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163  /  Perinatal Brain Metabolism  1783

163 Susan J.Vannucci and Robert C.Vannucci

Perinatal Brain Metabolism

CEREBRAL OXIDATIVE METABOLISM to maintain cerebral energy stores. However, anaerobic glycolysis
The oxidative events that operate in the immature brain appear is an inefficient method to generate energy (2 moles of ATP for
identical to those in the brain of adult animals and humans, each mole of glucose); thus brain function cannot be maintained
although quantitative differences certainly exist. Cellular respira- on this process alone.
tion is that process whereby an organic substrate is consumed Glycolytic control points—that is, those reactions in which
to produce chemical energy (stored in high-energy phosphate the activities of specific enzymes govern the rate of metabo-
bonds, represented by ~P), with carbon dioxide and water as lism—include hexokinase, phosphofructokinase (PFK), and pos-
the metabolic byproducts. Respiration is a highly efficient pro- sibly pyruvate kinase. Of these enzymes, PFK is predominantly
cess with minimal energy waste. Under physiologic conditions, 1 rate-limiting for glycolysis in both adult and immature brain.4-6
mole of glucose, the primary cerebral energy fuel, is catabolized Metabolites known to inhibit PFK activity and thus glycoly-
in the presence of oxygen to yield 36 moles of adenosine tri- sis include ATP, citrate, and hydrogen ions, whereas adenosine
phosphate (ATP). Other substrates yield proportionately greater diphosphate (ADP), adenosine monophosphate (AMP), and
or lesser energy, depending on their molecular carbon structure inorganic phosphate (Pi) stimulate PFK activity.2 These gly-
and their point of entry into the oxidative pathway. colytic regulatory mechanisms are of importance in the cell’s
The biochemical machinery that comprises the oxidative path- response to hypoxia, acid-base imbalance, and other metabolic
way is divided into three components—specifically, glycolysis, disturbances.
a cytoplasmic process, and the tricarboxylic (Krebs) cycle and
the cytochrome system, both of which operate within mitochon-
dria1-3 (Figure 163-1). Glycolysis proceeds under both aerobic CEREBRAL HIGH-ENERGY METABOLITES
and anaerobic conditions. In the presence of oxygen, glucose is Metabolites known to exist in brain that can store and transfer
converted to pyruvic acid, which in turn enters the Krebs cycle energy in the form of anhydride phosphate bonds (~P) include
with little or no conversion to lactic acid. When oxygen is not ATP, ADP, and phosphocreatine (PCr).1,2 Among these three, ATP
available, metabolites of the Krebs cycle are depleted, and glycol- plays the critical role in the coupling of energy supply to energy
ysis is accelerated, with the formation of lactic acid in an attempt demand through substrate and oxidative phosphorylation. PCr

Glycolytic Pathway

Glucose G-6-P F-6-P FDP GAP 1,3-DPG PEP Pyruvate Lactate

α -Ketoglutarate
Electron Transport +
Cyt a-a3 Cyt c Cyt c1 Cyt b Co Q10 Flavoprotein NADH Succinyl-S-CoA

Krebs Cycle

Figure 163-1  Schematic diagram of the oxidative pathway. ADP, Adenosine diphosphate; ATP, adenosine triphosphate; 1,3-DPG,
diphosphoglycerate; FDP, fructose diphosphate; F-6-P, fructose-6-phosphate; GAP, glyceraldehyde phosphate; G-6-P, glucose-6-­
phosphate; NAD+, nicotinamide-adenine dinucleotide (oxidized form); NADH, nicotinamide-adenine dinucleotide (reduced form);
PEP, phosphoenolpyruvate. 
1784  XXI  /  Neurology


Cerebral High-Energy Metabolites in Developing Rats
Metabolite Fetus12 Newborn12 1 Week12 Adult13 PDE β ATP
Pi P-Cr
ATP 2.66 2.63 2.64 2.76
ADP 0.43 0.25† 0.53 0.38
AMP 0.03 0.01 0.04 0.03
ATP + ADP + AMP 3.11 2.89 3.21 3.17
PCr 1.74 3.16† 3.33 4.90† Newborn human infant
Creatine 5.35 3.83† 4.65† 5.63†
PCr + creatine 7.10 6.99 7.97† 10.53†
PCr-to-creatine ratio 0.33 0.83† 0.72 0.87
*Values represent means for four to seven animals in each age-group. Fetal, new- Pi δ ATP αATP
born, and 1-week values are for forebrain, whereas adult values are for cerebral P-Cr β ATP
cortex. Data are from cited references.
†P <.05 compared with previous age-group.
ADP, Adenosine diphosphate; AMP, adenosine monophosphate; ATP, adenosine
triphosphate; PCr, phosphocreatine.

Newborn dog
acts as a storage metabolite, whereas guanosine triphosphate
Figure 163-2  Representative phosphorus nuclear magnetic
(GTP) is important in biosynthetic reactions.
spectra for the brain of a newborn human infant and of a new-
Cerebral high-energy metabolites have been measured in
born dog. PME, Phosphorus monoesters; Pi, inorganic phos-
perinatal and adult animals by enzymatic, chromatographic, and
phate; PDE, phosphorus diesters; P-Cr, phosphocreatine; δATP,
magnetic resonance (MR) spectroscopic techniques.4,7-11 Of the
αATP, βATP, δ-, α-, β-adenosine triphosphate.  (Data sources:
nucleotides, ATP predominates and remains stable from term
infant:Younkin DP, et al: Unique aspects of human newborn
fetal life through adulthood12,13 (Table 163-1). Lower concentra-
cerebral metabolism evaluated with phosphorus nuclear
tions have been found in embryonic brain tissue.11 PCr concen-
magnetic resonance spectroscopy, Ann Neurol 16:581, 1984;
tration is lower in the brains of newborn animals than in adults,
dog:Young RSK, et al: 31P NMR study of cerebral metabolism
as is that of total creatine (PCr + creatine), but the PCr-to-creatine
during prolonged seizures in the neonatal dog, Ann Neurol
ratio changes little with postnatal development.12,13 The lower
18:14, 1985.)
PCr-to-creatine ratio in the fetus presumably is the result of a
lower brain pH, owing to increased tissue lactate concentrations
and hypercapnia (the creatine kinase equilibrium reaction is
MR spectroscopy is a technique whereby the concentration METABOLISM
of an organic compound in tissue can be determined by the Measurements of cerebral oxygen consumption give a quantita-
realignment of selected molecules using a supraconducting mag- tive estimation of energy production by the brain, since oxygen is
net.14 Almost any substance can be analyzed according to the required for the oxidative phosphorylation of ADP to ATP in elec-
strength, duration, and other characteristics of the magnetic field. tron transport by way of the cytochrome system (see previous dis-
Commonly examined metabolites in brain are the phosphorus-­ cussion). Oxygen consumption measurements often are referred
containing compounds, including PCr, ATP, mono- and diphos- to as the cerebral metabolic rate for oxygen (CMRo2), expressed
phate esters (including AMP and ADP, respectively), and Pi.15-18 as mL/100 g/minute. Estimates of the CMR in developing ani-
Proton MR spectroscopy provides a measurement of numerous mals initially were obtained in vitro with the use of the Warburg
hydrogen-containing metabolites; including lactate and cre- respirometer to measure oxygen consumption in brain slices or
atine.19-21 Thus MR spectroscopy is capable of ascertaining the homogenates in nutrient media. Himwich and co-workers22 found
energy status of brain tissue in vivo under both physiologic and that the oxygen consumption (expressed as wet weight of tissue)
pathophysiologic conditions, although usually the measurements of minced cerebral tissue with glucose as substrate is 38% lower
are semiquantitative in nature (Figure 163-2). in 7-day postnatal rats than in adults. Subsequent in vitro studies
An investigation using MR spectroscopy in premature and of oxygen consumption in either the whole brain or cerebral cor-
full-term newborn infants confirmed evidence from earlier stud- tex from other species, including humans, indicated that the CMR
ies in animals indicating that ATP levels remain relatively stable is low at birth and increases with maturation22-25 (Figure 163-3).
throughout maturation.17 A more recent study, however, has sug- Changes in the rates of glucose utilization during development
gested that ATP concentrations in the human brain almost double tend to parallel the increases in oxygen consumption.24
between the newborn period and adulthood.18 As in animals, lev- Both immature and adult animals exhibit regional differences
els of PCr, Pi, and the phosphodiesters are low at birth, increas- in brain oxygen consumption in vitro.24,26,27 Himwich and
ing with advancing age. Calculated intracellular pH, as measured ­Fazekas27 found that although total oxygen consumption in the
from the chemical shift of the Pi peak relative to the PCr peak, is brain of 1-week postnatal dogs is 83% of the adult level, signifi-
7.1 in healthy newborn infants. As anticipated, the PCr-to-Pi and cant regional differences exist that change with increasing age.
the PCr-to-ATP ratios are lower in newborn infants than in adult The medulla oblongata exhibits the highest rate of consumption
animals. Although the reported findings in newborn infants are in the immediate newborn period but has the lowest rate for all
preliminary in nature, the continued use and further sophistica- regions studied in the adult brain (see Figure 163-3). By contrast,
tion of MR spectroscopy can be expected to contribute substan- the oxygen consumption in the cerebral cortex is the lowest for
tially to a full understanding of the bioenergetics of the perinatal all regions analyzed in the newborn period but doubles within
human brain (see further on). 5 weeks of development. These in vitro findings of regional
163  /  Perinatal Brain Metabolism  1785

