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Grabbe, Lester L. “Review: Benjamin Edidin Scolnic, Thy Brother's Blood: The Maccabees and
Dynastic Morality in the Hellenistic World,” Review of Biblical
Literature (2009)

Hacham, Noah. “Review: Sara Raup Johnson, Historical Fictions and Hellenistic Jewish Identity:
Third Maccabees in Its Cultural Context,” Journal for the Study of the
Pseudepigrapha 18/4 (2009) 310-315.

Henten, Jan Willem van. “Review: Elias J. Bickerman, Studies in Jewish and Christian History: A
New Edition in English including The God of the Maccabees (ed. by Amram Tropper),” Journal for
the Study of Judaism 40/3 (2009) 368.

Himmelfarb, Martha. “Judaism in Antiquity: Ethno-Religion or National Identity (Review: Shaye

J. D. Cohen, From the Maccabees to the Mishnah , 2nd edition; and David Goodblatt, Elements of
Ancient Jewish Nationalism,” Jewish Quarterly Review 99/1 (2009) 65-73.

Lieu, Judith M. “Review: Elias J. Bickerman, Studies in Jewish and Christian History: A New
Edition in English including The God of the Maccabees (ed. by Amram Tropper),” Journal of
Jewish Studies 60/1 (2009) 169-170.

Mendels, Doron. “Memory and Memories: The Attitude of 1-2 Maccabees toward Hellenization
and Hellenism.” In Jewish Identities in Antiquity: Studies in Memory of Menahem Stern. Ed.
by Levine, Lee I., Schwartz, Daniel R. Pages 41-54. Texte und Studien zum Antiken Judentum
130. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2009.

Morrison, Gary. “The Composition of II Maccabees: Insights Provided by a Literary

Topos,” Biblica 90/4 (2009) 564-572.

Rappaport, Uriel. “3 Maccabees and the Jews of Egypt,” Jewish Quarterly

Review 99/4 (2009) 551-557.

Becker, Michael. “Review: Géza G. Xeravits and József Zsengellér, eds., The Book of Maccabees:
History, Theology, Ideology (Papers of the Second International Conference on the
Deuterocanonical Books, Pápa, Hungary, 9-11 June, 2005),” Journal for the Study of
Judaism 40/3 (2009) 454-455.

Auwers, J. M. “Review: Géza G. Xeravits and József Zsengellér, eds., The Book of Maccabees:
History, Theology, Ideology (Papers of the Second International Conference on the
Deuterocanonical Books, Pápa, Hungary, 9-11 June, 2005),” Ephemerides Theologicae
Lovanienses 85/4 (2009) 501-502.

Adams, Marcus P. “The Alexandrinus Text of 4 Maccabees,” Journal for the Study of the
Pseudepigrapha 17/3 (2008) 207-231.

Baumgarten, Albert I. “Review: Elias J. Bickerman, Studies in Jewish and Christian History: A
New Edition in English including The God of the Maccabees (ed. by Amram Tropper)

(Hebrew),” Zion 73/2 (2008) 199-206 .

Cousland, J. R. C. “Review: N. Clayton Croy, 3 Maccabees,” Journal for the Study of

Judaism 39/1 (2008) 97-98.

De Wet, Chris L. “'O Woman, Who Alone Gave Birth to Such Complete Devotion!': Some
Remarks on the 'Materfamilias' and Other Women of 1-4 Maccabees,” Journal for
Semitics 17/1 (2008) 33-56.

Dijkhuizen, Pieternella. “Pain, Endurance and Gender in 4 Maccabees,” Journal for

Semitics 17/1 (2008) 57-76.

Fuhrmann, Sebastian. “The Mother in 4 Maccabees: An Example of Rational Choice in Página 1 de 7
Orion Center 22/3/16 12:19

Fuhrmann, Sebastian. “The Mother in 4 Maccabees: An Example of Rational Choice in

Religion,” Journal for Semitics 17/1 (2008) 96-113.

Henten, Jan Willem van. “Review: David A. DeSilva, 4 Maccabees: Introduction and
Commentary on the Greek Text in Codex Sinaiticus,” Journal for the Study of
Judaism 39/3 (2008) 399-400.

Hiebert, Robert J. V. “4 Maccabees 18,6-19: Original Text or Secondary Interpolation?” In Die

Septuaginta: Texte, Kontexte, Lebenswelten. Internationale Fachtagung veranstaltet von
Septuaginta Deutsch (LXX.D), Wuppertal 20.-23. Juli 2006. Ed. by Karrer, Martin, Kraus,
Wolfgang. Pages 439-449. Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen
Testament 219. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2008.

