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copyright © Stuart Paterson

The Snow Queen

Characters –

SCRUFF, a raven
PECK, a raven
REDHEAD, The Robber Girl

Possible doubling for a cast of 9 (other doublings are possible) –


copyright © Stuart Paterson 2

The Snow Queen

ACT ONE, Scene One.

[An evil place. An open crack in the earth out of which come
ominous rumblings, a volcanic light and a mist of smoke. Enter
BHIMA, an African sun-magician. His magnificent cloak is stained
by the dust of a long journey, his air of majesty tainted by fear and
exhaustion. He circles the crack tentatively. A loud rumble and he
backs quickly away, turns and discovers THE AUDIENCE.]

BHIMA We must not be frightened!

[He raises his arms high.]

Terror be gone, coldness be done,

Our hearts beat with the heat of a blood red sun!

[The words fail to re-assure him. He hugs himself against the fear
and the cold.]

But Bhima is frightened! His blood turns to ice. Oh yes, I am a

magician, a Lord of the Sun, but good magic counts for nothing
here, for this is an evil place. But I had to come ... I have heard the
whispers in the wind and the voices in the sky. They all say the
same. The Snow Queen will come here to search out The Devil's
Mirror. The mirror must not be broken! I will stop her. For all our
sakes, I must stop her. [A wind sighs.] That icy wind - it is the
breath of The Snow Queen! She's coming! I will hide - and listen.
But remember - we must not be frightened. [He hides.]

[Enter THE SNOW QUEEN, and her servant COBWEB


SNOW QUEEN I smell the hot blood of an intruder! Search, Cobweb - find!

COBWEB At once, mistress. [He searches.] There's no-one, mighty Snow

Queen. No-one at all. [Discovers AUDIENCE, calmly.] Except
them. [Starts.] Children! Oh no - I hate Children!

SNOW QUEEN Silence! We have no time for them. Tell me - have you found a
child for me, a cruel child?

COBWEB I found rascals by the dozen, monsters by the hundred, brats by

the thousand, but the truly cruel child - I found not one.

SNOW QUEEN Darkness and Ice! If I could find a child with a heart as cruel and cold
as my own I could have my greatest wish.

COBWEB And what is your greatest wish?

SNOW QUEEN To make Winter last forever.

COBWEB And all you need is a cruel child?

SNOW QUEEN Give me a child with a heart of ice and you give me power over all

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the good magic in the world.

COBWEB But there are none, Mistress.

SNOW QUEEN Then I must use the evil mirror.

COBWEB Of course - the mirror!

SNOW QUEEN It is a wonderful thing - the most evil mirror in the world. Behold!

[The mirror emerges from the crack in the earth. COBWEB dances
with joy and excitement.]

COBWEB It has the power to make everything good and beautiful which it
reflects look small and stupid. It can make even the most beautiful
countryside look like cooked cabbage.

SNOW QUEEN I will smash the mirror, and send pieces of it flying around the world
... If someone should get a speck of glass in their eye?

COBWEB Then they will be blind to good and see only evil.

SNOW QUEEN And if a child should get a splinter of glass in his heart ...

COBWEB Then his heart will become as cold as ice - and you can make
Winter last forever!

SNOW QUEEN I will have the child! Quickly - it must be smashed. I command it!

[BHIMA comes out of hiding.]

BHIMA No! The mirror must not be broken. I forbid it!

COBWEB [Backing away in fear.] The intruder!

SNOW QUEEN So it is Bhima, Lord of the Sun, Africa’s mighty magician - and he
forbids it. Tell me, fool - how will you stop me?

BHIMA I will fight! [He goes to cast a sway, but THE SNOW QUEEN
gestures and sends him reeling.] The Sun gives me power!
[Recovers, gestures and THE SNOW QUEEN bends in agony.]

SNOW QUEEN I’ll show you power! [Gestures and BHIMA is frozen by her

BHIMA [In agony.] I can’t move ...

COBWEB [Gloatingly in his ear, now that it’s safe.] Let’s have one of your
sunny spells.

BHIMA [With a mighty effort.] I will be free! [Breaks free, sending

COBWEB flying.] The Sun is strong!

SNOW QUEEN Back, fool, and down! [BHIMA is forced to his knees.]

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BHIMA Help me, magic ...

SNOW QUEEN Ssh, Bhima ... You have no magic ... Ssh, now ... Summer is
ending. You grow weak, I grow strong. Winter is coming - forever.

BHIMA [Defeated.] I will be free ...

SNOW QUEEN Ssh, brave wizard ... [Kisses him gently.] I will hide you where you
will never be found. But first - the mirror!

BHIMA It must not be broken!

SNOW QUEEN Come winds and serve your Queen

Sweep the World - make the heavens scream.

[A loud wind gets up.]

Come - smash the mirror!

[Her voice seems to grow, to take on the power of the wind.]

Smash it! Smash it! Smash it!

[The mirror is smashed. THE SNOW QUEEN and BHIMA vanish.

The wind continues to blow and swirl as it carries the specks and
splinters of evil glass around the world.]

COBWEB [To AUDIENCE.] It has begun. The pieces of glass are circling the
world. Take care a splinter does not pierce your heart - or it will be
turned to ice. And then I will search you out and lead the Snow
Queen to you. Oh yes [Points into AUDIENCE.] - it might be you,
or you, or you, or, with any luck, it might be you! And Winter will last
forever. Everything will change then. For a start I'll have you call me
- sir. Fare thee well, or should I say, fare thee badly!


ACT ONE, Scene Two

[GRANDMA'S rose garden. Enter KAY flying a beautiful white

kite. From off, the sound of children's voices raised in excitement
and anger.

CHILDREN run on, attack KAY, and steal the kite. A young girl,
GERDA, pulls them away from KAY. The CHILDREN, shouting
mockingly, are chased off by GERDA leaving KAY alone, and with
a bleeding nose.]

KAY [Shouting angrily after them.] You can do what you like, but you
won't ever scare me. I'm the boy the sea gave to the shore! I'm
better than you all!

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[The voices of the CHILDREN fade and die away]

[To AUDIENCE.] Hullo everybody. I don't know about you, but I

hate school. Maybe I'd like it better if I wasn't so clever. I always
finish everything first and never make any mistakes. Then I get
lonely waiting for everyone else to catch up, and when they do
they hate me just because I've been cleverer than them.
Sometimes I think I should make mistakes on purpose, just to be
liked, but then I think, why should I - I'm the boy the sea gave to
the shore!

[Enter GRANDMA, pushing a wheelbarrow. She seems busy,


Hullo Grandma.

GRANDMA Sssh, Kay.

KAY They chased me home again, but I did what you told me to do. I
stood up to them, I ...

GRANDMA I said - ssssh. I'm thinking.

KAY Don't strain yourself.

GRANDMA It's my garden ... I'm busy. [Exits.]

KAY Wait Grandma ... [To AUDIENCE.] That's not like her. She's really
Gerda's Grandma, not mine, but she's looked after me for years
and years, ever since she found me on the beach after the storm -
so she may as well be my real Grandma.

[Enter GERDA unseen by KAY.]

Anyway, she likes me, and Gerda likes me.

GERDA [Angry.] Who says?

KAY [Pleased to see her.] Gerda.

GERDA Every day it's the same. You get into a fight, and I've got to help

KAY [Scornfully.] Help? I'm the best fighter in the whole school.

GERDA Oh yes, it looks like it.

KAY What do you mean?

GERDA If I hadn't stopped them you'd have been battered stupid.

KAY No-one asked you to take my side.

GERDA No-one else is daft enough.

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KAY I don't need help from anyone!

GERDA Stink-face!

KAY Dung-smell!

GERDA Nosebag!

KAY Greedyguts!

GERDA Big-head!

KAY Dwarf!

GERDA Sometimes I wish you'd never come to live here!

KAY You're like all the others. You hate me.

GERDA Nobody hates you. It's just that ... you ask for it. That's what it is -
you ask for it!

KAY No! It's their fault - they're stupid.

GERDA We can't all be geniuses like you.

KAY That's true.

GERDA [To AUDIENCE.] He used to be big-headed but now he's


KAY I can't help it if I'm clever.

GERDA And I suppose I can't help being stupid.

KAY You're not stupid.

GERDA Thanks very much! [Goes to leave.]

KAY Don't go ... Please, Gerda. [She stops. KAY continues, with
difficulty.] I'm ... sorry ... I think you're very brave to take my side
when everyone else is against me.

GERDA Grandma would murder me if I didn't - that's all.

KAY No, it's true. You are brave, and kind.

GERDA It doesn't matter.

KAY I never feel lonely or scared, not with you beside me. Then I'm not
scared of anything!

[Immediately a loud, rhythmic, clanking noise begins.]

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KAY [Starting.] What's that noise?

[The noise continues.]

GERDA How should I know?

KAY Well, it doesn't scare me.

GERDA Who said anything about being scared?

KAY [Tapping her shoulder.] Gerda.

GERDA [Starting.] Don't do that! What?

KAY It's getting louder so it must be getting closer.

GERDA I can work that out for myself.

KAY It's almost here. I can't look. [He hides his eyes against GERDA'S
shoulder. The noise gets louder.]

[Enter GRANDMA pushing her barrow, lost in thought, her foot

stuck in a metal bucket.]

GERDA Oh, it's only ...

KAY Has it gone yet?


KAY What is it? Don't tell me! What is it?

GERDA I've never seen anything so frightening. Oh Kay - look!

KAY I can't, I can't!

GERDA It's coming this way. [GRANDMA begins to watch them and move
towards them.] It's coming this way! It is Kay, it is! Oh no! [She

GRANDMA Are you being cheeky?

KAY [Looking.] Oh, it's you.

GERDA Grandma, you have a bucket on your foot.

GRANDMA Don't be stupid. Never heard such nonsense. [Looks down, jumps
with fright.] Help - there's a bucket on my foot!

KAY Don't worry Grandma, help's here.

GRANDMA I've been worrying so much I didn't even notice.

KAY I'll get it.

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[He takes hold of the bucket, lifts it along with GRANDMA'S leg,
and commences pulling. GRANDMA is forced to follow him,
hopping on one leg.]

GRANDMA What are you doing? You'll break my neck. Careful! Help!

KAY Stay calm. I'll soon have it off.

GRANDMA What - my leg? Help, Gerda, help!

GERDA [Stopping KAY.] For someone who's supposed to be clever you

can be totally stupid. You hold onto Grandma, I'll take her leg.
[They get into position.] Right. 1 - 2 - 3 - heave! [GRANDMA is
stretched out. The bucket remains stuck.] I wasn't ready.

KAY I'll try the leg again. You hold the old bat.

GERDA Right.

GRANDMA Who's an old bat?

KAY Don't panic.

[They take up their new positions and pull, but the bucket remains

GERDA [To AUDIENCE.] You can help if you want. I'll count to three and
you shout - heave. 1 - 2 - 3 -


[This time the bucket comes off and KAY falls backwards in a heap.
When he stands, the bucket is over his head.]

KAY Where am I? Everything's gone dark.

GERDA Look - Kay's gone all pale.

GRANDMA He always did have a face like a bucket.

KAY It's stuck ... I can't see.

GERDA Let me have a look.

KAY I don't need help from anyone.

[He nears the very edge of his world. GERDA and GRANDMA
rush, and just manage to stop him falling.]

GERDA [Trying the bucket.] He's right, it is stuck.

GRANDMA There's only one thing for it. [She takes a hammer from the
wheelbarrow.] Help's here. Brute force and ignorance - never fails.

KAY What's going on?

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GERDA Grandma?

[GRANDMA hits the bucket with her hammer. Loud sound of a

gong. KAY vibrates wildly. GRANDMA takes the bucket off
KAY'S head, and hands it to GERDA. KAY continues to vibrate.]

GRANDMA You look a bit shaky. I'll get you a seat.

GERDA And I'll put this somewhere safe.

[GERDA puts the bucket 'somewhere safe'. GRANDMA wheels

the barrow into the back of KAY'S knees. KAY collapses into the

GRANDMA [Dusting her hands.] There, that's that sorted.

KAY I'm glad you think so.

GERDA Grandma - what is it you're so worried about?

GRANDMA My garden ... There's something wrong with my beautiful garden.

GERDA It looks alright to me.

GRANDMA You should look harder ... My flowers are dying. It's as if
something has told them that Summer is ending and Winter must

GERDA What could have done that?

GRANDMA [Shivers.] There's something in the air, can't you feel it? Those
sudden blasts of icy wind, the way the animals are digging down
deep into the earth. These all mean one thing - Winter is on the

KAY I love Winter.

GERDA But it's too early for Winter.

GRANDMA I've never been wrong, and I tell you all the signs are for snow, for
the swarming of the white bees.

