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The Department of Mining Engineering

University of Engineering & Technology, Lahore

MINE- 353 Mine Ventilation (Th)
Homework 3 (Points 100)

Due Date: Oct-16th 2019 4:00pm.

1. Slow oxidation of a sulphide ore in a stope liberates 200  10-6 m3/s of a gaseous
contaminant. If the TLV is 5 ppm, approximate the quantity of fresh air required for
dilution. Assume the intake air is clean.

2. Calculate the time in minutes required for a gas concentration to reach 50 ppm in
a working place whose volume total 5000 m3. The ventilation rate is 5.0 m3/s, and
the inflow rate of contaminant (from diesel engine exhaust) is 0.00075 m 3/s.
Assume the working place initially to be free of gas.

3. Based on condition stated in Question 2, calculate time if intake air carries 10 ppm
contamination. Calculate time if working place conditions initially at 30 ppm and
intake air is clean.

4. In Question 3, if steady state conditions are maintained at 50 ppm, what air quantity
is required? If diesel engine stops, how long will it take for contaminant level to
drop from 175 to 50 ppm.

5. Calculate the quantity of ventilating air needed to dilute the toxic fumes of a 90 kW
diesel engine. Sufficient air should be provided to insure that no constituent
concentration exceeds its TLV-TWA. An analysis of the exhaust reveals the
following production of gases per engine kW.
NO2 0.95  10-6 m3/s 05 ppm
CO 0.38  10-6 m3/s 50 ppm
CO2 169  10-6 m3/s 0.5%
6. If the engine in Q5 were left running in a dead-end entry with 3.0 m3/s of intake air
provided by an auxiliary ventilation system, calculate the time required for each of
the gases to exceed its TLV-TWA. Assume the same exhaust as in Q5 and
uncontaminated intake. The entry dimensions are 3.0  4.0  75 m.

7. Dust is being produced by a loading machine in coal at the rate of 1 kg/s. The dust
concentration in the intake air is 1.0 g/m3. Using the lower explosive limit for coal,
calculate the required quantity of ventilating air to dilute the dust to that level.(the
lower explosive limit for coal is 60 g/m3).

8. A man wears a personal dust sampling instrument which draws in dusty air at the
rate of 2 litres per minute. The following table shows the time he spent at various
points in the mine and the dust concentration in mg/m3 at each point. Calculate how
many mg of dust would be collected by the instrument.

Point Time spent Concentration (mg/m3)

1 08:00-08:30 8
2 08:30-09:15 6
3 09:15-11:00 9
4 11:00-12:00 3
5 12:00-12:20 4



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