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2 UP20180808 14:17:54

*** WARNING *** CP = 5.891 TIME= 14:18:06

The coefficient of expansion modification requested by the MPAMOD
command for material 3 was not performed.

*** WARNING *** CP = 6.656 TIME= 14:18:07

Shape testing revealed that 718 of the 746 new or modified elements
violate shape warning limits. To review test results, please see the
output file or issue the CHECK command.

*** WARNING *** CP = 7.203 TIME= 14:18:07

Shape testing revealed that 99 of the 1119 new or modified elements
violate shape warning limits. To review test results, please see the
output file or issue the CHECK command.

*** WARNING *** CP = 8.000 TIME= 14:18:07

The Reord_Option on the DSPOPTION command for the distributed sparse
solver should be MMD, METIS, PARORDER, or DEFAULT. This field is
reset to DEFAULT reordering method.

*** WARNING *** CP = 8.484 TIME= 14:18:08

Previous testing revealed that 817 of the 3730 selected elements
violate shape warning limits. To review warning messages, please see
the output or error file, or issue the CHECK command.

*** WARNING *** CP = 227.219 TIME= 14:21:16

The temperature-dependent secant coefficient of thermal expansion for
material 3 includes a temperature point of reference temperature (with
a tolerance of 1 degree). This data is ignored for the MPAMOD command
operation to avoid a numerical singularity.

*** WARNING *** CP = 228.328 TIME= 14:23:39

SOLVE is not a recognized PREP7 command, abbreviation, or macro.
This command will be ignored.

*** WARNING *** CP = 228.797 TIME= 14:24:19

Previous testing revealed that 817 of the 3730 selected elements
violate shape warning limits. To review warning messages, please see
the output or error file, or issue the CHECK command.

*** WARNING *** CP = 229.453 TIME= 14:24:20

Element order list length 3357 does not match number of selected
elements 3730
New order vector being created.

*** WARNING *** CP = 263.375 TIME= 14:27:01

The coefficient of expansion modification requested by the MPAMOD
command for material 3 was not performed.

*** WARNING *** CP = 264.875 TIME= 14:27:02

Shape testing revealed that 718 of the 746 new or modified elements
violate shape warning limits. To review test results, please see the
output file or issue the CHECK command.

*** WARNING *** CP = 265.266 TIME= 14:27:03

Shape testing revealed that 99 of the 1119 new or modified elements
violate shape warning limits. To review test results, please see the
output file or issue the CHECK command.
*** WARNING *** CP = 266.453 TIME= 14:27:03
The Reord_Option on the DSPOPTION command for the distributed sparse
solver should be MMD, METIS, PARORDER, or DEFAULT. This field is
reset to DEFAULT reordering method.

*** WARNING *** CP = 267.000 TIME= 14:27:03

Previous testing revealed that 817 of the 3730 selected elements
violate shape warning limits. To review warning messages, please see
the output or error file, or issue the CHECK command.

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