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Data mining is the process of evaluating open split-up of earlier measures and collections
of unseen patterns of data according to altered sides for labeling into useful data, which is
composed and assembled in public regions, such as data warehouses, for capable inquiry, data
mining algorithms, assisting-commercial result making and other information wants to eventually
low costs, increase revenue reduce risks and more. Data mining includes effective data collection,
warehousing as well as computer processing and also it uses mathematical algorithms for
segmenting the data and evaluating the probability of future events. KDD, knowledge discovery
in databases is another terms of data mining.

Data mining is an emerging field has its applications in various areas like Financial Data
analysis, Trade Business, telecommunication industry, biological data analysis, intrusion
detection, science, and research. Data mining can be used in businesses to study more about their
consumers and develop more effective strategies related to their business functions and in turn
leverage resources in a more optimal and perceptive manner. This helps businesses to achieve their
objectives and to make better decisions. The financial data analysis areas in data mining can be
used in the banking and financial industry is generally consistent and of high quality facilitates
systematic data analysis and data mining.

Data Mining has its great use of Trade Business because it collects a large number of data
from the sales, customer buying history, goods transference, consumption, and services. It is
natural that the quantity of data collected will continue to expand quickly because of the increasing,
availability, and popularity of the web. Trade Business helps in identifying customer buying
patterns and trends that lead to improved quality of customer service and good customer retention
and satisfaction. Is providing various services such as a mobile phone, wireless communication,
multimedia files, e-mail, web data transmission, etc. This is the reason for data mining is become
very important to help and understand the business.

Knowledge discovery in data mining (KDD) is the process of discovering useful knowledge from
a collection of data and integrated from all the different sources. This widely used data mining
technique is a process that includes data preparation and selection, Preprocessing, Data
Transformation, data mining and evaluation incorporating prior knowledge on data sets and
interpreting accurate solutions from the observed results. Fig. 1.4 shows the common workflow of
KDD process.

Evaluation Knowledge

Data mining


Transformation Data

Preprocessing Data

Target Data


Fig.1.1 General Workflow of KDD Process

DATA combination is defined as various data from multiple sources combined in a
collective source.

Data selection is defined as selecting a data relevant to the analysis is decided and retrieved
from the data collection.

Preprocessing is defined as the removal of errors, missing values, noisy and irrelevant
data from the collection.

Data Transformation is defined as the process of consolidated into forms appropriate for
mining by aggregation operations or mining procedures.

Data mining techniques are basically knowledge discover interesting patterns. Hence,
classification rules or trees, regression, clustering, and so forth analysis are among the many
different techniques present.

Pattern evaluation step includes visualization, transformation, removing redundant

patterns from the representing knowledge based on given measures.

Knowledge representation as represented to the user using many knowledge

representation techniques or interpreting mined patterns evaluation or the technique is utilized
visualization tools to represent data mining reports.


Dengue and swine flu diseases are life-threatening infectious diseases. That dengue and
swine flu prediction has become important in a variety of applications such as health care,
personalized health communication, and public health. Dengue and swine flu prediction are
usually performed using publicly available datasets.

Dengue fever is caused by a virus germ that is transmitted by the mosquito called Aedes
mosquitoes . This type of mosquito, unlike other mosquitoes, bites during the day. Worldwide,
over 6 million people are affected by this. An estimated 24,000 people die each year. It is found in
about 100 countries in Africa, South America, the Eastern Mediterranean, Southeast Asia, and the
Western Pacific. Symptoms include headache, fever, rashes on the skin, body aches.
Swine flu is a viral germ disease. It is usually a viral fever transmitted to humans by pigs
or chickens. This disease is caused by a virus called H1N1. The virus in the pig's respiratory tract
is infectious to humans. It is a respiratory disease. The flu can spread to children under 5 years and
over 60 years. When the virus spreads in the body, it gets cold. Soon the fever will come, sore
throat, fatigue, body aches, and appetite.

Dengue and swine flu disease prediction using machine learning algorithms for Indian state
and union territories wise Dengue and swine flu disease cases during 2015 – 2016, 2016-2017 and
dengue, swine flu disease symptoms dataset 2017-2018 dataset.


Chapter 1 is the basic introduction to data mining and provides a summary of the dengue
and swine flu disease prediction using data mining techniques. Chapter 2 briefly analyses the
related works in dengue and swine flu disease prediction. Chapter 3 provides an overview of the
problem definition and the machine learning algorithms. Chapter 4 comprises the result and
discusses dengue and swine flu the machine learning methodology followed in Chapters 3. Chapter
5 finally discusses the conclusion and future enhancement of this work.

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