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People of the Philippines vs Michael Cai

(Criminal Case No. 101-19)

Violation: Rape under 266-A paragraph 2 of the Revised Penal Code as amended by RA 8353


Assistant City Prosecutor James Oswald C. Lorenzo, appearing for the State, Your Honor. I’m ready.

Your honor, I would like to call on Mr. Vincent Czar Espanola (@Bay), to the witness stand.

Your honor, I would like to offer the testimony of Mr. Vincent Czar Espanola for the purposes of 1) testifying on the matters
and circumstances of his daughter after the alleged sexual abuse. 2) That the matters where confided by the complainant
to her father.

Prosecutor: Can you please state your full name, age, status and your place of residence?

Witness: Vincent Czar Espanola, Forty-Six (46), Widower, Unit 201, Evalber Residential Building, Mabolo Street, Pasay City

Prosecutor: Mr. Witness, How do you know the complainant?

Witness: She is my Daughter.

Prosecutor: Can you please state your whereabouts at around midnight of April 25, 2019?

Witness: I was at my home in Pasay, usually waiting for my daughter to arrive from work.

Prosecutor: Where were you at the day of April 25, 2019?

Witness: I was at my Home in Pasay, waiting for my daughter to arrive from work.

Prosecutor: Do you usually wait for your daughter to arrive from work?

Witness: Yes, She is my only daughter, and I’m very protective of her since her mom died when she was young.

Prosecutor: What time does your daughter usually arrive from work?

Witness: Around 6-7pm.

Prosecutor: What time did your daughter arrive home from work on April 25, 2019?

Witness: She arrived home at around 11:30pm, that day.

Prosecutor: Do you know why she arrived that late?

Witness: I asked her but she didn’t answer me. She looked very uncomfortable.

Prosecutor: When you daughter arrived, what was her demeanor?

Witness: She was unusually quiet that night and her eyes appeared swollen.

Prosecutor: You said “unusually quiet”, What do you mean?

Witness: That night, her demeanor was different from her usual demeanor, lively, talkative.

Prosecutor: What did you do after if any?

Witness: I asked her again, what happened? why she looked that way?

Prosecutor: What did she tell you?

Witness: “That I was sexually abused by my co-worker, Mr. Michael Cai.”

Prosecutor: Was that what she exactly said?

Witness: Yes, I remember it very clearly, even how she said it to me.

Prosecutor: What did you do after, if any?

Witness: I asked her how she felt.

Prosecutor: What was her Answer?

Witness: She said she was feeling unexplained pain in her chest and around her shoulders.

Prosecutor: What did you do upon learning of such incident?

Witness: I comforted my daughter and asked her if she was ready to report the incident to the police.

Prosecutor: And what was her reply?

Witness: That she wanted to rest because she didn’t feel well, and she didn’t know what to do, and she even told me not
to do anything rash, because it might create more problems.

Prosecutor: What was you daughter like after that night?

Witness: My daughter out of fear, wouldn’t go out of the house, and refused to talk about the incident.

Prosecutor: What did you do to address this?

Witness: I advised my daughter to no longer report for work until the matter has been reported to the police, and to finally
resign from her work because of the scandal it might cause her.

Prosecutor: When did you and your daughter report the incident, and where?

Witness: On the 30th of April, 2019. At the Women’s and Children’s Protection Desk (WCPD), Pasay Police Station

Prosecutor: Was there a blotter report or record logged by the attending officer at the time your daughter reported the

Witness: Yes. There was a blotter report.

Prosecutor: (Present Blotter Report), I would like to present The Blotter report, pre-marked as Exhibit “F”, for
identification. Mr. Witness, Can you identify to this court if this document is the copy of the blotter report containing
you daughter’s account of the incident?

Witness: Yes, This is the blotter report.

Prosecutor: Can you verify to this court that this is your specimen signature, as witness in said blotter report, marked
as Exhibit “F-2, in Page 2 of the Blotter Report.

Witness: Yes that is my signature.

No further questions, Your Honor.

Your Honor, There being no other witness to present, The Prosecution rests.

The Prosecution respectfully prays for __ (10) days to formally offer its evidence.

Permission to Leave, your Honor.

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