Himmelfarb, Martha. “'He Was Renowned to the Ends of the Earth' (1 Maccabees 3:9): Judaism
and Hellenism in 1 Maccabees.” In Jewish Literatures and Cultures: Context and Intertext. Ed.
by Norich, Anita, Eliav, Yaron Z. Pages 77-98. Brown Judaic Studies 349. Providence: Brown
University Press, 2008.

Keith, Pierre. “Review: Géza G. Xeravits and József Zsengellér, eds., The Book of Maccabees:
History, Theology, Ideology (Papers of the Second International Conference on the
Deuterocanonical Books, Pápa, Hungary, 9-11 June, 2005),” Review of Biblical
Literature (2008)

Keith, Pierre. “Review: Géza G. Xeravits and József Zsengellér, eds., The Books of the
Maccabees: History, Theology, Ideology. Papers of the Second International Conference on the
Deuterocanonical Books, Pápa, Hungary, 9-11 June, 2005,” Review of Biblical
Literature (2008)

Regev, Eyal. “Hanukkah and the Temple of the Maccabees: Ritual and Ideology from Judas
Maccabeus to Simon,” Jewish Studies Quarterly 15/2 (2008) 87-114.

Croy, N. Clayton. “Disrespecting Dionysus: 3 Maccabees as Narrative Satire of the God of

Wine.” In Scripture and Traditions: Essays on Early Judaism and Christianity in Honor of Carl R.
Holladay. Ed. by Gray, Patrick, O’Day, Gail R. Pages 3-19. Novum Testamentum,
Supplements 129. Leiden: Brill, 2008.

Hiebert, Robert J. V. “The Greek Pentateuch and 4 Maccabees.” In Scripture in Transition: Essays
on Septuagint, Hebrew Bible, and Dead Sea Scrolls in Honour of Raija Sollamo . Ed. by Voitila,
Anssi, Jokiranta, Jutta. Pages 239-254. Supplements to the Journal for the Study of
Judaism 126. Leiden: Brill, 2008.

Harviainen, Tapani. “The Third Book of Maccabees as an Early Description of Anti-

Semitism.” In Houses Full of All Good Things: Essays in Memory of Timo Veijola. Ed. by Pakkala,
Juha, Nissinen, Martti. Pages 463-476. Helsinki: Finnish Exegetical Society, 2008.

Haber, Susan. “Living and Dying for the Law: The Mother-Martyrs of 2 Maccabees.” In "They
Shall Purify Themselves": Essays on Purity in Early Judaism. Ed. by Reinhartz, Adele. Pages 75-
91. SBL - Early Judaism and Its Literature 24. Atlanta: SBL, 2008.

Lichtenberger, Hermann. “The Untold End: 2 Maccabees and Acts.” In Empsychoi Logoi --
Religious Innovations in Antiquity: Studies in Honour of Pieter Willem van der Horst. Ed.
by Houtman, Alberdina, Jong, Albert de, Weg, Magda Misset-van de. Pages 385-403. Ancient
Judaism and Early Christianity 73. Leiden: Brill, 2008.

Hiebert, Robert J.V. “Septuagint Textual Criticism and the Computer: 4 Maccabees as a Test
Case.” In XIII Congress of the International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies,
Ljubljana, 2007. Ed. by Peters, Melvin K. H. Pages 167-181. Septuagint and Cognate
Studies 55. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2008.

Schwartz, Daniel R. 2 Maccabees. Commentaries on Early Jewish Literature Berlin: De

Gruyter, 2008.

Aitken, James K. “The God of the Pre-Maccabees: Designations of the Divine in the Early
Hellenistic Period.” In The God of Israel. Ed. by Gordon, Robert P. Pages 246-
266. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007. Página 2 de 7
Orion Center 22/3/16 12:19

266. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007.

Alexander, Philip S., Alexander, Loveday. “The Image of the Oriental Monarch in the Third Book
of Maccabees.” In Jewish Perspectives on Hellenistic Rulers. Ed. by Rajak, Tessa, Pearce, Sarah,
Aitken, James K., Dines, Jennifer. Pages 92-109. Hellenistic Culture and
Society 50. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2007.

Bickerman, Elias J. Studies in Jewish and Christian History: A New Edition in English including
The God of the Maccabees. Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity 68. Leiden: Brill, 2007.

