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From artwork to building preservation.

considerations on the ‘historical’ indoor climate
of Villa Reale in Milan
Andrea Luciani, Carlo Manfredi, Davide Del Curto and Luca P. Valisi


Analysing the indoor climate of historic buildings is very

complicated, involving different variables and uncertainties. This
paper presents some reflections about an interesting case study,
the eighteenth-century Villa Reale in Milan, which holds the civic
collection of modern art. A nineteenth-century air heating system
operates in the museum, generating an unsuitable indoor climate
that presents risks to the collections and is not comfortable for
users of the building. A research project was established by the
Politecnico di Milano to examine environmental control in the

The assessment of existing conditions was based on an extended

application of the concept of historical climate, an integrated
approach which is particularly significant in this case study. Results
from the monitoring and surveying activities are presented, focusing
on the relationship of the building construction with the indoor and
outdoor climate as well as on potential deterioration factors for the
collection. Outcomes, uncertainties and methodological questions
generated by the research are also discussed.


Since 1921 the Gallery of Modern Art in Milan has been housed in
a building originally designed by the architect Leopoldo Pollack as
a private dwelling. The villa was built in 1790 for Earl Ludovico di
Belgiojoso at the end of his long career as an officer and diplomat.
The architect was inspired by the criteria of distribution, as defined
during the eighteenth century. Following the treatises edited by
Briseux, D’Aviler or Jacques-François Blondel [1], which reflected
on the modern development of the intérieur, the interiors of the
villa were designed to provide comfort features that went beyond
creating a pleasant environment. This type of architecture was
intimately tied to the ritual and protocol of the court, particularly
in France, where the project of the Petit Trianon by Anges-Jacques
Gabriel for Madame de Pompadour was probably the most
significant example. The model originating with these Maisons
de Plaisance (the title of the most popular treatise by Blondel)
became quite common in many upper-and upper-middle class
European dwellings. The influence of the model transcended its
original political connotations and prevailed despite the revolution
that swept away the Ancien Régime.

The model influenced the Earl Belgiojoso, who wanted a building

with state apartments, reception salons nd a suite of rooms in
double apartments overlooking the garden as well as cutting-edge
facilities, including spacious kitchens and lieux à l’anglaise. Behind
the apparent regularity of its architecture, the villa was designed to
separate the service areas from living areas by means of corridors

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Figure 1. Villa
Reale, first floor.
From: Cassina, F.,
Le più cospicue
fabbriche di Milano,
Milano (1844)

and secret staircases. For example, Pollack designed large stoves,

some which were made of masonry, to be supplied from corridors.
To counteract the mild winters of Milan, the architect arranged the
orientation of the villa so that halls and rooms were facing to the
south and west.

Following the death of Ludovico Belgiojoso, the building was

purchased in 1803 by the newly formed Napoleonic Italian Republic
and soon became the residence of Prince Eugène de Beauharnais,
Viceroy of the Kingdom of Italy, who lived there until 1814. The
name Villa Reale, still in use today, dates back to this short period.
The villa was used by the Habsburgs as a state residence during
the Restoration. After 1860, under the House of Savoy, it became
an asset of the Crown of Italy and in 1921 was transferred to the
Italian State.

Several refurbishments of the interior were undertaken during

the 1860s. A central heating system with ovens à la Meissner was
installed to heat the main body of the building, which overlooks
the garden. It was a rather simple scheme, devised in the 1820s
by Paul Traugott Meissner, and disseminated in many technical
treatises of the nineteenth century [2]. The most likely reference
for the system at Villa Reale is the third edition of the Traité de
la Chaleur by Péclet [3]. It was essentially a caloriphère à air
consisting of underground ducts that drew in external air and
large ovens in the basement that heated the air, which was then
distributed by a system of vertical ducts built into the thickness of
the walls. There were six ovens (five of them remain) to heat nine
rooms. The ovens were equipped with iron stoves, fuelled originally
by wood then later by coal. At some point, probably around the
beginning of the twentieth century, the stoves were substituted
for heat batteries composed of finned tube. Today, hot water is
supplied from an external boiler through a circuit of pipes. Warm
air is distributed by natural convection without any mechanical

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system. The air-heating system operates in the main body of the
building, while the wings are heated by radiators, mostly installed
at the beginning of the twentieth century. The same pipe circuit
supplies the hot water to both systems. While the regulation of a
modern plant is based on controlling the air temperature and flow,
here only the water temperature of the feed pipe can be regulated.

