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MDT Learning Diary

08 On
Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality
Nov 2019

Rajan Kumar
In this Article
PGP09019 History
History Mixed Reality in Detail
Morton Heilig invented Virtual Applications of Reality
reality technology in 1957. His Technologies
multimedia device called the The future
Sensorama is considered one of Key Players
the earliest VR systems. Few words of Advice
However, the term ‘virtual
reality’ was coined much later,
after 30 years, in 1987 by Overview
researcher Jaron Lanier.
What are VR, AR and MR? Augmented Trends
Reality & New Software P.4
A science fiction author Stanley
Virtual reality (VR) Places users in a fully In augmented reality, users can see and
Weinbaum wrote Pygmalion’s
artificial virtual environment. interact with the real world objects and
Spectacles in 1935,. In this
Augmented reality (AR) places virtual objects virtual objects can be added to it. Pokemon
fictional short story, the main
on the real-world environment to interact. Go is the most vivid example of augmented
character met a professor who
invented a pair of goggles that Mixed reality (MR) not just overlays objects
allowed him to view a movie but interact with virtual objects in the real There is a different kind of experience with
with sight, sound, taste, smell, world and vice versa. augmented reality through special AR
and touch. This was first time, Differences among them in detail? devices, such as Google Glass, where digital
someone actually imagined contents/objects is displayed on a digital
Virtual Reality:
about virtual reality. screen in front of a viewer’s eye.
Virtual reality place users in a completely
The oncept of Mixed Reality can digital environment that is generated by a Mixed reality
be traced back to 1994. It was mobile/computer. Users can move/interact
Mixed reality (MR) is a simulated user
first mentioned in a research in a digital environment and listen sounds.
environment in which Human, virtual
paper written by Paul Milgram Moreover, special handheld devices can be
used to enhance VR experiences. contents and surrounding environment are
and Fumio Kishino. Paul and
combined in a way that enables interaction
Fumio define Mixed Reality as “a Most VR devices are connected to a
among real-world and virtual objects
particular subclass of Virtual computer (Oculus Rift) or a gaming platform
Reality related technologies that (PlayStation VR) but there are standalone In mixed reality, virtual objects are not just
consists of the merging of real devices such as Google Cardboard is among placed in the real world but users can interact
the most popular as well.
and virtual worlds.” with it. User remains in the real-world
Have you ever noticed a small cardboard icon environment while virtual objects is added to
while watching YouTube videos? Clicking on it. In this case, a user can interact with virtual
it will enable the 360-degree mode that can objects in real world or virtual world.
be experienced with the help of a VR headset.
The Future
Right now, VR is mainly used
for gaming experience but
Mixed Reality: This is
there is huge future the most advanced
potential of Reality and recent
technology for different kind
of applications. Mixed reality
development in reality
experiences, or interactive technology
experiences that are part of
augmented reality or part of
virtual reality, provide a nice
gateway into full VR One of the best memories that I vividly remember and cherish is the bed time stories that my dad used to
tell me and my cousins. In one story, A good Prince X was attacked by an evil prince Y. Prince X was about
to lose the war. A lot of things and plans were going on his mind, but he had no time for testing and
The upcoming future of preparing his strategies and plan. He slept in night. During sleep, he saw a dream in which he implemented
virtual reality predictions and tested all the plans virtually i.e. how he could make good use of his armies to defeat the enemy and
next day, he won the battle. I was surprised how someone can do so before he actually does.
may include:
Is it possible to create new things before we actually create them? So, the answer is yes. It might not have
 AR & VR will merge to
been possible 15 years ago. This was the reason that I was unable to digest the story told by my father. But
create a new type of the advancement in technology has made such things possible. Here, I am talking about Mixed Reality which
experience allows us to merge the actual reality and the virtual reality.
 Nowdays, we are talking
I would like to state two simple examples here. Suppose you are manager of a newly opened retail store.
about XR.
You are trying to find best layout for your products in the store that can maximize the sales. But you are
 Advanced virtual social not going to try different layouts by placing products physically. So, how will you do?
interactions will be
In second case, you are event head of an event management company. You have got a contract to organise
a business event in a big hall. Now you are worried about arrangements for event. You want to try different
 VR interaction will occur
arrangements and then find best one for your event. How will you do?
through handhelds.
 VR headsets will slim
down to look more like
 Applications of VR in
Automated Car and
Production automation