KAY [To himself.] Wonderful, pure, white, deep snow! [To

GRANDMA.] Do the white bees have a Queen like real bees
have a Queen? Does the snow have a Queen?

GRANDMA Some say it has. She always flies right in the centre of the swarm,
where the snowflakes are the thickest. But she never lies down to
rest. No, when the wind dies she returns to the great, black clouds.

KAY Is she very beautiful?

GRANDMA Oh yes ... She is lovelier than words can say.

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The Snow Queen

GERDA Where does she live?

GRANDMA At the most northerly point of the Earth, at the very top of the

GERDA That's all right then.

GRANDMA But on Winter nights when we are asleep she flies silently through
the streets and alleyways. Sometimes she stops to look through a
window and when you get up in the morning the window is
covered with flowers of frost for she has breathed on the glass.

GERDA Just thinking of her gives me the shivers.

GRANDMA That's because she's the Queen of snow and ice and all things cold
and heartless.

KAY That's a good story, but that's all it is - a story.

GERDA Who says?

KAY I say.

GERDA And I suppose you're always right.

KAY Correct.

GRANDMA Watch it! Tell me, who are you?

KAY [A happy, practised response.] The boy the sea gave to the

GRANDMA [Amused, but with an edge.] And that makes you very special ...
But who am I? Tell me that.

KAY [Less happy.] The woman who clatters my ears.

GRANDMA And when do I clatter your ears?

KAY When I get big-headed.

[She shapes to clatter his ears.]

GRANDMA Good! And don't forget it.

KAY But it was just a story, wasn't it?

GRANDMA Something's frightened my garden, that much is true. I shouldn't be

standing here talking. My poor garden. Gangway! [She tips KAY
out of the barrow and exits with it.]

GERDA I've never seen her look so worried.

[Enter COBWEB SPIDER, unseen by KAY and GERDA.]

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The Snow Queen

KAY Don't be frightened Gerda. If The Snow Queen really did come
here I'd pick her up and put her right on top of the stove until she
melted clean away.

COBWEB [Appalled.] You would what! The nerve! The cheek! To even let
her name pass your lips. She could crush you with her little finger!

KAY [Walking round him.] What a funny little man.

COBWEB Careful, brat! My web is spun. It waits for a fly.

KAY Sorry I spoke.

GERDA What do you want here?

COBWEB I'm on important business for a very important lady. Let's just say,
I'm looking for someone.

GERDA Who are you looking for?

COBWEB I don't know yet.

KAY You don't know who you're looking for? You must be stupid.

COBWEB Oh I hope it's you! I really hope it's you!

GERDA What do you hope's him?

COBWEB None of your business - brat!

GERDA You really are very bad-tempered.

COBWEB Why, thank-you.

KAY I'm going to tell her Grandma on you.

COBWEB Her Grandma, not yours I see. She's not your sister?

KAY No - she's not my sister.

COBWEB So you're all on your own ... How very interesting.

[Enter GRANDMA.]

GRANDMA No! Kay may not be my real grandson but I love him just as much
as Gerda who is my own.

COBWEB Love! I hate love!

GERDA And he may not be my brother, and he might be big-headed

some of the time, but I love him too.

COBWEB More love! I'll be sick! So you would be sad if he was, eh, taken

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GRANDMA Taken away?

GERDA Of course we'd be sad.

COBWEB I'm so glad.

GRANDMA But no-one is going to take him away.

GERDA That's right because I would stop them.

COBWEB I'd like to see you try - brat!

KAY Don't you talk to her like that - brat!

COBWEB [To the heavens.] Oh please let it be him!

KAY Now he's talking to himself. He is stupid.

COBWEB You should walk in fear of me! My name will become a legend.
Cobweb The Great, Cobweb The Conqueror, Cobweb The ...
[He steps in the bucket. It sticks to his foot.]

KAY Ha - ha! Serves you right. You're just a clown, that's all you are - a
horrible little clown. [Pause - COBWEB glares at KAY, points with
an outstretched arm.]

COBWEB We'll freeze you, boy! Oh yes - we'll freeze you!

GRANDMA Leave him, Kay. And you, Gerda. Quickly now. I don't like the look
of him. [Exits.]

KAY Nobody likes the look of him. Come on, Gerda. [Exits.]

GERDA I'm coming. [GERDA goes to exit, but stops.] Come on then, I'll
help you.

COBWEB Don't come near me! I can't stand being touched by children.
Snakes, spiders, jelly-fish - anything but children!

[She pays no attention and takes hold of the bucket.]

GERDA It'll come off easy. [She pulls it off, simply.] There, you see, I told
you. [Exits.]

COBWEB Go away! Horrible brat - but it is the boy I want, the boy who
laughed at me. [To AUDIENCE.] I must freeze his heart so that
The Snow Queen will come and steal him away. I could try my
magic. I wonder ... [He kneels and addresses the heavens.] Hear
me, Mistress, hear your faithful servant. [A sigh of wind. THE
SNOW QUEEN'S voice mingles with the wind.]

SNOW QUEEN The Snow Queen has heard you.

COBWEB Oh Mistress, give me power over the winds, let me point them at

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the boy.

SNOW QUEEN It shall be so.

COBWEB It shall be so, it shall be so! Let me see.

And employ your evil powers

To destroy these vile flowers.

[The wind gets louder, the light becomes harsher, colder.

COBWEB begins to dance with joy.]

It's working, it's really working! Cobweb has power, he is a great

magician. Nothing can stop him! [He continues to dance.]

[Enter KAY and GERDA at a run.]

KAY What's happening? It's got so cold.

GERDA The poor flowers. And look - a black cloud has blotted out the sun.

KAY The wind is like a knife.

GERDA Stay back, Kay. I don't like this.

KAY It's him that's doing it, it's him!

COBWEB Come Mistress, switch the sun down low

And turn this world pure white with snow.

[It begins to snow.]

KAY [Delighted.] Oh Gerda, look - it's snowing!

GERDA This shouldn't be happening. It's too early.

KAY But it's beautiful!

GERDA Come away Kay, I don't like any of this.

KAY Don't tell me what to do. He can't do me any harm.

COBWEB Come winds - serve your Queen!


COBWEB And with his eye we'll make him scream!

[A violent rush of wind, an icy burst of light. KAY

is struck in the eye.]
KAY My eye! There's something in my eye!

GERDA Please Kay - come away.

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The Snow Queen

KAY It hurts, it really hurts!

COBWEB Now winds - the second part

Strike him with a splinter through the heart!

[KAY is hurled backwards, clutching his chest.]


KAY Oh Gerda, my heart - help me.

GERDA What have you done to him?

COBWEB There is an evil splinter in his heart, but it won't hurt for long. His
heart is turning to ice, isn't it my little snowman?

GERDA Leave him alone.

KAY No! You leave me alone. I hate you!

GERDA Kay - you don't hate me.

KAY I don't know ... I'm sorry ...

COBWEB What are you sorry for?

KAY You're right - I'm not sorry. Go away, Gerda. Gerda! What an ugly,
stupid name for an ugly, stupid girl!

GERDA [Shouting off] Grandma! Come quickly!

KAY Grandma! A weak and useless old woman, that's all she is.

COBWEB I love it, I love it!

GERDA But Kay, we love you.

KAY You've never loved me and I ... I've ... I've never loved you!

COBWEB Come Snow Queen - the boy is ready!

GERDA The Snow Queen? Kay - look!

[Loud drums. Two huge, terrifying polar bears march through the

GERDA Run, Kay - run! She's coming!


SNOW QUEEN Leave him! The boy is mine. [To KAY.] Come, I will take you
away with me. [GERDA exits at a run.]

KAY [Mesmerised.] Will the bears take us?

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SNOW QUEEN [Gently.] Do you like the bears?

KAY They're lovely.

SNOW QUEEN Then they shall pull our sledge some of the way, but then we shall
fly through the air. The moon shall be our light. We will fly above
the world and look down on oceans, forests and lakes. When we
reach the wastes the bears will run below us on the ice. In the
morning you will fall asleep at my feet. But you're shivering.

KAY I'm so cold.

SNOW QUEEN Come - creep in under my bearskin coat. [He complies.] There's
my little boy. [She kisses him.] Are you still cold? No, I didn't think
so. Sssh, now. Soon you won't feel anything at all. [She wraps her
cloak around him.] I have him! Winter will last forever! To my
sledge. Now bears - forward! To the North! To the North! [Exit

[Enter GERDA and GRANDMA at a run.]

GERDA Come back! Please come back!

COBWEB Too late. He has gone where no-one can ever find him.

GERDA I won't believe that. I'll find him, you'll see.

COBWEB Never! [To AUDIENCE.] Fare thee badly! Ha! [Exits.]

GERDA Come on, Grandma - we've got to go after him!

GRANDMA No, Gerda, that was The Snow Queen. Kay is lost forever.

GERDA Then I'll go on my own - into The Wild Forest.

GRANDMA Please, Gerda. I couldn't bear to lose you too.

GERDA I'm sorry Grandma - I'm going after him. I have to!

GRANDMA No, Gerda - please.

[GERDA exits in pursuit.]

GRANDMA Come back! I would go with her but I'm too old and tired to keep
up. But we must not be frightened! Gerda's strong - I've made
sure of that, and the creatures in the forest are bound to look after
her. [To AUDIENCE.] And you! You're young and you're strong -
you can keep up with her. If you see her will you try and look after
her for me?


GRANDMA Even though The Snow Queen is very cruel?


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GRANDMA Thank-you. You're very brave. [Exits.]

ACT ONE. Scene Three

[The Wild Forest. Enter SCRUFF, a young raven.]

SCRUFF [Shouting off.] Come on, Auntie Peck - hurry up! [To AUDIENCE.]
She's a daft old divot! I'd fly off and leave her only she's got the
food. She used to be a nice ordinary old bird until she started
working for The Princess. You should hear her now - [Posh voice.]
'I'll have you know I am the official news-gatherer to Her Royal
Highness The Princess Lena.' Honestly - she's turned into a right
pain in the beak. She needs taken down a peg or two ... I wonder.
Listen - will you do me a favour?

SCRUFF I hardly heard that. Come on - will you do me a favour?


SCRUFF Thanks. This is what I want you to do. When my Auntie jumps out
in front of you and shouts - Hullo everybody - I want you to shout
back - Shut your beak. Remember that now - Shut your beak.
Ssssh! I think I hear her now. Let's see if you can get it right first

[Enter AUNTIE PECK, carrying a bag of food.]

PECK Hullo Everybody.

AUDIENCE Shut your beak.

PECK Too kind, too kind ... Hang on, that's not right, in fact that's extremely
rude! I'll just have to try again. [Exits.]

SCRUFF You were brilliant. Let's do it even louder this time.

[Enter PECK.]

PECK Hullo everybody.

AUDIENCE Shut your beak.

PECK Scruff - did you hear that?

SCRUFF I didn't hear anything, Auntie Peck.

PECK Hullo everybody.

AUDIENCE Shut your beak.

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SCRUFF I didn't hear that either.

PECK I'll murder you, birdbrain! [To AUDIENCE] And as for you - your
manners leave a great deal to be desired. I'll have you know I am
the official news-gatherer to Her Royal Highness The Princess

SCRUFF Come on Auntie - make with the food.

PECK [Still to AUDIENCE.] Without me she would be nothing!

SCRUFF Oh belt up you daft old crow. I want my lunch.

PECK C - C - C - C ...

SCRUFF What's the matter, Auntie? Must have got a worm


PECK C - C - C - C ... [SCRUFF slaps her on the back] - C - Crow!

Don't you dare use language like that in front of me. Never forget -
we are ravens and ravens are vastly superior to c - crows.

SCRUFF I can't wait any longer.

[He snatches the bag of food.]

PECK Give me that back!

SCRUFF But I'm starving, Auntie Peck. In fact, I'm ravenous ... Do you get it -

PECK We are not amused. Give me the royal leftovers!

SCRUFF Have you gone raven mad? You'd eat the lot. Raven mad! I'm

PECK We are not impressed.

SCRUFF No - you're a raven loony ... A raven loony! I never knew I was so

PECK Give me the royal leftovers! I won't say it again.

SCRUFF Oh go on, say it again ... Or I'll fly off with the food.

PECK Give me the royal leftovers.

SCRUFF Say please.

PECK [Controlled, but murderous.] Please.

SCRUFF No chance! I wonder what's in the bag. [He peeks in.] Oh joy -
bacon and teabags!

PECK Dear nephew, we shouldn't fight. We've always been close after

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The Snow Queen


SCRUFF Have we?

PECK [Edging closer.] Of course we have, dearest Scruff. [Grabs him by

the throat and shakes him.] I said - give me the royal leftovers, or I'll
break your beak! [SCRUFF hands over the royal leftovers.]