The villa has been used as a museum since 1921 and hosts the
civic collection of modern art, mainly sculptures and paintings
(mostly on canvas). As in many other European countries, formerly
privately-owned buildings have assumed public functions. The
re-use of the villa as a museum has not always been considered
well suited to the particular features of the building. Criticism has
focused on the dissonance between the architectural style and
decorative features (mainly of the early nineteenth century), and
the modern nature of the museum collections. Even commentators
interested in architecture considered the rich interiors of the villa
unsuited to housing the current Gallery of Modern Art [4].

Beyond these aesthetic questions, the condition of the collection

has become an increasing concern, particularly in terms of the

Figure 2. Yearly
trends of T and RH
in Room VII (orange)
and in the storage
area (blue)

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possible relationship between deterioration and the internal
environment. Specifically, some nineteenth- and early twentieth-
century paintings started to present craquelure and detaching
paint layers. A recent problematic retrofitting of the heating system
has exacerbated the situation. In addition, the environmental
conditions are not comfortable for visitors and museum staff,
particularly in the summer.

Conservators have expressed concern about the potential

connection between the deteriorating condition of the collection
artworks and the indoor climate. The aims of the current research
are to understand how the building and heating systems affect the
indoor environment and to identify the related risk factors for the
collection. The results of two years of monitoring and analysis are
discussed in this paper.

Method and approach

The indoor climate was assessed with reference to the building

envelope, internal museum activities and existing heating systems.
The final part of the exercise was to propose solutions to improve
the poor environmental conditions.

When considering future interventions, it was clear that the old

heating system should be valued as rare material evidence of a
historic technology. Another basic requirement was that the impact
on the existing building should be minimal. It was evident how
difficult it would be to create an environment that complied with
traditional hygrothermal specifications within these limitations.

Figure 3. Weekly
trends in summer
in Room VII
(orange), Room IV
(green), and in the
storage area (blue).
MR = mixing ratio

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As suggested in the EN 15757:2010 standard [5], the focus of
environmental control should be shifted from the implementation
of ideal values to understanding and evaluating existing conditions.
Again, this raised a series of questions: how could the indoor
climate in such a complex historic building be measured and
assessed? How could the influence of old heating systems on
hygrothermal factors be quantified and what were the potential
consequences for the deterioration of the collection? These
questions provoked reflection on the concept of historical climate
and led to the development of an integrated approach to climate

The historical climate is defined by the EN 15757:2010 standard

as ‘climate conditions in a microenvironment where a cultural
heritage object has always been kept, or has been kept for a long
period of time (at least one year) and to which it has become
acclimatised’. If the historical climate can be demonstrated to
be safe then it is recommended that the same environmental
conditions be maintained. The case of the Villa Reale provided an
opportunity to test this principle, as the historic heating system
which had operated since the museum was established was still in
daily use.

However, it was not possible to ascertain if the present conditions

corresponded precisely to the historic environment as reliable
monitoring data was not available and there had been several
modifications to the museum since 1921. It was also impossible to
establish a direct correlation between the present conditions and
past cases of deterioration in the collection as both the content of
the collection and the means of display had changed on a number
of occasions over the years.

Nevertheless, studying the complex interactions between the

historic air-heating system and the condition of the collections had
the potential to provide useful information not only for the specific
environment of the Villa Reale, but also for other collections in
historic buildings that had been served by similar heating systems.

The study required an interdisciplinary approach; an indoor climate

monitoring campaign was integrated with analytical tools derived
from building conservation, e.g., historic and archival research,
geometric surveys and endoscopic inspections [6].

