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Sorcerous Origin: Fey Soul Winter: All creatures within 20 feet of you take 1d4 + half

your sorcerer level cold damage and have their speeds halved
The potent magic of the Feywild has been of interest to many until the end of your next turn.
mages of the past. Attempting to harness the magic or even Once you use this feature, you cannot use it again until after
travel to the plane itself was the focus of many powerful a long rest.
wizards and sorcerers. During these exploits into the Feywild,
the magic has worked its way into mortals. This power Meld into Nature
manifests into natural prowess with odd magics, sometimes Starting at 6th level, you have the ability to step into a natural
not until tens of generations later. object or surface large enough to fully contain your body, mel-
ding yourself and all the equipment you carry with the stone
Fey Soul Quirks for the duration. This object could be uncut stone, a tree, a
d6 Quirk giant mushroom, or a mound of dirt. Using your movement,
1 Natural colors seem more vibrant to you.
you step into the natural object at a point you can touch.
Nothing of your presence remains visible or otherwise
2 You dislike using metal other than ore. detectable by nonmagical senses.
3 You enjoy lightheartedly pranking people. While merged with the natural object, any Wisdom
(Perception) checks you make are made with disadvantage.
4 When you dash, you leave a faint trail of dust. You remain aware of the passage of time and can cast spells
5 You appear ever so slightly smaller than you are. on yourself while merged in the natural object. You can use
your movement to leave the natural object where you entered
6 You are opposed to violence. it, which ends the spell. You otherwise can’t move. You take
half of the damage that the object takes.
Fey Soul Features Once you use this feature, you cannot use it again until after
Sorcerer Level Features a short or long rest.
1st Touch of the Feywild, Blessing of the Court Magic Resistance
6th Meld Into Nature Starting at 14th level , you ave advantage on saving throws
against spells and other magical effects. You also gain
14th Magic Resistance resistance to a damage type based on your Season.
18th Hide From Mortals Spring: You have resistance to poison damage.
Summer: You have resistance to fire damage.
Touch of the Feywild Autumn: You have resistance to necrotic damage.
The Fey magic you possess lets you choose from an expan-ded Winter: You have resistance to cold damage.
list of spells when you learn a sorcerer spell. The follo-wing
spells are added to the sorcerer spell list for you. Hide From Mortals
Starting at 18th level , as a bonus action you can spend 7
Fey Soul Expanded Spell List Sorcery Points to turn invisible until your concentration ends
Spell Level Spells (as if concentrating on a spell) or until 10 minutes pass. Up to
ten creatures of your choice see a trail of dust around you and
1st Animal Friendship, Faerie Fire know your location.
2nd Barkskin, Moonbeam You can use this feature a number of times equal
to your Charisma modifier (a minimum of once) .
3rd Plant Growth, Speak with Plants You regain all expended uses when
4th Hallucinatory Terrain, Locate Creature you finish a long rest.
5th Commune with Nature, Tree Stride Art by Adam Paquette
6th Conjure Fey, Transport via Plants

Additionally, you can speak, read, and write Sylvan.

Blessing of the Court
When you gain this feature at 1st level, choose Spring,
Summer, Autumn, or Winter. You may use your action to
release a wave of magic depending on the season you chose.
Spring: Up to six creatures of your choice within 30 feet of
you regain hit points equal to 1d4 + half your sorcerer level
and have advantage of Constitution Saving throws until the
end of your next turn.
Summer: All creatures within 20 feet of you take 1d6 + half
your sorcerer level fire damage and have disadvantage on
Ability checks until the end of your next turn.
Autumn: Up to six creatures of your choice within 30 feet of
you have -2 AC and disadvantage on Constitution Saving
throws until the end of your next turn.

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