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Running head: REFLECTION PAPER 1

Reflection Paper

Michelle Serious

Wilmington University

Before the Experience

Before the beginning of the semester, an extreme effort was made to research and find a

site that could host me for my practicum experience. It was vital to choose a location that I could

go to after my workday and one that would be beneficial to learning essential skills towards

becoming an administrator. After completing my research, I found that WES Health Systems,

under the supervision of the Director of Child and Family Outpatient Services, would be a good

site for my practicum experience. Before beginning my practicum, I was unsure of what to

expect. I have had experience in a hands-on internship as an undergrad in nursing. Still, I knew

things would be very different as an intern for a human services administrative position. I had no

idea the type of work I would be responsible for, projects I may be assigned, how independently

I would be allowed to work, or how receptive the staff would be to an intern in an administrative

role. One thing I was sure of was that although I was unsure of what I would learn, I had high

expectations that I would learn a lot. To be best prepared for my practicum or make it more

successful, I honestly do not feel there was much I could do aside from utilizing and

implementing information learned throughout the Master’s in Administration of Human Services

program. In addition, having an open mind and being willing to accept new knowledge that may

have come from the experiences of colleagues rather than a book could be beneficial in my

learning experience.

Expected Practicum Challenges

Understanding the importance of the practicum as a learning experience, as well as a

requirement for the program, I anticipated there would be difficulties throughout the process. As

a working adult, who works a full-time job, one of my biggest concerns was time management. I

often thought about how I would continue to work full-time, complete assignments, figure out a

way to complete the 120 required practicum hours, and still have time for self-care. I was also

concerned about how workers at the agency who were my age or older, would accept me in a

supervisory role. I felt the challenge would be getting them to accept and respect me as not only

a new staff supervisor but one who was only there for a short time each week. Lastly,

communication would be a challenge for me. Ensuring that my voice was heard or being a voice

for the staff members with my supervisors, whom of which I was newly acquainted, would prove

to be one of the biggest challenges for me throughout the practicum. As I was just an intern at

the agency, I often wondered if my ideas would be accepted by those who are on the staff and if

they would be receptive to the ideas I provided.

During the Experience

During my practicum at WES Health Systems, I was able to gain a plethora of knowledge

while honing skills that will be beneficial to my future career as a Human Services

Administrator. Throughout the experience, completing weekly journals in the discussion board

helped to track the various projects and tasks given and how those tasks assisted in my learning

experience along the way. I was allowed to provide staff with individual and group supervision

sessions. I also devised programs that may be implemented in the future for clients of the

agency. I performed various administrative tasks such as ensuring the completion of employee

files and compiling lists of clients that needed annual evaluations completed. I also learned the

organization’s payroll process and attended numerous upper-level management meetings. One

of the most significant projects I took part in during the internship was the community outreach

event. For any human services organization, community outreach is essential to its survival.

Having the opportunity to meet individuals within the servicing communities during a

community health fair was a great experience. I had the chance to handed out folders with the

agency’s information on what they do, services provided, and contact numbers of individuals to

contact to request services. I spoke to other agencies as well and gained knowledge that could

assist the current clients who may have required referrals for additional services outside of WES.

Overall, the experience was more than I expected. I was able to operate a majority of the

time independently, and my supervisor provided me with excellent feedback from week to week,

while also providing me with education on being in an administrative/managerial position. I

expected the job to be both challenging and rewarding, and after the practicum experience, I can

say honestly state it was, however, welcomed the experience. I accepted all the challenges and

felt as though I handled them well. Judging by the feedback I received from my site supervisor,

she believed I did so as well. I did not have the opportunity to make rapid decisions. Still, I was

able to provide my supervisor with feedback and ideas to be later implemented into the services

offered to the clients. After the internship, I feel I learned a variety of new information, but I

understand there is always more to learn. Each day I entered the agency, I was in a position to be

taught novel material as I engaged with both clients and staff. Working in a field that is forever

evolving, such as the human services field, I know it will be a continuous learning experience

even as an administrator.

After the Experience

Now that the practicum is completed and the semester is coming to an end, in retrospect,

my practicum experience went well. As it is still very fresh in my mind, I gained a lot from my

internship under The Director of Child and Family Services at WES Health Systems. I had the

opportunity of working with individuals of various professional and personal backgrounds,

which I believe enhanced my knowledge and abilities as a Human Services Professional. In life,

I value differences and love having the chance to learn from those who are different and learning

from those who have various life experiences that I may not have had. I value the clients who

allowed me to be a part of their treatment, as a student, because they did not have to let me into

their lives. They could have easily denied me access, but they allowed me in and even accepted

suggestions I provided during treatment and provided me with feedback as well. I appreciate the

staff welcoming me into the organization and treating me as if I were an employee. I value the

individual supervision sessions because it taught me about limits, how to listen, how to accept

feedback, and how to provide others with constructive feedback that will lead to organizational


I would not change anything about my practicum experience at WES. While it may not

have been perfect, it allowed me to see the behind-the-scenes work in the human services field.

My experience showed me that being an administrator is difficult and a lot of work. However, it

showed that at the end of the day, hard work is beneficial for the many individuals and families

in which the organization services. Without agencies such as WES, children, adults, families,

and individuals may not receive the help they need, and may not have the chance to live

productive, healthy lives. I am appreciative of all I was able to gain from this experience and

hope to one day be able to provide someone else with the same experience.

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