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List of Verbs for Formulating Learning Objectives

1. These verbs communicate knowledge

Cite Identify Quote Relate Tell Count
Indicate Read Repeat Trace Define List
Recite Select Write Describe Name Recognize
State Draw Point Record Tabulate

Associate Describe Explain Locate Translate Classify
Differentiate Express Predict Compare Discuss Extrapolate
Report Compute Distinguish Interpolate Restate Contrast
Estimate Interpret Review

Apply Employ Locate Relate Sketch Calculate
Examine Operate Report Solve Complete Illustrate
Order Restate Translate Demonstrate Interpolate Practice
Review Use Dramatize Interpret Predict Schedule

Analyze Debate Distinguish Inventory Appraise Detect
Experiment Question Contract Diagram Infer Separate
Criticize Differentiate Inspect Summarize

Arrange Construct Formulate Organize Produce Assemble
Create Generalize Plan Propose Collect Design
Integrate Prepare Specify Compose Detect Manage

Appraise Determine Judge Recommend Test Assess
Estimate Measure Revise Choose Evaluate Rank
Score Critique Grade Rate Select

2. These verbs impact skills

Diagnose Integrate Measure Project Empathize Internalize
Palpate Visualize Hold Massage Pass

3. These verbs convey attitudes

Acquire Exemplify Realize Reflect


Verbs that are often used but are open to many interpretations
Appreciate Have faith in Know Learn Understand Believe

Adapted from “Instrumentation of Bloom’s and Krathwohl’s Taxonomies for the Writing of Educational Objectives” by Metfessel,
Newton S., Michael, William B., and Kirsner, Donald A., in Psychology in the Schools, Vol. VI, No. 3, pp.227-231, July 1969

Writing Learning Objectives
Example 1
Program Planning
Describe the program briefly:
Residents will cook and eat dinner together.

List the one or two learning objectives for the program. These must be measurable outcomes.
As a result of attending and participating in this program, residents will be able to:
Feel as thought they are part of community
Enjoy interactions with one another.

Program Evaluation
Did you accomplish your learning objectives? If “yes”, how do you know? If “no”, why not?
I think that everyone had a pretty good time together. One of my residents told me she really liked the
program and the free food.

How could the program be improved?

I wish I had asked for more money because I ended up going over the approved budget.

Example 2
Program Planning
Describe the program briefly:
Residents will cook and eat dinner together. I will buy the cooking supplies and demonstrate a couple of
easy and inexpensive recipes. During dinner we will discuss “smart shopping” and I will hand out some
research I have done about preparing meals on a budget.

List the one or two learning objectives for the program. These must be measurable outcomes.
As a result of attending and participating in this program, residents will be able to:
Prepare a healthy and cost effective meal for themselves.

Shop for food in an educated and deliberate manner that ultimately saves them time and money

Program Evaluation
Did you accomplish your learning objectives? If “yes”, how do you know? If “no”, why not?
I think that at least five of my residents really got something out of this program. They commented to me
that they really enjoyed it and they would like to do it again next block with another recipe. On Saturday
we are having a “cook-off” challenge where competing residents will prepare a meal with ingredients
they have purchased for less than $15. The winner (based on taste and how well they followed the
budget) will win a $10 gift certificate to Wooglins.

How could the program be improved?

I’d like to advertise more and next time use a recipe that another resident has and have him/her
demonstrate the cooking.

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