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Original Work Assessment #13

Date: ​12/11/19

Subject: ​My original work project

Source: ​N/A


For my original work I planned to create an informational infographic that could be

displayed in the clinic where I was mentoring the family practice physician assistant. As I began

to conduct research for this, I realized that the most common patients the medical providers see

are patients with symptoms of the cold or flu. Also, with this time of year being cold and flu

season, I determined this was the perfect topic for my informational infographic. This led me to

create my informational infographic about surviving cold and flu season.

From my research, I was able to learn that many people confuse symptoms of a common

cold with symptoms of the flu. This can create problems because going to the clinic with a

common cold will most likely expose you to more harmful bacteria that could have been avoided

if treated at home. The flu, however, needs to be treated and diagnosed by a doctor because if not

treated properly could evolve into pneumonia and hospitalization. In addition, from my research

I was able to learn just how much the flu affects the United States population. This why I made

sure to include a statistics regarding this on my informational brochure.

After gathering all of research it was time to begin to design my informational brochure.

In my opinion, this was the most fun but challenging part because I wanted to make it unique but

also professional. It took me awhile to find a template I truly loved, but once I had chosen a

template it was fun to be able to configure the layout of all my research. I want my original work
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to be visually appealing, easy to comprehend, and professional. I feel as though I was able to

accomplish this in my educational brochure because I used a simple color scheme and added

informational picture to make it more appealing to patients.

I am happy with how all the information was laid out and how I condensed all of my

research to the most valuable or beneficial. I included a title page, an overview of the flu, an

overview of the common cold, a shocking statistics, the difference between the flu and cold, and

finally tips to avoid sickness during this time. I made sure that all of the information I was

utilizing in my brochure was factual and that the research I had previously conducted was all

reliable information.

In conclusion, the goal of my original work is to spread awareness about the cold and flu

season to help prevent unneeded doctor visits and sickness. The time and effort I had to put into

my original work was challenging but at the end of the day, I am happy with the turn out. I feel

as though, I could potentially build on my original work for my final project. Also, I feel my

brochure is highly impactful with the time period and this day an age of sickness. I am proud of

my final product and glad I was able to overcome the challenges I faced.

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