Bird, Michael F. “A Commentary On 4 Maccabees [Review: David A. DeSilva, 4 Maccabees:

Introduction and Commentary on the Greek Text in Codex Sinaiticus ],” The Expository
Times 118 (2007) 511.

DeSilva, David A. “Using the Master’s Tools to Shore Up Another’s House: A Postcolonial
Analysis of 4 Maccabees,” Journal of Biblical Literature 126/1 (2007) 99-127.

Hacham, Noah. “3 Maccabees and Esther: Parallels, Intertextuality, and Diaspora

Identity,” Journal of Biblical Literature 126/4 (2007) 765–785.

Parker, Victor L. “The Letters in II Maccabees: Reflexions on the Book’s

Composition,” Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 119/3 (2007) 386-402.

Wojciechowski, Michał. “Moral teaching of 1 and 2 Maccabees,” Polish Journal of Biblical

Research 6/1 (2007) 65-75.

Xeravits, Géza G., Zsengellér, József, eds., The Books of the Maccabees: History, Theology,
Ideology. Papers of the Second International Conference on the Deuterocanonical Books, Pápa,
Hungary, 9-11 June, 2005. Journal for the Study of Judaism Supplement
Series 118. Leiden: Brill, 2007.

Henten, Jan Willem van. “Royal Ideology: 1 and 2 Maccabees and Egypt.” In Jewish Perspectives
on Hellenistic Rulers. Ed. by Rajak, Tessa, Pearce, Sarah, Aitken, James K., Dines,
Jennifer. Pages 265-282. Hellenistic Culture and Society 50. Berkeley: University of California
Press, 2007.

Schwartz, Daniel R. “Why Did Antiochus Have to Fall (II Maccabees 9:7)?” In Heavenly Tablets:
Interpretation, Identity and Tradition in Ancient Judaism. Ed. by LiDonnici, Lynn, Lieber,
Andrea. Pages 257-265. Supplements to the Journal for the Study of
Judaism 119. Leiden: Brill, 2007.

Lichtenberger, Hermann. “History-Writing and History-Telling in First and Second Maccabees

.” In Memory in the Bible and Antiquity: The Fifth Durham-Tübingen Research Symposium
(Durham, September 2004) . Ed. by Barton, Stephen C., Stuckenbruck, Loren T., Wold, Benjamin
G. Pages 197-212. Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament 212. Tubingen : Mohr
Siebeck, 2007.

Lust, J. “Review: N. Clayton, 3 Maccabees (Septuagint Commentary Series 2),” Ephemerides

Theologicae Lovanienses 83/4 (2007) 484.

Capponi, Livia. “Martyrs and Apostates: 3 Maccabees and the Temple of

Leontopolis,” Henoch 29/2 (2007) 288-306.

Bickerman, Elias J. “The God of the Maccabees: Studies on the Meaning and origin of the
Maccabean Revolt.” In Studies in Jewish and Christian History: A New Edition in English
including The God of the Maccabees. ed. by Amram Tropper. Pages 1025-1149. Ancient Judaism
and Early Christianity 68. Leiden: Brill, 2007.

Bickerman, Elias J. “The Date of Fourth Maccabees.” In Studies in Jewish and Christian History:
A New Edition in English including The God of the Maccabees. ed. by Amram Tropper. Pages 266-
271. Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity 68. Leiden: Brill, 2007.

Bazlez, Marie-Françoise. “The Origin of the Martyrdom Images: From the Book of Maccabees to
the First Christians.” In The Books of the Maccabees: History, Theology, Ideology. Papers of the
Second International Conference on the Deuterocanonical Books, Pápa, Hungary, 9-11 June, Página 3 de 7
Orion Center 22/3/16 12:19

Second International Conference on the Deuterocanonical Books, Pápa, Hungary, 9-11 June,
2005. Ed. by Xeravits, Géza G., Zsengellér, József. Pages 113-130. Journal for the Study of Judaism
Supplement Series 118. Leiden: Brill, 2007.

Berthelot, Katell. “The Biblical Conquest of the Promised Land and the Hasmonaean Wars
According to 1 and 2 Maccabees.” In The Books of the Maccabees: History, Theology, Ideology.
Papers of the Second International Conference on the Deuterocanonical Books, Pápa, Hungary, 9-
11 June, 2005. Ed. by Xeravits, Géza G., Zsengellér, József. Pages 45-60. Journal for the Study of
Judaism Supplement Series 118. Leiden: Brill, 2007.