SCRUFF Okay, okay - don't get in a flap.

PECK [Rummaging through bag.] Let's see what else is here.

SCRUFF That doesn't matter, Auntie Peck - we're ravens.

PECK That's true, and there's one thing you can always say about ravens.




PECK Anything

SCRUFF Right - let's get stuck in. [They attack the food-bag, battering and
tearing at it with their beaks. A voice is heard from offstage.]

VOICE Is there anyone there? Hullo.

PECK Someone's coming! Someone's coming here!

SCRUFF What'll we do?

PECK Quickly - hide. It might be news, something to tell The Princess!

Hurry birdbrain, Hurry!

[They hide. SCRUFF sneaks out to reach a piece of stray food.

PECK smacks his beak and hauls him back into hiding.

Enter GERDA.]

GERDA I heard voices, I'm sure I did. But there's no-one here, so why is it I
feel I'm being watched? [She walks past their hiding-place. PECK
and SCRUFF come out of hiding, tight against GERDA'S back
and walking in unison with her. GERDA does not notice them.] I
haven't seen anyone for weeks and weeks. This forest is so huge
and lonely, maybe I'll never see anyone ever again. [She stops,
as do PECK and SCRUFF. They lean their beaks on her
shoulders.] The hair on the back of my neck's gone all tickly, just like
someone's breathing on it. [She starts to walk, stops, starts again.
Then stops quickly and turns around, catching them out.] Got you!

SCRUFF [In unison, flapping their wings.] Krork!


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GERDA Birds! Is that all? I set off ages ago to find my friend Kay and all I
find are birds. Still, at least I won't feel so lonely. [She sits down.]
I'm exhausted. [PECK and SCRUFF sit down beside her, 'all
ears'.] Soon after I'd followed The Snow Queen, she'd stolen KAY
away you see, I got lost in all the trees and couldn't find my way
home. Then this horrible old witch captured me and kept me
prisoner in her barge. We sailed for miles down the river until, one
dark night, her boat went over a high waterfall. [PECK and
SCRUFF are sea-sick.] I escaped and reached the shore but I
don't think she was so lucky. So then I walked on and on, always
North, because I've heard that's where The Snow Queen lives.
I've asked everyone I've met if they'd seen Kay. Oh, some of
them were kind and gave me food, but nobody had seen him.
Then I came to this forest and here I am - lost and lonely. Thanks for
listening, you're nice birds. I just wish you could speak, then you
might be able to help me.

PECK Ah well.

SCRUFF You win some, you lose some.

GERDA I suppose you're right ... Wait a minute - you spoke!

SCRUFF [In unison.] Krork!


GERDA No ... I must be imagining things. Just a pair of silly crows.

PECK C - C - C - C ... [SCRUFF slaps her back.] Why thank-you Scruff,

I nearly needed a plumber there.

SCRUFF [To GERDA.] Actually, we're ravens.

GERDA I'm very sorry, but you did speak, didn't you?

SCRUFF But of course, ravens are extremely intelligent birds ... Well, some
of us are.

PECK Out of my way. I'll deal with this! [She pushes SCRUFF aside. To
GERDA.] I'll have you know, I am the official newsgather ...
[SCRUFF grabs PECK'S beak and holds it shut.]

SCRUFF One of these days I'm going to glue her beak shut. She wants to
take you to see Princess Lena. She's her boss. [He lets go of
PECK'S beak.]

PECK A stranger is news around here. The Princess loves news. So

come to the castle. [Tugs GERDA'S arm.] Come with me.

GERDA You're very kind - but I can't. I've got to keep on looking for Kay.
He's my best friend.

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PECK Pity, pity. There hasn't been a stranger here since I found the boy
in the forest.

GERDA [Urgently.] Boy - what boy?

SCRUFF The boy who married Princess Lena.

GERDA What's his name? Tell me.

PECK Oh, he hasn't been given a name yet. We just call him Prince.

SCRUFF But you should have seen him. Even though he had poor clothes
like you he walked right up to the castle and talked as if he'd been
born there ... Oh no - he wasn't scared.
GERDA That sounds like Kay. He must have escaped from The Snow
Queen. What did he look like?

PECK He had shining eyes like yours, and wore a pair of red boots.

GERDA Kay had red boots. Tell me more - please.

SCRUFF Well, The Princess chose the boy as her husband as soon as she
saw how clever he was.

GERDA Clever!

SCRUFF He can even do fractions in his head.

GERDA It is Kay! I've got to see him. Take me to the castle - please.

PECK My pleasure.

SCRUFF Hey - what about me?

PECK [Slaps his beak.] You stay here and look for news. [Exits with

SCRUFF Greedy old crow! News! Fat chance. This place is about as exciting
as a cold fish supper. What am I saying - a cold fish supper is
exciting. Never mind ... What I mean is that nothing, but nothing,
ever happens around here.

[A sigh of wind. The light dims.]

Well, wait a minute and buckle my beak - it's gone and gone all
scary and that's the coldest wind I've ever felt. And wait another
minute - someone's coming! I'd better hide, but ssssh, don't tell
where I am. [He hides.]


COBWEB The girl - I've got to stop the girl. [To AUDIENCE.] My Mistress
has promised to make me a Prince in her Empire of Ice - but only if
I stop Gerda. And you’ll help me, won't you?

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COBWEB Oh yes you will.

AUDIENCE Oh no we won't.

COBWEB Oh yes you will.

AUDIENCE Oh no we won't.

COBWEB Suit yourselves - brats! You see, Cobweb knows where she's
gone. [Points in the correct direction.] That way - to the Castle of
King Grin. The King is evil and greedy so he's bound to help me
catch the girl. Ha! She has played into my web. [He crosses the
stage, laughing evilly]. You'll see - I'll stop her. Cobweb is
invincible. Cobweb is a great hunter. [SCRUFF comes out of
hiding, tight against COBWEB'S back and walking in unison with
him.] Don't you dare laugh at me! Nothing escapes Cobweb. This
spider always catches the fly!

[He exits, SCRUFF stuck fast to his back.]

ACT ONE, Scene Four

[The castle of KING GRIN. Enter PECK, on tiptoe.]

PECK Psst - you can come out, Gerda. There's no-one here.

[Enter GERDA.]

GERDA I'm sure we're being followed. [Shivers.] I've seen shadows on the
wall, lights that move and dance.

PECK Those are dreams, nothing but dreams. You'll get a better look at
them when you're asleep in your bed.

GERDA I don't like this castle.

PECK [Listening.] Ssssh!

GERDA [A whisper.] I miss my Grandma. I'm scared.

PECK [A whisper.] Nonsense. There's nothing to be scared of.

GERDA Then why are we whispering?

PECK [Still a whisper.] Are we? [Normal voice.] Oh - I suppose we are.

Krork! - Ssssh.

GERDA I wish you'd tell me who we're hiding from.

PECK It's King Grin, The Princess's father. He's very cruel and he hates

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GERDA What does he do to them?

PECK Well ... [She slides her hand across her throat.]

GERDA I wish I hadn't asked.

PECK We'll be all right if we find The Princess first.

GERDA It's Kay I want. Just think how proud he'll be when he hears how far
I've come to find him ... I've got to find him.

PECK He's always with The Princess, so - her first. Come on. [They go to
exit. A loud cackling laugh is heard from offstage.] Oh no - it's him,
it's The King!

GERDA But he's laughing!

PECK Don't be fooled - that's when he's at his worst. Quickly - hide!
[GERDA and PECK hide.]


KING GRIN Any friend of The Snow Queen is a friend of mine.

COBWEB So you will help me catch the girl.

KING GRIN It will be a pleasure. But there is of course the matter of ...

COBWEB Riches.

KING GRIN Exactly - riches.

COBWEB Your greed does you credit. My Mistress always rewards her

KING GRIN Imagine - being paid to be cruel. Heaven on earth, a dream come
true! [Sniffs the air.] Yeugh! What's that smell?

COBWEB What smell?

KING GRIN Are you sure you haven't, eh, you know ...?

COBWEB Of course I haven't. Don't be ridiculous.

KING GRIN Are you sure?

COBWEB Of course I'm sure!

KING GRIN It's getting worse.

COBWEB Phew! You can say that again.

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KING GRIN It's getting worse.

COBWEB Oh! Wait - I'd recognise that smell anywhere. [Rounds on

AUDIENCE.] Children!


COBWEB [Pointing.] There!

KING GRIN I don't believe it! What are they doing in my castle?

COBWEB They get everywhere.

KING GRIN Let me at them! [To AUDIENCE.] I hate children! Monsters, that's
what you are - brats and monsters, the lot of you! Don't you dare
talk back to me! I am your elder and your better! Wait till I get my
hands on you. [He rolls up his sleeves and climbs down into the
auditorium.] Disgusting, smelly, cheeky, loathsome brats! I'll throw
you into my dungeon. I'll feed you to my dogs, I'll ...

COBWEB Leave them. They're not worth the trouble.

KING GRIN I'm sorry Mr Spider - I'm going to teach them some respect.
Nothing you can say will stop me. [Moves menacingly towards

KING GRIN Once my mind is made up ... What did you say?

COBWEB Money, King Grin - money. Or if you like - gold, riches, wealth ...
[KING GRIN moves back onto the stage, in an ecstasy of greed.]
Silver doubloons, treasure, precious stones, diamonds ...
[COBWEB reaches into his pocket and produces an enormous,
sparkling diamond.] This diamond in return for the girl!

KING GRIN Let me hold it, let me touch it, let me stroke it. Now, now! I must
have it now! Give, give, give, give. Stamp foot! Stamp foot! [He
stamps his foot down hard on COBWEB'S foot. COBWEB
throws the diamond in the air, and grabs at his sore foot. KING
GRIN catches the diamond.] At last, my beauty, at last! Now let
me look at you. [He laughs greedily and examines the diamond.]

COBWEB [Confidentially, to AUDIENCE.] Any idiot can tell it's a fake.

KING GRIN [Knowledgeably.] Mmmm - well this is obviously real.

COBWEB So you like it then?

KING GRIN Like it! I'm in love. [COBWEB snatches back the diamond. KING
GRIN screams in horror.] No! Nooo! Give back, give back. Mine,
all mine. Mines's now, all mines's!

COBWEB First you must help me stop the girl.

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KING GRIN Anything. I'll do anything. Are you sure she's in my castle?

COBWEB I followed her here. She was with a stupid looking crow.

PECK [From hiding.] C-C-C-C-C-C ...

COBWEB What was that?

KING GRIN That's just the bird - that's them!

[GERDA and PECK come out of hiding and run off.]

COBWEB After them!


COBWEB You hurry!

KING GRIN You hurry!

COBWEB You hurry first!

KING GRIN You hurry first!

COBWEB Oh hurry up and hurry!

KING GRIN I'm hurrying, I'm hurrying!

[They exit at a run, after some confusion. Enter SCRUFF, following


SCRUFF Ssssh - Krork - sssh. [He exits in pursuit.]

[Enter PRINCE wearing his red boots, holding a mask to his face.
He runs quickly across the stage.]

PRINCE I'll hide Princess - you seek. [Exits.]

[Enter PRINCESS LENA, spoilt, huffy, luxuriously dressed.]

LENA [Shouting off.] But I wanted to hide! Oh, never mind. You can't hide
from me, Prince, I know every inch of this castle.

[Enter PECK and GERDA, unseen by LENA.]

LENA [Still shouting off.] I'll count to a hundred and then I'll find you, just
you wait. [She covers her face with her hands.] 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 ...

PECK Look, it's The Princess! Psst - Your Majesty.

LENA Don't interrupt - I'm counting ... 75 - 76 - 77 ...

GERDA That was quick.

PECK She cheats at everything. Pssst - Your Majesty.

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LENA [Looking up.] Oh what is it?

PECK Look - I've brought you news.

LENA So you have, Peck - well done. Oh, I do love news!

PECK I don't suppose there's any royal leftovers.

LENA Shut your beak! Now, let me look at my news.

GERDA Please, I've got to find my ...

LENA [Interrupting.] You must be cold wearing such poor clothes. What's
your name?

GERDA It's ...

LENA You are cold aren't you?

GERDA I'm ...

LENA I knew it. I'll get you a coat like mine. Lovely, isn't it? I've got
hundreds. Why are you here? I suppose you must be lost. Are
you lost?

GERDA I'm ...

PECK She's ...

LENA And you must be hungry. [PECK nods.] Not you, you idiot. [To
GERDA.] We must get you some food. Oh, don't thank me - I
love giving to the poor. Come to the kitchens. What did you say
your name was?

GERDA I didn't, but it's Gerda, and really I'm not hungry.

