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- is your body’s ratio of fat to lean mass, including muscle, bones, and organs.

- is evaluated using body fat percent. A fit woman’s percent human body fat generally falls
between 21-24%.

A fit man’s body fat generally falls between 14-17%.

-The human body can be divided into Fat-free mass and Body fat.

a. Fat-free mass is composed of all the body’s non- fat tissues:

b. Body fat includes both essential fat ( fat in the body necessary for normal body
functioning; includes lipids incorporated into the nerves, brain heart ,lungs, liver, and mammary
glands). This fat serves three basic functions:

1. Insular to retain body heart

2. Energy substrate for metabolism

3. Padding against physical trauma to the body

Percent body fat- proportional amount of fat in the body based on the person’s total weight, including
both essential and storage fat.

Lean body mass- body weight without body fat

Overweight- an excess amount of weight against an even standard, such as body mass index or
recommended percent body fat.

Obesity- an excessive accumulation of body fat, usually at least 30 percent above recommended body

Body Fat Percentage

Category Men Women

Essential fat 2-5% 10-13%

Athlete 6-13% 14-20%

Fitness 14-17% 21-24%

Acceptable 18-24% 25-31%

Obese Over 25% 0ver 32%

Please visit- -fat-percentage-calculator-3858855

- The achievable range of motion at a joint or groups of joints without causing injury.
- The ability the joints through their full range of motion.

Types of Flexibility:

a. flexion, which is bending a body segment.

b. Extension, which is straightening a body segment.

c. Abduction, which is moving a limb away from the body.

d. Adduction, which is moving a limb towards the body.

Subluxation- partial dislocation of a joint.

Physical Training- the performance of different types of activities that cause the body to adpt and
improve its level of fitness.

- The goal of physical training into produce these long-term changes and improvements in the
body’s functioning.

FITT principle; frequency (how often), Intensity (how hard), time (how long/duration), and type (mode
of activity).

Stretching- moving the joints beyond the accustomed range of motion. Decrease the aches and pains
caused by psychological stress and contributes to decrease in anxiety, blood pressure, and breathing
rate; it also helps relieve muscle cramps.

Contraincated Exercises- exercises that are not recommended because they may cause injury to a

- Is defined as known to be risky because of it weakens vertebral discs, ligaments and tendons
that maybe damaged at a later time.



Muscular Strength

- is the amount of force a muscle can produce with a single maximum effort.
- Strong muscles are important for everyday activities, such as a climbing stairs, as well as for
emergency situations
- They help keep the skeleton in proper alignment, preventing back and leg pain providing the
support necessary for good posture.

Muscular Endurance

- is the ability to resist fatigue and sustain a given level of muscle tension to hold for a long
period of time.
- It is important for good posture and for injury prevention and it helps people cope with daily
physical demands and enhances performance in sports and work.


- A program designed to improve muscular strength and /or endurance through a series of
progressive resistance ( weight) training exercises that overload the muscular system and
cause physiological development.

Benefits of strength training:

1. Improved metabolism

2. Reduced risk of disease and chronic conditions

3. Stronger bones

4. A strong heart

5. A better night sleep


Part 1. According to origin:

a. Natural Drugs- are active ingredients, secondary metabolic products of plants and other living
systems that may be isolated by extraction. Examples are:

Raw Opium a narcotic drug that is obtained from the unripe seedpods of the opium poppy
(Papaver somnifernum).

-medically used to relieve or suppress pain; alleviate anxiety, induce relaxation, drowsiness,
and sedation.

-The habitual use of opium produces physical and mental deterioration and shortens life.
An acute overdose of opium causes respiratory depression which can be fatal.

-Opium and the drugs obtained from it (morphine, codeine, and thebaine) are called

Marijuana (scientific name is Cannabis sativa) are leaves, seeds and/or roots consumed by
the users for the purpose of feeling intoxicated.

-It is the most commonly abused illegal substance worldwide. THC or tetrahydrocannabinol,
is one of the hundreds of compounds in marijuana that has a major intoxicating effects.

-It is consumed for medical purposes, like for patients with nausea or poor appetite
associated with AIDS or cancer treatment.

