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Dear Review Board,

It has been an honor to have Aliyah Abonitalla in my CTE Health Sciences program for the last
two years. She is an incredibly positive and bright young woman. Aliyah is a vital member of
our classroom community, as she always brings such a positive and uplifting energy into the
classroom. I can always count on her to be engaged and contribute insightful comments and
questions to our discussions.

Aliyah is a dedicated and determined student. She excels at managing her responsibilities and
deadlines, despite a challenging schedule. She would never be satisfied with doing the bare
minimum and takes pride in her work. She has the wisdom to connect the concepts she is
learning in class to her future career in nursing. With her incredible focus and drive, I know will
achieve her goals.

Aliyah’s intellect is matched by her altruistic nature, which will make her an excellent clinician
and patient advocate. I am impressed with her ability to immediately make others feel
comfortable and appreciated. She knows when help is needed and never hesitates to give of her
time freely. Aliyah works well individually, but really shines when she works together with a
group. She is a natural leader, who leads with kindness and understanding. However, she also
takes direction well from others and is a true team-player.

In addition to juggling a rigorous academic schedule and part-time job, Aliyah volunteers her
time generously. She is active in several service organizations, such as Key Club, Unity Team,
Surf Tide Leadership, Sparrow Club, SOLVE, Oregon Food Bank, and Intel Tour De Cure. She
also assists with elementary vision and hearing screenings, yearly canned food drives, PlaySmart
heart screenings, and with her church youth group. Her commitment to the well-being of our
community is evident and is one the reasons she is going to be an excellent nurse.

It has been my greatest pleasure to have Aliyah as my student. I wholeheartedly recommend her
for your program. I have no doubt that she will be successful in her educational endeavors. She
will be an asset and a change agent for any organization she is a part of. I look forward to
staying in touch with her over the years and seeing what she accomplishes. Please contact me if
you have any questions.

Melanie Lewis
Health Sciences
Glencoe High School

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