Tools and


Part one, Purpose of the Study and Research

Design, restate the main problems and discuss the

research design.

Part two, Tools, Materials, and Equipment ,

describes the tools, materials and equipment, used

in the study.

Part Three, Experimental Treatments, enumer ates the

manipulated and controlled variables in the study.

Part Four, Experimental Procedure, describes the

step by step process followed in conducting the

experimental study.

Part Five, Data Collection, discusses the

instrument used in evaluating the product of the

Part Six, Scoring of Variables, discusses how the

variables are scored and evaluated.

Part Seven, Statistical Tools and Analysis,

enumerates the statistical tools used in analyzing

the results of the evaluation.


This study aimed to determine the level of

acceptability of guyabano float and the significant

difference in the acceptability of guyabano float

among Treatments A, B, C in terms of taste, texture,

appearance, and economic value.

This study will use the experimental research

design. Experimental research is a study that

strictly adheres to a scientific research design.

It includes a hypothesis, a variable that can be

manipulated by the researcher, and variables that

can be measured, calculated and compared. Most

importantly, experimental research is completed in

a controlled environment. The researcher collects

data and results will either support or reject the

hypothesis. This method of research is reffered to

a hypothesis testing or a deductive research method


ypes_of_research.pdf, retrieved: 07/31/19).

Tools, Materials, andEquipment

Table 1 below shows the tools, materials, and

equipments to be use in the study.

Table 1.

Tools, Materials and Equipment

Tools Materials Equipment

Knife Guyabano Refrigerator

Spoon Graham Cracker Working Table

Wooden Spoon All Purpose Cream

Rubber Scraper Condense

Measuring Spoon

Measuring Cup
Mixing Bowl


Chopping Board


Table 2. Shows the three treatments carried in

the experiment in all three treatment guyabano are

presented in different proportions.

Table 2.

Proportion of ingredients in the product for every


Ingredients Treatments


Guyabano 1 Cup 1 1/2 Cup 2 Cups

All Purpose Cream 1 Cup 1 Cup 1 Cup

Condense Milk 1 Cup 1 Cup 1 Cup

Graham Cracker 1 Cup 1 Cup 1 Cup

Below are the specific processes in making float

using guyabano.

1. Preparing of tools, materials, and


2. Putting guyabano and combining sweetened

condensed milk, and all purpose cream.

3. Layering of crushed graham cracker and

mixture in a cup.

4. Putting the product insidethe refrigerator

overnight for better result.


The result of this study will be evaluated by

thirty (30) evaluators. Composed of ten (10)

students, ten (10) teachers, and ten (10) other

consumers outside the school campus. Using an

evaluation sheet, the acceptability and significant

differences among the three(3) treatments will be

evaluated in terms of taste, texture, appearance and

economic value. After the evaluation the researchers

will collect and record the data for analysis. In

determining the acceptability of the product, there

are three (3) categories to be use; each category

is given corresponding score as follows.

Score Scoring Variable Verbal Interpretation

3 2.34-3.00 Very Acceptable

2 1.67-2.33 Acceptable

1 1.00-1.66 Not Acceptable


The variables use to evaluate the acceptability

of the product are texture, appearance and economic


Each variable will use Three Point Likert Scale.

For the Taste

Score Scoring Variable Verbal Interpretation

3 2.34-3.00 Very Delicious

2 1.67-2.33 Delicious

1 1.00-1.66 Not Delicious

For the Texture

Score Scoring Variable Verbal Interpretation

3 2.34-3.00 Very Fine

2 1.67-2.33 Fine

1 1.00-1.66 Not Fine

For the Appearance

Score Scoring Variable Verbal Interpretation

3 2.34-3.00 Very Attractive

2 1.67-2.33 Attractive

1 1.00-1.66 Not Attractive

For the Economic Value

Score Scoring Variable Verbal Interpretation

3 2.34-3.00 Very Expensive

2 1.67-2.33 Expensive

1 1.00-1.66 Not Expensive

The data will be analyzed and tabulated using the

mean in determining the level of acceptability of

the product.

The analysis of variance (ANOVA) will be use to

determine the significant differences in the

acceptability of the three (3) treatments in terms

of texture, appearance and economic value.

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