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Thermoelectric Generator

Heat Transfer Course Project

ME 2054

Under the Guidance Of

Prof. Dr. M.B. Chaudhari
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Vishwakarma Institute of Technology

Presented By.
Shubham Awhad (Div S Roll no- 1)
Dolly Dhumavat (Div- S Roll No- 4)
Jinesh Nahar (Div S Roll no -11)
Viraj Desale (Div S Roll no 13)

Vishwakarma Institute of Technology Bibwewadi, Pune

Affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University

1. Abstract

Energy can be converted from one form to another form in many different ways. In conventional

method heat energy is first converted to mechanical energy and then converted to electric energy

using a generator. Using Seebeck effect Heat energy can directly be converted into Electric energy

by using a thermoelectric generator. As the name suggests it converts heat into electricity using the

Seebeck Effect which is a property of materials.

2. Introduction

Thermoelectric generators are used at various places with space constraint and require conversion of

heat energy to electric energy. It works on a simple principle that for two dissimilar metals a

temperature difference produces a potential difference and flow of current which can be achived by

completing the circuit. The losses occurring in conversion of heat energy to mechanical then to

electrical are high and efficiency is low. Whereas this direct conversion of energy reduces the losses

and is also simplified and reduces cost. The setup for conversion of energy from one form to another

is also simple.

3. Literature Study

Thermoelectric Effect :

There are two main effects occurring in the thermocouple circuit : Seebeck and Peltier .Seebeck effect
describes the voltage or electrical force (electromotive force / EMF) caused by the temperature difference
(gradient) along the wire. Changes in the EMF material in connection with the change in temperature is
called the Seebeck coefficient or thermoelectric sensitivity. This coefficient nonliniar usually a function of
temperature. Peltier effect explains the temperature difference generated by EMF and is the inverse of the
Seebeck effect.

Seebeck Effect

Seebeck effect is the change directly from the difference in temperature to the power and takes the name of
the German physicist - Estonia, Thomas Johann Seebeck, who in 1821 discovered that a compass needle
would be deflected by the closed loop formed by the combination of two metals in two places, the
temperature difference between junctions. This is due to the response of different metals - depending on the
temperature difference, causing loop currents and magnetic fields. Seebeck did not realize there are electric
currents involved, then he calls this phenomenon the thermomagnetic effects. The Danish physicist Hans
Christian Orsted correct errors and coined the term thermoelectric. The voltage produced by this effect in the
order of μV / K. One example of a combination of copper and nickel has a Seebeck coefficient of 41 μV / K
at room temperature. The voltage generated at Seebeck phenomenon proportional to the temperature
difference between the two junctions. The greater the temperature difference, the greater the voltage
between junction. From this phenomenon, we can determine the Seebeck coefficient, equation :


S = Seebeck Coefficient
ΔV = Difference Voltage
ΔT = Difference Temperature
Vhot = the voltage at the hot junction
Vcold = the voltage at the cold junction
Thot = the temperature at the hot junction
Tcold = the temperature at the cold junction

Module Thermoelectric
Thermoelectric Modules (also called Seebeck generator) is a tool that can convert heat (the temperature
difference) into electrical energy directly. Efficiencies range between 5-8%. Its construction consists of pairs
of p-type semiconductor material and n-type thermocouples formed that has a shape like a sandwich
between two thin ceramic wafers. This module can be used to produce heat and cold on each side if the
electric current is used. Initially the device is designed to use bimetallic connection and great in size. In
development at this time, the device is designed to use the p-n connection made of Bi2Te3 (Bismuth
Telluride), lead telluride (PbTe), calcium manganese oxide, or a combination another, depending on the

The usefulness of a material in thermoelectric systems is determined by the two factors device
efficiency and power factor. These are determined by the material's electrical conductivity, thermal
conductivity, Seebeck coefficient and behavior under changing temperatures.
Device efficiency :
The efficiency of a thermoelectric device for electricity generation is given by , defined as

η = energy provided to the load / heat energy absorbed by the junction

The ability of a given material to efficiently produce thermoelectric power is related to its
dimensionless figure of merit given by,

,ZT = σS2T/k
which depends on the Seebeck Coefficient S Thermal Conductivity κ, Electrical conductivity σ, and
temperature T.

In an actual thermoelectric device, two materials are used. The maximum efficiency is then given by,

where Th is the temperature at the hot junction and Tc is the temperature at the surface being
cooled. ZT is the modified dimensionless figure of merit, which takes into consideration the
thermoelectric capacity of both thermoelectric materials being used in the device and, after
geometrical optimization regarding the legs sections, is defined as

where rho is the electrical resistivity, T is the average temperature between the hot and cold
surfaces and the subscripts n and p denote properties related to the n- and p-type semiconducting
thermoelectric materials, respectively. Since thermoelectric devices are heat engines, the efficiency is limited by
the Carnot efficiency, hence the Th and Tc terms in η . Regardless, the Coefficient of performance current
commercial thermoelectric refrigerators ranges from 0.3 to 0.6, one-sixth the value of traditional vapor-
compression refrigerators.
Power factor :
To determine the usefulness of a material in a thermoelectric generator or a thermoelectric
cooler the power factor is calculated by its Seebeck coefficient and its electrical conductivity
under a given temperature difference:

where S is the Seebeck coefficient, and σ is the electrical conductivity.

Materials with a high power factor are able to 'generate' more energy (move more heat or
extract more energy from that temperature difference) in a space-constrained application, but are not necessarily
more efficient in generating this energy.

Good thermoelectric materials should have the following characteristics:

a. High electrical conductivity to minimize joule heating (rising temperature of the barriers to electric
current flowing through).
b. Seebeck coefficient which is great for the maximum change from heat to electric power or electric
power to the cooling performance.
c. The low thermal conductivity to prevent the conduction of heat through the material. All three of these
properties are usually combined into a single parameter that measures the overall performance of a
thermoelectric device that is "figure -of - merit" or ZT. Figure - of - merit of thermoelectric defined in

Block Diagram of system:

Control Voltage
TEG MODULE Electric Load(Fan)

Waste Heat

[1]. Prashantha.K , Sonam Wango , Smart Power Generation From Waste Heat by Thermoelectric
IJMPE,ISSN:2320-2092(September 2016)
[2]. Ankit Mishra ,Thermoelectric Generator, IRJET ISSN:2395-0056(June 2017)
[3]. Gathya M. ,Thermoelectric Generator ,IRJET ISSN :2468-1259(April 2012)

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