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September 7,2019

Wenjie Chen
Dear Ms. Maria Vint:
I would be pleased to answer your questions about the <Shitty First Drafts> Anne Lamott
from Bird by Bird. The best way to writing a good article.

1. My writing process can be divided into three phases: the preparation phase, the
drafting phase, and the revision phase. First, in preparation phase, I will first be
brainstorming about the question. Then make an idea map, that can help me
record and organize my thoughts. Also, writing the outline those should enter the
content and views of the article. Secondly, writing an essay. Lase, let others
correct the grammatical words and give their opinions. Repeated modification of
the composition.

2. I think the revision is a must, no one is perfect at the beginning. When I was
typing this letter, I am actively revise. Deleting words when I read that sentence
that feels smooth and changes words when there is better world can explain this
situation. I think this article is very helpful to me. I very like the way she says the
first draft is the child’s draft.

3. I will very thankful for that constructive feedback. Because they should me the
where is my weakness in writing, and that constructive can makes my essay
become better and better. that not just helpful for now also helpful in my future.

Wenjie Chen.

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