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3 Week Spartacus Workout Routine

Published on Sep 27, 2012 by Josh Schlottman
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To be 100% honest with you I have never seen the modern Spartacus television series. But I’ve definitely seen
the promotions for the show with all the lean bodies and ripped muscles my TV can handle. These impressive
physiques didn’t happen by accident as it took weeks of disciplined training and nutrition. I’m going to give you
the blueprint for building a similar lean physique.

If you’ve been following my blog for any serious length of time you’ll surely notice the video demonstrations I’ve
done of the Spartacus Workout series created by Rachel Cosgrove. These are some very impressive workouts,
01/01/13 3 Week Spartacus Workout Routine

which also produce fantastic results with the minimal amount of time required. I decided to combine these
awesome Spartacus Workouts into a mini-training routine that just about any one can use to improve their

First off, if you’re completely new to working out or if you’ve been exercising at the same intensity of a local
Curves Gym then you might want to take it a little easy with this routine. I don’t want anybody jumping on this
training routine before their bodies are completely ready for it. Puking, passing out and lying spread eagle on the
floor are all ways to quickly kill any motivation you may have for future workouts.

Now that I’ve gotten all of that mumbo jumbo out of the way let’s get down to the nitty gritty details…

There are 3 Spartacus Workouts I’ve created blog posts and video demonstrations of that can be found here:

Spartacus Workout
Spartacus Workout 2.0
Spartacus Workout 2012

Each one is different and difficult in its own right. The obvious choice for a 3 week training routine would be to
alternate the 3 workouts 3 times per week. Instead of taking the easy route I’m going to attempt to drastically
increase the difficulty of this program in order to get better results. 2/10
01/01/13 3 Week Spartacus Workout Routine

The order of the exercises for each of the Spartacus Workouts is going to remain the same although there is
going to be one HUGE, and vitally important, difference. Make sure you pay close attention to the work-to-rest
ratios. This is what’s really going to turn these “workouts” into an actual training routine. At the very start of the 3
Week Spartacus Workout Routine you’ll notice the high amount of intensity, but by the end of it you’ll be crying
for your mama.

Here are the work-to-rest ratios for each of the three weeks.

Week 1: 40 seconds / 20 seconds

Week 2: 50 seconds / 10 seconds
Week 3: 60 seconds / 15 seconds

You will alternating the Spartacus Workouts 3 times per week just like I’ve shown in the table below.

If you’re an animal and you’re looking for a little ‘something’ extra then I have just the thing for you. For the
advanced trainee we’re also going to throw in some High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) sessions.

At the end of the Spartacus Workouts you’re going to add on the following amount of HIIT. I personally prefer
just doing this on an inclined treadmill and hopping off to the sides during the rest periods, but do whatever floats
your boat.

Week 1: 5 rounds of 30 seconds / 30 seconds

Week 2: 5 rounds of 40 seconds / 40 seconds
Week 3: 5 rounds of 60 seconds / 60 seconds

If you have the time to train on the days in between the Spartacus Workouts then it’ll be wise to use this time to
do additional HIIT. Perform the same work-to-rest ratios that you would for the particular week you’re on only
bump up the rounds to 7-10 total. Also increase the speed and incline of the treadmill to boost the intensity.

Overall this 3 Week Spartacus Workout Routine is going to be tough, but with this exponential degree of
increased difficulty you’ll also be guaranteeing your body will achieve better results. At the end of the day the
thrill of beating whatever challenge lays in front of you will be motivation enough to continuing on your
neverending goal of success not limited to your body, but your life. 3/10
01/01/13 3 Week Spartacus Workout Routine

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Josh Schlottman
rickygervais People who criticise you have
usually never achieved anywhere near what you
have. Most of them would be too scared to
even try. Keep going.
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JoshSchlottman Sometimes sleeping for 12

straight hours is the best medicine around
2 day s ago · reply · retw eet · fav orite

JoshSchlottman Happiness erases memories of

all the unhappiness that preceded it.
3 day s ago · reply · retw eet · fav orite

JoshSchlottman @Mohraak hope you had a

good Christmas too
4 day s ago · reply · retw eet · fav orite

the_realrebekah Yes my bacon is #paleo, so I

can eat as much of it as I want.
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