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Junk Foods’ Effects for Your Health

[After school]

Fitri : [Sigh] School really makes me hungry. Let’s get something delicious to eat!
Ratih : Good idea! It’s lunch time anyway. Do you have any idea of delicious foods for our lunch?
Bobi : Hey, what about that food stall?
Ratih : Huh? Wait a minute. That is fast food stall, isn’t it?
Bobi : Yeah. Come on! My stomach can’t wait any longer.
Ratih : Why fast food? Can we find healthier foods for our lunch?
Bobi : Nope, I think there are no healthier food choices around. I heard that it sells delicious
cheese burgers and French fries too. Let’s go! I can’t stand hearing my stomach roaring.
Fitri : Come on, Ratih. Hamburger sounds delicious.
Ratih : [sigh]

Ratih : Oh my, Bobi. You ordered two large cheese hamburgers, French fries, and coke. Are you
going to eat all these junk foods?
Bobi : Of course! I’m a man. I need more foods.
Ratih : Do you ever think what kind of danger that will come for you by eating these foods?
Bobi : Um… overly full?
Ratih : No….. Bobi. These foods will bring bad effects for your precious health.
Bobi : Huh? What are the bad effects anyway?
Ratih : I join the “healthy life” club that attempts to motivate its members to live a healthy lifestyle.
We were taught to stay away from junk foods since junk foods like foods you are going to eat
now are known to be very bad for health.
Bobi : Why is that?
Ratih : You know that these foods contain high calories, fats, and sugar, but are really low in
nutritional value. Due to the high calories, the more you eat these foods the bigger your body will
be. It is called obesity. These foods are also high in salt. If you really love eating these foods,
they will lead you to a risk of high blood pressure.
Fitri : Wow, can it get worse then?
Ratih : Of course! Moreover, if you consume these junk foods day in, day out, then the saturated
fats will accumulate in your body, especially in your blood vessels. Day after day the fats will pile
up in your blood vessels and eventually block your blood stream and make it clogged. If this
happens on the blood vessels on your brain, you will then get a brain stroke. The worst one is if
you have high blood pressure and the fats block the blood stream on your heart, then you can
get a fatal heart strike that can lead you to death.
Bobi : [Gulp] is that…. Is that true?
Ratih : there is no use if I tell fake stories.
Bobi : Alright, I think you’re right. I have to start to go with a healthy lifestyle.
Fitri : Whoa, thanks for that information, Ratih. You really opened our eyes.
Bobi : So, what should I do with all these foods? I haven’t even eaten them yet.
Ratih : I heard you have dogs. Maybe they will like it.
Bobi : [sigh] Oh, great~
Delicious: enak
Food stall: kios/warung makanan
Fast food: makanan cepat saji
Health: kesehatan
Health: sehat (Healthier: lebih sehat)
Choices: pilihan
Around: di sekitar (suatu tempat)
Cheese burger: burger keju
French fries: kentang goring
I can’t stand: aku tidak tahan (akan sesuatu)
Roaring: meraung-raung (My stomach is roaring: Perut saya bersuara keras karena kelaparan)
Junk food: makanan sampah (makanan cepat saji tidak sehat)
Come for you: mendatangi kamu
Overly full: terlalu kenyang
Bad effect: dampak buruk
Precious: berharga
Motivate: mendorong, memotivasi
Attempt: berusaha
Since: sejak, karena
(to be) known: diketahui, dikenal
Nutritional value: nilai gizi
Obesity: obesitas/kegemukan
Salt: garam
Risk of high blood pressure: risiko tekanan darah tinggi
Get worse: menjadi lebih buruk
Moreover: selain itu
Consume: mengkonsumsi
Day in, day out: setiap hari
Saturated fats: lemak jenuh
Accumulate: berakumulasi, menumpuk
Blood vessels: pembuluh darah
Day after day: hari demi hari
Pile up: menumpuk
Blood stream: aliran darah
Clogged: tersumbat
Brain stroke: penyakit stroke otak
Worst one: yang terburuk
Fatal heart strike: serangan jantung yang fatal
Lead to: membuat, mengarahkan
There is no use: tidak ada gunanya
Fake stories: cerita bohong
Opened our eyes: (idiom) membuka mata kami (menyadarkan kami)
Going to the Mountain
(Three friends; Lutfi, Beni, and Dito hiking up to the mountain pass)
Lutfi : Hey, Ben! Is the mountain pass still far from here?
Beni : Um… it seems that way. Why is the matter, Lutfi? Are you tired already?
Dito : Hey, Lutfi…. We have just started going up from the foothill a couple of minutes ago and
now you are tired already? Where is your mountain hiking spirit?! This is still going to be a long
way to go.
Lutfi : Hey, I didn’t say I’m tired. I just wanted to ask Beni how long approximately it will take to

get to the mountain pass.

