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10/17/2019 Educational Philosophy Statement Rubric - Fall 2019 - Integrating Tech into Curricul (ETEC-


EPS Rubric
Philosophical Statement Rubric

Criterion Undocumented 0 Minimal Basic Proficient 3 Advanced 4 Comment

Unacceptable 1 2 Acceptable Acceptable
Unacceptable Acceptable
Idea The statement does not Statement Statement Using generally Using sound assumptions

Development address the author’s expresses the logically sound assumptions and arguments, the
views about the purposes author’s views develops the and arguments, statement logically
of education, guiding about the author’s views based in practical develops the author’s
educational principles, purposes of about the experience, the views about the purposes
understanding of learning, education, purposes of statement logically of education, guiding
and/or the most guiding education, develops the author’s educational principles,
appropriate strategies for educational guiding views about the understanding of learning,
teaching. The statement is principles, educational purposes of and/or the most
incoherent or extremely understanding principles, education, guiding appropriate strategies for
brief or contains major of learning, understanding of educational teaching. Statement
logical inconsistencies. and/or the most learning, and/or principles, includes sound ethical or
appropriate the most understanding of psychological arguments
strategies for appropriate learning, and/or the and not just practical ones.
teaching, but is strategies for most appropriate
ambiguous or teaching. strategies for
not connected. However, the teaching.
statement is not
always consistent
Illustrative No illustrative Supporting Examples in Supporting Specific examples from

Examples examples are examples are support of points examples from the the writer’s personal
included. inadequate or are relevant but writer’s experience experience, academic
of unclear general or not are specific and work, or field experience
relevance. based in pertinent. illustrate points in a
experience. vivid or memorable way.
Quality of The statement is very The statement, The statement is The statement is In addition to being clear,

Writing difficult to read because though understandable clear, well well organized, free from
of its style, usage, comprehensibl plus two of the organized, free from errors of mechanics and
mechanics, or e, has obvious following: errors of mechanics usage, and written in an
organization. problems in 1) organized, and usage, and appropriate academic
two of the written in an style, the statement 1) has
following 2) free from appropriate a single, unifying theme
areas: style, academic style. and 2) is strongly
usage and errors of suggestive of the writer’s
mechanics, or mechanics and voice.
organization. usage,
3) in an

10/17/2019 Educational Philosophy Statement Rubric - Fall 2019 - Integrating Tech into Curricul (ETEC-424-

Additional Comments: Total:

Reviewee:_____Diana Arzola______________________Date:____10-17-2019__________

Evaluator: Nicole Traylor Date: 10-17-2019


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