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Permutation is an arrangement of things called elements with a definite order.

A. Fundamental Principle: If a thing can be done in hi ways and if, after it

has been done, a second thing can be done in h2 ways, then the two
things can be done in hih: 1.vays in the indicated order

Illustration I. In how many ways can a boy and a girl be selected from a
i ~
group of 5 boys and 8 girls?
The boy can be selected in 5 ways, and after that is done, the girl
can be selected in 8 ways: hence a boy and a girl can be selected
111 5 · 8 = 40 \vays.

Illustration 2. 1f there are two ways to go to Pampanga from Manila and

three ways togo to Bataan from Pampanga and four ways to go to La
Union from Bataan in how many ways can one go from Manila to
Bataan via Pampanga? To La Union from Manila via Pampanga and

Illustration 3. Jf there are 5 vacant seats in a bus, in how many ways can
three passengers occupy the seats'1
Illustation 4. In the Phiiippines, automobile !icense-piates contain three dif.
ferent letters followed by three different digits. How many license
plates can be made fo11owing such inscription? (Assume no digit and
no letter is repeated.)
There are 26 letters hence, the first of the three letters can be
chosen in 26 ways Since the two succeeding letters must be different.
the second can be chosen in 25 ways and the third in 24 ways. Simi-
larly, the first digit can be selected in 10 vvays, the second in 9 ways,
and the third in 8 ways. Hence, from the three letters and three digits,
26·25·24·10·9·8 = 11,232,000 license plates can be made.

A Pennutation of n different elements taken at r at a time, P .

n r

B. Permutations ofn different eiements taken all (r = n) at.a time, P

P= n' Note: nf (Read n factorial)
n! = n(n- l )(n- 2) .

Illustration 5. Find the number of five-digit numbers that can be formed

from the digits l, 2, 3, 4, and 5 if no digit is repeated.
Solution: Five elements taken five at a time
,P 5 = 5! = 5·4·3·2·1 = 120.

Illustration 6. Injai~alai games, ten players which are numbered from 1 to 10

compete for the first three slots in the game. In how many ways can
the numbersbe arranged 3 at a time?
10! 10·9·8· 7- 6·5-4·3·2·1
(l0-3)! 7·6· 5-4· 3·2·1
= 720 ways

C. Permutation.s of n elements some of which are alike, npn-s·

pr =
ri fn-(n-s)] 1

s 1 where s is the number of times

the element is repeated in the set.
Illustration 7. Consider the word "green": there are 5 elements namely g, r,
e, e, n with e appearing twice. Thus some of the permutations are:
neerg ...
Since n = 5 and s = 2, then the total number of pemmtations is
nl 5!
P =--= - 5! = - 2 i = 60 ways
n n-s -

Theorem on Permutations o,{Like Elements: If, in a set of n elements,

there are k groups, the first containing n 1 members all of which are
alike; the second containing n2 which are alike; the third, n3 which are
alike; and soon to the kth group, which has I\ members alike; then,
the number of permutations of the n elements taken at a time is given

p = nl

Illustration 8. In how many ways can the letters of the word "Philippines" be
Solution: This involves two factors:
a) the number of permutations of II letters taken 11 at a time.
b) the letters p and i appear three times. The number of unique
arrangements is:

_llL - 108 800
3 !3! - J'- '
Illustration 7. A shelf contains 3 red books, 4 yellow books and 5 orange
books. How many coior arrangements can be made?

D. Cyclic Permutations - If a permutation of elements is such that each

element is adjacent to two others (as in a round table), we have a
cyclic or circular or ring permutation. The number of cyclic permuta-
tions ofn elements is (n -1)!.

Illustration 8. In how many different ways can 12 beads be strung on a neck-

Solution: (n -- i )! = (12- I)! = 39,916,800

Illustration 9. A couple invited 6 of their friends at a banquet. ln how many

ways can they all sit at a round table?