Ego, Beate. “God’s Justice: The 'Measure for Measure' Principle in 2 Maccabees.” In The Books of
the Maccabees: History, Theology, Ideology. Papers of the Second International Conference on the
Deuterocanonical Books, Pápa, Hungary, 9-11 June, 2005. Ed. by Xeravits, Géza G., Zsengellér,
József. Pages 141-154. Journal for the Study of Judaism Supplement
Series 118. Leiden: Brill, 2007.

Kampen, John I. “The Books of the Maccabees and Sectarianism in Second Temple
Judaism.” In The Books of the Maccabees: History, Theology, Ideology. Papers of the Second
International Conference on the Deuterocanonical Books, Pápa, Hungary, 9-11 June, 2005. Ed.
by Xeravits, Géza G., Zsengellér, József. Pages 11-30. Journal for the Study of Judaism Supplement
Series 118. Leiden: Brill, 2007.

Lange, Armin. “2 Maccabees 2:13-15: Library or Canon?” In The Books of the Maccabees:
History, Theology, Ideology. Papers of the Second International Conference on the
Deuterocanonical Books, Pápa, Hungary, 9-11 June, 2005. Ed. by Xeravits, Géza G., Zsengellér,
József. Pages 155-167. Journal for the Study of Judaism Supplement
Series 118. Leiden: Brill, 2007.

Nicklas, Tobias. “Irony in 2 Maccabees?” In The Books of the Maccabees: History, Theology,
Ideology. Papers of the Second International Conference on the Deuterocanonical Books, Pápa,
Hungary, 9-11 June, 2005. Ed. by Xeravits, Géza G., Zsengellér, József. Pages 101-111. Journal for
the Study of Judaism Supplement Series 118. Leiden: Brill, 2007.

Pastor, Jack. “The Famine in 1 Maccabees : History or Apology?” In The Books of the Maccabees:
History, Theology, Ideology. Papers of the Second International Conference on the
Deuterocanonical Books, Pápa, Hungary, 9-11 June, 2005. Ed. by Xeravits, Géza G., Zsengellér,
József. Pages 31-43. Journal for the Study of Judaism Supplement Series 118. Leiden: Brill, 2007.

Weigold, Matthias. “The Deluge and the Flood of Emotions: The Use of Flood Imagery in 4
Maccabees in its Ancient Jewish Context.” In The Books of the Maccabees: History, Theology,
Ideology. Papers of the Second International Conference on the Deuterocanonical Books, Pápa,
Hungary, 9-11 June, 2005. Ed. by Xeravits, Géza G., Zsengellér, József. Pages 197-210. Journal for
the Study of Judaism Supplement Series 118. Leiden: Brill, 2007.

Zsengellér, József. “Maccabees and Temple Propaganda.” In The Books of the Maccabees: History,
Theology, Ideology. Papers of the Second International Conference on the Deuterocanonical Books,
Pápa, Hungary, 9-11 June, 2005. Ed. by Xeravits, Géza G., Zsengellér, József. Pages 181-
195. Journal for the Study of Judaism Supplement Series 118. Leiden: Brill, 2007.

DeSilva, David A. “The Perfection of 'Love for Offspring': Greek Representations of Maternal
Affection and the Achievement of the Heroine of 4 Maccabees,” New Testament
Studies 52/2 (2006) 251-268.

Tromp, Johannes. “Review: Sara Raup Johnson, Historical Fictions and Hellenistic Jewish
Identity: Third Maccabees in Its Cultural Context,” Journal for the Study of
Judaism 37/3 (2006) 459-460.

deSilva, David A. “The Sinaiticus Text of 4 Maccabees,” Catholic Biblical

Quarterly 68/1 (2006) 47-62.

Haber, Susan. “Living and Dying for the Law: The Mother-Martyrs of 2 Maccabees,” Women in
Judaism: A Multidisciplinary
Journal 4/1 (2006) Página 4 de 7
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DeSilva, David A. “'...And Not a Drop to Drink': The Story of David's Thirst in the Jewish
Scriptures, Josephus, and 4 Maccabees,” Journal for the Study of the
Pseudepigrapha 16/1 (2006) 15-40.

DeSilva, David A. 4 Maccabees: Introduction and Commentary on the Greek Text in Codex
Sinaiticus. Septuagint Commentary Series Leiden: Brill, 2006.

