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Chanel Green

Edu 202/ spring 2019


Philosophical Portrait of Myself

When I decided to go into education I really didn’t know what to expect when taking this course

or what I would learn from it but so far I am learning a lot when it’s comes to different class

atmospheres, lesson planning, how you would deal with certain situations when you are a teacher, and

the different tools you can use as a teacher. This course is definitely an eye-opener because you don’t

really get to see what teachers go through when your student but now that I’m trying to become a

teacher I see the different challenges they go through. To have a successful day or to try to connect with

a student to make them better in the subject that you’re teaching is job within it self but a rewarding

one to see them succeed in life.

When I did my field observation at Legacy high school and observing different teachers

classroom management and the way they connect with their kids was a learning experience in itself.

Teachers have a hard job when dealing with over 35+ kids in the classroom four classes a day, is a lot for

one person to handle because they’re responsible for someone’s future. When I observe some of the

classrooms you can tell that the teacher has established respect and that her students have to follow

certain rules in her classroom and I think that’s a good idea because it helps them in the future when

they’re in a corporate job or anything of that sort.

The observation gave me a real look into seeing how I want my classroom to run picking up

different techniques from the teachers , as well as the students because their the one we spend the

most of the hours with during the day a couple of months out the year. Being in those classrooms makes

me want to be a teacher more just so I can our youth grow and become something with themselves and
let them know that anything that they put their mind to will come true just have to put the work in.

Students just need that extra push and to teachers care about them and that’s what I seen on my field

observation with the high school I went to.

When I become a teacher my students will that education is important in my class because I

want them to be successful. The class environment will be a safe place where they can express

themselves without feeling embarrassed because they have a different opinion then others, I will treat

them as adults because once they get into the rule world after they graduate no one will be there to

hold their hand. I will demand respect from the start of the school because that’s when students will try

to test you but you have to hold your ground.

Teaching in general has always been in me because I like to help people in whatever way I can to

help them be better and show them someone is in their corner. Even when I went to college on a

scholarship for basketball, being an upper class the underdogs was looking for ways to improve their

craft and I was always willing to help them. I’m a giving person so I’m always willing to go the extra mile

to make sure I can help when I can to make sure they are good and I plan to do that with my students,

because they might not have no one giving them the encouragement they need and let them know they

are important. I plan to continue teaching until I can’t anymore, even when teaching your still learning

yourself so you can become better in your profession.

In five years I see a lot for myself when it comes to my career being an educator, head

basketball coach and owing my own athletic training facility. Those are my dreams in each one of those

fields I’m teaching someone the fundamentals to help them succeed in whatever road they decide to

take in life. Teachers have the biggest influences in our children life. They remember the teachers that

doubted them, really didn’t give them a chance and took the time to really teach them. So be the

teacher they remember that helped them and believed in them, overall just be a good teacher and
person in this world. Teaching is always evolving so be ready to learn in every way , you’re going to

teaching a diverse group of children so be ready to learn their culture and know that you have to learn

different ways of teaching.

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