Illustration lO. An off!ce building has six doors. In hovv many ways can a
person enter and leave the building:
a) through any door0 b) through any other door?
c) through the same door'~

Illustration !1. In hovv many ways can 4 boys and 4 girls sit:
a) in a row?, b) At a roundtable') c) If boys
and girls are to alternate find item a and b d) If the 4 girls are always

Illustation 12. In how many ways can three prisoners and tour soldiers be
seated in a row, if: a) the three prisoners are ahvays together 7 If the
soldiers are always together' 7

Illustration 13. A newly wedded couple invited 8 of their friends in a banquet.

In how many ways can they sit at a round tablerl
a) Ifthe couple are always together?
b) If one of their friends are always beside them (but never at their
c) If the couple and a friend are always together?

Illustration 14. How many circular permutations of 4 objects can be made

out of 6 different objects?

Illustration 15. How many circular permutations of 4 objects can be made

out of 6 different objects, 4 of which are different and 2 are identical 7

Combination is an arrangement of things called elements without a defipite


E. The number of combinations of n elements taken r at a time, n

C- nl
n r-rl(n-r)l

F. The number of combinations of n things taken all at a time

r - -~IlL_ - r!
n -- r - r I (n- r) I - r I. (\ r- rfl (r = n)

GThe number of combinations ofn things taken 1, 2, 3, ... nat a time is

c = 2

Illustration 1.:1. In one of the games of Ginebra \vith Alaska, they only had
seven able piayers due to injury In how many ways can the first 5 be
chosen? 7'
(II!. r = . = 2.1

Illustration 15. In ho\v many ways can 3 boys be drawn from 1,000')

Illustration 16. A group of nine people is to race to Baguio in t\vo cars. If one
car can accommodate six passengers and the other, three; in how many
ways can the group be divided for the ride')

(9- 6)16!
= 84

Illustration 17 A man wishes to employ 4 men and 2 women. ln how many

ways can the selection be made if 10 men and 6 '0JOmen are available?
~ ~), 4 !
(; 0 C 4 ] [6 C 2 ] = (IO · (o~ 2 )!tl = (210)(15) = 3150ways

Illustration 18. In a group of 10 boys and 15 girls, how many selections of6
students are possible'~
25! -
25 C6 = 61(25--- 6 ) 1 - 177,100ways

lllustration 18. What if the selection must consist of2 boys and 4 girls, how
many selection are possible?

CoC2]C 5C4] = 21dg~ 2)! · 4 ! ell~ 4)! = 45(1365) = 61,425 ways

In general, the number of combinations of r elements chosen from a set of n
elements is nCr , and for each combination there are r! permutations.

Pr =r!C
n r
or n
Cr =


Probability is the ratio of succesfu! events to the total number of events

Notations Used
I Symbol Meaning
I s A sample space of permissible random outcomes.
n(S) The number of elements in S.
E A set of specified outcomes in S.
n(E) The number of elements in E.
p(E) The probability that E wiH happen, or more briefly, the probability
Using these symbols, p(E) =
E ==
Illustration 11. Find the probability that a 5 will turn up in one throw of a die.
s = {1,2,3,4,5,6}
E= {5}
ntE). 1
p(E) = -~- = -::
11( S) b

Illustration 12. Each of the two-digit numbers with no zero digit and no digit
repeated is written on a card. The cards are then shuffled, and one is
drawn at random. Wl1at is the probability that the sum of the digits
will be 9?
Solution: n(S) = l 2 = 9·8 = 72
E: {1,8}, {2,7}, {3,6}, {4,5}
Each can be arranged in 2 P2 = 2! = 2 ways, but there are 4 sets,
n(E) = 2· 4 = 8
(E) - _ll(fi)_ - .] = ~
P· - n(S) - 72 9

A. AJutually Exclusive Events.



Two or more events are mutually exclusive if not more than one
of them can happen in a given triaL For example, if a wallet contains
one each of a hundred, a fifty and a twenty peso bill, the pulling out of
a one hundred peso bill or of a fifty peso bill on one trial are mutually
exclusive events. If E 1 and E 2 are any two events, mutually
exclusive or not, with probabilities p(E) and p(E 2), then the probability
ofE 1 or E2 is
p(E 1 u E) == p(E) + p(E 2 ) - p(E 1 n E)
If E 1 and E 2 are mutually exclusive events, then the probability
that one of them will occur in a single trial is
p(E, u E)= p(E 1) + p(E) because p(E 1 n E)= 0