100 TABLE 163-2

Rabbit cortex Cerebral Metabolic Rate for Oxygen (CMRo2) in Developing
Oxygen consumption ( µ mol/g/hr)

Rat cortex Animals and Humans

Rat brain stem
CMRo2 (mL/100 g/minute)

60 Species* Fetal Newborn Adult

Dog cortex
Sheep28-31 2.0-3.7 3.9-4.8 4.2
40 Dog32,33 — 1.1 2.8
Dog brain stem Monkey34,35 — 1.1 3.2
Humans36-38 — 1.5 3.2-3.3
Human cortex
20 * *Data from cited references.
Human brain stem
0 TABLE 163-3
10 20 30 40 50
Postnatal age (days) Cerebral Blood Flow and Cerebral Metabolic Rates for Oxygen
in Newborn and Adult Dogs*
Figure 163-3  In vitro oxygen consumption in brains of develop-
ing animals and human fetus.  (Data sources: dog: Himwich HE, CBF (mL/100 CMRo2 (mL/100
Age-Group† g/minute) A − Vo2 (vol %) g/minute)
et al: The respiratory metabolism of infant brain, Am J Physiol
125:601, 1939; rat: Tyler DB, van Harreveld A: The respiration Newborn 24 ± 14 5.6 ± 2.5 1.1 ± 0.3
of the developing brain, Am J Physiol 136:600, 1942; rabbit: puppy33
Swaiman KF, et al: Interrelationships of glucose and glu- Adult dog32 56 ± 14 5.0 ± ? 2.8 ± 0.8
tamic acid metabolism in developing rat brain, J Neurochem
10:635, 1963; human fetus: Himwich HE, et al: Mechanisms for *Values represent means ± SD for seven newborn and adult dogs.
†Data from cited references.
the maintenance of life in the newborn during anoxia, Am J A − Vo2, Arteriovenous oxygen difference; CBF, cerebral blood flow; CMRo2,
Physiol 135:387, 1942; rabbit brain stem: data not available.) cerebral metabolic rate for oxygen.

differences in brain metabolism between young and adult ani- With the use of positron emission tomography (PET), the cere-
mals, including humans, have been substantiated by more bral metabolic rate for oxygen as well as cerebral glucose utiliza-
recently developed in vivo techniques to measure metabolism tion (see further on) can be ascertained in human subjects. PET
(see further on). is based on computed tomography (CT) except that the source
Oxygen consumption can be calculated in vivo from the Fick of radiation for external detection is transmitted from within the
principle by measuring cerebral blood flow (CBF) and the arte- brain outward, rather than passed through the brain as x-rays.
riovenous difference for oxygen across the brain: In PET, a positron-emitting, rapid-decay isotope, prepared by a
cyclotron, is administered to the subject.The substance circulates
CMRo2 = CBF (A−Vo2 )
to the brain, where it is metabolized, during which its positrons
With use of this technique, oxygen consumption has been combine with electrons to form γ-rays. The γ-rays penetrate the
determined in immature animals of several species, including brain, skull, and scalp and are recorded externally on a circu-
humans.28-38 As shown in Table 163-2, notable species differences lar array of scintillation detectors. A computer mathematically
exist for the rates of oxygen consumption by brain, which reflect reconstructs the spatial distribution of the radioactivity within
the age and functional immaturity of the animal at the time of the the brain, which either is quantified or is displayed on a cathode
measurement as well as species variations in the brain’s intrinsic ray screen.Thus PET offers a noninvasive regional assessment not
metabolic requirements. Specifically, CMRo2 is lower in perinatal only of CMRo2 but also of many other biologic processes.
animals than in adults of the same species, and the more imma- Using PET with 15O-labeled water as the positron-emitting iso-
ture the animal at birth, the lower the rate of oxygen consump- tope, Altman and colleagues41 measured CMRo2 in 11 newborn
tion.This assumption is supported by measurements in newborn infants of gestational ages ranging from 26 to 40 weeks. CMRo2 was
dogs, which are functionally immature at birth, with values for low in all of the infants and was beyond the lower range of detec-
both CBF and CMRo2 that are 40% of respective values in adult tion in two. In those infants in whom radioactivity was detectable,
dogs32,33 (Table 163-3). By contrast, the newborn lamb is rela- CMRo2 ranged from 0.2 to 1.3 mL/100 g/minute, well below the
tively mature at birth and already exhibits a CMRo2 that is equal measured value for human adults of 3.3  mL/100  g/­minute. The
to or even greater than that in adult sheep. findings indicate that as discussed earlier for perinatal animals,
Oxygen consumption of the brain also has been determined in cerebral oxidative metabolism, especially in small premature
humans, including newborn infants. The CMRo2 in young, healthy infants, is low, reflecting the functional immaturity of the brain
adults is 3.3 mL/100 g/minute.37 Oxygen consumption in unanes- (as also suggested by the work of ­Yoxall and Weindling42). A less
thetized healthy children aged 3 to 10 years actually is higher by likely proposal, offered by Altman’s group,41 is that the energy
23% than it is in adults; Kennedy and Sokoloff39 reported a value requirements of the fetal and prematurely newborn brain are met
of 5.2 mL/100 g/minute. Settergren and colleagues38 measured by nonoxidative metabolism, that is, anaerobic glycolysis (but see
CMRo2 in children aged 11 days to 15 years who were anesthe- further on).
tized with nitrous oxide.The mean value for CMRo2 was 3.2 for the
entire group, and no age-related differences could be ascertained.
Garfunkel and co-workers36 found CMRo2 values of 1.1 to 2.1 GLYCOLYSIS
mL/100 g/minute in three newborn infants anesthetized with bar- As mentioned previously, rates of glycolysis or the glycolytic flux
biturate.These low values may not apply to healthy, awake infants, is controlled by specific, rate-limiting enzymes that are either
however, because barbiturates are known to depress the CMRo2,40 inhibited or activated by changes in the biochemical milieu of
and the subjects had severe central nervous system anomalies. the cytoplasm. Thus aerobic glycolysis is stimulated by those
1786  XXI  /  Neurology

