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Classroom Environment Philosophy Karis Lin

My Classroom Philosophy

I want to create a safe environment for high school students where equity is not

just an idea, but an atmosphere that all students are comfortable to learn in. Respect is

the most fundamental rule I will and want to have in my future classroom. When

offensive behaviors happen, I will try to think in the students’ perspectives and address

the issues with good communication for them to relate and truly understand my point

instead of giving them negative feedback that push them away from learning or even

lose hope in improving. I will focus on both academic and student development as

individuals by creating team collaborative activities and problems that require creative

thinking rather than only teaching textbook contents.

I believe that students should be hopeful about their futures.

It is my goal to enhance students’ hopes in themselves before they enter society

in the future. I will give positive feedback for students who tried hard and put good

efforts in their work even if the results of their hard work aren’t the greatest. It is

important and rewardful when students are motivated to do work with good attitudes. It

is difficult to stay positive when materials get challenging and constantly getting a heavy

load of work in high school. I will help the students that seem to be falling behind or

need extra support by providing opportunities that help them make up for what they had

missed in class. helps depending on each student for those who try hard but aren’t

doing as well as they wish to. Difficult situations happen to everyone, and there are
Classroom Environment Philosophy Karis Lin

many factors that could discourage students from keep on trying their hardest. But the

tricky fact is that the time when things seem the most hopeless is also the time when

one needs to try their hardest for things to turn out better, it is just not easy to move on

without enough support, therefore I want to be the support for students when they


I believe that children have greater math potential than what they think they have.

I want to show my students that there is no limit to their understanding in

mathematics by leading them to accomplish challenging tasks using the mathematical

concepts that they have learned instead of making them memorize the formulas and

giving out quizzes to measure their understanding. I believe that students are able to do

much more than scoring high on tests. Human brains are meant to be trained to always

get better and not to be measured all the time. With the right support and enough time

spent on learning, it is possible for anyone to become a professional in an area that one

originally thought they couldn’t succeed in.

I believe that it is important for children to understand that there are different

perspectives in everything.

Conflicts usually happen when people value things or ideas differently. Often

time, if both parties could put themselves in each others’ shoes and think in another

person’s perspective, a lot of arguments would have been avoided or solved quickly. I
Classroom Environment Philosophy Karis Lin

want to show my future students the importance of being considerate even when they

believe that they did nothing wrong.

I believe that everyone should be responsible for their own life.

I want to help children learn how to make the right decisions as well as to accept

the wrong decision they have made. Students learn a lot of academic knowledge from

school, but there are many things that school materials cannot teach students, such as

real life moments when immediate decisions need to be made, and situations when one

is asked to understand without enough convincing facts. I want to try my best to inform

my students about the unknown in life by telling them different stories of other people’s

life to increase their knowledge about life experiences so when they are in similar

situations, they could be more prepared to make better decisions.

I believe that all students are important individuals and everyone sees the need to

take care of themselves.

It is easy to feel lost as students grow in high school because high school is a

transition in children’s lives when they are starting to enter adulthood. When life gets a

lot more complex all of a sudden students could forget that keeping themselves happy

is still the way to make life better. Being a teacher gives me the opportunity to tell

students that having strong belief in their own opinion matters more than the opinions

they may receive from the outside world. I want my future students to suffer less
Classroom Environment Philosophy Karis Lin

mentally so that they would have the motivation to pass on the passion in life and make

the world a better place with what they learned from school and be able to spread the

positivity to other people who are learning.

Dear Parent or Guardian,

Classroom Environment Philosophy Karis Lin

This is Ms. Lin. It is my honor to have your child/children in one of my math

classes. I look forward to accomplishing great achievements with you and the students
this school year. I have high expectations for all my students. I want to explore students’
potentials and give them the support they need to success in my class. My classroom
philosophy is based on respect, teamwork, and hard work, so I hope that we can all
collaborate and help them improve the most they can this year.

Homework will be assigned every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday (There may
be exceptional accommodation on days with unexpected conditional weathers and
holidays.). There are Quizzes every Thursday. I expect students to turn in homework on
time every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday before school lets out. Students are
welcomed to come to my classroom with homework or classwork questions during lunch
time, and my planning periods. If you or your child/children have questions at home, you
can contact me via my email: ​

Every student have five late homework passes. I will not accept late homework
after the fifth late homework. I expect students to inform me ahead of time if they had
emergency inconvenience that may hold them up from completing their assignments so
that alternative makeup work can be planned. My classroom is opened for free tutoring
every Wednesday after school from 4:00-6:00.

I believe that it is important for your child/children to know that you care about
their academic performances. If you noticed your child/children struggling with my class,
please encourage them to come to me for help. I keep all the homework assignments,
worksheets pdfs and each of the assigned & due dates on my website as well as the
dates of all the quizzes and tests for you and your child/children to stay on track. Please
don’t hesitate to contact me if there is anything you want to talk or ask about.


Ms. Lin (Math 2, AP Calculus AB teacher)

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