Beni : Well… it is 09.45 now. Um… I suppose that we would probably reach the mountain pass
by midday.
Lutfi : Huh? Midday? *sigh* … I thought that it would take a shorter of time.
Beni : Ha ha ha. It’s alright, Lutfi. If we still have our spirits on, maybe we could arrive to the
mountain pass faster.
Dito : That is right, Lutfi! If you keep beefing about when we will reach the mountain pass then all
you get is tiredness. Why don’t you just enjoy the nature around you? Like the beautiful scenery
you can see on your right and left. The fresh air you can breathe in along your way. These things
can never be found in our city that is full of skyscrapers, traffic jams, and pollutions of vehicles.
Beni : That’s absolutely right! I like your statement, Dito.
Lutfi : Well… well… you all are right. Running a daily routine in a big city is really boring. I hope I
could still have my energy to reach the mountain pass to see a tremendous landscape from up
above there.
Beni : Right! Keep up that spirit, Lutfi! Hey… do you guys want some chocolate bars?
Dito : I want some!
Lutfi : Me too, I think some sweets would be great
Beni : Here you are… Hey, do you know the powerful energy of chocolate?
Lutfi : Huh?
Beni : Yes. Chocolate is quite good at giving energy. In mountain hiking activity like this, a
chocolate bar like this big can give a big enough amount of energy to help you keep going for the
next 2 hours.
Lutfi : Really?? Whoa, that is great! It means we can get more energy to reach the mountain
pass by eating this sweet.
Dito : Yum… this chocolate is good and full of energy.
Beni : Very well, Guys! Let’s keep our spirits on to the mountain pass!
Lutfi : Hey, why don’t we sing along together and keep walking? Some music would be great!
Dito : Alright! Just choose one good song you like and let’s sing along!
Glossaries (kosa kata) Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Indonesia Going to the Mountain
Mountain hiking = pendakian ke gunung
Mountain pass = puncak gunung
It seems that way = sepertinya begitu
Why is the matter? = ada apa?
Foothill = kaki bukit
A couple of minutes ago = beberapa menit yang lalu
Spirit = semangat
Keep your spirit on = terus/tetaplah bersemangat
A long way to go = jalan yang jauh untuk ditempuh
Approximately = kira-kira
Midday = tengah hari
Beefing about (something) = mengeluh (mengenai sesuatu)
Tiredness = rasa lelah
Scenery, landscape = pemandangan alam
Skyscraper = gedung pencakar langit
Traffic jams = kemacetan
Pollutions of vehicles = polusi dari kendaraan
Running a daily routine = menjalakan rutinitas sehari-hari
Boring = membosankan
Tremendous = luar biasa, dahsyat
Chocolate bar = coklat batang
Sweet = makanan manis
Amount of energy = jumlah energy
For the next 2 hours = untuk 2 jam kedepan
Sing along together = menyanyi bersama
Indonesia My Precious Cultures

[One day at Borobudur Temple]

Anita : Excuse me, Sir. Can I take a photo of you?
Tourist : Huh? Oh, of course.
Anita : [after taking the photo] Thank you, Sir.
Tourist : It’s nothing.
Anita : Um… by the way, are you here alone, Sir?
Tourist : No, actually I came here with my wife.
Anita : Where is she, Sir?
Tourist : I think she is taking some photos around this Borobudur temple.
Anita : Where do you come from, Sir?
Tourist : I come from America, it’s California, USA.
Anita : Wow. What brings you here, Sir?
Tourist : Um… well, I heard from my friends that Indonesia has great and amazing temple relics.
Opportunely, I am an anthropology teacher and I really like ancient things. Actually I have seen
many ancient relics from around the world, and now it’s my turn to visit Indonesia.
Anita : Do you like this Borobudur temple, Sir?
Tourist : This temple is awesome! Every relief and sculpture I see on every part of the temple is
remarkable. This is one of the greatest cultural and historical inheritances that Indonesian people
have to maintain.
Anita : Yes, Sir. I feel proud you’re saying so. Do you know about other Indonesian cultures, Sir?
Tourist : Of course, I know many cultures from every place in the world. Actually, I have been
studying about Indonesian cultures lately.
Anita : Really, Sir? What do you think about my people’s cultures?
Tourist : Indonesian cultures are completely unique and interesting. According to my knowledge,
Indonesian tribes and ethnics consist of over than one thousand tribes and every tribe has its
own cultures and customs. Indonesian cultures were formed and influenced by multitude of
religions, like Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Christianity, even animism, and dynamism. Western
cultures also take part in Indonesian cultures, especially in science, technology, and modern
entertainments. I also read that Indonesia has a few of indigenous tribes such as Dayak, Asmat,
Mentawai, Toraja, ect. Indigenous tribes generally isolate themselves from outside world since
they want to keep maintaining their pure cultures and customs.
Anita : Wow, you know much about Indonesian cultures, Sir.
Tourist : Yes, but not really much, I’m still studying them.
Anita : Have you visited every region in Indonesia, Sir?
Tourist : Yes, I have visited several cities in West Sumatera, Medan, Jakarta, Yogyakarta, and
NTT. I studied about the cultures from each of those places, like the foods, arts, and customs.
Anita : So, are you happy visiting Indonesia, Sir?
Tourist : Of course, I’m really happy visiting Indonesia. I think I will stay a little longer to know
more about this remarkable country.
Anita : That would be great, Sir.
Glossaries (kosa kata) Percakapan dalam bhs Inggris
tentang Indonesia
Precious: berharga
Culture: kebudayaan, budaya
Relic: pusaka peninggalan
Opportunely: kebetulan
Anthrophology: antropologi
Ancient things: benda-benda kuno
Awesome: luar biasa, hebat
Relief: relif
Sculpture: pahatan, ukiran patung
Remarkable: luar biasa, dahsyat
Cultural dan historical inheritance: peninggalan budaya dan historis
Maintain: menjaga, memelihara
Unique: unik
Interesting: menarik
According to my knowledge: menurut pengetahuan saya
Tribes and ethnics: suku dan etnis
Consist of: terdiri atas
Custom: adat istiadat
(were) formed and influenced: dibentuk dan dipengaruhi
Multitude of religions: banyak/beragam macam agama
Western cultures: kebudayaan barat
Take part in: ikut serta dalam
Especially: terutama
Indigenous tribe: suku pribumi/asli
Isolate: mengisolasi, menjauhkan diri

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