stresses that increase the energy demands of the tissue—spe- ionic gradients across the membrane and to propagate action
cifically, stimulant drugs and hormones, hyperthermia, and sei- potentials.51
zures. Anaerobic glycolysis is stimulated by hypoxia or cerebral
ischemia, or both, in an attempt to maintain optimal cellular
energy balance despite the oxygen debt. Glycolysis is inhibited CEREBRAL ENERGY UTILIZATION
by sedative and anesthetic agents, hypothermia, and acidosis, all Energy utilization by the brain can be inferred from measure-
of which are associated with reduced energy needs of the tis- ments of oxygen or substrate consumption, because under
sue. Glycolysis can never cease completely, because at least some steady-state conditions, energy demand and supply are equiva-
energy is always required to maintain ionic gradients across cel- lent. Cerebral energy utilization also can be measured directly
lular and subcellular membranes, without which cellular integ- in the experimental animal by a novel decapitation technique.4
rity is compromised. Lowry and co-workers4 devised this technique to determine the
The extent to which glycolysis and thus oxidative metabolism rate of energy use in brain during the total cerebral ischemia that
can be turned on or off is not entirely known. In adult animals, follows decapitation.The investigators assumed that because the
deep barbiturate anesthesia sufficient to produce an isoelectric isolated head is a closed metabolic compartment (no inflow or
signal on the electroencephalogram reduces metabolism by no outflow), rates of depletion of potential (glucose + glycogen) and
more than 50%,43 suggesting that up to 50% of cellular energy endogenous (ATP + ADP + PCr) high-energy stores would be a
production is required for maintenance of biochemical and direct measure of cerebral energy utilization occurring before
morphologic integrity, whereas the remainder is devoted to the decapitation. Using this method, various investigators have
generation of action potentials and to biosynthetic processes. shown that the calculated rate of cerebral energy use in perinatal
The extent to which glycolysis can be stimulated (glycolytic animals, like the CMRo2, is substantially less than in adults.4,9,44
capacity) also is conjectural, although studies in experimental For example, the energy use rate of the 1-day postnatal rat is
animals suggest that glycolytic flux can be accelerated up to 1.3 mmol of ~P/kg/minute,44 20-fold less than the calculated rate
8- to 10-fold during extreme metabolic stress, that is, seizures or of 27 mmol of ~P/kg/minute for the adult rat brain.45
hypoxia-ischemia.2 In this regard, both basal glycolytic flux and CMRo2 can be calculated from the rate of cerebral energy use if
glycolytic capacity are lower in immature animals than in their the ADP/O or P/O ratio is known.As already mentioned, P/O ratios
adult counterparts, in keeping with intrinsically lower rates of for immature rat brain are 1.5 for NAD+ and 1.2 for the oxidized
oxygen consumption and hence metabolic demands. For exam- form of flavin-adenine dinucleotide (FAD+)-linked substrates.49 A
ple, the calculated rate of cerebral glycolysis of the perinatal source of ATP other than that derived from oxidative phosphory-
rat is approximately 10 μmol of glucose/100 g/minute,44 which lation of ADP is substrate phosphorylation, which occurs twice
is one tenth of the calculated rate for adult rat cerebral cor- in glycolysis and once in the Krebs cycle. Substrate phosphoryla-
tex.45 During total cerebral ischemia, produced by decapitation, tion yields 6 moles of ATP for every mole of glucose consumed;
glycolytic flux in newborn rat brain increases five-fold, com- 2 moles are required for the initial phosphorylation of glucose and
pared with an eight-fold increase in adult rat brain.44,45 Thus fructose-6-phosphate in glycolysis.Thus, for every mole of glucose
the ability of perinatal animals to survive a prolonged period consumed, 4 moles of ATP are ultimately generated by a source
of hypoxia or anoxia compared with that of adults46 cannot other than oxidative phosphorylation; this amounts to 20% of the
be explained by a heightened capacity of the immature brain total energy production. Assuming a yield of 3 moles of ~P/mole
to generate energy equivalents through anaerobic glycolysis. of oxygen reduced (P/O ratio of 1.5), and taking into account the
Rather, lower cerebral energy demands and hence metabolic ATP formed by both oxidative and substrate phosphorylation,
requirements underscore the perinatal animal’s resistance to the rate of cerebral energy utilization for newborn rats translates
hypoxia-ischemia.9,44 to a CMRo2 of [1.3 − (1.3 × 0.2)]/3 = 0.35 mmol/kg/minute, or
0.78 mL/100 g/minute.This value is far less than in adult rat brain,
for which the measured CMRo2 value is 5.4 mL/100 g/minute52—
MITOCHONDRIAL DEVELOPMENT nearly six-fold higher.The fetal rat at term exhibits a rate of cerebral
Because the mitochondria produce the vast bulk of energy energy utilization comparable with that in the newborn rat pup.44
utilized for cellular needs, these “powerhouses” have been The low cerebral energy requirements of most mammals at
investigated during maturation of the brain. Investigators have birth reflect an immaturity of the central nervous system at this
demonstrated a relative deficiency in the oxidative phosphor- stage of development. It has been suggested that cerebral energy
ylating capacity of mitochondria that characterizes the imma- demands in the fetal brain are even less well developed than in
ture brain.47 Simply put, the immature brain appears to be less the newborn brain53 and that such demands in embryonic life
able to synthesize ATP per molecule of oxygen consumed. This are met predominantly or entirely by anaerobic glycolysis, with
coupling of ATP to oxygen, expressed in terms of the ATP/O or only a small contribution from oxidative metabolism.23,50 Using
P/O ratio, is 3 for the oxidized form of nicotinamide-adenine the aforementioned Lowry technique to evaluate cerebral energy
dinucleotide (NAD+)-linked cytochrome components in adult utilization, Gonya-Magee and Vannucci11 measured rates of cere-
rat brain.48 Holtzman and Moore49 have measured P/O ratios in bral metabolism in chick embryos at 9, 14, 16, and 19 days of
several regions of rat brain during maturation. Ratios for 1.5 for incubation and in newly hatched peeps (Table 163-4). Calcu-
NAD+-linked substrates were found in animals 1 to 11 days of lated cerebral metabolic rates were not different in the 9-, 14-,
postnatal age.Thereafter, ratios increased to 2.4 in pons-medulla and 16-day-old embryos but doubled between 16 and 19 days
and 2.8 in cerebral cortex.The data ­indicate that the brain cell’s and doubled again between 19 days and hatching. The extent to
increasing efficiency for oxidative phosphorylation (improved which total cerebral energy utilization could be derived from
coupling) reflects both an increase in the number of mitochon- anaerobic glycolysis (Δ lactate/Δ ~P) increased from a low at day
dria and an inherent change in their function. 9 (0.29) to a maximum at day 16 (0.78).The findings in this inves-
The functional advantage of these mitochondrial changes tigation suggest that cerebral oxidative metabolism becomes
appears to lie in the pattern of growth of the central ner- progressively lower with decreasing embryonic age, but that a
vous ­system. A striking increase in mitochondrial cell number nadir is reached below which metabolism can no longer support
accompanies neuronal and glial cell hypertrophy secondary cerebral function and growth. Furthermore, the data indicate
to axonal and dendritic expansion.50 Furthermore, as individ- that despite the low metabolic activity of the embryonic brain,
ual cells enlarge, the cell surface-to-volume ratio increases— at no time during development is anaerobic glycolysis capable of
a ­circumstance that raises the energy required to maintain entirely supporting the energy needs of the tissue.
163  /  Perinatal Brain Metabolism  1787
CEREBRAL GLUCOSE UTILIZATION used radioactive 2-[14C]-deoxyglucose (2-DG) to measure CGU in
In all animal species studied, including humans, glucose is the 30 or more component structures of adult rat brain.The rationale
predominant or exclusive organic fuel for cerebral metabo- for the use of 2-DG rather than [14C]-glucose is that the radioactive
lism under physiologic conditions. This dictum also appears to analogue of native glucose is lost from the brain as carbon dioxide
hold true for the fetus and developing postnatal animal. As with and water during the course of an experiment, so calculated CGU
CMRo2, glucose consumption in brain can be measured from a would underestimate the true CGU value. Deoxyglucose, like glu-
knowledge of CBF and the arteriovenous difference for glucose: cose, is taken up by brain and phosphorylated by hexokinase but,
unlike glucose, is unable to be metabolized further along the gly-
CMRglucose = CBF (A−Vglucose )
colytic pathway. The theoretical basis for this technique and its
When CMRglucose (or other organic substrate) and CMRo2 are successful application in the experimental animal together sup-
measured simultaneously, the substrate-oxygen quotient, which port its usefulness for measuring rCGU in humans by means of
expresses the relative contribution of the substrate to overall oxi- PET. Furthermore, because glucose is the predominant cerebral
dative metabolism, can be ascertained: energy fuel, and glucose utilization is stoichiometrically related to
Substrate CMRsubstrate (number of C atoms) × 100 oxygen consumption (see previous discussion), the measurement
= of rCGU is considered to reflect local rates of cerebral energy uti-
O2 CMRo2 lization and intrinsic functional activity.59
Using these measurements, cerebral glucose utilization has Using the 2-DG technique, rCGU has been investigated in fetal
been determined in several perinatal animal species as well as sheep and in newborn rats, lambs, dogs, and monkeys.61-65 The
in postnatal human infants35,38,54-56 (Table 163-5). As in adult studies confirm early in vitro experiments (see preceding dis-
humans,57,58 glucose serves as the major organic substrate to cussion) that CGU in the perinatal animal is high in brain stem
support cerebral metabolism in all species studied. Furthermore, gray matter structures, declining in a caudal-to-rostral progression
the vast bulk of glucose consumed is aerobically degraded to car- through the neuraxis to the cerebral cortex62,63 (Table 163-6;
bon dioxide and water or is used in biosynthesis, with little or ­Figure 163-4).As in adults, CGU is lowest in subcortical and other
no production of lactic acid (anaerobic glycolysis). Thus, at least white matter structures. Duffy and co-workers62 suggest that the
under physiologic conditions, glucose is efficiently utilized to hierarchy of rates of glucose consumption reflects the functional
produce the maximal amount of chemical energy possible. immaturity of the perinatal animal, with its limited, albeit present,
In the past,only global estimates of glucose consumption in brain sensory and motor capabilities but with little or no memory or
could be ascertained, using the method described earlier. Thanks learning abilities at this early stage of development.
to the pioneering work of Sokoloff and colleagues,59,60 regional Using PET with [18F]fluoro-2-deoxyglucose as the positron-
cerebral glucose utilization (rCGU) now can be determined in emitting isotope, Chugani and Phelps66,67 measured rCGU in
both experimental animals and humans. These investigators60 humans from full-term birth through adulthood (Figure 163-5).
In infants 5 weeks of age and younger, glucose utilization was
highest in the sensorimotor cerebral cortex, thalamus, midbrain-
TABLE 163-4 brainstem, and the cerebellar vermis—a distribution of glucose
Cerebral Energy Use Rates and Maximal Glycolytic Capacities consumption similar to that described in term fetal sheep and in
newborn dogs and monkeys (see Figure 163-4).61-63 By the age of
of Chick Embryos and Newly Hatched Peeps 3 months, glucose metabolic activity in the infants had increased
RATE OR CAPACITY (mmol/kg wet weight)* in the parietal, temporal, and occipital cortices and in the basal
ganglia, with subsequent increases in frontal and various associa-
Age Group Δ ~P Δ Lactate Δ Lactate/Δ ~P tion regions of cerebral cortex occurring by 8 months. Little fur-
ther change in rCGU was observed between 8 and 18 months of
Embryos (days)
9 2.84 0.79 0.29
postnatal age.The investigators emphasized that the maturational
14 3.25 1.51† 0.54† increases in rCGU, measured with PET, are in agreement with the
16 2.76 2.04† 0.78†
19 5.76† 3.22† 0.56†
Peeps 8.98† 5.09† 0.56 TABLE 163-6
*Values represent means for four to six animals in each age-group. The ratio Δ Regional Cerebral Glucose Utilization (RCGU)
lactate/Δ ~P is an indication of the maximal contribution of anaerobic metabolism in Developing Monkeys
to the cerebral metabolic rate.
†P <.05 compared with the previous age-group. UTILIZATION RATE
Data from Gonya-Magee T, Vannucci RC: Ontogeny of cerebral oxidative metabo- (µmol/100 g/minute)*
lism in the chick embryo,  J Neurochem 38:1387, 1982.
Structure Newborn Pubescent % Difference