LENA But you must ...

PECK She's looking for her friend.

GERDA That's right. He's here in the castle.

LENA But ...

PECK She's sure it's the boy you married.

GERDA I've got to find him. I've got to.

LENA Honestly - I can't get a word in edgeways!

GERDA Tell me where he is - please.

LENA Well ... I don't know. We're playing hide and seek.

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GERDA Then which way did he go?

LENA You won't try and take him away from me, will you?

GERDA I only want to see that he's safe.

LENA Do you promise?

GERDA Yes, I promise.

LENA He went that way.

GERDA Oh thank-you. [Exits, at a run.]

PECK Krork!

LENA Wait! You'll get lost on your own. Come on, Peck -we've got to
help her. [Exits with PECK, in pursuit.]


COBWEB After them!

KING GRIN After them!

[They collide.]

COBWEB I am after them!


COBWEB Then hurry! [They exit, after some confusion. SCRUFF follows
them, stops for a very quick breather, and exits in pursuit.]

[Enter GERDA, tentative, scared, excited.]

GERDA The corridors in this castle go on for miles and miles. [Wiping
suddenly at her head.] And there are cobwebs everywhere. I think
I'm lost again. Kay, Kay - if you can hear me, please show yourself.
Wait till you hear how far I've come to find you. Please Kay, don't
hide from me any more.

[PRINCE leaps out of hiding holding the mask over his face.]

PRINCE [Loud like a boo.] Here!

GERDA [Starting.] You frightened me ... It is Kay, isn't it? Tell me it is. [No
response.] Then show your face - please.

PRINCE Who are you?

GERDA Come on, Kay - you do so know me. You must ...

[PRINCE removes the mask. It’s not KAY.]

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GERDA [Hurt, hanging her head.] Oh.

PRINCE Don't be so sad. I didn't mean to frighten you.

GERDA It's not your fault.

[Enter PECK and LENA who carries a beautiful coat.]

PECK Is it him, is it him?

LENA We're dying to know. Is it, is it?

PECK Tell us. Tell us. [GERDA is too near tears to speak. She merely
shakes her head.] I'm sorry, Gerda.

LENA [Holding out coat.] I've brought you this. Here, put it on. You'll feel
better. [She drapes the coat over GERDA's shoulders.] You
certainly look better.

PRINCE Who is it I'm not, and why's she crying?

GERDA I thought you were ... [She begins to cry. PECK helps her out.]

PECK [To PRINCE.] She thought you were her friend Kay. [With disgust]
But you're not!

PRINCE I can't help that. Keep your feathers on. [To GERDA.] Listen
Gerda - I may not be Kay, but I'll be your friend if you like. We'll all
be your friends.

LENA That's right.

PECK So don't cry, Gerda.

PRINCE Stay here with us.

LENA Yes, stay! You can share our toys and clothes. They're all beautiful.
Say you'll stay.

GERDA I don't know.

LENA You can have anything you want.

GERDA Really, anything?

PRINCE Cheer up Gerda. Look at it this way. Things can't get any worse.
[Enter SCRUFF, chased by COBWEB.]

COBWEB Ah - ha!



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PRINCE Who's me? I mean - who's he?

GERDA He helped The Snow Queen steal Kay away.

COBWEB And now I've got you.

PECK Run Gerda!

LENA [In unison.] Run!


[GERDA runs - but only into the arms of KING GRIN.]

KING GRIN I've got her! I'm rich, I'm rich!

SCRUFF Leave her alone

PRINCE She hasn't done anything wrong.

COBWEB That's her problem.

KING GRIN To the dungeon with the girl!

PECK You can't do that.

KING GRIN To the dungeon with the bird!

PECK Me and my big beak.

SCRUFF Leave her alone! [SCRUFF attacks KING GRIN with his beak.
KING GRIN is forced to let GERDA go.]

PRINCE [In unison] Run Gerda - run!

COBWEB Stop her!

[GERDA starts to run. She clearly has a chance to escape, but she
stops, hangs her head. An astonished silence.]

PECK Gerda?

GERDA I can't run any more ... I can’t ... I'll never find Kay and I'll never find
my way home.

KING GRIN To the dungeon with ...

[COBWEB kicks him, shuts him up.]

COBWEB [To GERDA.] So, you give up then?

GERDA Yes, I give up.

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COBWEB [Thrilled.] Well, well - what a pity.

LENA Then you will stay with us?

GERDA I've nowhere else to go. I'd like that very much, thank-you.

[LENA, PRINCE and birds shout and clap with joy.]

PRINCE You won't be sorry.

LENA I'll dress you, then we'll show you all our toys.

PRINCE Come on, Gerda.

[LENA, PRINCE and birds press around GERDA, lead her off.]

KING GRIN You've let her escape! My diamond!

COBWEB Here, fool. [Throws KING GRIN the diamond.] Sadness and toys -
the deepest dungeon of all.

KING GRIN [Slobbering over diamond.] Ha - ha, of course ... eh?

COBWEB She has lost her courage, and can never escape. She has given
up, and she is helpless against me. I will fetch my Mistress, The
Snow Queen. She will come here and freeze the girl to death.


ACT ONE, Scene Five.

[The playroom in the castle, full of beautiful toys of all shapes and
sizes - dolls, stuffed bears, rocking horses, etc.

Enter GERDA, PRINCE and LENA. GERDA is beautifully

dressed by LENA, but she carries a plain bag.]

PRINCE [Excited.] Did you see it, did you see it?

LENA I saw it. A huge white bird flying around the highest tower. It was

PRINCE Did you see it, Gerda?

LENA She didn't even look.

GERDA [Distantly.] I'm sorry.

PRINCE She won't smile.

LENA She's fed up.

GERDA No ...

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PRINCE She doesn't like our toys.

GERDA It's not ...

LENA She's wearing my best clothes and she's fed up!

GERDA No, it's really not ...

LENA [Stamping her foot.] Well - what is it then? Give her everything and
she walks round with her face tripping her!

GERDA The toys and clothes are lovely, and you're very kind.


GERDA It's just that I miss my Grandma very much, and I miss Kay too.

PRINCE We're not good enough for her!

GERDA I didn't mean that.

LENA She's no fun! Come on, Prince - leave her.

GERDA Don't go. Please don't leave me ... [Exit PRINCE and LENA.] I
can't help feeling sad. Oh - now I'm all on my own.

[Enter SCRUFF and PECK.]

SCRUFF [In unison] Krork!


GERDA Peck! And Scruff!

SCRUFF Did you remember, Gerda?

PECK Did you?

GERDA Of course I remembered. I promised, didn't I? [Holds out bag.]

SCRUFF Royal leftovers! [He snatches bag.]

PECK Thank you, Gerda.

SCRUFF No-one else ever remembers us.

PECK Right, Scruff - let's get beaked in! [Both peer into bag.]

SCRUFF Oh joy - custard and cauliflower!

PECK Carrots and chocolate sauce!

SCRUFF Ice cream and cabbage!

[They guzzle the food in the bag. GERDA is searching through the

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PECK What are you looking for, Gerda?

SCRUFF Those are the old toys. No-one ever plays with old toys.

GERDA Sssh ... I can hear something. Listen.

[The sound of a faint voice.]

VOICE Help me ... Set me free.

SCRUFF It's coming from over there.

GERDA I'll go and look.

PECK [Covering her eyes.] Never go and look! No-one should ever go
and look!

SCRUFF Oh shut your beak.

[She pulls at an ancient velvet hanging. It falls to reveal a larger than

lifesize Russian doll. GERDA and the birds start back with fear - the
doll is decorated with a lifesize painting of THE SNOW QUEEN.]

PECK Come away, Gerda.

GERDA I thought it was really her.

SCRUFF She scares me.

VOICE Set me free ... Set me free.

PECK Listen.

GERDA These dolls open up, I know they do. [She heaves at the doll, but
can't open it.] Help me open it.

VOICE Help me.

PECK [Making to leave.] I'll go for help. [SCRUFF grabs her.]

SCRUFF Doesn't she make you proud? Come on, Auntie Peck!

[They help GERDA pull the doll open, only to reveal the identical
doll inside.]

PECK I've done my bit. I'm for my nest.

VOICE Help me.

GERDA Listen - it might be Kay. Come on! [They pull the doll open,
revealing the next doll.] The next one - hurry!

PECK [Backing away.] Not me, Gerda. Not me.

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GERDA Come on then, Scruff.

SCRUFF [Backing away.] I'm sorry Gerda - I'm scared too ... You'll have to
do it yourself.

[GERDA pulls with all her strength, opening the doll and releasing
BHIMA. GERDA hangs her head, sad that it is not KAY.]

BHIMA I'm free! I'm free! I'd given up all hope. Thank-you, little girl! Thank-

PECK [Pushing to the front.] Of course it was all my idea. And just exactly
who are you?

BHIMA My name is Bhima, Lord of the Sun. I am a magician.

PECK And I'm Peck. I am a raven. This is Gerda. She's ... A


SCRUFF Show us some magic then!

BHIMA I'm sorry - ever since The Snow Queen locked me up I've used all
my magic just to stay alive.


GERDA The Snow Queen! Then maybe you know where Kay is.

BHIMA Who's Kay?

GERDA My friend. Well he was - then he got something in his eye and a
splinter in his heart, and The Snow Queen came and stole him

BHIMA The evil mirror! Then her plan has worked.

GERDA What plan?

BHIMA Her plan to make Winter last forever. With Kay she has the power
to freeze the world.

GERDA You're a magician - you should have stopped her.

BHIMA I tried with all my might, but I wasn't strong enough.

PECK Pathetic!

GERDA I wasn't strong enough either. I was going to find Kay, then the
Snow Queen's servant caught me and I just gave up.

BHIMA But why should she try so hard to stop you? I wonder ... Unless
she fears you, unless she fears you have the power to break her
spell! That must be it!

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GERDA I don't understand.

BHIMA Listen! Once you leave the castle you must go North - forever
North. You must pass through The Winter Forest before you come
to the ice. That is Lapland where the Snow Queen burns blue light
every evening - its sparks are The Northern Lights. You must cross
the ice until you reach the village of Spitzbergen. From there it is
only a short journey to the Snow Queen's Ice Palace at the very
top of the world.

GERDA Is that where Kay is - at the top of the world?


GERDA [Frightened and strong.] Then that's where I must go.

BHIMA Yes - you must.

[Enter LENA and PRINCE.]

LENA You say first.

PRINCE You say first.

LENA [To GERDA.] We're sorry, Gerda.

PRINCE That's right. We're sorry.

LENA We only wanted to help you.

GERDA Then help me escape from the castle.

LENA But we want to keep you.

PRINCE [Seeing BHIMA.] Who's he?

GERDA He was a prisoner here too, but now he's free. He told me where
Kay is. That's why I must go.

PRINCE Then we will help you - but we must hurry before she gets here.


LENA Didn't we tell you? The Snow Queen - she's here in the castle.

[The voice of The Snow Queen is heard.]

SNOW QUEEN [From off.] The girl! Take me to the girl!

PECK [In unison, terrified] Krork!

BHIMA This way, Gerda! Everyone - run!

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[The sound of a wind. GERDA, BHIMA and SCRUFF go one

way, LENA, PRINCE and PECK go another. THE SNOW
QUEEN enters - like some terrifying and beautiful bird of prey.
She is followed by COBWEB and KING GRIN.]

SNOW QUEEN Bring the girl to me! I will freeze her to death!

COBWEB She's here, I'm sure of it.

SNOW QUEEN Hurry! I will have her soul.

KING GRIN I don't understand - she's gone.

[THE SNOW QUEEN sees the open doll.]

SNOW QUEEN The Sun-wizard! He is free. You have let The Sun back into the

COBWEB [In unison, pointing at each other.] It's all his fault!

SNOW QUEEN I will turn you both to ice. [KING GRIN sobs.]

COBWEB Please, Mistress - no.

SNOW QUEEN Then find them - hurry!

COBWEB At once. [Exits with KING GRIN.]

SNOW QUEEN She cannot go free! My power is too strong. No-one ever
escapes from The Snow Queen!


ACT ONE. Scene Six.

[The castle. Enter BHIMA, GERDA and SCRUFF, at a run.]

SCRUFF Krork - they're right behind us!

BHIMA [To GERDA.] We've got to get you out of the castle.

GERDA But how?

SCRUFF [Pointing.] Here they come!

BHIMA I'll slow them. You go on. Run.

GERDA But ...

BHIMA Run! [GERDA and SCRUFF exit separately.]


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BHIMA [Calling after SCRUFF.] I'm coming, Gerda. I'm right behind you.
[Exits, the opposite way from GERDA.]

KING GRIN There - that way!