Measurements have been underway since autumn 2009. Air

temperature (T) and relative humidity (RH) have been monitored
since November 2010. In the current article, the 13-month period
from 21 June 2011 to 21 July 2012 will provide the main focus.

A procedure to establish allowable RH target ranges for

hygroscopic materials in a safe historical climate is described
in the EN 15757:2010 standard. Short-term fluctuations are
calculated as the difference between the RH current value and
the corresponding monthly central moving average. Allowable
thresholds are calculated as plus or minus 1.5 times the standard
deviation of this difference on a yearly basis. Nevertheless a
RH range of less than plus or minus 10 % from the monthly
moving average is considered excessively narrow [5]. In the Villa
Reale the procedure was used for a comparative assessment of
indoor climate stability in a complex building with many rooms.
It was applied to both an unheated storage area, considered by

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the conservator to be a good conservation environment, and to
exhibition rooms where conservation problems that could be
ascribed to RH variations had been noticed.

The trends in the different rooms were then compared. As

the unheated storage area did not present any out-of-range
fluctuations and the other rooms did (Figure 2), it was implied that
out-of-range fluctuations could be considered potential indicators
of increased risk. Their magnitude, frequency and distribution
in different rooms was analysed and weekly trends were plotted
to better understand which factors were causing potentially
detrimental conditions (Figures 3 and 4).

As an alternative method, the American Society of Heating,

Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers’ (ASHRAE)
specifications for museums [10] were used to establish a general
RH target range for the whole building. ASHRAE class C, i.e., 25 to
75 % RH at all times of the year, was considered a reasonable level
of climate control for a historic building like the Villa Reale.

As suggested by the Italian standard UNI 10829-1999 [7], constant

permanent spot monitoring was combined with thermographic
and psychrometric mapping which has been performed on site
periodically to evaluate the spatial distribution of T and RH inside
the rooms. This mapping had also been employed in a preliminary
phase in order to select the rooms to be monitored. The selection
process also took into account the orientation and position of the
rooms within the building in order to optimise the information
obtained from a (necessarily) limited number of measurement

Figure 4. Weekly
trends in winter in
Room VII (orange),
Room IV (green),
and in the storage
area (blue)

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positions: 15 wireless WiSensys WS-DLTc sensors, transmitting to
two data-loggers.

As paintings on canvas were considered to be most at risk and as

convection flows were expected across the rooms, sensors were
placed close to walls and at constant height (slightly over two
metres from the floor), avoiding any features which might generate
specific local conditions (e.g., corners and ceilings) or materials
with specific thermal properties (e.g., wood, stuccos).

Thermographic imaging and psychrometric maps were used to

map the surface temperature of the inner walls and to evaluate the
heat and moisture exchanges between the building structure, the
environment and the artworks. Thermography was also used to
detect the air ducts inside the walls and to identify the presence of
warm draughts on paintings.

Results and uncertainties

Villa Reale has many rooms, each with a distinct microclimate:

underground storage areas, exhibition rooms (some heated by the
air system, others by radiators), offices for museum staff, storage
areas in the attics, as well as a number of unused rooms awaiting

The heating system strongly influences the indoor climate of the

Villa. This is demonstrated by a comparison of the yearly trends
of T and RH (Figure 2) in a heated exhibition room on the ground
floor, where the old air system was still in operation (orange line),
with an unheated storage area in the attic (blue line).

The heating system was in operation from mid-October to the end

of April. As a consequence, during the winter the temperature
in the exhibition room is much higher than in the storage area,
where values are closer to outdoor conditions. RH decreases
to an average level around 30 % in the coldest period, since the
heating system does not incorporate any humidification. Sudden
drops below 20 % RH are possible throughout the year in the
exhibition rooms. The heating system has a stabilising effect on
RH variations, as shown by the comparison between winter and
summer fluctuations. RH and T are clearly much more stable in the
unheated storage all year round.

The risk of mechanical damage to hygroscopic materials is highest

within conditions of both excessively low RH and where there are
sudden RH variations.

