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In Japan, Japanese consumers in general tend to be highly demanding, putting great emphasis

on quality and branding and willing to spend more resources on value-added products. That is
why we think that through licensing my product will get the trademark of the company which
is well known by the people in Japan and our product will get loyal customer this will also
increase my sales. Japanese people also love to receive promotional offers mostly in seasonal
time. Secondly, the recent dietary trends in Japan consumers have been progressively started
to pay more attention to health concept well as consider food additives as risky, but also about
calories intake. The latest trend in Japanese foodservice includes listing calories on the
restaurants’ menu. Connected to this overall trend, strong attention has been paid to sugar
content of late, and products with lower sugar content are considered healthier. Our product
will be label with all the ingredients, calories and it will be less sugar. The demographic and
lifestyle changes in Japan is increasing the number of single households, ageing population and
families in which both parents work the consumers in Japan are shifting to convenient and
time-saving options. This is increasing the demand for “sozai” (ready-made dishes) and
packaged meals, thus limiting the growth of fresh food. Therefore, our product cookies will be
easy for them to consume for their breakfast or tea break. All class consumer can buy our
product and our target market is for every class the high class, middle class, lower class because
everyone can afford it there will be no price sensitive issues. Japanese consumer tend to agree
with the opinion of people in their network and are easily influenced by what their colleagues,
friends, neighbours and relatives think; as well as by a salesman’s recommendation in some
cases. Therefore, our company will be more to advertising and giving free tester at the
beginning so it will create awareness. This is why we think that our product will be successful
at Japan.

In China, Chinese consumer prioritize value and quality over low prices and as living standards
improve, people in China are focusing more on products with high quality and good taste.
Chinese consumer are more health conscious and concerned about food safety issues. Our
product is low price, it is affordable by every class people and it is nutrients good with protein,
vitamin A and B. Secondly, Chinese consumer are more towards popularity of the brand which
is from foreign country because they trust the foreign country brand than the local. By licensing
with a foreign country which is well known and trusted by the Chinese consumer will be
beneficial for our company. Besides that, Chinese consumer also need opinion from other
consumers it seems to be more important to them. Therefore, our company will give a tester
biscuit for free at the beginning so this will create more attention to our product. This is why
we think that our product will be successful in China.

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