Croy, N. Clayton. 3 Maccabees. Septuagint Commentary Series Leiden: Brill, 2006.

Cohen, Shaye J. D. From the Maccabees to the Mishnah. Louisville: Westminster John Knox
Press, 2006.

Abadie, Philippe. “1 et 2 Maccabées.” In Introduction à l'Ancien Testament. Ed. by Römer,

Thomas, Macchi, Jean-Daniel, Nihan, Christophe. Pages 643-654. Genève: Labor et Fides, 2005.

Kennell, Nigel M. “New Light on 2 Maccabees 4:7-15,” Journal of Jewish Studies 56/1 (2005) 10-

Nisula, Timo. “'Time has passed since you sent your letter': Letter Phraseology in 1 and 2
Maccabees,” Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha 14/3 (2005) 201-222.

Hiebert, Robert J. V. “Preparing a Critical Edition of IV Maccabees: The Syriac Translation and
Passio Sanctorum Machabaeorum as Witnesses to the Original Greek.” In Interpreting Translation:
Studies on the LXX and Ezekiel in Honour of Johan Lust. Ed. by García Martínez, Florentino,
Vervenne, Marc. with the collaboration of Brian Doyle. Pages 193-216. Bibliotheca Ephemeridum
Theologicarum Lovaniensium 192. Leuven: Leuven University Press and Peeters, 2005.

Johnson, Sara Raup. Historical Fictions and Hellenistic Jewish Identity: Third Maccabees in Its
Cultural Context. Hellenistic Culture and Society 43 Berkeley: University of California
Press, 2004.

Mendels, Doron. “An Inscribed Fragmented Memory from Palestine of the Hasmonean Period:
The Case of 1 Maccabees.” In Memory in Jewish, Pagan and Christian Societies of the Graeco-
Roman World. Pages 81-88. Library of Second Temple Studies 45. London: T&T Clark
International, 2004.

Rappaport, Uriel. ‫ תרגום ופירוש‬,‫ מבוא‬:‫[ ספר מקבים א‬The First Book of Maccabees:
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Mishnah] Jerusalem: Yad Izhak Ben-Zvi, 2004.

Hellerman, Joseph H. “Purity and Nationalism in the Second Temple Literature: 1-2 Maccabees
and Jubilees,” Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 46/3 (2003) 401-421.

Schwartz, Daniel R. “Divine Punishment in Second Maccabees: Vengeance, Abandonment or

Loving Discipline?” In Der Mensch vor Gott: Forschungen zum Menschenbild in Bibel, antikem
Judentum und Koran. Festschrift f r Hermann Lichtenberger zum 60. Geburtstag. Ed.
by Mittmann-Richert, Ulrike, Avemarie, Friedrich, Oegema, Gerbern S. Pages 109-
116. Neukirchen: Neukirchener-Verlag, 2003.

Schwartz, Daniel R. “‫ בין פילולוגיה‬:(‫ לה‬,‫ פלה )מקבים א ה‬,‫ מלה‬,‫ אלמה‬,‫מצפה‬
‫היסטורית במסע יהודה המקבי לגלעד‬-‫ וגאוגרפיה‬Mizpeh, Alema, Mella, Pella (I Maccabees
5:35): Philology and Historical Geography in Judas Maccabeus' Campaign to the Gilead.” In ‫וזאת‬
‫ מחקרים בתולדות ארץ ישראל ויישובה מוגשים ליהודה בן פורת‬:‫ [ ליהודה‬Studies in the History
of Israel: Presented to Yehuda Ben Porat ]. Ed. by Ben-Arie, Yehoshua, Reiner, Elhanan. Pages 27-
38. Jerusalem: Yad Izhak Ben Tzvi, 2003.

Henten, Jan Willem van. “2 Maccabees as a History of Liberation.” In Jews and Gentiles in the
Holy Land in the Days of the Second Temple, the Mishnah and the Talmud: Proccedings of the
Conference Relations Between Jews and Gentiles in the Period of the Second Temple, Mishnah and
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Oppenheimer, Aharon, Pastor, Jack, Schwartz, Daniel R. Pages 63-86. Jerusalem: Yad Izhak Ben-
Zvi, 2003.

Lieu, Judith M. “Not Hellenes but Philistines? The Maccabees and Josephus Defining the Página 5 de 7
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Lieu, Judith M. “Not Hellenes but Philistines? The Maccabees and Josephus Defining the
'Other',” Journal of Jewish Studies 53/2 (2002) 246-264.

