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My First 90 Days

Strategies for Success

Suresh Kodoor
Ph: +91 984 585 3362
Foundation for Success
 Every organization is unique and each one poses unique challenges for transition
 As a new entrant in the organization, I start from ground-zero irrespective of my
earlier credentials. I need to build trust and credibility
 It is on me to accelerate the transition, hit the ground running and become an
asset for the organization sooner
 Different situations offer different problems and opportunities. Need to understand
and analyze the situation and strategize accordingly
 Organization is looking forward to the impact. I need to prioritize, take ownership
and start securing early wins
 I would look to build early momentum, aligning strategy, structure, systems and
My First Quarter thus is critical in laying a strong foundation for
sustained long-term success. I plan to follow a defined framework to
make my transition a success for everyone involved
My Transition Framework (P3C3)

People Culture

Product Customer

 Know My Boss
 Expectations, Style, Feedback

 Know My Team
 Persona, Roles, Skills, Structures

 Know My Partners
 Know My Customer
People  Network across
 Identify the Influencers
 Build trust & credibility
 Build Strategic Relations
 Create Coalitions
 Build/structure the team as appropriate
 Watch, Ask, Listen & Learn
 Each organization has got distinct culture
 Understand the Company culture and take
conscious steps to adapt
 Learn the hierarchies and structures

 Understand the formal and informal ways of
information exchange within the
 Understand the ways things get done
 Ensure my leadership and management
style is in harmony with the common culture
 Understand the current products/
solutions/technology stack and their
evolution history
 Listen to the Team on what worked well in
the past, what went wrong and what need
 Sync with cross-functions to align the
Product / expectations (Product Management, Program
Solution Management, Marketing & Sales etc)
 Review the product features, architecture
and design with appropriate teams/people
 Facilitate brainstorming on product/ solution
 Take ownership for my delivery
 Take control of my functions
 Get familiar with the Industry & Market
(Insurance industry in the present context)
 Talk to respective business analysts to learn
the jargons and processes of the target
industry and market
 Understand the customer segments and the
business value propositions
 Explore opportunities to interact with a few
representative customers
 Understand and familiarize with existing
systems and processes

- Strategic Planning
- Project initiation
- Budget planning
- Hiring process
- Resource management
- Product Release strategy
- Quality Management
- Product review
- Project/Program Management Reviews
- Change Management
- Performance Management
 Understand the current communication
modes, methods and protocols within the
 Understand the communication
requirements and mandates for processes
 Communicate the strategy clearly to the
team and the stake holders
 Encourage cooperative communication
within the team to promote equal idea
exchanges and wider acceptance
Timeline : Focus Priority
Thank you

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