TABLE 163-5 Frontal cortex 28 50 +44†

Parietal cortex 29 47 +38†
Substrate Equivalents and Extent of Anaerobic Metabolism Occipital cortex 32 59 +46†
in Newborn Animals and Humans Hippocampus 25 39 +36*
Corpus callosum 15 11 −36
% TOTAL CEREBRAL UTILIZATION* Caudate nucleus 23 52 +56
Thalamus 35 54 +35†
Substrate Sheep56 Dog55 Monkey35 Human38 Substantia nigra 28 29 +3
Glucose 99.5 93.5 70.4 91.1 Inferior colliculus 180 103 −75
β-Hydroxybutyrate 0.5 0.5 14.6 5.5 Cerebellar hemisphere 22 31 +29
Acetoacetate 0.0 2.0 4.9 3.4 *Values represent means for six to seven animals in each group.
Lactate 0.0 4.0 10.1 0.0 †P <.01.
Totals 100 100 100 100 Data from Kennedy C: Energy metabolism of the brain. In Sinclair JC, Warshaw
% Glucose → lactate 2.6% 0.0% 0.0% 5.2% JB, Bloom RS (eds): Perinatal brain insult: Mead Johnson symposium on perinatal
and developmental medicine #17, Evansville, Ind, 1981, Mead Johnson and Com-
*Data from cited references. pany, pp 30-42.
1788  XXI  /  Neurology

