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Timmy Learns About Safety

By Madison Williams, Caleal Truitt, Michael Chavis

It was a hot, summer day when Timmy
decided do go play outside. He made sure
to drink a lot of water.
When Timmy came back inside after playing for
a while, he decided to make himself a snack.
Timmy ran into the kitchen and did
not wash his hands. He was unsure of
what to make for himself, so he
pulled everything out of the cabinet.
Timmy played took a knife out of the drawer and began to
play with it. He pretended that he was a knight and that the
knife was his sword.
When Timmy began to get tired of playing knight, he put
down the knife and began to mix different foods together.
When Timmy finished mixing, he decided to share his masterpiece
with his friends. Without washing his hands, Timmy ran out the door
to tell his friends about his glorious creation.
Timmy returned to his home with his friends.
As soon as they walked to the door, they ran
to the table and began to devour the mixture
of food that sat in a pile.
When the boys finished eating, they left the
kitchen a mess and went outside to play.
Timmy's mother arrived home and walked past the boys playing outside. She
greeted them and went inside the house. When she entered the kitchen, she was
astonished to find out that a hurricane had hit the inside of her house
Timmy's mom was so angry. She walked
outside and yelled for Timmy and his friends
to come in. When Timmy heard his name
being called, he became frightened because
he remembered the mess that he created in
the kitchen.
Timmy's head hung low as he walked to his
mother. He knew that he was about to get in
BIG trouble. To his surprise when he arrived,
his mother looked at Timmy and his friends
and told them to sit down.
Timmy's mother began her lecture by saying how disappointed she was in Timmy.
She said that she trusted him to be responsible while she was gone. Timmy and his
friends apologized, and his mother accepted.
Timmy's mother continued the conversation, explaining that
what Timmy did was unsafe. She said that there were many
things that Timmy did that was unsafe.
The first thing that she said was unsafe was Timmy's
decision to play outside alone. She said that it was good
that he stayed hydrated, but she told him before she left
not to go outside for any reason unless there was danger
inside of the house.
The second thing that she said was a safety hazard was Timmy's decision not to
wash his hands and pulling everything out of the cabinets. Timmy's mom
explained that he had to wash his hands before working in the kitchen to
prevents others and himself from getting sick. She also said that it is always a
good idea to keep a clean workspace when in cooking or in a lab.
The third thing that Timmy's mom said was unsafe was the knife
situation. She said that under no circumstance is Timmy or his friends
allowed to touch or use a knife without adult supervision because they
could get seriously hurt.
The fourth thing that Timmy's mom said was unsafe was
mixing different foods. She explained that this was okay
for certain foods, but you must be careful which ones you
mix because they can cause to become seriously ill. She
said that this also applies to chemicals, but Timmy will
learn about that when he is older.
The final unsafe thing that Timmy's mom pointed out was Timmy's
decision to run over to the neighbor's house. She explained that
though they were all friends, Timmy could have gotten hurt or
taken while in the process of trying to reach his friends. She
explained that he must be more cautious of his surroundings so
that he can stay safe.
When Timmy's mother finished her lecture, she just looked at the boys and
smiled. She said that though they created a giant mess, she was happy that they
had a good day and that no one got hurt. She grabbed them all and pulled them
into a group hug.
As Timmy enjoyed his mother's embrace, he thought about everything that she
explained. He knew that some changes had to be made so that he could stay safe
and grow up to protect his mom as she did him.

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