Weekly trends in summer (26 August to 1 September) and
winter (24 February to 1 March) presented some out-of-range
fluctuations, which are shown above in figures 3 and 4. The climate
dynamics were compared in three areas: an unheated storage area
(blue line), an exhibition room heated by the air system (orange
line) and an exhibition room heated by radiators (green line).

The data for the unheated storage area demonstrate a stable

environment both in winter and in summer. Despite external walls
(the room is in the attic, at the corner of the building), this storage
area seems to buffer outdoor fluctuations more efficiently than the
two exhibition rooms. This is mainly because windows and shutters
are always kept shut in the storage area, enhancing the general

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Figure 5.
maps of T, RH
and MR in Room
IV (22/07/2010 –
Outdoor conditions:
T 31.8 °C, RH 45.4
%, MR 13.15 g/kg)

thermal performance of the building envelope and preventing

the effects of direct solar radiation. It is also likely that the large
amount of materials stored inside the room assists with buffering
the indoor RH values. In contrast, the exhibition room shutters are
either missing (as many were removed in the past) or, where they
still exist, are usually kept open when the museum is open.

In the absence of a cooling system, the museum staff frequently

open windows during the summer. As a result the indoor air heats
up constantly during the day, particularly in the south-facing
rooms (Figure 5). The consequences are evident in the daily trends
(Figure 3): during opening hours (9:00 to 17:00), the indoor climate
in the exhibition rooms closely follows the outdoor variations. On
Mondays, when the museum is closed, and windows and shutters
are more likely to be kept closed, daily variations are generally
limited, even in the exhibition rooms. It is interesting to observe

240 | Climate for collections | standards and uncertainTies | Munich 2012

how the indoor trend of mixing ratio (MR) follows a drop in the
outdoor trend (27 August). In the morning, the museum attendants
open the windows and let cool air in as the indoor temperature
is higher than outdoors. During the day, a drop in the outdoor
humidity level is immediately transmitted to the exhibition rooms
while the storage area is less sensitive to this sudden change.
Indoor RH and MR fluctuations overlap outdoor fluctuations until
closing time, when the museum staff shut the windows. During the
night, MR remains low outdoors but rises indoors, probably due
to the moisture released by the walls. As a consequence, another
sudden drop in indoor humidity occurs the following morning (28
August), when the windows are opened again.

During winter (Figure 4) drops in the outdoor RH and MR (26

February) produce different consequences in the two exhibition
rooms. The outdoor fluctuation is buffered more effectively by
the room heated with radiators than by the room heated with
ventilation, into which the outdoor air is directly introduced after
being warmed by the heating system.

The interactions between the old air-heating system, the room

microclimate and the collections were further investigated
with local psychrometric and infrared thermographic mapping.
One of the main concerns was that the heating system was
causing differences in T and RH inside the same room. The
psychrometric map in figure 6 shows that the sharpest gradients
were concentrated near the air inlet, while the rest of the room
maintained quite homogeneous values (ΔT = 1.5°, ΔRH = 2 %).

A remarkable air stratification was observed when the same

vertical air duct connects a room on the ground floor with a room
on the first floor. Thermographic images (Figure 7) demonstrate
that the warm draught can pose a threat to paintings hanging near
the inlet. Figure 6.
The heating system affects the indoor environment of the museum maps of T, RH
not only by direct air draughts. The inner walls also affect the and MR in Room
indoor climate since the ducts circulating air to the rooms are VII (17/02/2012 –
embedded within the walls, which are not insulated. The air ducts Outdoor conditions:
of modern air systems are generally well insulated and do not leak T 8.59 °C, RH 45.7
heat into the building structure. In contrast, at the Villa Reale, the %, MR 3.13 g/kg)

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heat is transferred initially from the warm air to the walls, and
then slowly released into the rooms. As a result the heating system
works both through air convection and radiation. This can be
localised and roughly quantified with thermography.

