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EE221 Circuits II Instructor: Prof.

Yingtao Jiang

1. Determine 𝑣𝑜 in the following circuit.

2. Use nodal analysis to find current 𝑖𝑜 in the following circuit. Let 𝑖𝑠 = 6 cos(200𝑡 + 15𝑜 ) 𝐴.

3. Solve for the current I in the following circuit using nodal analysis.

4. By nodal analysis, obtain current 𝐼𝑜 in the circuit below.

EE221 Circuits II Instructor: Prof. Yingtao Jiang

5. Compute 𝑉0 in the following circuit using mesh analysis:

6. Find 𝐼1 , 𝐼2 , 𝐼3 and 𝐼𝑥 for the following circuit.

7. Find 𝑖0 for the following circuit using superposition.

8. Using source transformation, find i in the following circuit.

EE221 Circuits II Instructor: Prof. Yingtao Jiang

9. Use the concept of source transformation to find V0 in the following circuit.

10. Obtain Thevenin and Norton equivalent circuits at terminals a-b in the following circuit.

11. Using Thevenin’s theorem, find v0 in the following circuit.

12. Find the Norton equivalent at terminal a-b in the following circuit.
EE221 Circuits II Instructor: Prof. Yingtao Jiang

13. Solve for 𝑣0 (𝑡) in the following circuit using the superposition principle.

14. Find the Thevenin equivalent of the circuit in the following circuit for:
a) terminals a-b
b) terminals c-d

15. Obtain the Norton equivalent of the circuit depicted below at terminals a-b.

16. Find the Thevenin and Norton equivalent circuits at terminals a-b for each of the following

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