COBWEB I don't trust him. You go that way. I'll go this way. [Exit COBWEB

[Enter PRINCE, LENA and PECK.]

PRINCE We've got to find Gerda.

LENA Come on, then, hurry. [Exits with PRINCE.]

PECK [Breathless.] I couldn't run another step.

[Enter SCRUFF at a run]

SCRUFF Hurry, Auntie Peck. He's right behind me. [Exits.]

[Enter KING GRIN.]

KING GRIN Come here, you stupid crow!

PECK C - C - C - C ... Oh, there's no time for that. [She exits followed by

[Enter GERDA, possibly through the auditorium, followed by

COBWEB. THE SNOW QUEEN appears on high - remote,

SNOW QUEEN Faster, faster! Catch her, catch her!

[GERDA and COBWEB reach the stage. It looks as if COBWEB

will catch her.]

COBWEB I'm going to get you, brat!

GERDA Oh no you won't.

COBWEB Oh yes I will.

AUDIENCE Oh no you won't.

[GERDA exits.]

COBWEB Oh yes I ... !!!

SNOW QUEEN After her, fool! After her! [COBWEB exits after GERDA. THE
SNOW QUEEN vanishes.]

[Enter SCRUFF.]

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SCRUFF [To AUDIENCE.] I think I'm safe here.

[Enter KING GRIN.]

KING GRIN Got you! [He grabs SCRUFF.] Tell me where the girl is.

SCRUFF I don't know.

KING GRIN Tell me, or I'll pluck all your feathers out - one by one! [He plucks
out a feather. SCRUFF screams and faints.] Stupid bird - he's
fainted. [Exits.]

[SCRUFF gets to his feet.]

SCRUFF Fainted - my beak. He really fell for that one.


SNOW QUEEN The girl will be mine. [SCRUFF faints for real.] Like the boy - she
will be mine forever. [Exit THE SNOW QUEEN.]

[PECK enters and falls over SCRUFF. BHIMA enters and falls
over PECK. SCRUFF comes round.]

PECK Idiot - what are you doing?

SCRUFF I must have fainted.

PECK You lucky thing.

BHIMA We must find Gerda before she does.

SCRUFF But which way?

[Enter PRINCE and LENA.]

PRINCE This way - quickly!

LENA We've got an idea. [Exit PRINCE, LENA, SCRUFF, PECK and

[Enter GERDA. She exits at a run. COBWEB and KING GRIN

back cautiously onto the stage from separate directions. They
collide centre-stage, jump with fright and rotate back to back. They
build up enough courage to discover their identities, and scream
with fright when they do. GERDA enters. They scream with

GERDA Oh no!

COBWEB [Entangled, in unison] It's her, it's her!


[Enter BHIMA.]

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BHIMA This way, Gerda! We've got an idea. [Exit GERDA and BHIMA.
COBWEB and KING GRIN try to disentangle themselves from
each other.]

[Enter THE SNOW QUEEN. They scream with fright.]

SNOW QUEEN After them!


SNOW QUEEN Enough of this! I will use my magic. My magic can see everything.
My magic can see everywhere! [Exit THE SNOW QUEEN.]

Enter BHIMA and GERDA.]

BHIMA Try and rest, Gerda. I think we're safe here.

[THE SNOW QUEEN'S voice comes from all around.]

VOICE Nowhere is safe. I can see you, little girl.

BHIMA That's her voice. But how? I can't see anything.

VOICE But I can see you.

BHIMA I can't fight a voice. Where are you?

VOICE I am all around you. [They go to exit.] Don't go that way, I'm waiting
for you there. [They try another exit.] Or that way. I'm waiting there

BHIMA Show yourself. [An icy light begins to glow.] Look, Gerda! There!

[They back away from the light, but only towards THE SNOW
QUEEN who has entered behind them.]

SNOW QUEEN Come little girl. You are mine.

BHIMA Run, Gerda! Run! [Exits. GERDA remains still.]

SNOW QUEEN You can't run, can you? You are in my power. Come, servants -
take her!

[Enter KING GRIN and COBWEB. They take hold of GERDA

and lead her to THE SNOW QUEEN.]

SNOW QUEEN You thought you could take Kay away from me. You thought you
could defeat The Snow Queen. But you have failed, you have
failed miserably and I have triumphed. As always - The Snow
Queen has triumphed!
GERDA No! You're the one who's failed. We swapped coats. I'm not
Gerda. See! [She flings back her hood. It is LENA.] Our plan
worked. Yours didn't. Gerda's gone!

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SNOW QUEEN I will have the girl! Quickly - there may still be time. [Exit THE
SNOW QUEEN. COBWEB snatches the diamond from KING
GRIN and exits.]

KING GRIN No! Nooooo!

LENA Oh honestly, father - it serves you right.

KING GRIN The world is cruel, the world is cruel.

[LENA laughs as they exit.]

ACT ONE, Scene Seven.

[The open road, outside the castle. Enter PRINCE, GERDA,

PECK, SCRUFF and BHIMA at a run. They all gather happily
around GERDA.]

PRINCE Our trick worked. It really worked!

SCRUFF It was brilliant!

BHIMA But feel how cold it is.

PRINCE Look - you can see your breath.

GERDA I don't care - it's lovely to be out in the air again.

[Enter LENA, at a run.]

LENA The horses are ready. They're the fastest and the most beautiful in
the whole world, but what else would you expect?

GERDA I don't know what to say. You've all been so kind. [She kisses
PECK and SCRUFF.] You've been very special friends.

PECK Of course - ravens are very special birds.

SCRUFF Oh, Auntie Peck - shut your beak.

PECK We'll all miss you, Gerda.

SCRUFF Good luck, Gerda.

[PECK and SCRUFF embrace GERDA, and exit.]

BHIMA Keep going north, always north.

GERDA I'll remember. Won't you come with me?

BHIMA No, Gerda - you're stronger on your own. I am only strong in

summer when the sun is strong. But here - take this. [He removes

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a golden ring from his finger and gives it to GERDA.] It’s a magic
ring. If you need me, breathe on it and shine its gold three times
against your heart and, I promise, I'll be there beside you. Don't
lose it. And remember - always north, forever north.

GERDA [Putting the ring on her finger.] I won't lose it, and I won't forget.

BHIMA Then go on your way.

LENA Hurry - the horses are raring to go.

GERDA Goodbye everyone.

PRINCE Go on, Gerda. You can do it.

[GERDA exits, waving, through the auditorium.]

ALL [Variously.] Go on, Gerda ... Always North ... Keep going, Gerda
... You can do it ... Forever North ...

[A loud wind gets up. PECK enters, terrified.]

PECK It's her! It's The Snow Queen!

BHIMA Quickly, run! [They scatter.]


COBWEB It's too late, Mistress - she's gone. Please don't kill me.

SNOW QUEEN [Ignoring him.] She will never take him away from me. Never! I still
have the boy. Come, my little snow-man. Come to The Snow
Queen. [Enter KAY. He goes slowly to her, and she kisses him
gently.] I still have him! And now I will bury the world under huge
falls of snow and great mountains of ice. [Turns savagely on
AUDIENCE.] I will freeze you all! I will freeze you all!

[A howl of wind, a burst of icy light, and, by magic, they vanish.]


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ACT TWO, Scene One

[The Winter Forest, near to The North Road. Enter THE ROBBER
WOMAN, wild and fierce, followed by her gang - NIKO,

ROBBER WOMAN Right men - take your positions!

[They shuffle about aimlessly, bumping into each other.]

MUSCLES [Eventually.] What positions?

ROBBER WOMAN Your robbing positions! Poultices! What are you?

MUSCLES [Resigned, in unison] Poultices.

ROBBER WOMAN We'll hide in the trees next to our barricade on the road. First
coach we see, gets it!

NIKO [Spits.] No-one uses The North Road any more. It's too cold.

ROBBER WOMAN We do what I say! The Robber Woman has spoken.

NIKO Coach! That's a laugh. We haven't seen a coach for weeks.

TWITCH Me, I've forgotten what they look like.

ROBBER WOMAN I wish I could forget what you look like!

MUSCLES Hey, that's funny. [Laughs.]

ROBBER WOMAN Muscles! [She belts him one. MUSCLES stops laughing.]

TWITCH [Twitching.] Here Chief.

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ROBBER WOMAN Go and have a look at the road. And Twitch, stop twitching!

TWITCH [Twitching.] Sorry Chief. Right away, Chief. [Exits.]

NIKO Huh - a complete waste of time. We should go back to camp.

ROBBER WOMAN Niko - come over here and say that.

[NIKO comes over. THE ROBBER WOMAN grabs his nose.]

ROBBER WOMAN Who's Robber Chief?

NIKO Ow - led go ob by dose.

ROBBER WOMAN [Twisting his nose.] Who's Chief?

NIKO Ow - you dar.

ROBBER WOMAN I didn't hear that. [She stamps on his foot but still holds
onto his nose.] Louder! Who's Chief?

NIKO Ow - you dar.

ROBBER WOMAN [Letting him go.] That's my boy. [NIKO relaxes and she
stamps on his other foot.] Today we'll get a coach. I can feel it in my

[Enter TWITCH.]

TWITCH I've had a good look at the road.


TWITCH [Shifting uncomfortably.] Well what?

ROBBER WOMAN Well - go on!

TWITCH I've had a good look at the road and ... it's still there, I saw it ...
annnd ... it's a nice road, annnd ...

ROBBER WOMAN [Belting him one.] You were meant to see what's on the
road, not look at it! I'm surounded by idiots!

MUSCLES I'm here.

ROBBER WOMAN Oh give me strength. Muscles, I want you to go and see

what's - on - the - road. Got it?

MUSCLES What's - on - the - road. Got it, Chief. Leave it to me, Chief.

[He exits, repeating his instructions. NIKO begins to polish his


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ROBBER WOMAN [To AUDIENCE.] What a gorilla. It takes him two hours to
shave, honestly, and that's just the palms of his hands. What a life.
Some robbers must have it easy, some bandits, cutthroats and
thieves must lead the good life. Just think - I could have been a
lawyer. Oh I need a drink.

[She snatches the bottle of polish from NIKO and takes a drink.]

ROBBER WOMAN Bleugh! What's this you've given me?

NIKO It's my knife polish.

ROBBER WOMAN Oh, I'll just have to polish it off then. [She drinks it down.]
Oof - that fair puts a shine on the day.

[Enter MUSCLES, very excited.]

MUSCLES I seen it, I seen it, I seen it - with my own eyes - I seen it!


NIKO Where?

MUSCLES On the road, I seen it. I seen it on the road. I did, I did, I really did.

ROBBER WOMAN [Very loud.] What did you see on the road?

MUSCLES I seen this itty-bitty tiny white bunny rabbit hop-hopping across
the snow. Aw Chief - you should have seen it. It was lovely. Great
big ears, little fluffy tail and ...



ROBBER WOMAN Come here. I've got something for you.

[MUSCLES goes to her.]

MUSCLES [Delighted.] For me, Chief? What is it?

[TWITCH and NIKO cover their eyes.]

ROBBER WOMAN Extreme pain!

[She takes out a vicious looking club and really lets him have it.]

MUSCLES Thanks, Chief.

ROBBER WOMAN Oh! Get in a line - all of you! This minute!

[They shuffle reluctantly into a line.]

ROBBER WOMAN I'm going to knock you lot into shape. Robbers should be
strong - chest out - brave - shoulders back - and ruthless - tummy

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in! Good. We will now sing our song.

ALL [Variously.] Oh no! I hate singing! This song stinks! Where's my

ear plugs?

ROBBER WOMAN [Murderously.] Stand Still! [They obey.] We shall begin.

Ahem. [She taps MUSCLES on the head with her 'baton'] 1 - 2 -
3 ...

[Song : 'Thick as Thieves.']

ALL We are the men, we are the men,

We've been robbers since we were ten.

NIKO [Spoken] I'm not singing this!

MUSCLES [Spoken] This is a stupid song!

TWITCH [Spoken] Who wrote it?

ROBBER WOMAN [Spoken] I did! Now sing up, boys - or else!

ALL We are the men, we are the men

We've been robbers since we were ten

[ROBBERS begin to tiptoe off.]

We are mean, we are rude

Streets ahead of Robin Hood.

[ROBBER WOMAN spots their attempted escape.]

ROBBER WOMAN [Spoken.] Come back here, you clowns! When I say sing,
I mean sing!

ALL We are thick, as thick as thieves,

That's us to a tee.
We are thick, oh yes we're thick,
We're as thick as thieves can be.

ALL We've never worked in our lives

What's more, we never will
For what's the point of working
When you can rob another's till?

ROBBER WOMAN [Spoken.] Now men, we'll sing about what we robbers
really believe in.