A similar phenomenon was likely to have been incorporated into

the original thermal design of the villa through the numerous
chimneys: six chimneys served the underground stoves, others the
ovens in the kitchen and there were many more for the fireplaces.
All these ducts increase the heat radiation of the walls in winter,
while in the summer fresh air can be brought from the basement
to the rooms through the ducts.

This is just one example of how the building structure (in particular
the solid masonry) influences the indoor environment of this type
of building. The thermal inertia of the building envelope mass
also plays a key role. During the winter it slows the heat loss from
the interior to the exterior, while in the summer, it slows the heat
transfer from outside, helping to keep the interior fresh.

The monitoring campaign was able to detect all these peculiar

phenomena but it was not possible to accurately quantify their

The scatter graph in figure 8 presents data collected over a

calendar year and summarises the effect of different strategies
for climate control in various rooms. In the unheated storage area
(blue line), RH is within the range 40 to 60 % all year long, while T
has the largest range. In the heated exhibition rooms (green line,
orange line), T never falls below 15 °C but RH can drop under 20 %
during the winter, particularly in rooms with an air inlet.

Figure 7.
image of Room
VII (8/02/2010 -
Outdoor conditions:
T 3.8 °C, RH 87.8 %,
MR 43.7 G/KG)

242 | Climate for collections | standards and uncertainTies | Munich 2012

Figure 8. Yearly
scatter graph of
Room VII (orange),
Room IV (green),
large storage (blue),
small storage room
(dark red)

The performance of the unheated storage area in the scatter

graph confirms how a passive strategy for climate control can be
effective in limiting the RH range on an annual basis. Acceptable
conservation conditions can be obtained by enhancing the
performance of the building envelope. ASHRAE Class C conditions
were fulfilled in terms of RH and it would be possible to achieve
Class B conditions with relative ease.

However, an indoor temperature which drops to 5 °C in the winter

is not acceptable for rooms open to the public. In addition, the high
summer temperatures are uncomfortable for staff and visitors and
could induce chemical deterioration in the collections (the ASHRAE
chapter for museums suggests temperatures should remain below
30 °C [10]).

On the other hand, the heated exhibition rooms do not meet

the Class C specifications due to their extremely low RH levels.
Some form of humidification would counteract the dry conditions
caused by the heating, but this is notoriously controversial in
historic buildings, on account of the risk of interstitial and surface
condensation. An alternative could be to reduce the temperature
of the incoming air by 2 to 3 °C however this would require the
heating system to be divided into different sections.

A good compromise and a possible case study for a sound climate

control strategy is offered by another small storage area in the villa
(represented by the dark red line in figure 8). Here windows and
shutters are kept constantly shut, as in the unheated storage area,
but a radiator is maintained on a constant low temperature. As a
result, the temperature does not reach such extremely low values
though the yearly RH range (35 to 60 %) is slightly wider than the
unheated room. Short-term fluctuations and RH levels are quite
satisfactory, indicating a level of control approaching AHRAE Class
B for relative humidity.

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The conclusions of this research concur with recent theory about

austere Elizabethan architecture and Neo-Palladian residences:
the solar orientation, position and shape of the windows, layout
of the heating system and arrangement of rooms according to
function were important factors in the design. It is also possible
that the conservation of art was considered. We know that this
was the case at Houghton Hall, designed in the 1820s, where ‘it
may be surmised that the cool, stable environment of the north-
east corner was considered to be appropriate for the care of the
paintings’ [8].

Nevertheless Villa Reale was built as a private residence with no

specific intention to create an indoor climate suited to artwork
preservation. Subsequent refurbishments of the central heating
system and modification of doors and windows have resulted in a
deterioration in the indoor environmental conditions, particularly
the RH control during both winter and summer.

Despite the difficulties of modelling the indoor climate of such a

complex building with so little historic data, it has been possible to
define the ‘historical’ indoor climate to some extent by monitoring
the environment and linking any observed areas of concern to
specific building features. An accurate description of the building,
its construction and maintenance history (i.e., the heating systems,
the shape of the interiors, the building structure and envelope,
etc.) has been developed and will be of considerable value in
establishing possible solutions.