Schwartz, Daniel R. “‫ כד‬,‫)אנטיוכוס הנבל )מקבים א א‬, Antiochus the 1) ‫ נבל‬Maccabees

1:24)” Shnaton: An Annual for Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern Studies 13 (2002) 185-197.

Regev, Eyal. “‫ סוכות וימי המילואים בספר מקבים ב‬,‫חנוכה‬, Hannukkah, Succot and the Days of
Milluim in II Maccabees” Beit Mikra 46/3 (2001) 227-243.

Cousland, J.R.C. . “Dionysus theomachos? Echoes of the Bacchae in 3

Maccabees,” Biblica 82/4 (2001) 539-548.

Williams, David S. “A Literary Encircling Pattern in 1 Maccabees 1,” Journal of Biblical

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Alexander, Philip S. “3 Maccabees , Hanukkah and Purim.” In Biblical Hebrew, Biblical Texts:
Essays in Memory of Michael P. Weitzman. Ed. by Rapoport-Albert, Ada, Greenberg,
Gillian. Pages 321-339. Journal for the Study of the Old Testament Supplement
Series 333. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 2001.

Atkinson, Kenneth. “Review: Gerbern S. Oegema, The Anointed and His People: Messianic
Expectations from Maccabees to Bar Kochba,” Review of Biblical
Literature (2000)

Laato, Antti. “Review: Gerbern S. Oegema, The Anointed and His People: Messianic Expectations
from the Maccabees to Bar Kochba,” Review of Biblical
Literature (2000)

Grappe, Christian. “De l’intérêt de 4 Maccabées 17.18–22 (et 16.20–1) pour la christologie du NT
,” New Testament Studies 46/3 (2000) 342-357.

VanderKam, James C. “2 Maccabees 6, 7a and Calendrical Change in Jerusalem.” In From

Revelation to Canon: Studies in the Hebrew Bible and Second Temple Literature. Pages 105-
127. Journal for the Study of Judaism Supplement Series 62. Leiden: Brill, 2000.

VanderKam, James C. “Hanukkah: Its Timing and Significance According to 1 and 2

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Literature. Pages 128-144. Journal for the Study of Judaism Supplement
Series 62. Leiden: Brill, 2000.

Henten, Jan Willem van. “The Ancestral Language of the Jews in 2 Maccabees.” In Hebrew Study
from Ezra to Ben-Yehuda. Ed. by Horbury, William. Pages 53-68. Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1999.

Gnuse, Robert. “Review: Gerbern S. Oegema, The Anointed and His People: Messianic
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Kooij, Arie van der. “The Use of the Greek Bible in II Maccabees,” Journal of Northwest Semitic
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Rappaport, Uriel. “A Note on the Use of the Bible in 1 Maccabees.” In Biblical Perspectives:
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Literature, 12-14 May 1996. Ed. by Stone, Michael E., Chazon, Esther G. Pages 175-179. STDJ
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Schwartz, Daniel R. “On Something Biblical about 2 Maccabees.” In Biblical Perspectives: Early
Use and Interpretation of the Bible in Light of the Dead Sea Scrolls. Proceedings of the First
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Moore, Stephen D., Anderson, Janice Capel. “Taking It like a Man: Masculinity in 4
Maccabees,” Journal of Biblical Literature 117/2 (1998) 249-273.

Schwartz, Daniel R. “The Other in 1 and 2 Maccabees.” In Tolerance and Intolerance in Early
Judaism and Christianity. Ed. by Stanton, Graham N., Stroumsa, Guy G. Pages 30-
37. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998.

Himmelfarb, Martha. “Judaism and Hellenism in 2 Maccabees.” In Poetics Today. Pages 19-
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by Eisenman, Robert H. Pages 3-110. Shaftesbury, Dorset: Element, 1996.

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,” Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha 13 (1995) 31-57.

Williams, David S. “3 Maccabees: a Defense of Diaspora Judaism?” Journal for the Study of the
Pseudepigrapha 13 (1995) 17-29.

Tromp, Johannes. “The Formation of the Third Book of Maccabees,” Henoch 17/3 (1995) 311-

Bogaert, Pierre Maurice. “Review: 2 Maccabees,” Revue de Qumran 12/2 (1986) 285-287.

Sørensen, Søren Lund. “5 Maccabees 13 and the Missing Ambassador,” European Journal of
Jewish Studies 9/2 ( 2015) 121 –133. Página 7 de 7

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