Illustration 13. If 1 card is drawn from a deck of si playing cards, find the
probability that it will be red or an ace.
E 1 ·- set of red cards
E" - set of Aces
n(E 1) = n(reds) = 26
n(E 2 ) = n(Aces) = 4
n(E, E 2) = n (reds n Aces) = 2
' 26 1
p)=52= 2
/L7)- -~
.p~L..2 - 52 -. 13
~ ~ 2 1
p(Ei E)= 52 = 26

p(E 1 u E) = p(E) + p(E) - p(E 1 n E)

l + -1- - -l
=- =-
2 . 13 26 13

Illustration 14. Ifthe probability ofmarrying Marilyn is l/2 for Leo and 1/3
for Ed, what is the probability that one of them will marry her?
i, Solution:
p(Leo u Ed) = p(Leo) + p(Ed) = ~ + ; = 5

B. Independent Events
Ifthe probability ofthe occurrence of event E 1 does not affect the
probability of the occurrence of event E 2, then the events are
independent. If 3 withdrawals of 1 bill each are made from the wallet
in the example of A, and the bill is replaced after each drawing, the
result of any one of the withdrawals does not affect the outcome of the
other two. Hence, the events are independent.
If the probability of event E 1 occurring is p(E) and the probability
of an independent event E2 occurring is p(E2), then the probability that
both will occur is
p(E 1 n E 2) = p(E 1) - p(E2)

II r

1llustration .16. A bag contains 6 white marshmallows and 4 green marsh-

mallow-s. A marshmallow is drawn from the bag and replaced, and
then a second marshmallow is withdrawn. Find the probability that
the tlrst marshmallow is white and the second is green.

3 2 _Q
5 5 25

C Dependent Events
If the occurrence of one of a set of events affects the probability
that another will occur, the events are said to be dependent. Referring
again to the example in A, if the 100-peso bill is not replaced, then the
result ofthiswili naturally affect the outcomeofthe second withdrawal
If the probabiiity of event E 1 occuring is p(E,) and if after E
has occurred, the probability of a second event E 2 occuring is p(E \E ),
2 1
then the probability that both >vvill occur in the order E,E, is
• I •

P\'E , () E ). = P{.E ). P(E..:,::\~,

, != )
Note: E,\E indicates that E, happens after E. has occurred
.:_ ; '-' .... ..._ j_

Illustration J 7 If in the problem of illustration 16. one marshmallow is >vvith-

drawn and not replaced before a second marshmallow is withdrawn,
find the probability that both will be white.

p(E 2\ E 1)"" 2 (w-hite marshmallow is not replaced)
p(E 1 G E)= p(E) · p(E=\E)
3 .J 3
5 2 10

D. Repeated Trials of an Event ,

If p is the probability that an event will occur in one trial, then the
probability that it will occur exactiy r times in n trials is

Illustration 18. A bag contains 4 white socks and 5 blue socks. The socks are
drawn from the bag one at a time and are replaced after each drawing.
What is the probability of dravving exactly 3 blue socks in 5 trials?

-----·-·-- -------------- ------
The p(blue) in one trial = 5/9

n C,pr(l - p) n ~ r = 5C 3 ( 5/9)-3 (l-5/9) 5-3

= 20,000/59,049

Solve the following problems

1. a) How many ways can five people be lined up to pay their electric bills 0
b) If two particular persons refuse to follow each other, how many ways are
possible? ().,. s~ -=- ~~o
b • y;o, <>t 0-1-r. o.>lo_Vl :l ~ <J.(WI.W.~
l'lJ " ~ -+! '2 1• : ~ / • ~~-# ;:_ -IJ-

2. An engineering freshman must take a chemistry course, a humanities course,

and a mathematics course. If he may be select any of 2 chemistry courses,
any of 3 humanities courses, and any of 4 mathematics courses, how many
1-vays can he arrange his program''

3. ln how many different \Vays can a ten-question tme-false examination be

answered 0

4. How manv. distinct 'oermutations can be made from the letters of the word
''mathematics" H :; 4 ~ S') {til-()
f"" ?-~'2~9..~ I I