Currently, the collected data provide confirmation of what

museum conservators had already empirically suggested about
environmental risks. The current environmental conditions have
been created by progressive alterations in the building’s function
and structure; elements of the heating system have been altered
and various control measures, for example the shutters, have been
removed or adapted. The results also validate an aspect of current
conservation practice at the museum. As paintings on display have
presented more evidence of deterioration than those in storage,
canvases are transferred to the safer unheated storage areas as
soon as climate-induced damage is observed.

The primary objectives for future research are to further define

climate-induced risk factors for the collection and to provide
museum conservators with detailed instructions and preliminary
mitigation strategies for controlling the internal environment.

Secondly, our aim is to understand the effect of environmental

conditions on painting deterioration in more depth. By adopting a
multidisciplinary approach with more detailed analysis, particular
attention will be given to the question of re-lined and transferred
canvases, which deteriorate more rapidly in heated conditions [9].

Finally, we aim to correct some of the current environmental

problems through targeted interventions to the building structure
and to the layout and regulation of the heating system.

244 | Climate for collections | standards and uncertainTies | Munich 2012


The authors would like to thank all staff at the Galleria d’Arte
Moderna di Milano, particularly the conservators, for their
collaboration. Thanks also to the Fondazione Cariplo for financial


[1] Blondel, J.F., De la distribution des maisons de plaisance et de

la décoration des édifices en général, Paris (1737).

[2] Manfredi, C., ‘The diffusion of central heating systems in Milan,

Italy between the 1700s and 1800s’, in The Culture of Energy, ed.
M. Rüdiger, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle (2008)

[3] Péclet, E., Traité de la chaleur considerée dans ses applications,

3rd edn, Paris (1860–61).

[4] Middleton, R., and Watkin, D., Architettura dell’Ottocento,

Electa, Milan (1980).

[5] European Standard 15757, Conservation of Cultural Property

- Specifications for temperature and relative humidity to limit
climate-induced mechanical damage in organic hygroscopic
materials (2010).

[6] Del Curto, D., Luciani, A., Manfredi, C., and Valisi, L.P., ‘Historic
analysis and climate monitoring. An integrated approach to the
study and management of Villa Reale in Milan’, in Cultural Heritage
Preservation, ed. M. Krüger, Fraunhofer IRB Verlag, Stuttgart
(2011) 70–77.

[7] UNI 10829, Beni di interesse storico e artistico - Condizioni

ambientali di conservazione - Misurazione ed analisi (1999).

[8] Hawkes, D., Architecture and Climate. An environmental history

of British architecture, Abingdon (2012) 107–108.

[9] Fratelli, M., ‘The painting begins to age on the artist’s palette’,
in Indoor Environment and Preservation. Climate control in
museums and historic buildings, ed. D. Delcurto, Nardini Editore,
Firenze (2010) 5–18.

[10] ASHRAE, ‘Chapter 21. Museums, galleries, archives and

libraries’ in 2007 ASHRAE Handbook: HVAC Applications, ASHRAE,
Atlanta (2007) 21.1–21.23.


Andrea Luciani works at the Laboratorio di Analisi e Diagnostica

del Costruito, a research laboratory of the Department of
Architecture and Urban Studies (DAStU) in Politecnico di Milano.

Carlo Manfredi is Lecturer of Architectural Restoration at

Politecnico di Milano and works at the Laboratorio di Analisi e
Diagnostica del Costruito. Email:

Climate for collections | standards and uncertainTies | Munich 2012 | 245

Davide Del Curto is Assistant Professor of Architectural
Restoration at Politecnico di Milano. Email: davide.delcurto@

Luca P. Valisi is a laboratory technician specialising in diagnostics

and indoor climate analysis on historic buildings at the Laboratorio
di Analisi e Diagnostica del Costruito. Email:


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– Noncommercial – No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported Licence. To
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246 | Climate for collections | standards and uncertainTies | Munich 2012

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