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1. Title : The Princess of Siger

2. Author :-
3. Genre : Fairy tale
4. Published : 2019
5. Publisher :-
6. Theme : KINGDOM
7. Point of view : The third person knows everything.
8. Characters and Characterization :
A. Ratu di Galau Princess
1. Physical : Beautiful,
 “Invitation for beautiful princess. Tomorrow night we will hold a
party in our kingdom. With pleasure, we invite you all beautiful
2. Behaviour : kind person,
 “I come to help kind person like you.
B. Jolai sai Golai Princess
1. Physical : Beautiful,
 “Hei, Jolai…! i have a surprise for you ! a beautiful gold siger from
Palas Kingdom. I promise, when you wear it, you will be more
2. Behaviour : bad attitude,

 “Eh, you??? Want to go? Absolutely not!! Look at the mirror, poor
you! (push Ratu Di Galau until she falls)
C. Rajo Tihang King
1. Physical : Best father,
 “O my God! How beautiful is it! Thank you daddy…. you are the
best father ever!
2. Behaviour : bad attitude
 “Absolutely not! I don’t want see your face there. Only Jolai who
will attend the party. Get it?
D. Siwo Mego Prince
1. Physical : handsome
 Punduh Pidada Prince was famous, handsome, and rich
2. Behaviour : kindly
E. Fairy Man
1. Physical :-
2. Behaviour : helpfully
 “I come to help kind person like you.
F. Mr Soleh (assistant of prince)
1. Physical :-
2. Brhaviour :-
9. Plot :
 Exposition :
Ratu di Galau is a princess who hate by his mother and his sister.
 Rising action :
Ratu di Galau forbids going to Punduh Pidada Kingdom Party.
 Climax :
Ratu di Galau helps by The Fairy Man.
 Falling action :
Ratu di Galau goes to the party and Siwo Mego prince falling in love to
 Resolution :
Ratu di Galau leaves the party, the prince come to her kingdom and marry

10. Conflict : when the prince give back Galau’s siger at her kingdom.
11. Settings
A. Time

 Night : The Prince comes to Princes Ratu behind the Jolai). Yes you
are, beautiful princes that dance with me tonight. I come to give this siger.
B. Place
 Sukadano Kingdom, Punduh Pidada Kingdom
12. Weather : -

13. Summary :
 Tells the story of a king who has 2 daughters, Jolay and Galau at the
Sukadano Kingdom. Jolai is a bad person, likes to treat confusion
inhumanely. While Galau is a good princess, always obeying the words of
Jolai and the king. One day Sukadano Kingdom got a party invitation
from Punduh Pidada Kingdom, but Galau was forbidden by his father to
join, then Galau was helped by Fairy Man to be able to party without the
knows of his father and Jolai ,, upon Galau arriving at Punduh Pidada
Kingdom, The Prince fell in love with her, but after a while, father and
Jolai arrived at Punduh Pidada Kingdom, Galau rushed to leave the
Kingdom, then the Prince told his assistant to chase the Princess but to no
avail. Prince's assistant only found Siger belonging to princess Galau.
Then the prince visited Sukadano Kingdom to return the Siger and at the
same time applied for Galau to be his wife.
A. Conclusion :
1.) Good points : always be patient even if hurt by her daughter.
2.) Bad points :-
3.) Moral(s) : with patience there will definitely be happiness.

Time of Analyzing Time of Checking

28 November 19 ………………...

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