Figure 163-4  Representative 14C-deoxyglucose autoradiogram of brain from a newborn monkey. Lighter areas denote regions with
higher utilization rates (see scale). Note the high rates of glucose consumption in selected brain stem structures relative to the cere-
bral hemispheres.  (Courtesy Charles Kennedy, MD.)

Figure 163-5  Representative [18F]fluoro-2-deoxyglucose positron emission tomograms during human maturation. Shown are three
horizontal levels of brain at different ages: postnatal day 5, 1 year, and adulthood.  (From Chugani HT, et al: Positron emission
tomography study of human brain functional development, Ann Neurol 22:487, 1987.)

behavioral, neurophysiologic, and anatomic changes known to that in full-term infants, when the two age groups were com-
occur during infant development. pared.68 As in full-term infants, glucose utilization was higher in
Other investigators have used PET to measure global and brain stem and cerebellar structures compared with cerebral cor-
regional rCGU in premature newborn infants.68,69 Gestational tex.The lower rCGU in premature infants correlates with the low
ages ranged from 25 to 37 weeks.Whole brain CGU was less than CMRo2 observed at similar gestational ages.41
163  /  Perinatal Brain Metabolism  1789
With the availability of methods to measure CBF and metabo-

CBF(mL/100 g/min)
lism in animals and humans, investigators were quick to recog- 80
nize a quantitative relationship between these two important
biologic processes in brain. Further investigation revealed that
under physiologic conditions, CBF was essentially controlled by
intrinsic mechanisms that reflect local rates of metabolism, that
is, the extent of tissue carbon dioxide and hydrogen ion accu- 40
mulation. Thus it is not surprising that CBF and metabolism are
tightly linked or coupled. Specifically, when the rate of oxidative 20
metabolism in brain is high, so is CBF, and vice versa. Metabolic
diseases are capable of altering this critical relationship, during 0
which neurologic dysfunction occurs and, if the disturbance is 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
severe enough, brain damage supervenes. CMRO2(mL/100 g/min)
The brain flow-metabolism couple appears to be a universal
phenomenon that encompasses all animal species of all ages Figure 163-6  Relationship between cerebral blood flow (CBF)
and under all physiologic conditions* (Figure 163-6). In those and the cerebral metabolic rate for oxygen (CMRo2) in several
animals in which CBF and CMRo2 have been measured simul- species of animals. Symbols represent values from animals of
taneously, the relationship has been apparent regardless of age, varying ages.The line denotes the slope of a linear regression
although differences in the intrinsic rates of metabolism do exist analysis, with y = 12.1x + 16.7; r = 0.85; P < .001. 
among species. A regional coupling of CBF to metabolism also
exists in both adult and immature animals60,62-64 when rCBF,
determined with an inert, radioactive tracer, is compared with 30 Cerebellum
rCGU64 (Figure 163-7). A visual comparison of the published
figures depicting rCBF and rCGU, using PET, also suggests the
existence of a regional CBF-metabolism couple in the newborn 25
human infant.66,67,73 Occasional exceptions to the rule have been
rCGU(µmol/100 g/min)

observed for individual structures (e.g., cerebellum), which may 20

reflect local differences in the contribution of glucose versus
alternate substrates to overall metabolism or to the use of glu-
cose in biosynthetic processes (see further on). 15


As mentioned previously, glucose is the predominant or exclu-
sive cerebral energy fuel at all ages under physiologic conditions. 5
In certain clinical situations, however, glucose availability to the
brain is limited by hypoglycemia. In such circumstances, the 0
perinatal brain is capable of incorporating and metabolizing sub- 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
stitute organic substrates, the most notable of which are lactic rCBF(mL/100 g/min)
acid and the ketone bodies, β-hydroxybutyrate and acetoacetate.
Indeed, the immature brain appears to be capable of consuming Figure 163-7  Relationship between regional cerebral glucose
a large number of organic metabolites, including free fatty acids utilization (rCGU) and regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) in
and amino acids as well, so long as they are available in reason- newborn dogs. Symbols represent values from specific regions
able concentrations in blood and the appropriate enzymes for of brain.The line denotes the slope of a linear regression analy-
their degradation are present in brain. sis (excluding cerebellum), with y = 0.24x + 7.0; r = 0.93;
The most widely studied substitute fuels for metabolism in peri- P < .001.  (Data from Mujsce DJ, et al: Regional cerebral blood
natal brain have been the ketone bodies and lactic acid. Because flow and glucose utilization during hypoglycemia in new-
all developing mammals are nourished with milk with a high fat born dogs, Am J Physiol 256:H1659, 1989.)
content, these animals readily generate ketone bodies by means
of the liver, which in turn appear in substantial concentrations
in blood. Thus, during suckling, ketone bodies partially substi- to cerebral metabolism.78,79 By contrast, lactic acid is elevated
tute for glucose to sustain cerebral metabolism and can account in late fetal and early postnatal life to the extent that its con-
for up to 20% of total energy production.74-76 As in adults, nutri- centration often exceeds that of glucose.80-82 Studies in newborn
ent fasting induces endogenous ketone body formation, which dogs have shown that during hypoglycemia, lactic acid not only
contributes significantly to overall cerebral metabolism during is incorporated into the perinatal brain but also is consumed to
starvation-induced hypoglyclemia.77 the extent that the metabolite can support up to 58% of total
Hypoglycemia also is encountered in the immediate newborn cerebral oxidative metabolism55,83 (Figure 163-8). The versatility
period before the initiation of sustained oral or parenteral feed- of the immature brain in its capacity to utilize substitute fuels,
ing. During this time, as well as during fetal life, ketone bodies are sparing glucose, undoubtedly contributes to the resistance of
essentially nonexistent in blood and therefore contribute little the newborn nervous system to the known deleterious effects
of hypoglycemia.
The ability of the immature brain to incorporate and metabo-
*See references 28, 30-36, 38, 39, 52, 58, 70-72. lize alternate energy fuels resides, at least in part, in the unique
1790  XXI  /  Neurology

Ketone bodies Ketone bodies


Glucose Glucose

Normoglycemia Hypoglycemia

Figure 163-8  Substrate-oxygen quotients as percentage of total cerebral oxidative metabolism in normoglycemic and hypoglycemic
newborn dogs. Substrate-oxygen quotients were calculated according to a formula described in the text.  (Data from Hernandez MJ,
et al: Cerebral blood flow and metabolism during hypoglycemia in newborn dogs, J Neurochem 35:622, 1980.)

