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I pull up to the parking garage at 10:52 pm. The date is June 6th.

Minutes prior, I had

received an anonymous tip of a man lying dead with several stab wounds in his chest. I go up to

the third level where the body is. Immediately I notice signs of a struggle. There is blood

smeared across nearby parked cars and the concrete. Lying in one of the stalls is a man, roughly

35 years of age, about six feet tall, 190 pounds. After checking his pockets for identification, I

have confirmed his name to be Mark Smith.

The victim is Mark Smith, age 36, six foot two, 185 pounds. The time of death was

approximately 10:37 pm on June 6th, 2010. The cause of death is multiple stab wounds in the

chest and upper abdomen. The body was found by a pedestrian in a parking garage off of state

street at around 10:45 pm the same night. Detective Jones arrived at the scene at 10:52 and

pronounced the man dead on the scene.

Mark Smith was a man not many knew very well. He was a quiet man who lived a quiet

life. He never bothered anyone and it’s a shock that anyone would ever bother him, much less

take his life. It is with great sadness yet admiration that we remember his life. He never married

or had any children, and his parents have both since passed away. Being his brother, I always

knew he would live the type of life he did. He was a genuine and caring man, but never felt the

need for anyone’s company or validation. He moved at his own pace and did as he pleased. Mark

was a giving man, and wasn’t afraid to help those in need. He never expected anything in return,

he just gave to give. I hope that we can take this time to appreciate his life, and remember him as

he wished we might.
Mr. Smith was a man of impeccable nature. His untimely passing has caused great

heartache and unrest in his community. Many people fear for their own safety. What if they are

next? Mr. Smith was a good man with seemingly harmless intentions. What if another innocent

person is killed? There simply is no reason this man is not guilty for blatantly murdering Mr.

Smith in cold blood. This city will not rest peacefully until they are certain justice is brought to

this killer.

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