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1. Hi, my name is Erina Ananda Ridwan. You can call me Erina. I’m 19 years old and I study Law.

interested in music because music can improve my mood, travelling can reduce stress and make
me know more about the outside world, watching movies can sharpen my analytical skills, and
reading a book because books are a window to the world and like the words of our founding
fathers "I am willing to go to prison as long as I am with books, because with books I'm free." I
felt I knew many things and saw many places in the world that I had never even visited.

2. we inform about how to reduce all forms of violence and related death rates everywhere with
running workshops and activities in educational institutions focused on the importance of safe
learning in and outside the classrooms.

3. My strengths is I am a person who has a high curiosity and likes to try new things. I am also a
person who never gives up when faced with failure. With my strength, I can adapt and learn
something easily and quickly. While my weakness is I am a person who is not very good at
expressing myself, easy to trust the words of others and very nervous when dealing with people.
That makes it difficult for me to make a decision and makes it easy for me to change the
decision I make.

4. My worst work experience is when I have to work alone because my coworkers don't come to
work. I have to do 2 jobs at once. The way I deal with it is to ask him what messages he used to
do and set the time so that the 2 jobs can be completed.

5. I want to have a pleasant experience and want to get many new things that I can learn.

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