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Santa Claus

What comes to your mind when you hear the word Santa Claus?

Santa Claus

Letters to Santa - Fill in the gaps with the words in the table. There are 3 extra words.

a) to f) receives k) busy
b) carrots g) elves l) stamped
c) wrapped h) on m) wait
d) naughty i) enjoy n) possible
e) sure j) because o) chimney

Santa is extremely 1 ………………… at the North Pole, making sure all the presents, including yours, are
ready and 2 ………………… for Christmas Eve.

It’s a very exciting time for all; Rudolph and Santa can’t 3 ………………… to land at your home with all
your gifts. Rudolph is especially looking forward to eating the 4 ………………… you kindly leave and maybe
a mince pie for Santa…
To ensure Santa 5 ………………… your letter on time please can you send to the following address:
Santa/Father Christmas,
Santa’s Grotto,
Santa will respond to as many letters as 6 …………………, in between getting the sleigh ready for the long
journey 7 ………………… Christmas Eve.
To receive your card back from Santa, please make 8 ………………… you write to him using the correct
address on a 9 ………………… envelope. Don't forget Santa needs to know your full name and address 10
………………… reply.
Santa is happy to receive your cards and letters now but 11 ………………… of a very busy Xmas ahead could
you please write to him by no later than 6th December.
Be good and 12 ………………… your holidays,
answers: 1-k 2-c 3-m 4-b 5-f 6-n 7-h 8-e 9-l 10-a 11-j 12-i

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