GLUT3 GLUT1:45kDa GLUT1:55kDa

characteristics of its blood-brain barrier. All organic metabolites
enter the brain from blood predominantly by way of a carrier-
mediated transport system. Cremer and co-workers74,84 first

GLUT/mg protein, % adult

demonstrated the existence of a transport “carrier” for monocar-
boxylic acids, including ketone bodies and lactate, in the brain of 80
immature rats, the Michaelis constant (Km) of which is 10 times
greater than that demonstrated for adult rat brain. The blood- 60
brain uptake capabilities for β-hydroxybutyrate, acetoacetate,
and lactate actually exceed those for glucose at an early postnatal 40
age, facilitated by the high capacity of this transport system.Thus
alternative substrates can be readily transported into the peri-
natal brain to support oxidative metabolism during periods of
systemic glucose deficiency.
0 7 14 21 28 35
­TRANSPORTERS Figure 163-9  Brain glucose transporter proteins (GLUTs) during
Transport of these nutrient substrates from the blood to the brain, development in the immature rat. Isolated microvessels and
as well as into neurons and glia, occurs by facilitated diffusion cortical membranes were prepared from postnatal rats between
mediated by specific integral membrane transport proteins.These birth and 30 days of age and adults. GLUT1 and GLUT3 mem-
integral membrane proteins comprise two distinct families: the brane protein content was determined by Western blot analysis
facilitative glucose transporter proteins (GLUTs) and the mono- with specific antipeptide antisera for GLUT1 and GLUT3 and
carboxylic acid transporter proteins (MCTs), the latter of which 125I-protein A. Representative autoradiograms are depicted in
mediate proton-coupled co-transport. GLUT1 was cloned in 1985, the upper part of the figure. S, Brain microsomal membrane
and today, this and other similar proteins with distinct tissue dis- “standard” included in all blots for purposes of interblot com-
tribution and kinetic characteristics—GLUT1 to GLUT12 and parisons and quantification. Lower part of the figure represents
HMIT, the myoinositol transporter—are collectively known as the the quantification of values for four to six animals in each age
SLC2 family of proteins.85 Although all 13 of these proteins have group, expressed as a percent of the adult value. 
been detected in mammalian brain, GLUT1 and GLUT3 are the
isoforms primarily involved in cerebral glucose uptake and uti-
lization.86 The initial transport of glucose across the endothelial of greatly reduced brain glucose concentrations during hypoxia-
cells of the blood-brain barrier is mediated by a heavily glycosyl- ischemia (see further on) provides evidence that GLUT con-
ated form of GLUT1, 55-kDa GLUT1; a less glycosylated product of centration is limiting to cerebral glucose utilization at this age.
the same gene, 45-kDa GLUT1, is highly concentrated in choroid Because the delivery of glucose from the blood into the brain is a
plexus and the ependymal lining of the ventricles and also in glial function of both the substrate concentration in the blood and the
cells. GLUT3 is the neuronal glucose transporter.86 The 14 MCT transporter concentration, an increase in substrate concentration
proteins were cloned a decade later and make up the SLC16 fam- produced by glucose supplementation maintains a near-normal or
ily; of these, only MCT1 to MCT4 have been definitively shown to even elevated brain glucose level. In addition, although calculated
transport metabolically relevant monocarboxylic acids.87 MCT1, intracellular glucose concentrations in immature rats become
the most widely distributed, is detected in cerebral microvessels very low during hypoxia-ischemia, the level of glucose in the cere-
and appears to be expressed by all neural cells, whereas MCT2 brospinal fluid—as a reflection of the concentration in the brain
expression is more restricted and primarily neuronal. extracellular compartments—does not decrease.90 Accordingly, it
Both the GLUTs and the MCTs are developmentally regulated appears that an even greater limitation may be imposed at the
in brain.88 GLUT concentrations are quite low in immature rat level of the neurons and glial cells than at the blood-brain barrier.
brain,89 in keeping with the well-described low rates of cerebral The developmental expression of the MCTs shows the reverse
glucose transport into immature rat brain,84 and increase sharply pattern. Rodent milk is very high in fat, and suckling pups are
after the second postnatal week (Figure 163-9). The observation naturally ketotic, with circulating levels of β-hydroxybutyrate
163  /  Perinatal Brain Metabolism  1791

