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Secara umum sepanjang 2016 keluar topik LGD tentang : 1.

Transportasi online vs
konvensional, 2. Abu sayyaf, 3. Uber vs Taksi, 4. Kasus pemerkosaan yy 5. Kenaikan tarif
BPJS, 6. Kenaikan harga BBM, 7. Penetapan harga BBM per bulan, 8. Perpindahan ibu kota
keluar Jawa, 9. Ketahanan pangan, 10. Pelaksanaan hukuman mati, 11. hukukman mati untuk
koruptor, 12. Penghapusan tiket pesawat murah.

Kemudian untuk topik Essay on the spot tentang : 1. UN untuk perbaikan, 2. Pulau Reklamasi,
3. LGBT, 4. Global market, 5. Demokrasi dan kebebasan berpendapat, 6. Gojek, 7. Migrant
worker, 8. Access to renewable energy, 9. Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN, 10. Legalisasi

Berikut daftar topik-topik yang sering keluar dalam Essay on The Spot atau On The Spot Writing
dan LGD Beasiswa LPDP yang di rangkum oleh Kiky Edward :

1. Low promotion to other tourism destination outside bali and there is still trend of mass
tourism. Government should do more organizing in promotion, and also creating accessible
infrastructure for this tourism goal. And also change the mass tourism trend to responsible
2. Banking doesnt really have comprehension understanding of creative industri and the
creative industry doesnt have a legitimate law protection yet. Therefore tthe banking sector can
give education toward creative industri, therefore theycan see the real field situation and doesnt
hesitate to finance the creative sector
3. Ease the report on media about barbarism tourism to friendly nation image.

Bela negara
1. Character and attitudes of the indonesian with the love toward the united indonesia based on
pancasila ideology and UUD 1945 on ensuring the going life on the nation and country
2. Could be done by respecting our flag, our national song and reject any foreign intervention on
the indonesia’s soveregnty
3. Improve indonesia’s welfare by crating employment
4. Creating secure environment, secure energy and foods, and secure economy.
5. Follow code of conduct , for example qeueu in the right line

Bonus demografi
1. Demography bonus sud be managed well by creating a good quality on human resources,
otherwise it will be a great problem for indonesia
2. Sending excellent students to study abroad is also a very good decidion to be considered, by
proposing indonesiato adopt a better curriculum and implement the knowledge they got abroad
and shared skills.
3. Ease the requirement for investor to to do investment
4. Serious in creative economy to tourism sector and information technology sector

MEA / ASEAN Economic Community

1. We sud taken it seriously that our market will be bigger 2,5 time, from 250million to
600million, that will bebefit if indonesia industries start doing expansion program with the base
in indonesia
2. Banking sud lower the credit interest rate which is still higher compared to other ASEAn
countries, otherwise credit financing sector will be taken by foreign banks
3. Highten our competitivenes index, infrastructure atleast by keep it good, and stop bribing
which cause economical cost higher
4. University sud provide graduates that propered to labor market

Bebas visa
1. There is advantage from this policy, beside the government publish this policy after a deep
research on the relevant subjects, they might already have statistical data that can confirm the
advantages for this policy
2. The fact that the growth of tourism sector in indonesia is higher than the world average
number 4,5 and higher than other countries in asean, make this policy is a wise decision
3. The goverment target that there will be 1 billion tourist came this year n highten devisa to 1
billion USD

Gojek vs ojek pangkalan

1. Clear rule on the working zone of gojek and traditional base ojek, rule can be made by the
regional government
2. The gojek actually is creating a good competitivenes in this transportation sector, and they
also doesnt initiate any conflict, they welcome all of the base ojek to join them

Penanggulangan kenaikan harga

1. Balancing the production with the need or deman, so there is not demand slack
2. By doing market operation, it will decrease the trader to be spucalitve and highten the price
3. By doing stocks control, half of the stocks in the market are gotten from import sector, and the
price depend on the market mechanism. However the government can intervene that by setting
up the stock control.

Ekspor vs impor bahan pangan

1. The import policy that government took is based on the consideration to save our economy
stability, and providing supply commodity to avoid inflation, and national consumtion which is
not stable.
2. However this has cause temporal price unstability, which make the production of local farmer
went down.
3. The solution is to make long s

Revolusi mental
1. Is the way of thinking , act, and attitudes which using advancement as its orientation.
2. It can be build by having intergrity, work ethic, and mutual work
3. For short term , For example in government service, by having give the best service to
people, and discipline.
4. For long term, in education, teacher can be the perfect role for this mental revolution

Hukuman mati
1. Capital punishment is for extraordinary crime which affected large amount of people who has
right to live. For example drug case is one of extraordinary crime.
2. Beside after the capital punishment done on april last year, the reaction of indonesia citizen is
quite calm which indicate they agreement of this penalty
3. And also this capital punishment isnt a new thing in our country.
4. Drug dealers must face death as the country is fighting a “national emergency” due to rising
narcotics use.

Tax amnesty
1. Tax amnesty is the solution for the low tax reception, that below 60%
2. The decision to eliminate bad debt is consider right, based on the principle of enterprise
accounting system.
3. The high fine and interest once the enterprise cannot pay the taxes cause the bad debt in this
taxation. However giving a tax amnesty can be a new refreshment for thos enterprise for
corporation in paying taxes. Especialy personal’s taxes from abroad.
4. Beside this tax amnesty is important as indonesia since 2015 is using new format of financial
report from cash basis to accrued basis. When by 2016, unpaid tax soon gonna be accrued and
well documented
5. The government must run a remission of taxes to reduce inequality and increase the taxpayer
base in Indonesia.
6. Also concerning other countries in indonesian region who gave big tax incentive , like
singapore and vietnam.

1. Rehabilitation is needed so the number of the lgbt wont get larger
2. Precention also need to avoid youth to become lgbt
3. Do not exclude the lgbt, they need to be guided friendly, and religiously
4. Embed the ideology of pancasila, which we sud have a God, therefore we follow him
5. Give hem a deep understanding, that lgbt is wrong, not the way of how human supposed to

Guru honor
1. Using the line of absorbing government employee line 30 thousand
2. And by using afirmation and test, absorbing 100 thousand
3. Governement is working hard by making the machanism that affirm those honorary teacher,
and also not breaking the constitution
4. Their salary sud be as much as the minimum level of regional salary

Lokalisasi PSK
1. Certification of comercial sex worker and localize their place isnt the main solution
2. The solution should be long term concern, like giving more intensive training in creativity and
religious education
3. Pervention by banning all porn graphic from all media

1. Freeport sud be transparent in publisihing their financial report to indonesia
2. Freport sud followed the law of indonesia right away like any other enterprises
3. Smelter sud be done soon

Perampasan aset bandar narkoba terkait efektivitas pemberantasan narkoba

1. Money gained from money laundry by this narcotics business sud be given back to the
2. It can be used 50% for invertigation of this crime , and 50 given back to the country
3. Working with other countries to trace the asset of this narcotics gangs

Pro Kontra Kalijodo

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