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120 hrs TESOL Mid-Term Assignment

NAME: MEERA MENON User Name-meera0209


Theme Appreciating Nature

TOPIC Written in March poem
AGE 8-10 years
LANGUAGE LEVEL Young learners
Drawing strips
Audio of the poem
FINAL OBJECTIVE By the end of the lesson students will be able to:

 To enhance the listening skills of the students and

respond in a variety of context.
 To remove the mental block that inhibits students from
listening and comprehending the topic with clarity.

Content Standard  Students will be able to pronounce words and speak

confidently with correct stress, rhythm and phonetics.
 Students will be able to create a positive attitude
towards nature.
Learning Standards  Able to listen and respond to stimulus with guidance.
 Able to listen and enjoy simple poems.
 Able to listen and demonstrate understanding of oral
text by answering.


Set Whole class  Teacher asks question Students interact
Induction activity Do you like poems? well with the
10 mins To check the How many seasons do we have? teacher
students mental What are the peculiarities of the
readiness of the winter and spring?
Pre listening Whole class  Teacher shows the images of Teaching Aids:
5 mins activity winter and spring season. Flash cards
 Teacher asks the learners to
identify them.
While Whole class  Teacher plays the audio of the Teaching Aids:
listening activity poem ‘Written in March’ Audio of the
20 mins  Teacher plays the audio of the poem
poem 3 times.

Post Activity 1 Teaching Aids:

listening Whole class  Teacher ask the students what Drawing sheets
10 activity they understood about the Drawing strips
Activity 2
 Teacher divides the class into
small groups.
 .Teacher asks each group to draw
In group a picture of nature keeping in
minds what they have heard in
the audio.
Activity 3
 Teacher asks each group to
arrange the drawing strips in
In group sequence as described in the
 Teacher sets a time limit
 Teacher asks a volunteer from
each group to show the strips.

Enrichment Discussion Teacher summarizes the main idea of Teaching Aids:

10 mins poem. -
B. Any3 of the situations and discuss how you might handle them.

1. One or more students are not participating or engaged in the lesson.

Active participation of students is one of the goals of class room management. If only a few
students participate volunteering answers, asking questions or in discussion engaged in the lesson
then class loose opportunity to assess and promote learning in whole. Increasing participation is
not to have every student participate in the same way or at the same rate. Instead, it is to create
an environment in which all participants have the opportunity to learn and in which the class
explores issues and ideas.

Few strategies that can handle the situation are:

• Find things that they are interested in -While teaching if one or few students are not
participating in learning process then I will try alternative method to teach the topic which
students will find interesting and will ensure that each student participate in one way or
• Move them to the heart of the class- Focusing on them by asking questions in between by
calling out their name or by making seating arrangement so that each child gets an opportunity
to sit everywhere instead of sitting at one place.

• Eye contact and position: Eye contact and position is a way to keep on touch with the
students when you know that he ors he is not focusing in the class to notice that we are
keeping a check on them thy will automatically will pay attention to class to class to avoid
changing ones position will help to check on everybody in your class and make sure you don’t
ignore anyone.

2. A group of students come into the classroom after the lesson has begun.

As a teacher in the beginning of the academic session itself I will set clear rules so students know
that punctuality is an essential disciplinary value. If students are still reaching late I will them about
consequences of reaching late to class as all important information or tasks like classroom
activities, assignments or giving exam papers are done at the beginning of the class so that if
students do not arrive on time they miss it. This motivates them to arrive to the class on time.

Another way to deal the situation is to Keep record of students’ lateness and let them know
that if they arrive late for three days they will get an ‘a’ (absent) for one day. Keep note
students who always arrive on time and reward them appropriately. This encourages students to
arrive to class on time.
3. You have assigned a task, and some of the students have already completed it, but others are still

In this situation as a teacher I will tell early finishers to recheck what they have written and then to
volunteer themselves to help those who have not completed their task as peer teaching is a great
when done purposefully and occasionally.

One way is to create a learning centre in classroom. In the learning centre we can keep some books
activity cards etc when students have completed their task make sure that they check it over, and
then they can quietly go the learning centre to choose an activity.

Another way is to assign some duty for them so that they can help in maintaining discipline of the
classroom. This will boost others also to complete their task on time in next time.

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