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Teacher: Cebotari Alina

Form: 6th
Textbook: English A2.2
Subject: English
Time: 45 minutes
Topic: It’s a wonderful world
Type of Lesson: Mixed
Skills: Listening and Watching for Comprehension, Reading, Defining, Matching, Pair Work, Group Work, etc.
Materials: a USB flash, a projector, a computer, flash cards, handouts, pictures with active vocabulary, markers.
 Asking for and using information about people and activities related to animals and pets.
 Extracting the main ideas from an unknown text.
 Identifying the general meaning of an oral message.
 Providing oral responses to a spoken prompt from the teacher on a familiar topic at an appropriate level.
 Listening to and interpreting songs for children.

Objectives: By the end of the lesson the pupils will

 enrich their vocabulary on the topic;
 recognize and distinguish the wonderful world;
 realize both, the material and spiritual importance ofa beautiful world;
 identify what to do in order to have a wonderful world;
 acquire enough vocabulary to describe the environment;
 develop their skill of watching and listening for general understanding;
Stages Teacher’s Actions Pupils’ Actions Methods Time
Teacher greets the learners, calls the register, Pupils get ready for the lesson, listen attentively 1 min
and announces the objectives of the lesson. and try to guess the further activities.

Teacher asks volunteers to come in front of Pair-work

the class and answer the task from the Pupils complete the assignement. 4 min
homework they had to learn at home.
Individual work
4 min.

1. Evocatio The teacher emphasizes the quotation of the Pupils answer teacher’s questions. They agree or Teacher- whole
n lesson and asks Ps to comment on it. disagree, argument their opinions. class 2 min
Teacher invites them to name what they
consider wander ?
Let’s speak now about wonderful world in Pupils brainstorm
general. What is the most important principle
according to this ? Pupils answer teacher’s questions. 3 min.

Answer the
4 min.
Pupils say what they se in the pictures and describe
The teacher gives everybody a pictures and Brainstorming
asks them to go to the board and to stick it Pupils listen to the information. They work in 5 min.
2. Realizati under the right heading. small groups and fill in the missing words.
on of
meaning Teacher asks pupils what they see in the Teacher-whole
pictures and asks to describe them. class
Pupils put down the new words in their copybooks. 1 min
Teacher introduces the necessary vocabulary Make up sentences.
from WB using power point presentation.
Asks pupils to make up sentences using the
new words from the active vocabulary.
Teacher reads the new words and asks pupils to
And now let us look at the picture we have at repeat them after her. 4 min
the bottom of page 524 and read the text and Whole class
say what pupils learnt about the environment. 4 min

Teacher asks pupils to do Ex. 4 , 5 p.55 in Listening for

written form. In pairs pupils match the words to their definition Comprehension
and write the exercise. 5 min.
Then the teacher proposes to work Group work.
individually and join the parts to make
correct sentences. Pupils get the lyrics of the song and sing merrily. 4 min
Ex.7 p.55
3. Reflectio
n As a final stage of our lesson we will revise Individual work 2 min.
the lesson and say what was interesting for
you at this lesson. Teacher-whole
Pupils put down their homework. class
Home assignement: 1 min.
1. To write an announcement for a clean-up
Mark Commenting and Lesson Evaluation Pupils get marks for their classroom participation. 1 min

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