Coca leaf or bush (Erythroxylum coca), tropical shrub, the leaves of which are the source of
the drug cocaine.

-grown in South America, Southeast Asia; where leaves are consumed by chewing or as a tea.

Part 1. According to origin:

b. Synthetic Drugs- are artificially produced substances, synthesized in the laboratory for the illicit
market, which are almost wholly manufactured from chemical compounds in illicit laboratories.
Examples are:

Methamphetamine is a stimulant drug that is usually used as a white, bitter-tasting powder

or pill.

-long-term effects include extreme weight loss, severe dental problems, intense itching
leading to skin sores from scratching, anxiety, confusion, sleeping problems, violent behavior,
paranoia and hallucinations.

Barbiturates are central nervous system depressants. They are medications used for
treating headaches, insomnia, and seizures. They reduce the activity of the nerves causing muscle
relaxation; reduce heart rate, breathing and blood pressure.

-common side effects are dizziness, lightheadedness, sedation, headache, vomiting and
abdominal pain. It can slow breathing, reduce heart rate, and they can be habit forming.


Part 2. According to Pharmacological Classification (effects):

a. STIMULANTS- are drugs which increase activity of the central nervous system.

-Includes cocaine, amphetamine, amphetamine-like drugs, shabu (methamphetamine

hydrochloride) and caffeine.

-can cause restlessness, talkativeness, and difficulty in sleeping. Long term use tends to
produce physical and psychological dependence.
Part 2. . According to Pharmacological Classification (effects):

b. HALLUCINOGENS- psychoactive substance that alter sensory processing in the brain,

producing visual or auditory sensations that are not real.

-includes Ecstasy pill (effects: exaggerated emotions, makes HR and BP hike up, dries
mouth, stiffens arms, legs, jaw; dilates pupils of the eyes, faintness, chill sweating and nausea; it can
kill); LSD or Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (a powerful hallucinogenic chemical), and Marijuana.

Part 2. . According to Pharmacological Classification (effects):

c. DEPRESSANTS- are drugs that depress or lower functions of the central nervous system and
are dangerous.

Types of Depressants:

Narcotics- a drug which induces sleep (Hypnotics) or stupor and relieve pain (Analgesics);
something that soothes, or causes a sensation of mental numbness. Includes Opium, Opiates,
Heroin, Morphine and Codeine.

Tranquilizers (benzodiazepines) - a substance that reduces anxiety, ease tension and relax

Sedatives (a drug that promotes mental calmness and reduces anxiety) and Hypnotics (a
drug that promotes sleeps or drowsiness) - calms the nerves, reduce tension and induce sleep. These
drugs are highly regulated and are available only by prescription.

Part 2. . According to Pharmacological Classification (effects):

d. INHALANTS- vaporous substances that, when inhaled, produce alcohol-like

intoxication. Examples include: solvent, glue, gasoline, kerosene, paint thinner, nail polish remover,
aerosols, and naphthalene.

Republic Act 6425, otherwise known as the Dangerous Drug Act of 1972, dangerous drugs
are classified into three (3) main categories, namely:

Republic Act 6425, otherwise known as the Dangerous Drug Act of 1972, dangerous drugs
are classified into three (3) main categories, namely:


Republic Act 6425, otherwise known as the Dangerous Drug Act of 1972, dangerous drugs
are classified into three (3) main categories, namely:


Drug Dependence- means a state of psychic or physical dependence, or both, on a dangerous drug,
arising in a person following administration or use of that drug on a periodic or continuous basis.

Characteristics of Drug Dependency

 Physical dependence- the body’s physical system changes until the body needs that
particular drug in order to function.

Characteristics of Drug Dependency

 Mental or psychological dependence- a need of drug in order to feel good, to get by

or feel normal.

Characteristics of Drug Dependency

 Idiosyncrasy or side effect

Characteristics of Drug Dependency

 Habituation- psychological dependence arising from repeated use of a drug.

Characteristics of Drug Dependency

5. Tolerance- is an adaptation of the body to a drug so that the larger doses are needed to
produce the same effect.

Characteristics of Drug Dependency

6. Withdrawal symptoms- uncomfortable and sometimes dangerous reactions that occur

after a person stops taking physically addicting drug.

