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Usman Arshad Siddiqui, Dawood Javed, Jr., and Third C. Author, Member, IEEE

This paper is about the design of controller of magnetic levitation system that can suspend the steel object or sphere in air.
Magnetic levitation is highly advanced technology and also very popular in research, The magnetic levitation means to levitate
(rise or cause to rise the object in air) the object by using electromagnetic field, In our daily life the use of natural resources
increasing which cause the shortage of these resources in upcoming generation especially in transportation which is causing
loss of crude oil and other resources, the magnetic levitation provides less consumption of electrical energy due to the lack of
contact there is no friction thus the efficiency increases, reduces maintenance cost and increase the life of the system . Being an
efficient the magnetic levitation technology can be used in various industries. This paper is about the design a controller for a
magnetic coil that that levitate steel object. The issues involved in magnetic levitation are stability, nonlinearity and lifting
force. The lifting force should be as much as the coil attract the object and the stability of the system ensures that the system
should remain stable when object levitates

inductor used can easily be built by taking a nut bold of

5mm in diameter, length of 6 inches and 2300-2500 turns
of copper wire winding on the bold. Then for sensing the
positioning of the ball the use of IR receiver and
Magnetic levitation is the process by which a transmitter could be the best choice as we changes the
ferromagnetic object is suspend against the gravity through position of the ball up and down the amount of light
magnetic field generated by the inductor. This technology detecting accordingly, the controller looks the position of
eliminates the contact between two stationary or moving the ball and compare it to the reference position and adjust
parts that’s why they are widely use in various field such as the current needed to levitate the steel ball or object.
high speed trains, magnetic bearings and so on. The
magnetic levitation system is unstable and has uncertain Now days the most advanced technology used for
nonlinear dynamics. These types of the systems are usually levitation is the use of the control DC because of the low
unstable in open loop conditions this is why they need to power consumption. As above described the nature of the
construct the high-performance feedback system system the feedback controller are used to stabilized them
the controller design usually use linear control technology
II.CONSTRUCTION its mean to achieve the outcomes on desired operating
point the linear model of the system can work only on a
The magnetic levitation consists of the position sensor, small area of the operating point, so first step before
bold inductor and controller the Figure 1 shows the basic designing the control system for the system is to linearize
model of magnetic levitation system. the system


The levitation of the ball or any steel object with the use
of electromagnetic is difficult because it is open loop
unstable system and force, current and the distance
between the electromagnetic and the ball occupies the
nonlinear relationship, the main task is to maintain the
equilibrium and it can be possible when the magnetic force
balances the gravitational force. As slight we move ball
near to inductor it will increases the magnetic force which
allow ball in contact with the inductor or we move ball
away it cause decrease in magnetic force and allow ball to
fall in this cause the most effective method to stabilize the
nonlinear system around the operating point is to take the
The inductor is use to create the electromagnetic force first order approximation and then use standard control
and its magnetic field depend upon the amount of the techniques for linear systems
current flowing in the coil. The magnetic field of the
inductor can be control by adjusting the current. The The equation of motion on the ball accordingly Newton’s
Figure 1: Basic Model
mẍ = f ( I , x) - mg
y = h(x)

Where “x” is the position of the and the current through

the coil is represented by “I”. “g” is the gravitational
constant (g = 9.8 m/). In the above equation the function f (
I , x) describe the magnetic force acting on the ball as a
function of x and I and the function h(x) describe the
voltage drop IR receiver

For the linearization of the system we take some
approximation in equation of motion the new generalize
form of equation of motion is.

mẍ = f( x , I) – mg = f ( Io , xo) + Ki ∆I + Kx ∆x - mg

The ∆I represent the change in current (∆I = I – Io), Io is

the current after placing the ball and ∆x is the change in
position (∆x = x – xo), By tuning the gain we can cancel
out the gravitational force at equilibrium. We also linearize Figure 2: Electrical Circuit
the output function around the equilibrium.
mẍ = Ki ∆I + Kx ∆x The transfer function of the analog controller in red
y = ∆x block is
G(s) =
V. ELECTRIC CONTROL DESIGN The gain controller circuitry shown is used to adjust the
equil gain of the analog controller with respect to the current inn
IR LED AND TRANSMITTER: electromagnet and the position of the ball, and then output
of the controller circuit is connected to the inverting
amplifier with the gain equals to 1 to reverse the polarities.
Voltage follower:
The first two op amps are voltage follower which VOLTAGE DIVIDER:
creates the buffer between the IR receiver and the inputs of The voltage divider divides the voltage between the
the summer amplifier with the gain equals to one to avoid controller and the electromagnet circuitry, set the values of
the overloading effect. the resistors after testing the electromagnet circuitry and
adjust it with accordingly to the controller output, after
SUMMER AMPLIFIER: than use the inverting amplifier to reset the voltage polarity
The summer amplifier is used to sum up the output of and amplifies the voltages for the electromagnet,
the two voltage buffers and then the output of the summer The power transistor is used to control the current
is connected to the input of the analog controller. through the electromagnet and the freewheeling diode
across the electromagnet is use to protect the last op amp
Vout = Vx + Vy (inverting amplifier) from the potentially large voltage
spikes if the magnetic current stops abruptly.

In this paper the main focus was to design the electrical
control system of the magnetic levitation, there is always
nonlinearity occurs which drag the performance and the
stability, then appropriate controller is design for the
system to overcome these problem and make system
effectively works even some uncertainties acts on it.

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American English is without an “e” after the “g.” Use the [27] (Basic Book/Monograph Online Sources) J. K. Author. (year, month,
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singular heading even if you have many acknowledgments. http://www.(URL)
Avoid expressions such as “One of us (S.B.A.) would like [28] J. Jones. (1991, May 10). Networks (2nd ed.) [Online]. Available:
to thank ... .” Instead, write “F. A. Author thanks ... .”
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Sponsor and financial support acknowledgments are [Type of medium]. Volume(issue), paging if given. Available:
placed in the unnumbered footnote on the first page, not http://www.(URL)
here. [30] R. J. Vidmar. (1992, August). On the use of atmospheric plasmas as
electromagnetic reflectors. IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. [Online]. 21(3).
pp. 876–880. Available:
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three books or published articles. The format for listing publishers of a book
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for IEEE committees and publications. If a photograph is provided, the
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