NIKO [Spoken.] I don't believe in anything.

ROBBER WOMAN [Spoken.] You believe in money, don't you - you believe
in the beauty of theft?

NIKO [Spoken.] Of course I do. We all do.

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ROBBER WOMAN [Spoken.] Well then - [Sings.]

ROBBER WOMAN If you see something you want

Just take it.
ALL Take it!
MUSCLES If you want what you see
Just take it.
ALL Take it!


ALL Steal it!
ALL Swag it!
ALL Put it in a sack.
Build a mountain stack!
Never, never, never,
No, never give it back!

ALL We are as thick, as thick as thieves,

That's us to a tee.
We are thick, oh yes we're thick,
We're as thick as thieves can be.

ROBBER WOMAN That's the stuff, men. Now you're ready for anything.

NIKO I'm ready for my tea.

TWITCH A coach! I can see a coach!

ROBBER WOMAN He's right! It's almost at the barricade. Hurry, men - hurry!
Attack, attack! [They exit in an excited stampede. THE ROBBER
WOMAN 'watches' the ambush.] The coach has slowed down for
the barricade. Now's the time, men! Go for it! They've done it.
They've jumped onto the coach. Brilliant men - brilliant! But the
horses are loose. Don't let them escape you fools. Too late. The
coach is out of control. The barricade! Look out - it's going to ...
[Loud sound of a crash.] Crash. [A buckled wheel rolls drunkenly
onto the stage followed by MUSCLES who is very excited.]

MUSCLES We got it, Chief. We got a coach. [He dances for joy.]

[Enter TWITCH and NIKO.]

NIKO [In unison, dancing] We got a coach, we got a coach,
we got a coach!


goes to kiss THE ROBBER WOMAN. She belts him one.]

ROBBER WOMAN Just bring me the plunder!

MUSCLES The plunder, Chief. Coming right up.

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ROBBER WOMAN Hurry! Form a human chain.

NIKO [Pointing at MUSCLES.] How can it be human if he's in it?

ROBBER WOMAN Do as you're told! [They form a chain, MUSCLES going off
to fetch the plunder.]

ROBBER WOMAN I'll be rich, I'll be rich. Quickly - the plunder!

MUSCLES Arriva - ole!

[Throws plunder down line and exits.]

NIKO Hoopla!

TWITCH Allez - oop! [ROBBER WOMAN catches the plunder and holds it
up - it is a pair of gloves.]


[Enter MUSCLES.]

MUSCLES I found them in the ... ?

MUSCLES [In unison.] Glove compartment!


MUSCLES Ole! [He throws a large boot down the line, and exits.]

ROBBER WOMAN [Catching boot.] What!

[Enter MUSCLES.]

MUSCLES [To AUDIENCE.] I found it in ...

AUDIENCE The boot. [MUSCLES throws a coachman's bonnet down the


MUSCLES [To AUDIENCE.] I found it under ...

AUDIENCE The bonnet.

ROBBER WOMAN Where's the gold! Where's the silver! Where's the

MUSCLES There isn't any, Chief.

ALL What - no plunder!

MUSCLES There's nothing - except for this. [He fetches GERDA and launches
her down the line.]


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NIKO Hoopla!

TWITCH Allez - oop! [THE ROBBER WOMAN catches GERDA.]

ROBBER WOMAN A little girl? I don't want a little girl!

GERDA And I don't want you. Put me down.

ROBBER WOMAN With pleasure. [She drops GERDA.]

NIKO Where's the gold? Tell us, or I'll ...

GERDA There's no gold. There's just me. So let me go - please. You've

got to.

ROBBER WOMAN Got to - ha!

NIKO [Fingering his knife.] We never let anyone go.

GERDA But you really have got to. I'm going to the Snow Queen's Ice
Palace at the top of the world.

MUSCLES [Terrified.] The Snow Queen!

TWITCH [Twitching] The Ice Palace!

NIKO She must be crazy!

ROBBER WOMAN No, little girl - we'll decide what happens to you.

TWITCH Look at her.

ROBBER WOMAN She's pretty and plump. She's been fed on nut kernels, the
lamb. And look how smartly she’s dressed.

NIKO Feel her coat.

TWITCH She must be rich.

GERDA It's not mine! I was given it by a Princess.

ROBBER WOMAN Rich! Princess! That's it! We'll hold her to ransom.

ROBBERS [Chanting.] Here we go, here we go, here we go ...

GERDA Oh no - my Grandma's very poor, and no-one else would pay

anything for me.

ROBBER WOMAN Just my luck!


COBWEB Perhaps, gentlemen, I can be of some assistance.

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GERDA You! You followed me. Don't let him near me. He's horrible.

ROBBER WOMAN Who are you, scunnerlugs?

COBWEB My name is Cobweb Spider, High Lord of The New Ice Age -
and I can make you rich. [He produces a casket] I'll give you this
casket of golden coins...

TWITCH Gimme, gimme

COBWEB ... in exchange for the girl.

NIKO We're rich, chief. We're rich!

ROBBER WOMAN I don't know, I'll have to think about it.

ROBBERS Think about it!?

ROBBER WOMAN I've thought about it. I accept.

COBWEB [Laughing evilly.] You see, little girl - [Points to the sky.] - She
never loses.

ROBBER WOMAN Give him the girl.

GERDA Please don't. [To AUDIENCE.] They can't give me away, can

COBWEB Oh yes they can.

AUDIENCE Oh no they can't.

COBWEB [In unison] Oh yes they can.


AUDIENCE Oh no they can't.

COBWEB [To AUDIENCE.] This time you're wrong! [To ROBBERS.] Bring
her to me!


ROBBER WOMAN prepares to accept the casket of coins, but
the transaction is interrupted by the entrance of REDHEAD, The
Little Robber Girl. She is wild and fast.]

REDHEAD Mama! [She leaps up onto THE ROBBER WOMAN'S back and
bites her ear.]

ROBBER WOMAN [Screaming.] My ear, my ear - you're biting my ear! [She

howls and swings round and round, trying to dislodge REDHEAD.
Finally REDHEAD jumps down.] My ear - it's bleeding.
[Advancing on REDHEAD.] I should break every bone in your ...

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REDHEAD But Mama, I love you.

ROBBER WOMAN And I love you too, you vicious little animal. Come to
Mama. [They give each other a big hug.] What have you been up

REDHEAD Nothing special. I broke some windows, picked some pockets,

and I stole another knife.

ROBBER WOMAN That's my girl.

REDHEAD [Pointing at GERDA.] Who's she?

ROBBER WOMAN We robbed a coach. She was all we got.

REDHEAD [Pointing at COBWEB.] And who's he?

MUSCLES He's a poultice.

NIKO A rich poultice.

ROBBER WOMAN He's going to give us gold in exchange for the girl.



REDHEAD You heard. I want the girl so I get the girl! Understood?

COBWEB But the gold.

REDHEAD I'll take her muff and her pretty dress. My mother always gives me
what I want.

NIKO Not this time she won't.

REDHEAD [Squaring up to NIKO.] Oh yeah - and what are you going to do

about it?

NIKO [Backing down.] N - nothing.

REDHEAD No, I didn't think so. [She spits.] Tell them, Mama.

ROBBER WOMAN Give her the girl. [A storm of protest from COBWEB and
THE ROBBERS.] And that's final! I love my little girl. I want to give
her all the things I've never had.

NIKO Like what - a brain?

ROBBER WOMAN I'll brain you, you sleekit little dwarf! Give her the girl.


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COBWEB You can't do that! [MUSCLES restrains him.]

REDHEAD [To GERDA.] Don't be frightened - if anyone around here is going

to kill you, it'll be me. Come on. I'll show you where I live. [Exits
with GERDA.]

COBWEB [Furious.] Right, that's it. You're not getting the money. My mind is
made up.

ROBBER WOMAN I've got it!

COBWEB I'm going to tell The Snow Queen on you!

ROBBER WOMAN [To ROBBERS.] We're robbers, aren't we?

MUSCLES Hey, that's right.

TWITCH We could rob him.

COBWEB Now, just wait a minute. [He goes to exit.]

ROBBER WOMAN Grab him! [They grab him.] Give me the plunder.
[MUSCLES hands her the casket.]

NIKO What about the poultice?

ROBBER WOMAN Get rid of him.

COBWEB [Being kicked all the while.] Now gentlemen, I'm sure we can settle
this matter without recourse to violence. [They pick him up.] I'll go
my way, you go yours ...

[They throw him off - loud scream.]

MUSCLES We did it Chief! We actually robbed someone.

NIKO Come on, Chief - divide the plunder.

ROBBER WOMAN [Delving into the casket.] One for you, two for me.

TWITCH Hey Muscles - what are you going to do with your share?

ROBBER WOMAN One for you, three for me ...

MUSCLES I don't know yet.

ROBBER WOMAN One for you, four for me ...

MUSCLES Hey - I know! I'm going to spend it on something really stupid.

NIKO You don't say.

ROBBER WOMAN [As they exit.] One for you, five for me ...

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ACT TWO, Scene Two

[Night. THE ROBBER GIRL'S den, deep in the Winter Forest. A

flickering fire. A rope winds off into the vast, surrounding darkness.


REDHEAD This is where I live. I love people who can tell me stories. Did you
really come all this way just to try and save Kay?

GERDA Yes, he's my best friend.

REDHEAD Now you're my friend! I'll keep you here, just like one of my pets. I
think I like you already, except for your name. Are you really called

GERDA So what if I am?

REDHEAD Gerda! What a funny name.

GERDA It's not as funny as yours.

REDHEAD Redhead? What's wrong with that?

GERDA Well, for a start you don't have red hair.

REDHEAD I'm beautiful enough without it! Anyway, they call me Redhead
because of my bad temper not because of the colour of my hair!
Sometimes I can be really vicious. Come and sit by the fire. This is
the coldest winter ever.

GERDA That's because of The Snow Queen.

REDHEAD Lie down! [Pushes GERDA over.] You can sleep with me, then
you won't be able to run away.

GERDA What's this? [She holds up a knife.]

REDHEAD That's just one of my knives. I always sleep with a knife in my hand,
don't you? But you'd better put it down unless you want to fight
me. Do you, Gerda - do you want to fight me? [GERDA almost
fights her, but controls her excitement, and puts down the knife.]
GERDA No, of course I don't.

REDHEAD Pity - I've never lost a fight. We can sleep together by the light of
the fire, but before we fall asleep you can tell me your story again.
Tell me about Kay and The Snow Queen, and about how you
went after them all on your own. And don't forget about the ravens.
Go on - tell me again about Peck and Scruff.

GERDA I've told you - it's not a story! Oh - I get so angry I can hardly
speak! It's true, it's real, and I've got to go to the Ice Palace.

REDHEAD I won't let you go! Anyway you couldn't cross the ice on your own.

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GERDA Oh, please listen.

REDHEAD No - you listen! You're staying here with me and that's final! You'll
be happy, I promise. I'll teach you how to use a knife, I'll show you
my pets. That's it! I will, Gerda - I'll show you my favourite pet.

GERDA [Despite herself.] What is it?

REDHEAD Just you wait. [She pulls on the rope.] Here he comes ...

GERDA He's beautiful.

REDHEAD Of course he is. I don't keep ugly pets. But you have to hold onto
him or one leap and he’d be away.

GERDA What's his name?

REDHEAD Reindeers don't have names like people have names! I just call
him Reindeer.

GERDA Well, Reindeer, I wonder if you know where The Ice Palace is?

REINDEER Who should know better than I for I was born in Lapland. It is my
home and I have run across the great ice fields.

REDHEAD Then tell Gerda she would die in the ice. I know you've heard
everything. She talked loud enough and you've got big ears.

REINDEER You should let her go.


REINDEER I will take her to The Ice Palace.

GERDA Could you really take me?

REDHEAD No, he couldn't. [To REINDEER.] Traitor! [To GERDA.] He's my

pet - remember! [She holds a knife at REINDEER'S throat.] I love
the way his coat shivers when I tickle his throat.

GERDA Please let him go.

REDHEAD [Rounding on GERDA.] You're asking for it! Stand up! Hurry! Give
me your coat, and your muff. I want them. [She takes the coat and
the muff.] What else have you got? Come on!

GERDA Nothing.

REDHEAD That ring on your finger. Give me it.

GERDA Oh no, not that.

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REDHEAD Then, I'll take it! [She takes hold of GERDA'S hand and pulls the
ring off.] It's mine now! You're not very strong are you? What a
funny ring. [She breathes on it and rubs it over her heart.]

GERDA Give me that back!

REDHEAD It's got a picture of the Sun engraved on it ... It even feels hot.

GERDA I promised I'd never lose it.