approaching the millimolar range by the second postnatal Cerebral hypoxia-ischemia severe enough to produce irrevers-
week.88,91 At this time, cerebral ketone body utilization also is ible tissue injury is always associated with major perturbations in
maximal,91 and this is further reflected in the level and extent the energy status of the brain.2,99,100 Alterations occur not only in
of expression of MCT1, especially in the cerebral microvessels.88 the adenine nucleotides but also in PCr, in which changes ­actually
Thus the high levels of ketone body transporter in the blood- precede those in ATP, ADP, and AMP. These perturbations have
brain barrier, as well as in neurons and glial cells, not only facili- been well characterized in an experimental model of perinatal
tate ketone body transport into the brain but also can aid in the hypoxic-ischemic brain damage.101 During hypoxia-ischemia,
uptake and clearance of lactic acid. With cerebral maturation and changes in the tissue concentrations of the high-energy phosphate
the switch to reliance on glucose as the primary oxidative fuel of reserves occur early during the course of the metabolic insult
the brain, blood-brain barrier MCT1 falls to adult levels coincident and persist well into the recovery period102-104 (Figure 163-10).
with the rise in blood-brain barrier GLUT1 and the nonvascular As expected, greater depletions in PCr relative to ATP occur as
glucose transporter proteins, especially neuronal GLUT3.88 Some the cell attempts to maintain optimal levels of ATP through the
years ago, Magistretti and colleagues proposed that it is the astro- CK equilibrium reaction driven also by the accumulation of ADP
cytes that play the primary role in cerebral glucose utilization by and H+ ions.With the eventual decline in tissue ATP,ADP and AMP
first metabolizing glucose to lactate, which subsequently is trans- accumulate in proportion to the loss of ATP. Ultimately, the total
ported to the neuron to be oxidized to fuel neuronal energetics.92 adenine nucleotide pool (ATP + ADP + AMP) also decreases as
Although this theory, referred to as the astrocytes-neuron lactate AMP is catabolized slowly to adenosine and further breakdown
shuttle hypothesis (ANLSH),92 gained wide favor for several years, products.The concentrations of ATP and the total adenylate com-
a more recent modeling of cerebral nutrient uptake and utilization pounds never completely recover after resuscitation, and their
that incorporated the concentrations and kinetic parameters of persisting partial depletions reflect the presence and severity of
these transport proteins has demonstrated that the neurons are tissue destruction102-104 (see Figure 163-10).
indeed the primary consumers of glucose, and actually produce Of necessity, the loss of cellular ATP during hypoxia-ischemia
lactate on activation.93 Thus, although both lactate and ketone bod- severely compromises those metabolic processes that require
ies are important fuels for neuronal metabolism in the fetal brain, energy for their completion. Thus ATP-dependent Na+ extrusion
cerebral development involves the transition to glucose utilization. (efflux) through the plasma membrane in exchange for K+ is cur-
tailed with a resultant intracellular accumulation of Na+ and Cl− as
well as water (cytotoxic edema). Equally vital to cellular function is
CEREBRAL ENERGY METABOLISM the prompt restoration of high-energy phosphate reserves during
IN HYPOXIA-ISCHEMIA and after resuscitation. Without regeneration of ATP, endergonic
Hypoxia-acidosis or asphyxia is a frequent cause of acute brain reactions cannot resume, especially those involving the critical
damage in human fetuses and newborn infants and contributes event of ion pumping at plasma and subcellular membranes. Intra-
substantially to the chronic neurologic sequelae of cerebral palsy cellular Na+ and Cl− ions and water will continue to accumulate,
with or without associated mental retardation, epilepsy, or learn- and electrochemical gradients cannot be reestablished. Just how
ing disability. Experimental and clinical evidence indicates that long the cell can survive under these conditions is not known,
hypoxia alone does not produce brain damage but that super- but other factors are called into play that prominently influence
imposed cerebral ischemia is a necessary prerequisite for tissue ultimate cellular integrity; including the secretion of potentially
injury to occur. Cerebral ischemia in the setting of asphyxia is a toxic excitatory amino acids into the synaptic cleft, the intracel-
consequence of hypoxic-acidotic cardiovascular depression with lular accumulation of free calcium, the intracellular production of
secondary systemic hypotension. Cerebral ischemia also may be nitric oxide, and the production of oxygen free radicals, the last
secondary to occlusive vascular disease of the brain (reviewed by especially during the recovery period (Figure 163-11).
Vannucci RC94,95). The mechanisms by which ATP disruption persists into the
Brain hypoxia denotes a cellular oxygen debt, owing to inad- recovery period relate to lingering alterations in the function of
equate oxygen delivery (CBF × oxygen saturation [Sao2]) by mitochondria. In this regard, the classic histopathologic studies
nutrient arteries. When the tissue (mitochondria) partial pres- of Brown and Brierley105,106 indicate that the earliest morpho-
sure of oxygen falls below a critical value (<0.1 mm Hg), the logic alteration of the neuron arising from hypoxia-ischemia is
cytochrome system of mitochondria becomes unsaturated, and a dilation of mitochondria with an accompanying separation of
reducing equivalents (NADH, FADH) begin to accumulate.96,97 their cristae. Biochemical studies support the morphologic alter-
ATP production by oxidative phosphorylation is curtailed, with ations to the extent that after hypoxia-ischemia in vitro, analysis
concurrent increases in cellular ADP and AMP, because cyto- of mitochondria reveals a disturbance in substrate oxidation, sug-
solic ATP hydrolysis continues to drive endergonic reactions.2 gesting an “uncoupling” of oxidative phosphorylation.107-109 An
The elevations in ADP and AMP serve to stimulate glycolysis, in vivo investigation in immature rats recovering from cerebral
through activation of its key regulatory enzyme, PFK (see earlier hypoxia-ischemia also suggests the occurrence of an uncoupling
discussion). Unlike oxidative phosphorylation, which produces of oxidative phosphorylation before or concurrent with the
36 moles of ATP for every mole of glucose consumed, glycolysis development of morphologically apparent tissue injury.110 It is
is an inefficient method to generate ATP by substrate phosphory- assumed that reducing equivalents are oxidized in the presence
lation, with net production of only 2 moles of ATP for each mole of oxygen but ATP is not formed from the energy generated. Such
of glucose consumed. To produce the amount of ATP equiva- energy is consumed internally (not transferred to the cytosol) or
lent to that generated by oxidative phosphorylation, glycolysis is lost as heat. That oxidative phosphorylation is compromised
would need to increase to a rate of 18 times its basal flux. In after hypoxia-ischemia is confirmed also by studies showing that
reality, glycolysis, even when maximally stimulated, is capable of the brain can be well oxygenated concurrent with a persistent
increasing only four- to five-fold, owing in part to the concur- depletion in ATP.103,111-113
rent accumulation of H+ ions derived from the accumulated The experimental data regarding the persistent depletion of
NADH, which ions serve to inhibit PFK activity.4,44 In the imma- cerebral high-energy phosphate reserves during recovery from
ture rat, hypoxia-ischemia leads to a 135% stimulation of glyco- hypoxia-ischemia have relevance to the clinical situation in the
lytic flux, which equates to 62% of its maximal capacity.98 Thus asphyxiated newborn human infant. Using MR spectroscopy
glycolysis can never completely substitute for mitochondrial (as described previously), investigators have shown a correla-
oxidation, although its stimulation can supplement oxidative tion between lingering alterations between the ratio of PCr to
phosphorylation under conditions of a partial oxygen debt. Pi or of ATP to Pi and ultimate brain damage as measured by
1792  XXI  /  Neurology





Metabolite (mmol/kg) 2.0



0 1 2 3 1 4 8 24 72
Hypoxia-Ischemia Recovery
Time (hours)

Figure 163-10  Changes in cerebral high-energy phosphate reserves during and after hypoxia-ischemia in the immature rat. Seven-day
postnatal rats were subjected to unilateral common carotid artery ligation followed by exposure to systemic hypoxia with 8% oxygen
at 37° C. Symbols represent means for ATP, PCr, and total adenine nucleotides (ATP + ADP + AMP). ADP, Adenosine diphosphate;
AMP, adenosine monophosphate; ATP, adenosine triphosphate; PCr, phosphocreatine.  (Data from Rice JE 3rd, et al: The influence
of immaturity on hypoxic-ischemic brain damage in the rat, Ann Neurol 9:131, 1981; Palmer C, et al: Carbohydrate and energy
metabolism during the evolution of hypoxic-ischemic brain damage in the immature rat, J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 10:227,
1990; and Welsh FA, et al: Columnar alterations of NADH fluorescence during hypoxia-ischemia in immature rat brain, J Cereb
Blood Flow Metab 2:221, 1982.)

