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Teacher Education Department – CSUDH

Brianna Villalpando Algebra 1 9 10/24/19

Standard(s): Single/Multi-Day
SMPs: Perform arithmetic operations on polynomials Lesson: Single
Content Standards: A-APR.1 Day
Understand that polynomials form a system analogous to the integers, namely,
they are closed under the operations of addition, subtraction, and multiplication;
add, subtract, and multiply polynomials.
ELD Standards: A. Collaborative
3. Offering and justifying opinions, negotiating with and persuading others in
communicative exchanges

I. DESCRIPTION OF CONTENT & CONTENT TYPE (Fact, Procedure, Concept, or

Given a modeling situation, students can perform arithmetic operations on polynomials and justify their
reasoning in writing and verbally to peers


Given a modeling situation, students can add, subtract, and multiply polynomials and justify their steps in
solving a real-world application.

III. CURRICULUM CONNECTION (How This Lesson Fits into Unit Plan):
Students have learned about Quadratic equations; how to graph them, how to determine key points and
interpret the meaning of these key points in real life situations. Additionally, students have learned to
solve quadratic equations through various methods to determine solutions of the equation. In this
lesson, students will be asked to
A. ENGAGEMENT (Motivational Activity):

 The warm - up for this lesson will serve as the motivational activity. The activity will serve as a
recall for combining like terms (this was taught in semester 1 of Algebra 1).
 Students will be asked to organize the dropped gumballs by like terms and then construct a
polynomial that represents the fallen gumballs.

B. INSTRUCTIONAL SEQUENCE (Teaching Methodology with Student Activities):

 A vocabulary recall is utilized at the beginning of the lesson to clarify any confusion about
definitions that the students may have.
 Teacher demonstrates how to solve addition and subtraction of polynomials through a
gradual release of responsibility (I do, we do, and you do examples ). Students will provide
input on how to solve the “we do” examples and solve the “you do” examples individually
 Teacher will explain two methods for multiplying polynomials (Box method and FOIL) so that
the students may select which method works best for them. Students will complete the
second example using both of the methods while the teacher is walking around and offering
feedback and clarification for the students.
 Teacher will go through an application example while asking for student input to arrive at a
conclusion. The application example is about revenue generated by two candy factories. This
modeling will help the students to complete the exit slip.

C. APPLICATION ACTIVITY (Practice and/or Reflection):

 Teacher will explain the rules of the “Roll, Flip, and Solve” activity. Students will read the
instructions and teacher will elaborate the instructions.
 In pairs, students will roll the polynomial dice and record their polynomials in the provided
tables. They will also flip a coin to determine if they will be adding or subtracting their
 Students will solve the equations that they created with the dice and coins in their pairs.
Teacher will provide feedback as needed.
 Students will complete the exit slip independently and check in with teacher for clarification.


 Guided Notes (1 per student)

 Pencils
 Highlighters
 Colored Pencils
 “Roll, Flip, and Solve” Recording Worksheet ( 1 per student)
 Polynomial Dice (1pair per pair of students)
 Pennies (1 per pair of students)
 Justification “Golden Exit Ticket” Worksheet
 Smart Board
 Resource:
V. ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES (Methods for Obtaining Evidence of

 During the motivational activity, the teacher will prompt the students to explain their reasoning
and approaches for finding a solution. Teacher will listen for appropriate reasoning.
 Teacher will ask students clarifying questions and looks for students to answer questions with
proper rationale during the instructional sequence to informally assess learning.
 While students are completing the application activity in pairs, the teacher will be walking
around the classroom, listening to the conversations occurring among the students, and asking
questions to ensure that the students are in fact learning. Questions could include: “What are
your like terms?”, “How do you know that those are like terms?”, “Did you distribute the minus
sign?”, “What does it mean to distribute?”, “Why did you choose to use the box method over
FOIL?”, etc.
 Teacher will check the “Golden Exit Ticket” before students can leave and provide feedback for
each individual student as needed.



 Guided Notes are using by all students to provide support in math literacy development.
 Students are encouraged to collaborate and are paired up for the application activity.
 Students are able to use class notes when completing the application activity.
 Teacher is walking around and answering questions as needed/observing the students.
 Accelerated students will be given a Tarsia puzzle to complete if they finish early. They will be
matching corresponding polynomials.


Students will explain their justification of the “Golden Exit Slip” to a parent or guardian and have that
parent or guardian sign the bottom of the exit slip.

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