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Natural causes are also the aspect behind the depletion of ozone layer. It is also found that ozone layer is
being affected by some natural phenomena such as Sun-spots and stratospheric winds, but this process
doesn’t cause more than 1-2% of ozone layer and Volcanic Eruptions and Ozone Atmospheric Winds and
Ozone. It is also believed that the major volcanic eruptions (mainly El Chichon in 1983 and and Mt.
Pinatubo in 1991) has also contributed alot in ozone depletion.


A characteristic cycle in which winning tropical twists in the lower stratosphere fluctuate over a period
range of just about two years. It can likewise impact the measure of ozone in the stratosphere. A change
from easterly flow to westerly flow of winds can bring up to a change of a 3% increase in ozone over
certain locations. It is usually nullify the effect when the entire ozone of the earth is averaged.


Volcanic ejections are one of only a handful not many common things that can diminishingly affect the
consumption of the ozone layer. Enormous emissions can conceivably infuse noteworthy amounts of
chlorine (by means of hydrochloric corrosive – HCl) legitimately in the stratosphere. It is very dangerous
as the highest concentrations of ozone are found in this region. by far most of volcanic ejections are too
powerless to even think about reaching the stratosphere, as it is 10 km over the surface Thus, any HCl
emitted from the eruption stays in the troposphere where it is rapidly dissolved and washed out by rain.
[Note that CFCs don't disintegrate in water and can in this manner effectively arrive at the stratosphere
through climatic mixing.] moreover, there is no verifiable record that shows noteable increments in
chlorine in the stratosphere following even the most significant emissions.
It is likewise the plausibility, that the ice particles containing sulfuric corrosive from enormous volcanic
emissions may add to ozone consumption. At the point when chlorine mixes coming about because of the
separation of man-made CFCs in the stratosphere are available, the sulfate particles in the ice serves to
change over them into progressively dynamic structures that may cause all the more quickly in the
exhaustion of ozone layer.

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