neurodevelopmental status or neurologic assessment.16,114,115 In and associates120 subjected immature rats to hypoxia-ischemia
this regard, PCr/Pi ratios can be normal in the human infant even of the brain. During recovery, the brains were individually pro-
when brain damage is present,16,115 as has also been shown in cessed for histopathologic analysis and measurements of high
experimental animals.102,104,116 energy reserves and the neuronal protein markers MAP-2 and
A secondary depletion in brain PCr occurs at 18 to 24 hours SNAP-25. PCr and ATP, initially depleted during hypoxia-ischemia,
of recovery from hypoxia-ischemia and beyond in immature both were partially restored during the first 18 hours of recov-
experimental animals (see Figure 163-10),102-104,117,118 which ery, with secondary depletions at 24 and 48 hours (see earlier).
mimics the late changes in PCr/Pi observed in newborn human During the initial recovery phase (6 to 18 hours), a significant
infants suffering asphyxial encephalopathy.16,114,115 In newborn correlation was observed between PCr and the severity of brain
pig experiments, PCr/Pi ratios are depressed initially by hypoxia- damage determined on histopathologic analysis, but not for ATP.
ischemia only to normalize in the early recovery interval.117,118 During the late recovery phase (24 to 48 hours), a highly sig-
Thereafter, a secondary decrease in the ratio occurs, as indicated nificant correlation was found between all measured energy
by measurements at 24 hours and again at 48 hours of recovery. metabolites and the severity of brain damage. Significant correla-
From the human and animal studies, it has been proposed that tion also was observed between the neuronal markers MAP-2 and
the secondary failure in cerebral energy status after hypoxia-­ SNAP-25 and PCr, as well as the sum of PCr and creatine at both
ischemia is a significant contributor to the ultimate brain damage phases of recovery. The close correspondence of PCr with histo-
and neurologic compromise. logic brain damage and the loss of the neuronal markers during
However, the secondary decline in PCr does not necessar- both the early and late recovery intervals suggest evolving cellu-
ily denote a delayed energy failure of the brain but rather may lar destruction as the primary event, which precedes and lead to
reflect a loss of total creatine from the tissue or its conversion the secondary energy failure.
to creatinine. The late reduction in PCr, be it in an experimental
animal or a human infant, appears to occur as a mass action effect
of the CK equilibrium reaction.104 Furthermore, the loss of cre- CEREBRAL ACIDOSIS IN HYPOXIA-ISCHEMIA
atine from the brain or its conversion to creatinine, which also Hypoxia-ischemia of a severity sufficient to produce brain
would be lost, should result in detectable or increased concentra- damage also is associated with a tissue acidosis, owing to the
tions of one or both metabolites in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF).The accumulation of lactic acid.2,99,100 The intracellular lactacidosis
presence of these compounds in CSF may potentially serve as a results from a shift in glucose utilization from oxidative metabo-
biochemical marker of previous cerebral hypoxia-ischemia in a lism to either partial or total anaerobic glycolysis which occurs
manner similar to and perhaps more sensitive than the adenine during the tissue oxygen debt. Indeed, some investigators have
nucleotide derivatives xanthine and hypoxanthine.119 suggested that lactacidosis is a major contributor to hypoxic-
To clarify the issue of whether or not the secondary energy fail- ischemic injury in vulnerable regions of the brain and that a
ure causes or contributes to the ultimate brain damage, Vannucci minimum concentration of 15 to 20 mmol of lactate/kg of brain
163  /  Perinatal Brain Metabolism  1793


Ca++ Ca++ Glucose O2

Ca++ H+



↑↓ Cytosol

Mitochondrion Nucleus

Hypoxic-Ischemic Phase

Figure 163-11  Cellular metabolism during cerebral hypoxia-ischemia. During a cellular oxygen debt, anaerobic glycolytic flux is
accelerated, resulting in a depletion of intracellular glucose and an accumulation of lactate and H+ ions (acidosis).The energy gener-
ated from anaerobic glycolysis cannot keep pace with energy demand, and ATP and PCr decline in the cytosol and mitochondria.
Calcium entry into the cell is accentuated by voltage-sensitive (VSCC) and agonist-operative (AOCC) calcium channels, by which cal-
cium accumulates in the cytosol and mitochondria.These disturbances are only partially reversed during reoxygenation and reperfu-
sion, and continuing metabolic perturbations ultimately result in brain damage. ATP, Adenosine triphosphate; PCr, phosphocreatine. 

tissue is required for irreversible damage to occur.121-123 Further- reduction in intracellular pH, calculated from the tissue concen-
more, it has been shown that the injection of lactic acid into the trations of high-energy phosphate reserves.130
cerebral cortex of adult rats leads to histopathologic alterations Using proton MR spectroscopy, several investigators have dem-
resembling those characteristic of ischemic infarction—an injury onstrated a persistent elevation in brain lactate after cerebral
that does not occur after the injection of other organic acids of hypoxia-ischemia in human newborn infants.20,21,131-133 The per-
comparable pH.124-126 In general, the more severe the tissue lac- sisting elevations in lactate concentration were associated with
tacidosis, the more profound the cerebral blood flow and meta- a brain alkalosis. The previously asphyxiated infants uniformly
bolic alterations that occur after cessation of the insult,123,127,128 demonstrated severe neurodevelopmental impairment at 1 year
portending greater ultimate brain damage. of age. Robertson and associates133 suggested that the accompa-
It must be emphasized that hypoxia-ischemia leads to cellular nying cerebral lactic alkalosis is the consequence of a prolonged
acidosis by means of sources of H+ ions in addition to lactic acid. change in the redox state within neuronal tissue, the presence
Major sources of reducing equivalents include products of the of phagocytic cells, the proliferation of glial cells, or altered buff-
acid hydrolysis of ATP and the formation of NADH + H+, which ering mechanisms. Further research can be expected to clarify
accumulates during the cellular energy debt.129 In this regard, these lingering biochemical abnormalities after cerebral hypoxia-
Welsh and colleagues103 examined the oxidation-reduction ischemia in newborn human infants.
(redox) state of immature rat brain undergoing hypoxia-ischemia
by the technique of reflectance fluorometry (Figure 163-12).
Alterations in regional fluorescence, representing the intracellu- CONCLUSIONS AND OUTLOOK
lar accumulation of NADH (+ H+), were prominent in the cere- In the overview of current knowledge on the major aspects
bral cortex and the CA1 sector of the hippocampus during the of perinatal cerebral metabolism presented in this chapter, the
first hour of hypoxia-ischemia.The pattern of NADH fluorescence emphasis is on substrate and energy transformations under phys-
mimicked closely the distribution of selective neuronal necrosis iologic conditions and during hypoxia-ischemia.These and other
observed in this model of perinatal injury. The close correspon- disturbances recently have undergone extensive investigation
dence between altered NADH fluorescence and neuropathologic in both experimental animals and human newborn infants. Fur-
outcome suggests an important role for intracellular acidosis ther characterization of the mechanisms underlying the cerebral
in the pathogenesis of hypoxic-ischemic brain damage. That a metabolic derangement that characterizes hypoxia-ischemia will
cellular acidosis occurs during the course of cerebral hypoxia- be fundamental to development of a rational approach to preven-
ischemia in the immature rat also is indicated by a progressive tion and treatment.
1794  XXI  /  Neurology

Figure 163-12  Coronal section of immature rat brain showing alterations in NADH fluorescence (right) during hypoxia-ischemia and
histopathologic alterations (left) at 24 hours of recovery. Seven-day postnatal rats were subjected to unilateral cammon carotid artery
ligation followed by systemic hypoxia with 8% oxygen at 37° C.100 During hypoxia-ischemia, the rat brain was frozen in situ and the
coronal section illuminated with ultraviolet light; the fluorescent image then was recorded photographically.102 Note the columnar
pattern of NADH fluorescence (lighter areas) in cerebral cortex and the enhanced fluorescence in the CA1 and CA3 sectors of the
hippocampus, which correspond closely to the distribution of selective neuronal necrosis seen on histopathologic examination.
NADH, Nicotinamide-adenine dinucleotide (reduced form). 

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