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Answer lies in Mixed Reality. It has enabled to visualize our work before we do, new way to collaborate and
explore the things/places we never have been, new way to share ideas with each other and new way to
teach and learn.
With the help of the technology, we have moved from VR (Virtual reality) to AR (Augmented reality) and

Key Players now we are moving from AR to MR. Example of AR is Pokémon Go. This game is a blending of virtual reality
and environment where you are catching Pokémon inside your home, below your bed and behind your
Nearly 50 years ago, There was room door. Mixed reality is a more immersive and interactive version of augmented reality. Here, human
touch, real and virtual worlds are merged together, coexist and interact in real time.
no virtual reality technology.
Now, all the big giants are If interacting with virtual environment sounds confusing, let me take an example again. Imagine you were
competing fo the market share. alone in room, getting bored. You remembered that you had got a gadget from Doraemon. Now You
Followig players are in Market: created a new virtual world inside your room and interacting with a completely digital environment. You
are also able to track the real world and adjust the virtual environment accordingly. Now, you are happy.
Sony: They are implementing
This kind of things are possible with mixed reality.
reality technologies mainly in
Gaming. They have closed Now, I am coming to two examples stated in start of article. In both cases, Mixed reality can help to create
platform and niche market optimal solution.

HTC: HTC is in mainly VR Now, let talk about the applications Mixed Reality. What can industries gain from it?

headsets for mobile market.

HTC VIVE is an example.
Applications of Reality Technologies
VIVE X, a VR/AR accelerator
Mixed reality is widely used across a lot of spheres and is increasingly entering into the world of
program, through which it businesses, manufacturing and education. Some such new applications are:
invests in startups with
Simulation based learning (SBL): Simulation technique was extended to a lot of learning fields like health
potential to add value and wherein more comprehensive full body mannequin simulators were used than what was used before for
innovation to this field. better learning. Simulation learning has now been extended to a lot of fields like obstetrics and internal
medicine. There has been a move from e-learning to s-learning involving use of interactive experimental
Google: Company is developing
learning. This provides better learning experiences and helps people better understand what they’re
general purposes VR/AR apps studying.
using open platform. Google
Military training: Combat reality is simulated and tested in complex layered data with the help of HMD.
Glass and Google cardboard are
examples. Google is also Manufacturing: Mixed reality is helpful in manufacturing processes by providing workers with real-time
developing devices for health, assistance. Workers can see instructions on display right in front of their eyes, so they always know what
Automobiles and militray to do. This reduces the probable risk of human errors and also improves quality. MR is also helpful in
repairs and maintenance, particularly in industries that require expertise and high precision.
Facebook:Company is
Communications: MR technology can enable immersive communication experiences that can help people
developing general purposes VR
working remotely, to collaborate more efficiently. Employees can use this technology for meetings,
apps. Oculus Rift and Facebook Presentations and collaborating with remote project team without being blocked off from the real world.
spaces are examples. Facebook If you can’t imagine how this works, you can read about Microsoft HoloLens.
is trying to improve social media
Aviation: Before getting plans to factory, scientists and engineers can use models to interact with possible
experiences for users
future failures. These models provide the opportunity to have an intuitive understanding of the exact
Microsoft: Company is product, including constructions details and real size that allow a manufacturer to have a closer inspection
of interior parts. These models can also be used to find different issues before hand and save money and
developing general purposes VR
apps. It incorporates VR, AR and
MR in games and apps. Example
is well-known messaging service
Few words of Advice
Skype for HoloLens. It is said that if we can change the way we see the world, we can change the world we see. Mixed reality
is going to change the way we perceive and interpret the world. But the cost and complexity associated
The upcoming years will be with this are major challenges. Companies harnessing this technology must spend more in research
interesting to see who is going programme to make this technology more efficient and cost effective.
to win.

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