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‘’Future of Pakistan lies in Education of its masses’’

“What sculpture is to a block of marble, future is to education.”
These profound words of Joseph Addison elaborate eloquently the importance of education
for the future, making it the former an integral part of the latter. Change is the only
phenomenon in human history that is permanent: Nations failed or won, conquered or got
vanquished, reached certain heights and then declined, fought famine and lethal diseases
or epidemics, fought colonialism and slavery and got freedom. But there is only one thing
that complemented of this: education. It is the sole element that makes a man a civilized
human being; it first, at individual level, repairs a barbarian savage and then covers the
whole society and drives them towards a bright future .It shows them a clear picture of a
better tomorrow. And Pakistan is not an exception to this. Socio-ecenomic and political
future of Pakistan certainly lies in education of its masses. Strong economy, absence of
poverty and extremism, and political stability and security are the indispensable ingredients
of a prosperous future. This fact, however,can not be falsified at all that
modern-enlightened,skilled and vocational education fights poverty, extremism, gender
inequality, and ensures true fruits of democracy, brings political stability and internal- and
external-security. But expecting any of it from our current educational system, which is
rotten to the core, devoid of quality,quantity, infrastructure and pedagogy, is certainly
impossible. But every problem has a solution; every cloud has a silver lining. If Singapore,
China, South-Korea can materialize their future through education, Pakistan can also go for
it. And this can be done through revamping our educational system and bringing some
structural changes in it. We can do this by changing our preference and investing more and
more amount in education of masses as well as by changing our stereotypes about
education. Only then our dream of a prosperous,bright and happy future can become true,
otherwise we would be in great trouble.
Determinants of a prosperous future:
How future lies in education of masses:
 Vocational education injects intelligent individuals into policy making departments.
 It is the only tool to fight poverty which ensures prosperity.
 Extremism can only be eliminated through modern enlightened education.
 Education guarantees the true fruits of democracy which benefits the masses.
 Well educated masses are usually vigilant and responsible inhabitants.
 Enlightened education kills communal differences and brings national integration.
Obstacles in the way of a prosperous future through education:
 The sorry state of economy leaves a minimal budget allocated education.
 Second highest number of out-of-school children will prove a burden for Pakistan.
 Traditional notions of education further enhances the old stereotypical educational
 Absence of career counseling institutions diverges students towards wrong directions.
 Politically-designed syllabi produces students only serving the powerful.
 English, being a second language, closes the doors of highers studies to a considerable
numbers of students.
 Insufficient number of vocational and technical institutes blocks a huge bulge of
How these issue can be addressed effectively:
 Reasonable amount of budget should be allocated to education.
 We should prioritize the education above all.
 More and more schools should be built to shift street-children to the schools.
 Knowledge should be transformed instead of transmitting
 Career counselling institutions should be installed in every region of the country.
 Syllabi should be designed in Urdu language also.
 Vocational and technical educational institutions should be increased.


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