REDHEAD I wonder if it's real gold.

[She breathes on it and rubs it.]

GERDA Don't do that.

REDHEAD Why not?

GERDA It's a magic ring.

REDHEAD Magic - you must think I'm stupid.

[She breathes on it and shines its gold over her heart for the third
time. The fire's heart glows and smokes. BHIMA appears from the
fire, by magic.]

GERDA Bhima!

BHIMA Gerda - are you safe?

GERDA I'm safe. It wasn't me who called you, it was ...

REDHEAD Who's he?

GERDA He's my pet. He's a magician.

BHIMA But Gerda, why are you here?

GERDA She won't let me go.

REDHEAD She's mine! I do what I like with her.

BHIMA Give Gerda her ring back and set her free.

REDHEAD Why should I, big-mouth?

BHIMA You can feel the cold, can't you? [REDHEAD nods.] Well, if Gerda
does not rescue Kay then it will go on getting colder and colder until
the World is frozen forever. You must let her go.

REDHEAD There's no such thing as must! If you're a magician then use your
magic to save Kay. Go on - let's see you.

BHIMA I can't. Her magic is much greater than mine.

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REDHEAD Her magic?

GERDA My magic?

BHIMA Yes - her magic. Don't you understand how great it is? Don't you
see how men and animals must serve her - how else could she
have come so far? Her power is in her heart for she is innocent and
strong. If she can't get into The Ice Palace and free Kay then there
is nothing you or I or anyone else can do. You must let her go.

[BHIMA begins to fade into the darkness beyond the fire.

REDHEAD reaches her decision, embraces REINDEER.]

GERDA Don't go, Bhima.

BHIMA I must. My magic is weak. But free Kay and I'll show you magic.

GERDA Oh Bhima ... [BHIMA vanishes. REDHEAD leads REINDEER to


REDHEAD [To REINDEER.] I'd love to tickle you a lot more with my sharp
knife because then you're funny. [Slips his rope.] I'm going to set
you free and let you run home to Lapland. But you must promise
to take Gerda all the way to The Ice Palace. Do you promise?

REINDEER I promise.

GERDA Oh thank - ...

REDHEAD Keep quiet, I'm speaking! Here's a bag of food. There's a loaf of
bread, some ham and a fish. And here's your ring.

[GERDA puts the ring on her finger, takes her coat and the bag of

A loud voice from off, drunk and singing.]

GERDA What's that?

REDHEAD It's only Mama.

[Enter ROBBER WOMAN, roaring drunk.]

GERDA She won't try to stop me, will she?

REDHEAD Don't worry. Soon she'll take a drink from the big bottle. Watch.
[THE ROBBER WOMAN drinks from the big bottle.] And then
she'll fall over. Watch. [THE ROBBER WOMAN falls over.]

GERDA Why do they do it?

REDHEAD Don't ask me. Now hurry up and go.

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GERDA Thank-you. I'll never forget you.

REDHEAD If you make me cry I'll fight you. Go, go on - before I change my
mind. [Exit GERDA and REINDEER.] I wanted to keep her. She'll
find her friend and I'll be here all on my own ... I wanted to keep
her. [She kicks THE ROBBER WOMAN, who springs to her feet.]

ROBBER WOMAN What's the matter? Where am I? Who am I?

REDHEAD I was lonely.

ROBBER WOMAN [Holding her arms open.] Come to Mama.

REDHEAD I love you, Mama.

[THE ROBBER WOMAN hugs her and lifts her up.]

ROBBER WOMAN And I love you too. There's my little girl ... Come on to bed,
come on to your bed ...

[She exits, carrying REDHEAD.]

ACT TWO, Scene Three.

[The icy wastes, outside The Ice Palace. Enter THE SNOW
QUEEN flanked by her two POLAR BEARS.]

SNOW QUEEN Listen! Listen to your Queen! It has turned. The world has turned -
to ice! The deepest oceans are choked by huge ice-bergs. The
tallest trees are buried under great falls of snow. All is well. Winter
will last forever. Come, my servants.


Welcome my little snow-man. I have shown you my kingdom of

ice. Now I will show you my Palace. Behold! [The huge gates of
the ice-palace are revealed by magic.] And how do you like my
Palace of Ice?

KAY [Entranced.] I like it very well, thank-you.

SNOW QUEEN That's my good little boy, but how cold you look. You are
shivering. Come Kay, let me kiss you again. [She kisses him.]
That's better now, isn't it?

KAY Yes, thank-you.

SNOW QUEEN But I must be careful or I will kiss you to death. Soon I will show
you my throne room. You will like it so much there you will want to
stay forever.

KAY Forever.

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SNOW QUEEN [Suddenly to BEARS.] Now my bears - you will guard the gates.
Let no-one enter. I command it! [BEARS bow and exit.] My
power is irresistable! [To KAY, gently.]. But now that I have you
what shall I do with you? Tell me again how clever you are.

KAY I was the cleverest boy in all the school. I can do mental arithmetic
even with fractions and I know all the areas and populations of all
the different countries.

SNOW QUEEN That is clever. I am going to ask you to do something for me. I want
you to count to forever.

KAY Forever? But that's imposs...

SNOW QUEEN [Stroking his face.] I said I want you to count to forever.

KAY I will do whatever you ask.

SNOW QUEEN Good, and when you have counted that far I will give you the
whole world and a new pair of skates. Commence. [KAY begins
quietly to count.] He wants to please me so much he actually thinks
he can count to forever. The little fool. But it will give him something
to do as the centuries go by. [To COBWEB.] Bring him. [She
exits through the Palace gates which open for her by magic.]

COBWEB [Gently, to KAY.] You must do as she says. [He keeps counting.]
Soon you will be so stiff with cold that your lips will not move and
the numbers will sound only in your head. Come Kay, this way.
You are hers now - forever.

[They exit, through the gates which close behind them by magic.]

ACT TWO, Scene Four

[The frozen village of Spitzbergen. Enter REINDEER through the

auditorium, carrying GERDA on his back. GERDA is asleep.]

REINDEER Gerda, wake up Gerda - we're almost there. [GERDA wakens.]

GERDA Oh, it's you, Reindeer. I thought for a moment I was home with my
Grandma. Where is this place?

REINDEER The village of Spitzbergen.

GERDA Spitzbergen - already! We've come so far while I was asleep.

REINDEER You're not heavy and it is lovely to run across the ice. [She gets
down from his back.]

GERDA Where's her Ice Palace?

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REINDEER There. You can see the gates.

GERDA So close! And it's huge. Oh Reindeer, must I really go there?

REINDEER I have promised to go with you.

GERDA [Stroking him.] You make me strong. But if this is a village then
where are all the houses, where are all the people?
REINDEER They have long been buried under the ice. This is a ghost town.

GERDA A ghost town! I don't like the sound of that. [The sound of many
whispering voices, almost like a wind.] And I don't like the sound of
that either.

REINDEER [Urgently.] Quiet! Stay near to me. [The sound gets louder.] Hurry -
we must leave here.

GERDA But why?

REINDEER Quickly. It is the Ice-Ghosts.

GERDA Ice-ghosts! [They go to exit but they are prevented by the

entrance of 4 ICE-GHOSTS - from all sides.] They're all around us!

REINDEER They are the ghosts of all the children the Snow Queen has frozen
to death.

1st GHOST Tres-

2nd GHOST Passers.

3rd GHOST Leave our village.

4th GHOST Or we will take you down into the ice.

GERDA We are going - to the Ice Palace!

4th GHOST Then you are doomed.

3rd GHOST Her Palace is empty.

2nd GHOST Vast.

1st GHOST And terrifyingly cold.

4th GHOST The walls are snowdrifts.

3rd GHOST Her sharp winds have cut the windows and doors.

2nd GHOST There are a hundred great halls.

1st GHOST Each one many miles long.

GERDA Leave us alone. Go away. All of you!

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1st GHOST No-one

2nd GHOST Ever

3rd GHOST Escapes

4th GHOST From The Ice Palace.

REINDEER You heard her! Get back! Or I will trample you into the ice. [Three of
the ICE-GHOSTS withdraw and exit. The remaining ICE GHOST
stands silently, without threat. GERDA goes to him.] Gerda - stay

GERDA [To GHOST.] You won't frighten me. I'm going to the Palace.

GHOST Then go. You have been warned. If you ever get in, you will never
get out. [He goes to exit.]

GERDA Don't go ... I have to ask you - is Kay alive?

GHOST He is alive.

GERDA Are you sure?

GHOST I have been down in the ice. The dead are there, but not Kay.

GERDA Oh, thank-you.

GHOST But soon she will take his life and yours, like she has taken all of
ours - one child for every winter since the beginning of time. Free
the boy and you free us from the ice. [He begins to withdraw into
the Ice.] But no-one ever escapes from The Snow Queen. [Exits.]

GERDA Oh Reindeer, I feel so cold. They really scared me.

REINDEER We must go on, you know that.

GERDA Yes, I know that. Kay is alive.

REINDEER Come on then - onto my back.

GERDA No ... Thank-you, but I'll walk this last mile myself.

REINDEER As you wish. But remember - her great bears.

GERDA Of course - her guards. I'd forgotten all about them. If they catch us
they'll tear us to pieces.

REINDEER They're guarding the main gates. We'll never get past them and
there is no other way in.

GERDA I won't give up.

REINDEER But what can we do?

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GERDA I'm thinking. [Fingers ring.] Wait a minute. I wonder if we could ... I


GERDA The bag! Give me the bag. [She takes the bag from around


GERDA [Looking inside bag.] I've got an idea.

REINDEER But the bears.

GERDA Come on! [They exit.]

ACT TWO, Scene Five

[The gates of the Ice Palace. Enter POLAR BEARS.]

TOUGH BEAR None shall pass!

SOFT BEAR None shall enter!

TOUGH BEAR The one who tries!

SOFT BEAR His bones we'll splinter! [They come to attention in front of the huge
gates. SOFT BEAR begins to shiver and blow on his paws.]

TOUGH BEAR Stop that!

SOFT BEAR Why should I?

TOUGH BEAR It's soft, that's why.



SOFT BEAR Are you sure I'm a Polar Bear?

TOUGH BEAR Don't be stupid! Of course you're a Polar Bear. Why do you ask?

SOFT BEAR Because I'm f-f-f-freezing!

TOUGH BEAR Are you trying to be funny?


TOUGH BEAR Just as well. It is forbidden to be funny on duty! We must think of

nothing but our duty!

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SOFT BEAR I can't stop thinking about food. I haven't seen a fish for weeks. The
ice is so thick I can't break through to the water. Oh, I love fish.

TOUGH BEAR I'd kill for a fish!

SOFT BEAR But you're not as starving hungry as I am.

TOUGH BEAR Bet I am so!

SOFT BEAR I could eat a walrus.

TOUGH BEAR Huh - I could eat a reindeer.

[Enter REINDEER, at a run.]


SOFT BEAR What was that?

TOUGH BEAR Oh nothing, it's only ... a reindeer!

SOFT BEAR Quickly! After it!

TOUGH BEAR I'll catch it. You guard the gates. [Exit REINDEER, pursued by a

SOFT BEAR [Shouting after TOUGH BEAR.] Bring me back a bit! I bet he
doesn't. He gets everything his way just because he's tougher
than me. It's not fair. [Kicks snow.] Poor me.

[Enter GERDA.]

GERDA Hullo, Mister Polar Bear.


GERDA I've brought you a present from The Snow Queen. [She reaches
into the bag.] She told me to give you this. [She produces a fish
and holds it up.]

SOFT BEAR A fish! For me?

GERDA Yes, and she said I was to make sure and give it only to you. She
said you deserve it because you're the best Polar Bear in the
whole world.

SOFT BEAR Just gimme the fish! [He snatches the fish.]

GERDA Bye-bye, Mister Polar Bear.

POLAR BEAR It is a fish. All mine, all mine!

[Enter TOUGH BEAR, out of breath. SOFT BEAR hides the fish
behind his back.]

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SOFT BEAR Oh, it's only you. Where's my bit then?

TOUGH BEAR I lost him. He was too fast for me. [Looks at SOFT BEAR
suspiciously.] What's the matter with your snout?
SOFT BEAR Nothing.

TOUGH BEAR You look guilty!

SOFT BEAR Guilty - me? Don't be daft.

TOUGH BEAR What are you doing behind your back?

SOFT BEAR Scratching my bum - any objections?

TOUGH BEAR [Sniffing.] There's something fishy about this. [He springs at SOFT
BEAR. SOFT BEAR jumps out of the way but reveals the fish.]

TOUGH BEAR Ah-ha - a fish!

SOFT BEAR Where? Oh, there. So it is.

TOUGH BEAR I'd kill for a fish.

