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Alpha Legion

1. Airbrush with thinned Tamiya Gunmetal (thin all Tamiya colours with Tamiya X-20A
2. Airbrush from top of model with thinned Tamiya Flat Aluminum
3. Mix Tamiya Clear Green with Tamiya Clear Blue in 10/90 mix and airbrush over the
model in 2 light, thin coats
4. Airbrush armour panels with Tamiya Clear Blue. Blend from middle of figure down, so
the strongest blue colour is at the bottom of the armour panels
5. Airbrush from the middle upwards with Tamiya Clear Green, so strongest green colour is
at the top of the armour panels
6. Using an airbrush, blend a highlight on the highest panels (head, shoulder pads, top of
backpack) with Tamiya Flat Aluminum with a tiny amount of very thinned down Tamiya
Sky Blue
7. Apply thinned coat of Tamiya Clear Blue over the highlight and blend into the
surrounding area
8. Silver: basecoat with Citadel Leadbelcher, highlight with Vallejo Model Air Steel and
wash with Citadel Nuln Oil
9. Chipping: hit edges with Citadel Leadbelcher in striking motions and highlight with
Citadel Ironbreaker

Originally he'd said to use Citadel Leadbelcher and Ironbreaker in a 50/50 mix for step 1, but
now he says to do all the airbrushing with Tamiya paints and all the brushwork with the Citadel
and Vallejo paints. I'm pretty sure he hasn't tried the new FW airbrush paints (FYI, they have
clear paints now) but I'm going to get the Tamiya paints I don't already have and see how the
Badger Minitaire Ghost Tints compare - I really like the Ghost Tint Blue and Plasma Fluid,
which is a nice, vibrant blue-green.

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