'i How many vvays can the first five players in a basketball team be filled with
twelve men \vho can plav anv of the positions 7 -~. 1 ~ !"",. _"' "'-r
-' J '2.. '="" (J'l.. -;;:>). fl (

6. How many three-digit numbers can be formed from the digits 0. J, 2, 3, 4.

:j and 5 a) if each digit is used only once in a given number'?
b) if digits may be repeated in a given number
I c) How many in (a) are odd numbers?
d) How many in (a) are even numbers'~
e) How many in (b) are even numbers')
f) How many are less than 330?
g) How many are greater than 330?

7. A contractor wishes to build five houses, each different in design. In how

many ways can he place these homes on a street if two lots are on one side
and three lots are on the opposite side?

8. In how many ways can· four boys and three girls sit in a row if the boys and
girls must alternately be seated') ,
P= .2·4 1. , 'I>. -:. 'Z--S9

9. In how many ways can seven trees be planted in a circle'!

?~ (7-4.)! ~ (Q! ~ ~~
8 ..----- .··-1
- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- -
r--------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------

10. In how many ways can two mango trees, three chico trees, and two avocado
trees be arranged in a straight line if one does not distinguish between trees
of the same kind?

11. A college team plays eight basketball games during an intramural. In how
many ways can the team end the games with four wins, three losses and one

12. Nine people will be shooting the rapids of Pagsanjan in three bancas that
will hold 2, 4 and 5 passengers, respectively. How many ways is it possible
to transport the nine people to the falls?

13. From a group ofthree men and seven wom~n, how many committees of
five people are possible? a.. e -= s~cio -~!I. :- n '2..
a) with no restrictions? t ..,co.· 7G"' :: ~~- • ?~Z,·-o"n 1.... toS
b) with two men and three women?
c) with one man and four women if a certain woman must be on the

14. From three red, four green. and five yellow bubblegums, how many selec-
tions consisting of five bubblegums are possible if two of each color are to
be selected')

15. A shipment of 10 Sony Betamax video recorders contains 3 defective sets.

In how many ways can a hotel purchase 4 of these sets and receive at least
I, 2 of the defective sets'~

16. A bag contains four blue, five red, and six yellow piastic chips.
a) If two chips are drawn, find the probability that both are yellovv.
b) If six chips are drawn, find the probability that there will be two
balls of each color
c) If nine chips are drawn, find the probability that two vvill be red,
five yellow and two blue.
: ~
I 17. In a single throw of t\vo dice, what is the probability of throwing not more
than 5?
l 18. Find the probability that all five cards drawn from a deck are all hearts.
19. A team of 5 students is to be chosen for a math contest. If there were ten
male and eight female students to choose from, what is the probability that
three team members \hi11l be male and two will be female?

I~ ' 20 A bag contains five pairs of socks. If four socks are chosen, what is the
probability that there is no complete pair taken?

21. In the game "spin-a-win" the rim of a wheel is divided into 30 equal parts
with each marked PlO, P20, ... , P300. The "win" is indicated by a fixed
pointer at the top. If the wheel is spun, what is the probability that a three-
digit number will be the player's take home winning?

22. If eight different books are arranged at random in a shelf, what is the prob-
ability that a certain pair of books (a) will be beside each other? (b) will not
be together?

23. Joey prepares 3 cards for his 3 girlfriends. He addresses 3 corresponding

envelopes. A brmvn-out suddenly occurred and he hurriedly placed the cards
in the envelope at random. What is the probability that
(a) each card is sent to its proper addressee?
(b) no card is sent to the proper addressee''

24 A box contains 15 red eggs and 20 white eggs. If 12 eggs are taken at
random, what is the probability that these will have an equal number of red
and white eggs? .

25~ During a raising lottery, 250 tickets were sold to the freshmen, of
which 3 are "vinners. l\Aarissa, a freshman has 2 tickets. What is her prob-
ability of winning something?

26. If the probability that Nini will go to UP for a certain semester is 1/3 and the
probability that she will go to UST that semester is 1/4, find the probability
that she will '-'2:0 to a colle2:e
in one of the two schools.