SOFT BEAR So you've said.

TOUGH BEAR Give me the fish!

SOFT BEAR Shan't. The Snow Queen gave it to me because I'm her best

TOUGH BEAR Rubbish - I'm the best bear. Give me the fish!


TOUGH BEAR Then I'll just have to take it.

SOFT BEAR You'll have to catch me first.

TOUGH BEAR If that's the way you want it. Come here! [He chases SOFT BEAR
around in circles, then chases him off.]

[Enter GERDA and REINDEER, looking around cautiously.]

REINDEER It worked - they've gone. You're a genius.

GERDA You did all the hard work.

REINDEER Well Gerda, here we are at The Ice Palace at the top of the World.

GERDA Yes Reindeer, here we are - and here we go. [They go through
the gates.]

[Enter BEARS who chase each other around and around.]

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ACT TWO, Scene Six

[The throne room in The Ice Palace. Enter THE SNOW QUEEN.]

SNOW QUEEN Hurry. Bring him.

[Enter COBWEB with KAY. KAY'S movements are stiff

and frozen.]

COBWEB He is so stiff he can hardly walk.

SNOW QUEEN Well, my little Kay, this is my throne room. It is the coldest place in
the world. Don't you think it's beautiful? [KAY continues to count
dreamily under his breath.] But of course, you’re counting to forever
for me. What a clever boy you are. [To COBWEB.] Place him in
the ice!

COBWEB [To AUDIENCE] Oh yes, you think we're loathsome

But just don't think we're both some
Bad dream come true.
This is real
Can't you feel
The cold!

KAY [A faint flicker of feeling.] No more cold ... Please, no more ice.

SNOW QUEEN [Stroking his face.] But you love the ice.

KAY I love ... I love the ice.

SNOW QUEEN Trust me.

KAY Trust you.

SNOW QUEEN Place him! [COBWEB places KAY in the ice.] I have him! Victory
is mine! [Gently, to KAY.] How lovely it will be to have you always
beside me. Sleep my little snow man, sleep forevermore. The
winds will play a tune that longs for sleep. [She hums a beautiful
lullaby.] Sleep my little snow man, sleep forevermore. [Exit THE


GERDA Oh, Reindeer, it's so cold in here.

REINDEER We must find him quickly, or we'll freeze.

GERDA I won't let her freeze me. Where are you, Kay? You must be here.
You must be.

REINDEER There - in the ice!

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GERDA It is him! It's Kay! [They run to KAY.] I thought I'd never ever find
you. Kay? What is it? What's the matter?

REINDEER He can't move.

GERDA Answer me, Kay. It's me. It's Gerda.

REINDEER He's colder than the ice.

GERDA Please wake up. You've got to wake up. I've come through the
forest. I've been lost and lonely. I've even crossed the ice - and all
to find you, Kay. Just to find you. [She begins to cry.] Wake up,

REINDEER Leave him, Gerda. It's too late. His heart is frozen.

GERDA No! I can't leave him. I won't!

REINDEER You must. Quickly, or The Snow Queen will come.

GERDA I won't leave him. [She hugs KAY.]

REINDEER [Pulling her away.] Then I'll have to take you.

GERDA I won’t leave him. [She goes back to KAY.]

REINDEER Wait! His hand - it moved!

GERDA You imagined it.

REINDEER Look - it moved again. Of course - your tears! Your tears are
melting the ice, they're melting his heart.

GERDA Oh Reindeer, if only that was true.

REINDEER It is true! [KAY'S hand moves. GERDA takes hold of it.] It's your
tears, it is. Keep crying. Come on - keep crying.

GERDA [Laughing and crying.] I'm not crying on purpose! That's stupid! I
can't just cry when I want to!

REINDEER But it's working - look.

[He pulls out the evil splinter from KAY's heart.]

GERDA It's the evil splinter.

KAY Gerda?


KAY Leave me. Leave me alone!

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REINDEER Remember - there is still the speck in his eye.

GERDA I won't leave you, Kay. We're going back to Grandma.

KAY Grandma?

GERDA Yes, Grandma. She's been all alone without us.

KAY Alone.

[He begins to cry.]

REINDEER That's it. The evil speck will be washed away by his tears.

KAY It's been so cold and I've been so alone.

GERDA [Gently.] I'm here, Kay. I'm here.

KAY It is you. [They embrace.] You came after me. You really came.

GERDA I would never leave you.

KAY Gerda.

GERDA [Kindly.] Stink-face.

KAY [Smiling.] Dung-smell.

GERDA Nosebag.

KAY Greedyguts.

GERDA Bighead.

KAY Dwarf.

[A wind gets up.]

REINDEER The Snow Queen!

KAY She's coming back!

GERDA [To REINDEER.] Quickly, hide! [To KAY.] Pretend nothing's

happened! [GERDA and REINDEER hide. KAY resumes his
place in the ice.]


SNOW QUEEN How many times must I tell you - I no longer require your services.

COBWEB But you said! You said you would make me a Prince in your
Empire of Ice!

SNOW QUEEN Get out of my sight.

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[KAY, GERDA and REINDEER try to make their escape.]

COBWEB After all I've done for you! You can't just throw me away. [THE
are forced back into hiding]

SNOW QUEEN There is nothing I cannot do! Leave my Palace.

COBWEB But I'll freeze. Without your magic to protect me, I'll freeze to death.

SNOW QUEEN Then so be it.

COBWEB You'll be all on your own.

SNOW QUEEN I have the boy. I will never be alone again. Never! [KAY, GERDA
and REINDEER again try to make their escape.] I always meant to
get rid of you.

COBWEB Always?

SNOW QUEEN Always. Now get out of my sight.

[COBWEB turns and sees KAY, GERDA and REINDEER. They

freeze in shock. COBWEB considers his options.]

SNOW QUEEN I said get out!

COBWEB [With a deep bow.] As you say, Mistress.

[He ushers KAY, GERDA and REINDEER to freedom with an

urgent wave. They make their escape. COBWEB, behind the
SNOW QUEEN'S back, exits in pursuit.]

SNOW QUEEN I have my little boy and now that I have him I have all that I need.
The Sun is dead. Long live the Ice. Long live The Snow Queen.
So now, little Kay - I will kiss you for the last time. [She turns.] Kay?
[A scream.] Kaaayyy!

ACT TWO, Scene Seven

[Outside The Ice Palace. Enter KAY, GERDA, REINDEER and


KAY It feels so good to be free again.

REINDEER Hurry - she'll come after us.

COBWEB She'll never give up.

REINDEER I could carry one of you - but not both.

GERDA You're a true friend.

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COBWEB I can't believe it, just like that she threw me out. I'm going out into
the ice. [He goes to exit.]

GERDA Please don't. Stay here with us.

COBWEB After all I've done?

GERDA That's over. You're on our side now.

KAY You helped us escape. Stay.

COBWEB Do you mean it?

GERDA Yes, we mean it.

COBWEB Thank-you, both of you. Thank you.

[The sound of many voices, almost like a wind.]

KAY What's that sound?

REINDEER The Ice Ghosts. They're free because you're free. We've broken
The Snow Queen's spell.

COBWEB She'll be furious.

REINDEER You've got to run.

KAY No, Reindeer. She would catch us. She can fly through the air.

COBWEB Then she has won again.

[GERDA takes the ring off her finger. She breathes on it and shines
its gold over her heart.]

REINDEER Of course - your ring!

KAY What ring?

GERDA Bhima's ring. He's the magician who gave it to me ... Come on,
Bhima. [Rubs ring for the second time.] Please, Bhima. [She rubs
the ring for the third time. Nothing happens. KAY, REINDEER and
COBWEB sag with disappointment.] Come on Bhima - I need
you this time more than ever before.

[BHIMA appears by magic.]

BHIMA Gerda! You're alive

GERDA Yes, and look - it's Kay.

BHIMA You've broken her spell. You've saved us all. [He sees
COBWEB.] But him! What's he doing here?

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KAY He's our friend now.

BHIMA I don't believe it.

GERDA There's no time to argue. [A wind gets up.]

REINDEER Listen! She’s on her way. You must leave this place.

GERDA Aren't you coming with us?

REINDEER No, Gerda. This is my home. I will stay here.

GERDA Thank you for everything.

REINDEER It has been a pleasure.

GERDA [Embracing him.] Goodbye, dear Reindeer.

REINDEER Goodbye Gerda. Goodbye everyone. [Exits.]

KAY I can see her. She's coming!

BHIMA Quickly - hold hands and form a circle. [To GERDA] Your courage
has won me back my magic. The Sun is rising and I am strong
again. A circle - quickly.
[They link hands and dance round and round, faster and faster.]

The Magic of the Sun

Never knows fear.
Let children find fun
Far away from here.

[A roar of winds and they vanish, by magic. The thaw commences.]

ACT TWO, Scene Eight

[Home at GRANDMA'S. Enter GRANDMA, wrapped up against

the cold.]

GRANDMA Kay, Gerda - are you there? No, of course you're not. [To
AUDIENCE] Every day I call out their names but they’re never
there. It's been lonely without them, not like a home at all, and very,
very cold. [She stamps her feet against the cold and blows on her
hands.] I've had to blow on my hands so much sometimes I run
right out of breath. But maybe you could do it for me. Will you
breathe on me and heat me up?


GRANDMA Thank-you. Here we go then. Take a big, deep breath and -

breathe out. [AUDIENCE breathes out. GRANDMA basks in the
heat. The thaw continues.] Oh, that's lovely and warm. Again,

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again. Big, deep breath and - breathe out. [AUDIENCE breathes

out.] Wonderful. You lot are better than a hot water bottle. But wait
a minute, the ice - it's melting! Maybe Winter is passing at last and
I'll be able to work in my garden again. If only Kay and Gerda
would come home ... I think I hear someone. Someone's coming! I
hope it's Kay and Gerda. Oh, please let it be them ...


SNOW QUEEN Where is he? Tell me, old woman. Where is Kay?

GRANDMA Even if I knew I would never tell you.

SNOW QUEEN Old witch! I'll turn you to ice.

[KAY enters, by magic.]

KAY I'm home, Grandma - I'm home.

SNOW QUEEN Welcome, Kay.

KAY You! You beat us back.

GRANDMA I won't let you take him again.

[She attacks THE SNOW QUEEN who performs a simple, magic

gesture and GRANDMA is hurled to the ground.]

SNOW QUEEN Come to me, Kay. You are mine.


[Enter COBWEB, by magic.]

SNOW QUEEN You helped them. You'll pay for that.


KAY [Going to her.] Grandma, are you all right?

GRANDMA Never mind me. Run!

[KAY goes to run.]

SNOW QUEEN Be still, boy! [KAY is stilled.] Now, come to me. Come.

KAY [Backing slowly towards her.] No. I don't want to, but ...

SNOW QUEEN You can't help yourself. My magic is too strong.

[GERDA enters, by magic.]

GERDA Grandma! [Hugs her.] What's the matter? [Looks up.] Kay!

[KAY continues to back away from GERDA, COBWEB and

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SNOW QUEEN He is my little boy. He knows this deep in his heart. [She produces
an evil, sparkling splinter.]

GERDA She's got an evil splinter!

SNOW QUEEN Come, Kay. Come to me.

GERDA Stay Kay, stay with us. [KAY reaches out for GERDA, but moves
towards THE SNOW QUEEN.]

KAY I can't stop myself.

ALL Stay, stay! Stay with us!


GERDA [To AUDIENCE.] You can help us save Kay. Tell Kay to stay.

AUDIENCE Stay! Stay! Stay! Stay! Stay!

[KAY runs to GERDA. THE SNOW QUEEN twists in pain, bends

in defeat.]

SNOW QUEEN He is mine, he is mine.

[Enter BHIMA, magnificent in a vast sun-red cloak.]


BHIMA [Almost gently.] Winter is ending. You grow weak, I grow strong.
Kisses her.] Feel the Sun! It is rising in the sky.

SNOW QUEEN I will fight. The boy is mine. I will fight!

[BHIMA raises his arms high.]

BHIMA Powers of the Sun

Come - let it be done!

[A burst of light. THE SNOW QUEEN vanishes.]

COBWEB [Examining the spot where she stood.] She's melted into thin air.

GRANDMA You've beaten her! You've beaten The Snow Queen! [She hugs

KAY It was Gerda who did it.

GERDA Oh, I had help from everyone. But she won't come back, will she?

GRANDMA Winter will come every year but thanks to you it will never last

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[BHIMA lifts his arms high, spreading open his magnificent cloak.]

GRANDMA Can't you feel it? The Sun is rising.

GERDA Here it comes - I can feel it's breath on my skin.

KAY It's coming nearer and nearer.

GERDA It's lovely!

[The Sun bursts through.]


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