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Grade: III E
Time: 09:20 – 10:10
School: “Ion Creangă”, Cluj-Napoca
Teachers: Mucea Mihaela and Vegh Ruxandra
Lesson: The animal shelter

The main aim(s) of this lesson will be:
-Students will revise the animal vocabulary and will learn new words related to animals and their
body parts
-Students will be able to participate in interactive activities
-Students will learn new words
-Children will learn new information in a creative and interesting manner in order to help them
preserve it for as long as possible.

-Identifying global significance of an oral message clearly articulated in familiar contexts
- Participation in interaction contexts on familiar contexts
- Identification of global significance of a text on familiar topics

I anticipate that the following may cause problems:
- There will be explanations in Romanian (if needed)
-The students may not want to participate in all the activities proposed.

-Video projector

Reflection represents an important stage in a teacher’s professional development. Complete the
following blanks as soon as you can after you have finished teaching the lesson. Be as open,
honest and constructive as you can.
 My feelings immediately after the lesson are / were:
 Write down any evidence that your activity was successful:

 The things I was not happy with were:

 Make suggestions about how you would change the lesson plan to be used in the future to
improve the lesson. Note down some particular areas in the lesson you need to pay more
attention at in the future:

Lesson stages Activities: students Reasons for Materials Timing

and teacher activities
1. Warmer Teacher asks one It sets the mood
student to come in for the rest of the
front of the lesson.
classroom and mime
an activity he/she can It helps students 5 minutes
do and one activity to relax and feel
he/she cannot do. comfortable
The student mustn’t
talk but mime. A
thumb up means that
he/she can do the
activity mimed, a
thumb down means
he/she cannot do the
activity mimed. After
the student mimes
the activities and the
rest of the students
guess another student
comes in front of the
classroom and mimes
two activities.
Students come in
front of the
classroom and get a
paper from the It helps students
teacher’s desk. The reinforce “I can/
papers have pictures I can`t” 5 minutes
2. Lead-in on them. The expressions Pictures
students must ask representing
questions using “can abilities
you…?” and use the
activity represented
on the paper. When
they answer to each
other, they swap
images and move on
to another classmate
and repeat the
question. At the end
the teacher asks who
can or cannot do
different activities.

The teacher writes on

the white board It helps the
words related to the students get
story they are going acquainted to the 5 minutes
to watch. The teacher new words they Whiteboard
asks the students the are going to find
3. Pre-teaching meaning of the in the story.
vocabulary words and the
contexts they can be

The teacher shows

students few images It helps students
with animals` body improve their
4. Teaching parts and asks them vocabulary with Pictures with 10 minutes
vocabulary if they know their new words. animals body
equivalent in parts
The teacher sticks
the images on the
whiteboard and
writes down the
equivalent next to
each image.
The teacher plays a
short story entitled It helps students
5. The watch “The animal improve their Video projector
of the story shelter”. pronunciation 10 minutes
entitled “The Students watch the and listening
animal video in silence. skills.
shelter” After the children
have watched it once, It helps students
they receive a sheet improve their
with the printed story vocabulary.
and they read it out

The teacher gives
each student a
handout containing
exercises related to It allows the
the story. They have students to
to write under each internalize the Exercises sheets
picture what does it new language so
represent and that they White board
complete the understand it.
6. Controlled sentences with the
practice missing word.

Each student solves It helps fix the

individually the language in the
exercises. students’ mind.

The teacher checks

the answers together
with the students, by
designating them to
read the answers.

The teacher gives the 15 minutes
children another
worksheet. The It develops
students read the text students` team
again and in pairs working skills.
solve the exercise.
They have to match
the pets with what
they can do.

Students must choose
an animal from the
shelter they would
like to adopt. They
have to make an oral
presentation in front It develops
of the class where students`
they say what the speaking skills
animal can and why and helps them
would they adopt it. to get used to
Students will use the public speaking.
words they have
learnt to make the

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