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Ishwaar Singh (MPP 191122)

Round Table Discussion (Perspective of Ministry of Education)

Issue: Formation of communicative competence in accordance to Common European

Framework of Reference (CEFR)

- The government needs to know the best recipe to ensure communicative approach is
heavily induced during the teaching and learning process.
- The implementers (teachers) are not clear on what materials to be used, what approach
should be applied, how it can be carried out and the underlying theoretical beliefs behind
the teaching of CLT.
- Revamping the system to its core to allow CLT to be a part English syllabus content and
methodology. Therefore, everyone must UNLEARN and RELEARN new pedagogical
skills to ensure CLT can take place effectively.

The concerns of the stakeholders in Malaysia

- It is a long term investment whereby results will only be visible after 6 years as language
competencies take years to be built.
- Concern of MoE: The effectiveness of CLT from the implementation of the teachers as
we need teachers who are proficient in the language to handle the lesson. Teacher must
be trained to provide situations in classrooms to promote communication. Corrections
must be done instantly to avoid fossilization of errors.
- Teachers must be master of the language. That is why teachers are encouraged to take
MUET (Band 5) and must have at least C1 or C2 for CPT (Cambridge Placement Test)
to show they are competent.
- CLT is teacher-centered. MoE concerns come with the lack of English optionist whereby
non-optionist are also roped in to teach English. Therefore, the idea of CLT will be
distorted as it will not be implemented ideally.

The impact on the implementation of the reforms

- A change in the purpose of learning a language (from acquiring to communicative purpose)

- Reforms in the teaching of English (from exam oriented to mastery through school based
assessment system)

- Thorough assessment of all skills rather than just heavily towards reading and writing.

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