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Assignment 1: Group 8

Exercise 9.1

The following questionnaire starts with “Dear Sir,” which is a gender-discriminatory

introduction as the participants can also consist of females. Moreover, the question statements
are vague with lacking detail and precision. For example, one of the problems is, “OBS is
reliable,” but here, the details are not provided to define the scope of reliability. Also, there are
ambiguous terms such as, “The end-products of OBS are sound,” here the word “sound” can
hold multiple meanings such as either of high quality or free of defects. Thus, the wording does
not make the specific purpose clear. Furthermore, all of the questions are phrased positively,
which can make a disinterested participant mechanically mark all the options. For this, a better
option would have been to use a mix of positively and negatively phrased questions to grab
Additionally, price perception was an essential element of the second hypothesis. However, there
is only one question stated in the questionnaire regarding the price. Besides, there is also a recall
dependent question such as “When was your first contact with Ocg?”. Also, one question near
the end was double-barreled with two questions, which could have been stated separately.
Regarding the getup, an appropriate introduction was provided, an open-ended question was
stated later on and personal information was gathered in the end along with a conclusion for the
questionnaire. However, when asking for the personal data of the participant, it would have been
better first to provide the reasoning for requesting this information along with the assurance of
privacy. Lastly, the age should have been presented on an ordinal scale to choose instead of an
exact figure.
Exercise 9.2
Dear Participant,
I am conducting a survey to understand how you feel about the computer-integrated
manufacturing systems at the workplace. Try to answer the following questions as honestly as
possible as this information will help us during our research. I assure you that your responses
will be kept strictly confidential and you will receive a summary of the results. Thank you so
much for your responses.
Kind regards,
Aqib Shafiq
Answer the following questions from the values in the table.

Strongly Slightly Slightly Strongly

Disagree Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Agree Agree
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

I am, currently, happy with the amount of work my job requires.

I can see myself getting promoted soon.
I consider myself to be technologically adaptable.
I think that that the introduction of machines can help me do my job better.
I think that machines will help me reach my goal of being promoted sooner.
I will try my best to learn to operate a machine if it helps me do my job better.

Position at the firm: _______________

Under 20
20 – 30
30 – 40
40 – 50
50 – 60
Over 60

Years of Education:
Less than 7
9 – 12
12 – 16
Over 16
Exercise 9.3
Dear Participant,
This questionnaire is designed to assess the quality of PDC dining facilities. Try to answer the
questions as honestly as possible. I assure you that your responses will be kept confidential and if
you want, you can receive the summary of this response. Thank you for your response.
Wamiq Tirmazi

Exercise 9.3: Tick the required boxes of your choice ranging from 1 (strongly disagree) and 5
(Strongly agree).
1 2 3 4 5
PDC service is
quick and

PDC staff is
and helpful?
PDC offers the
healthiest food
at LUMS?
PDC offers the
lowest priced
food in
Quality of
food is
maintained at
Satisfied with
the portion of
food you get?
(Quarter, half,
PDC provides
PDC offers
variety of
dishes in its
PDC offers the
best dining
experience in
I would
PDC to my

I visit PDC at
least once a
Menus at PDC

I am overall
satisfied after
my dining
experience at

Years at LUMS:

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