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Exercise 1 : Combine the two sentences into one sentences. Make “B” an adjective
clause. Use who or whom. Look at the example.

1. A. The Police Officer Was Friendly

B. He Gave Me Directions
Answer : The police officer was friendly who gave me directions.
2. A. The Waitress Was Friendly
B. She Served Us Dinner
Answer : The waitress was friendly who served us dinner.
3. A. I Don’t Know The Man
B. He Is Talking To Rita
Answer : I Don’t know the man who talking to Rita.
4. A. The People Were Very Nice
B. I Met Them At The Party Last Night
Answer : The people were very nice who I met the party last night.
5. A. The Man Thanked Me
B. I Helped Her
Answer : The man thanked me whom I helped her.
6. A. Do You Like The Mechanic?
B. He Fixed Your Car
Answer : Do you like the mechanic who fixed your car ?
7. A. Mr.Polanski Is A Mechanic
B. You Can Trust This Mechanic
Answer : Mr.Polanski Is a mechanic whom you can trust this mechanic.
8. A. The People Have Three Cars
B. They Live Next To Me
Answer : The people have three cars who they live next to me.
9. A. I Talked To The Woman
B. She Was Sitting Next To Me
Answer : I talked to the woman who she was sitting next to me.
10. A. I Talked To The People
B. They Were Sitting Next To Me
Answer : I talked to the people who were sitting next to me.
11. A. The Woman Was Walking Her Dog
B. I Was Her
Answer : The woman was walking her dog whom I saw her.
12. A. The People Were Playing Football
B. I Saw Them At The Park
Answer : The people were playing football who I saw them At the park.
Exercise 2 : Fill in the blanks with ‘which’, ’who’ , ‘whom’ and ‘whose’

1. The boy, Whose father is a doctor, is my best friend.

2. This is not something Which we like to do.

3. That man, Whose left leg was amputated, suffers from diabetes.

4. The thief, Whom they caught, was sent to the prison.

5. Our friends , Whom we invited to the party, arrived rather early.

6. The girl, Who broke the mirror, was scolded by her mother.

7. That is my uncle, Whose car was stolen .

8. That woman, Whom you saw, was my auntie.

9. Kangaroos, Which use their pouch to carry their babies are found in Australia.

10. The policeman, Who caught the thief is a very brave man.
Exercise 3 : Complete the following sentences with who, whom, which, where, or

1. People Who live in New York City are called New Yorker.
2. Tina likes the present Which I gave her for her birthday.
3. A stadium is a place Where you can play sports.
4. George Washington is a President Whose picture is on a one-dollar Bill.
5. I like the people with Whom I work.
6. Have you seen the movie Who is playing at the Fox Theater?
7. A Stenograph is a person Who can write shorthand.
8. That’s the school Where Kenan’s mother teaches.
9. Do you know the woman Whom Ridhwan is engaged to?
10. I have a friend Whose father is a famous artist.
11. The camera Which I bought has a zoom lens.
12. Students Whom have part-time jobs have to budget their time carefully.
13. The person to Whose you should send your application is the director of admissions.
14. The library Who I usually go has a complete collection of book.
15. That’s Tom Jenkins. he’s the boy Whose parents live in Switzerland.
16. A thermometer is an instrument Who measures the temperature.
17. A high-strung person is person is someone Which is always nervous.
18. The man Whose I told you about is standing over there.
19. Monkeys will eat eggs, grass, fruit, birds, snakes, insect, nuts, flower, leaves, and frogs.
Monkeys will eat almost anything Where they can find.
20. I really like the restaurant Which we had dinner.

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