-Is a depressant drug, which means it slows down the messages travelling between the brain and the

-Is a psychoactive substance that is the active ingredient in drinks such as beer, wine, and distilled
spirits (hard liquor).

ALCOHOLIC DRINK (or alcoholic beverage) is a drink that contains ethanol, a type
of alcohol produced by fermentation of grains, fruits, or other sources of sugar.

-Alcohol is one of the most widely used recreational drugs in the world with about 33% of people
being current drinkers.

ETHYL ALCOHOL (Ethanol): the consumable type of alcohol that is a psychoactive ingredient
in alcoholic beverages; often called grain alcohol.

ISOPROPHYL ALCOHOL: rubbing alcohol, sometimes used as an anesthetic.



Beer is a beverage fermented from grain mash typically made from barley or a blend of several
grains and flavored with hops.
Beer is the most consumed alcoholic beverage in the world.
Cider is a fermented alcoholic drink made from any fruit juice; apple juice , peaches, pears or other


Mead is an alcoholic drink made by fermenting honey with water, sometimes with various fruits,
spices, grains, or hops.


Pulque is the Mesoamerican fermented drink made from the "honey water" of maguey cacti. The
drink distilled from pulque is tequila or mescal.

e. WINE- Wine is a fermented beverage produced from grapes and sometimes other fruits. Wine
involves a longer fermentation process than beer and a long aging process (months or years).

Sake is a popular example of "rice wine".


Vodka, Gin, Baijiu, Tequila, Whiskey, Brandy, and Soju are examples of distilled drinks.

Alcohol affects everyone differently, based on:

Size, weight and health

Whether the person is used to taking it

Whether other drugs are taken around the same time

The amount drunk

The strength of the drink

Alcohol effects

You may experience:

Feeling relaxed

Trouble concentrating

Slower reflexes

Increased confidence

Feeling happier or sadder, depending on your mood

If you consume a lot of alcohol, you might experience:

Confusion & Blurred vision

Clumsiness & Memory loss

Nausea & vomiting

Passing out, Coma & Death


The following day, you may have a hangover, which is:


Diarrhea and nausea

Tiredness and trembling

Increased heart rate and blood pressure

Dry mouth and eyes

Trouble concentrating


Restless sleep

Sobering up

To sober up takes time. The liver gets rid of about one standard drink an hour.

Sweating it out with exercise, cold showers, coffee, fresh air or vomiting will not speed up the

They may ease the symptoms, but they do not remove alcohol from the bloodstream any faster.
This means it may not be safe to drive or work the following day
Long term effects

Regular use of alcohol may eventually cause:

Regular colds or flu

Difficulty getting an erection


Poor memory and brain damage

Difficulty having children

Liver disease


High blood pressure and heart disease

Needing to drink more to get the same effect

Dependence on alcohol

Financial, work and social problems

What is TOBACCO?

Tobacco is a plant grown for its leaves, which are dried and fermented before being put in tobacco

Tobacco contains nicotine, the ingredient that can lead to addiction.

People can smoke, chew, or sniff tobacco.

Nicotine acts in the brain by stimulating the adrenal glands to release the hormone epinephrine
(adrenaline) and by increasing levels of the chemical messenger dopamine.

Tobacco smoking can lead to lung cancer, chronic bronchitis, and emphysema.

 It increases the risk of heart disease, which can lead to stroke or heart attack.
 Smoking has also been linked to other cancers, leukemia, cataracts, and pneumonia.
 Smokeless tobacco increases the risk of cancer, especially mouth cancers.
 Secondhand smoke can lead to lung cancer and heart disease as well as other health
effects in adults and children.

Electronic cigarettes are battery-operated devices that people use to inhale an aerosol, which
typically contains nicotine (though not always), flavorings, and other chemicals.

 In many e-cigarettes, puffing activates the battery-powered heating device, which vaporizes
the liquid in the cartridge or reservoir.
 The person then inhales the resulting aerosol or vapor (called vaping).

E-cigarettes are popular among teens. Under U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
regulations designed to protect the health of young Americans, minors can no longer buy e-
cigarettes in stores or online.

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