2 7. If the probabilities that Ginebra, Alaska, and Shell 1vill win the PBA open
conference championship are 1/5, 1/6, and 1/10, respectively, find the prob-
ability that one of them will win the title.

28. The probability that Joseph Estrada will be nominated to run for president
is 1/4, and the probability ofhis election if nominated is 1/3. Find the prob-
ability (a) of his being elected president, (b) of his being nominated and not

29. Find the probability of obtaining a 4 in each of two successive tosses of a

pair of dice.

30. One box contains five black and three white handkerchiefs and another
seven black and five white handkerchiefs. If one handkerchief is drawn
from each box, find the probability that both will be (a) black, (b) white, (c)
the same color.

31. The probabilities that Marita will win the preliminary, semifinal, and final
contest in singing, are 3/8, 1/6, and 1112, respectively. Failure in any contest
prohibits participation in the following one. Find the probability that she
will (a) reach the finai contest, (b) win the final contest.

32. Three Physics books, five Algebra books, and two Chemistry books are on
a shelf Judd decides to take two books and selects them at random. Find
the probability that the first book drawn will be Physics and the second

33. Find the probability of throwing in three tosses of a die, (a) exactly two 4's,
(b) at least two 4's.

34 A bag contains three white, four red, and five green candies. Five \Vith-
dra-\-vals of one candy t;ach are made, and the candy is replaced after each.
Find the probability that all five will be red.

35. If the probability that Alaska basketball team will win the PBA Conference
Championship is 2/3, find the probability that it will win exactly three cham-
pionships in 5 years.

36. Six Algebra books_ four Physics books, and two Chemistry books are on a
table. If a book is removed and replaced, then another is removed and re-
placed, and so on until six removals and replacements have been made,
find the probability that an Algebra book \.vas removed and replaced (a)
three times, (b) at least three times.

3 7 In a high school graduating ciass of l 00 students, 54 studied mathematics,

69 studied history, and 35 studied both mathematics and history. If one of
these students is selected at random, find the probability that the student
did not take either of these subjects'_~
A. 33/26 c 3/25
B. 22/25 D. 17/50

38. If the probability that Imelda will be elected to office is 2/3, find the prob-
ability that she will be elected for tour successive terms and then defeated
on the fifth term.

39. The probability of an event happening exactly twice in four trials is 18

times the probability of it happening exactly five times in six trials. Find
the probability that it will occur in one trial.

40. If the probability that an event will happen exactly three times in five trials
is equal to the probability that it will happen exactly two times in six trials,
find the probability that it \ViU happen in one trial. ·

41.How many permutations can be formed from the letters of the word "consti-
tution"? Ans. 9.979,000 f' _ f ~:~ ,- ., "''"'7<'~ o!Jo
- "b, ~."2.· '1-. I I I

42.How many four-place numbers can be written using the digits from 1 to 9')
Ans. 3,024
43.Find n ifP(n,3) = 6 C(n,5) /\.ns. n = 8

44.Hmv many numbers of 5 different digits, each number to contain 3 odd and
2 even digits can be formed from the digits 1,2,3,4,5,6, 7,8, & 9')

45.Two dice are rolled. Find the probability that the sum of the two dice is
greater than iO. A.ns. 1/12

46.A pair of dice is throw·n. Find the probability of having a 7 or 11. A.ns. 2/9
4 7 A pair of dice is thrown If it is known that one die shows a 4, what is the
probability that the other die shows a 5'~ Ans. 2/11

48. Nine tickets. numbered 1 to 9, are in a box. If two tickets are drawn at
random, determine the probability that both are odd. Ans. 5/18

49. A committee of three is to be chosen from a group of 5 men and 4 women.

If the selection is made at random, find the probability that two are men.
Ans. l0/2J

50. Three balls are drawn from box containing 5 red, 8 black and 4 white balls.
Determine the probability that aU are white. Ans. 1/170

51.A bag contains 9 balls numbered J to 9. Two balls are drawn at random.
Find the probability that one is even and the other is odd. Ans. 5/9

52.How many cars can be given license plates having 5 digit numbers using
the digits 1,2,3, 4 and 5 with no digit repeated in any license plate? Ans.

53 .A committee of 4 is selected by lot from a group of 6 men and 4 women.

What will be the probability that will consist of exactly 2 men and 2 women?
Ans. 3/7

54. The probability that at least 2 out of 40 people in a party room has the same

-------------------~ ---······--~-·~--
birthday. Ans. 89.5%

55. From a bag containing 3 white, 4 black and 5 red balls, a ball is drawn.
Find the probability that it is not red Ans. 7112

56.A box contains 25 electric bulbs are drawn at random from the box. What is
the probability that both electric bulbs are good'~ Ans. 7/20

57. There are 52 ticke!.s in a lottery in which there is a first and a second prize.
What is the probability of a man drawing a prize if he owns 5 tickets'/ Ans.

58. A thief has a bunch of 8 keys where only one can open the padlock. Find the
probability of opening the padlock in 5 trials.
59. There are three candidates for A, B and C for mayor of a certain town. If the
odds are 7:5 that candidate A will win and those of B are l :3, what is the
probability that candidate C will win ? 1/6

60. A coin is biased so that the head is twice as likely to occur as tail. If the coin
is tossed 3 times, what is the probability of getting
a) 2 tails and 1 head'! 2/9 b) at least 2 heads') 20/27

61. Three men are running for public ofHce. Candidates A & B are given about
the same chance of winning. But candidate C is given twice the chance of
either A and B. Find the probabiiity that:
a) C wins b) A does not win

62. A.r1 evaluation exam in Algebra consists of5 problems. A reviewee however,
was able to get a tip oflO problems ofwhich he can only answer 8 correctly.
Find the probabilty that he will score 100% in the exam Ans. 2/9

63. How many ways can the letters a, a, b, b, c, d be arranged in a row if the
similar pairs do not follow each other.

64. In a poker game consisting of 5 cards, what is the probability of

a) 2 aces and 2 kings b) 5 spades Ans. a) 1584/2598960
b) 1287/2598960
65. In how many ways can 5 persons be seated in an automobile having
places for 2 in the front seat and 3 in the back seat if only 3 can drive
A. 30 B. 36 C. 60 D. 72
66. A card is drawn from an ordinary deck and we are told that it is red.
"Wnat is the probability that the card is greater than 2 but less than 9?
A. 6/13 B. 12/51 C. 7/26 D. 13/52
67 A bag contains 3 white balls and 5 black balls. ff 2 balls are drawn in succession
without replacement, what is the probability that both balls are black')
I A 5/!4 B. 6/17 C 4/13 D. 3/!4

68. A card is drawn from an ordinary deck of 52 cards. Find the probability p that the
card is a face card or heart. A. 11
18 B. 3152 C 3/18 D. 1/4

~: 69 A town has 2 fire engines working independently The probability that a specific engine
is available when needed is 0 96. \Vhat is the probabilty that neither Is available when

l,,,,i needed'>
IIi1: /\. 0.002 0001 c
I Answers to Problems

1. a) 120 ways b) 72 ways 17 30. a) 35 'o·' -5 c)· 25
18 96 'J 32 48
III'' 2. 24 ways
18. 4.95 X 31 a) .1. h)
16 v
3 1024 ways
19. _]_
51 32.
4 4,989,600 15

20 ~"
5 \vays 2j .:u' a) "71

6. a) 100 b) 180 ,;) 48 d)52 21

JO 34
e) 90 f) 52 g) 89 243
7 120 ways "·')
j '
L~. a) b) Jill
4 -+ 35
8 288 ways
...,,.., 5 9
36. a) _J
~-'- a) 21
l6 16 l (, b)~
720 ways '>"7

..) i '
L'-f. a) 2Jl9 ..

10. 210 v,-ays 89Y

38 l i
__ 2.48 - 243
lL 280 ways 25.
12. 4,536 ways 3
.v. 0451
13 a) "'""'
L.~ b) 105 c) 60
27_ 7
15 58. a) 3/4 b) 3/4
14. 390

28. a) J. b)
59. 25%
15. 70 12. 6

16.. a'; _l7 180 72_ 29. 1296.
b) LOOI b) LOOl

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